Drarry Soulmates AU

By DisasterChild20

65.3K 2.1K 253

In a world where everyone has a mark that represents and matches with their soul mates mark. Harry Potter, a... More

The Beginning
The Snake And The Burn
Letters And Shopping With The Weasley's
Gringotts And Lazy Day
Meeting Your Soul Mate
Hogwarts And The Sorting
First Night At Hogwarts And Breakfast
Potions And Hagrid's
Flying Lessons
Midnight Duel
First Quidditch Practice And Parcels
Day With Cissa
The Quidditch Match
Start Of The Christmas Holidays
Mirror Of Erised
Snape? Referee?
Snape's Match
Dragon's Egg
Exams and Through the Trapdoor
Chess and the Man with Two Faces
End Of First Year
First Night of Summer
R.I.P Helen McCrory
Beginning of the Summer Holiday
Dadfoot And Moomy
Not a chapter but something I drew
Back to the Dursley's
Quidditch and Stories
New Hogwarts Staff
Back to Diagon Alley
Second Year Welcome Feast
Breakfast and Mandrakes
Cornish Pixies
Ministry Delegate and a Lazy Day
Detention and Quidditch Practice
Slugs, Slugs and... More Slugs
Detention with Lockhart and the Disembodied Voice
Kwikspell and the Invitation
Deathday Party
Writing on the Wall
History of Magic
Spiders and Myrtle
Moste Potente Potions
Bludger Attack
Dobby in School?
Starting the Potion
A/N: Competition
Potion Explosion
The Snake


398 18 1
By DisasterChild20

Soon the First of September rolls round and Harry wakes up to his mum knocking on his and Draco's door "Come on you two, we need to leave in two hours." she tells them. "Okay mum." Harry calls back as he and Draco get up. "You looking forward to this year?" Draco asks. "Definitely, especially with mum and dad as Professors." Harry responds as Sapphire wraps herself round his wrist. "Come on we better go get breakfast." Draco smiles, taking Harry's hand. The two of them walk downstairs and into the dining room, finding James, Lily, Narcissa, Remus, Sirius and Regulus all sat round the table "Morning." the two twelve year olds greet. "Morning, you two excited for school?" Regulus asks. "Should be interesting. Especially with mum and dad as Professors." Harry nods. "Hopefully not ending like last year though." Draco adds, Harry agreeing. "Once you've eaten go make sure you've packed everything." Narcissa tells them. "Don't forget the animagus potion, there's supposed to be a lightning storm at the weekend." Sirius tells them. The two boys grin at each other looking forward to seeing what their animagi are, along with their friend's. James checks his watch "You two better eat up and make sure you've got everything. We'll be leaving soon." he tells them.

Harry sits next to Draco in the car as they pull up to King's Cross Station "Come on boys, don't want to miss the train." Lily tells them. Nodding the two of them climb out the car and follow Lily, James, Narcissa, Regulus, Remus and Sirius into the station and over to the barrier "You two go first." James tells them, wanting to make sure they get through safely. Harry and Draco line up and run at the barrier, crashing straight into it, Harry falls to the floor with Draco landing close by. Lily and James rush over to Harry as Narcissa goes to check on Draco "You two alright?" Regulus asks. "What in blazes d'you think you're doing?" a conductor asks, walking over. "They lost control of their trolleys Sir." Remus tells him making the man nod and walk off. Sirius goes and picks up Hedwig's cage, calmimg her down so that everyone will stop staring "Why can't we get through?" Harry asks. "We're going to miss the train." Draco adds, looking at the clock which says 10:59. "We will apparate you there or use the floo network if need be." Narcissa assures her son. Remus frowns "I've never seen are heard of the barrier closing." he remarks, leaning against the barrier wall subtly and not being able to get through. James looks at his watch "Come on, we'll use the floo network, the train's left." he sighs. Harry and Draco look at each other before following everyone back to the car.

