Remain Nameless | Bts x reader

由 taesty95

59.7K 4.2K 707

The night held them in a loving embraced. They were the darkness and all the life it held. Feared and forgott... 更多

Prologue (The travellers)
Into shadows
King of the forest
And so it begins
Last breath of her
Sun streams
Compassions of nightmares
A place called hope
Chained arms and cold floors
Keep Looking
Comfort in strangers
New girl
Blood and gold
Faded off-white and overripe peach
The Abbots fall
Choice pt 1
Choice pt2
Mirrorball Moon
Rabbit heart
Secret Ceremonials
Property of a Lord
The need to control
Gift an inch more of night
Lord and soldiers
The Cloud, the Island and the Sea
Remain nameless: As the world falls down
How and owl can cause a tantrum
Bigger than us
No Now, All future
Brambles grow
Half shadows
Small pleasures
No more wrong words
Glass beading on skin
Inked the words away
Great and holy plans
Perfect storm
Grassland birds
Come down
Does it glisten, the blood?
Belly of the beast
Fruit of all mankind
What am I without you?
Hares on the mountain

Blue pulled over

364 47 13
由 taesty95

Jimin woke to the faint sounds of snoring. He had fallen asleep quickly last night. He didn't even remember Namjoon returning. And now, he found himself squished between Taehyung and Jungkook in a tangle of limbs. He also felt an uncomfortable pressure building up on his bladder. He needs the toilet desperately.

Jimin did his best to quickly slip out of his friend's arms without waking them. As soon as he left the covers, he felt the air. It was chilly, and goosebumps began to litter his skin. He hated he was here, but at least the bed was warm.

Carefully, he picked his way out of the tent as fast as he could, making sure not to tread not anyone. He grabbed an extra fur which hung by the door. Jimin could already feel how cold the morning air was standing next to the door. He already dreaded the outside. God knew how far away the bathrooms were.

The ground was wet in the early morning dew, and it instantly soaked his ankles and feet. He huffed. Jimin half marched, half jogged in a weird walk around the camp as quickly as possible.

It was fine. No one would see him hobble around. Everyone par the kitchen staff would be asleep so early in the morning, and he remembered the large food tent was on the other side of the camp. He waddled along until he found what he was looking for.

After relieving him, he decided he didn't want to go through the trouble of walking back to only sleep for an hour or so. Plus, he was still sulking and didn't want to deal with anyone. So, he kept walking down the fields ankle-deep in thick and tangled grass until the camp was but a distant glow in the blueish light of the morning.

As soon Jimin found a decent place to sit, he dumbed his body to the ground. The soil was damp beneath him, turning his clothes sodden. He watched as a bunch of worms came to the surface to breathe, only to finish the great cycle of life, as the crows flew over the grass with their inky wings, eating their meal.

Jimin's hand drifted into his pockets, searching for some warmth and protection from the brittle cold. They brushed against a wad of paper, and he quickly drew his hand back into the open. He sighed -  ignoring the prickly, burning feeling that ran across his body as he stuffed his hand back into the warmth.

He didn't know what was wrong with himself at the sudden feeling. He decided to put it down to being in an unfamiliar place. He knew why it was deep down, but Jimin refused to acknowledge it.

He didn't even know why he was dragged along in the first place. He had made his view on the whole situation very clear. Jimin just didn't understand why he had to come. Sure, the rest of them could still go and risk their lives for something that was nothing to do with them. All the while, he could stay at home alone with his own bed and no strangers and his own toilet that he didn't have to walk ten minutes to get to. But no, he was at a war camp doing a favour for a girl.

But he also knew that wasn't the only reason he was so bitter. His sense was refusing to cooperate. It hadn't worked since that frightful morning (y/n) had gone. The chill of the cold was nothing against the nakedness he felt without his sense. Jimin didn't know how it had happened, but his gift had gone.

He had tried meditating every day for a while, but it had produced no results. Throughout the two years, he had gradually given up. Jimin had hidden it well in training, pretending he no longer wanted to join in. The others just assumed he was upset over (y/n).

Sometimes it had felt nice to just see the beauty of the world, and not feel it. Even so, it had left Jimin stark and barren. In all his thinking, he had come to the conclusion that (y/n) had taken his sense with her. Like a strange punishment or reminder that his life as he knew it was nothing without her. He felt like nothing, being a nightblade was all he had ever known, he had no real childhood in the monastery to shape him, but being a warrior did. And now he couldn't even call himself one, not when the only thing that made them so special was gone. It was embarrassing, and he didn't wasn't his family to know, what if they would think different of him?

He was a different man than when (y/n) had left. He had lost all his strength. When he saw her creeping in through the trees, he got scared. He thought that if she had come back, did she still care for him? He could tell she too, had changed, she was stronger and more dangerous than ever before, and he was broken.

It had set a strange feeling off in him, one he hadn't thought of before in the two-cycle. He had felt his sence fill his body once. (y/n)s appearance had triggered something, and it confirmed every theory he had. She had stolen his sense. It made him angry, and he couldn't control his body, he went to fight her. Perhaps if he won, he would get to keep his sense. The gift was all he had known since he was a child. He yearned for it to come back.

However, his duel was short-lived, and when he was pulled back, he had felt his sense drawback within him once more.

His mood dropped drastically from low to even lower. 

Jimin leaned back. His spine made a thud as it came in contact with the ground, his legs still awkwardly crossed. He frowned at the grey sky. The sun would be up soon. That meant everyone else would too.

It looked like it was going to rain, and as if on cue, the thunder rolled across the sky. Then came the drops of steady rain.

He pulled the black fabric of his winter robes tighter around his form, still lying down. The rain started to pick up, small pellets of water spitting onto his face as the remainder of the drops littered the already damp ground. He managed to open his eyes against the falling water. He shuddered as drops ran down. He was now cold and wet, and he blamed it on all (y/n).

Taehyung woke up faster than a cat in ice water, every sense driving him to claw his way to a fighting position. He calmed down when he realised someone had called his name, well screamed it in his ear. He was quick to give whoever ruptured his eardrum a harsh glare. Jungkook just gave a toothy grin back with an evil glint in his eyes.

"Why did you wake me up like that? That's mean," He whined as he threw himself back on the bed, hiding back under the thick blanket. Jungkook just gave a one-word reply about breakfast before going back to do whatever he was doing before.

Taehyung waited for his heart to slow down before he left the safety of the quilt. Slowly Taehyung began to roll out his shoulders, breaking the rust that had built up around them throughout the night. After hearing the satisfying pop, he started to leave his cocoon of blankets with very messy hair.

He stood up in a daze and began to watch everyone else getting ready, still not completely awake. They were all there moving around in their own little world as they prepared themselves for the day, doing morning practice or dressing in their new clothes.

Almost everyone.

A puzzled expression coated his face as the cogs in his head began to turn. A certain same-aged male was missing. He could only think of three options as to why and where he could be. Option one was he simply needed the toilet- that's normal and most likely. Number two, he was sulking, or three, he had already gone and got breakfast without everyone - which, in Taehyungs opinion, was very rude to leave them behind.

Too lazy to go out and physically look for the boy, Taehyung plopped himself back down on the bed and got comfortable. He knew that this could take a while.

He took a deep breath in, and on the exhaled, he pushed his sense out. Further and further. He felt it pass over the countless glow of lives minding their own business.

Taehyung drove out past them, though all the information was starting to become too much for his head, every living thing taking up a bit of space in his brain until it was full. But he had to find Jimin. Namjoon had been working with him to push the capacity of information, so he knew he could do it. His sense stretched over the camp into the surrounding grounds. Joy filled him as he brushed onto Jimin's presence. He had found him, he wanted to pass out, but he had found him.

He jumped up and stumbled a bit as a wave of dizziness passed over him.

The others gave him a confused glance, but they brushed it off. After regaining balance, he bolted to the door as fast as possible, almost flattening (y/n), who happened to be outside the tent.

He mumbled a sorry before running off again. However, his run came to a stop when the girl called out his name. She held out a wax paper parasol decorated with flowers. He then noticed that it was raining quite hard, and (y/n) herself was under an umbrella with some more tucked safely under her arm.

He thanked her for it before starting to speed off again. But stopped himself and turned around to ask for one for Jimin. She gave a tight-lipped smile slightly and handed another one over.

As he ran off for real this time, he weaved through countless soldiers as he followed his sense and tried not to poke anyone's eye out with the umbrella. Further and further away from the heavy population towards the fields. He left the muddied paths to the green.

As soon as he recognised a mound of cloth in the tall grass, he moved at full steam. His feet halted an inch from his friend's head.

Begrudgingly, Jimin opened his eyes to see Taehyung hovering above him. Slightly out of breath, Taehyung looked down. The older boy's face was covered in raindrops and a void of emotion. Taehyung sighed at his friend.

It almost made him wish he had stopped (y/n) when she left all those nights ago. It hurt to see him so down and miserable. He tried not to blame himself, but he could have forced (y/n) to stay. And then no of this would have happened, and Jimin would be himself.

But, he knew deep down inside, the moment she had pressed her lips on his cheek and stopped time. The moment their eyes locked, he couldn't make her stay if it wasn't what she wanted.

He didn't say anything, scared he would only upset Jimin more than he already was. Instead, he extended a hand to help him up off the wet ground.

Once Jimin was up, he offered the spare umbrella he had tucked beneath his arm. He watched as the other boy cautiously took it, expecting it to be a trick.

"I think it's too late for an umbrella."

Jimin finally spoke, drawing attention to his soggy clothing. "Where did you even get it from?"

"It's (y/n)'s."

As if her name was a trigger for a bear trap, he threw the beautifully crafted object as far as he could. It hit the ground with power, and Teahyung was sure he heard a snap. There was no way it was still in one piece with the amount of force Jimin put behind it.

"JIMIN!"  Taehyung shouter with wide eyes, he knew (y/n) was a touchy subject, but that was a little bit uncalled for.

"You didn't need to throw it."

Hello hello, hope this chapter was ok. Thank you for reading and have a lovely rest of your day :)


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