That afternoon Harry and Draco join the adults in the study "I sent an owl to McGongall, she's expecting us in her office in a few minutes." Lily explains. "Have you worked out why the barrier closed?" Draco asks. "Not yet, we're going to look into it though." Remus tells him. "I'll go first, make sure everyone comes through safely." James says looking at his watch. "See you at Christmas Prongs." Sirius smiles. "Please, like you aren't going to sneak in to see us." James laughs. "Fair point, besides Minnie and Poppy would love to see us." Sirius grins. Remus shakes his head at his lovers antics "We'll see you soon." he tells James. Grinning James gives both Sirius and Remus a hug before walking into the fireplace "Headmistress McGonagall's Office!" he exclaims, throwing the floo powder down. James is surrounded by green flames as he disappears. "Draco, you next dear." Narcissa tells her son. Draco nods and hugs Regulus, Remus and Sirius before going to his mother who hugs him and kisses his head "Be good and make sure to owl me once a week at least." she tells him. "I will mum." Draco smiles, kissing her cheek before doing the same as James. Lily smiles "You next Harry, I'll follow straight after." she tells her son. "Okay mum." Harry smiles.

Sirius and Remus hug Harry "Make sure to owl. If the storm happens this weekend we'll come and help you guys transform." Sirius smiles. "Keep an eye on your dad with your mum, don't want him in trouble his first day." Remus adds jokingly. Harry nods "I will, see you soon." he tells them. Regulus hugs him next "I'll see you at Christmas if not before." he tells him. "Okay Uncle Reggie." Harry smiles making Regulus smile and ruffle his hair. Narcissa hugs Harry last "I'll send some drinks, sweets and snacks in the next few days." she tells him. "Thank you Cissa." Harry smiles before going into the fireplace "Headmistress McGonagall's Office!" he exclaims. Harry stumbles out of the fireplace in McGonagall's office "Afternoon Mr Potter." McGonagall smiles. "Afternoon Professor." Harry responds, joining his dad and Draco at the side of the room. A minute later Lily walks through the fireplace "Afternoon Minerva." she smiles. "Afternoon Lily. Why don't you boys take your stuff to your dorm while I show James and Lily to their quarters? The password is Wattlebird." McGonagall suggests. Draco and Harry nod "We'll find you later." Lily tells them. Harry nods and hugs his parents before he and Draco walk out "I wonder why we couldn't get through the barrier?" Draco asks. "I don't know, maybe Professor McGonagall will have an idea." Harry shrugs as they head towards the Common Room.

Dropping their stuff off in their dorm Harry and Draco unpack their stuff before heading down into the Common Room, sitting by the fire. After a few minutes Lily and James walk through the portrait hole "Blimey this place hasn't changed." James remarks. "Seems smaller somehow." Lily adds. Harry and Draco smile "What do you two want to do?" James asks. "Maybe go see Hagrid?" Harry suggests, Draco nodding. "Sounds like a plan." Draco agrees. "Come on then you two, let's go see Hagrid." Lily smiles. The two boys jump up and follow James and Lily out of the Common Room, as they walk down steps in the main entrance they find Snape walking out of the dungeons. James tenses and looks at Lily who gives him a small frown, nodding James turns to the boys "You two keep quiet, Lily and I want to have a quick word with Sniv- Professor Snape." he tells them, making them both nod. Snape notices them and freezes slightly "Lily." he says in slight shock. "Hello Severus." Lily responds. "I heard what happened with Dumbledore. I wanted to contact you but I didn't know if you'd want to see me." Snape tells her. "I was in two minds myself if I'm honest." Lily tells him. "What are you and... him doing here?" Snape asks, looking at James in a not so pleasant manner. "Minnie not tell you? I'm the new Transfiguration teacher, Lily is going to help me, be Minnie's liaison and also help Poppy in the Hospital Wing." James tells him.

Snape gives James another look "What are the boys doing here? Surely they should be on the train?" he questions. "There was a problem with the barrier, Minerva let us use the Floo Network to her office instead." Lily explains. Snape nods "I should be off, lots of stuff to be getting on with." he tells them, going to leave. "Severus." Lily calls making him stop and turn to face her "If I hear about you giving my son, or any of his friends grief because of them being in Gryffindor or related to one of the Marauders... we will have a problem." she warns. Snape does a weird nodding jerk with his head before walking off. James looks at the boys "Come on, let's carry on with our trip to Hagrid." he smiles. Harry smiles and takes Draco's hand, the two of them leading James and Lily outside "Race you." Draco grins, giving Harry a playful shove before running ahead. "Hey, that's cheating!" Harry exclaims before running after him. James looks at Lily "I'm not getting involved." she tells him. "Yes you are. Come on Lils, one last fun moment with Harry before we have to go into Professor mode." James grins, taking her hand and running after the two twelve year olds.

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