Oh Boy ~ [Female Reader x Var...

By AAwesome_SauceA

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As (Y/N) is sent out on a mission for a whale named "Laboon" with her childhood friend Vivi, She encounters... More

Chapter 1 - Laboon; Meet the Straw Hats!
Chapter 2 - Whiskey Peak
Chapter 3 - Miss All Sunday ; History...
Chapter 4 - Little Garden
Chapter 5: Hello Drum Kingdom: Save Luffy!
Chapter 7 - Dance Powder : Firefist Ace
Chapter 8 - Back to Merry : Attack?!
Chapter 9 - The Journey Begins! : Walk, Walk, Walk...
Chapter 10 - Bye Ace : Mr.0
Chapter 11 - Really stuck : Sea stone?
Chapter 12 - Old Friends : Confronting Mr. 0!
Chapter 13 - Luffy? TWICE?!
Chapter 14 - Crocodile vs Luffy; Leaving?
Chapter 15 - Welcome!; Not Alone
Chapter 16 - Welcome to Jaya; Problems
Chapter 17 - I Hate Heights! : Special Rocks
Chapter 18 - Super Secret Meeting : GHOSTS!
Chapter 19 - Two Different Hunts Begin! : Gold and Survival!
Chapter 20 - Lost - Goat man...
Chapter 21 - The Man, The Myth, and The Fucking God
Chapter 22 - Rebellion! : I WANNA GO HOME!
Chapter 23 - Morning Starshine : Ark Maxim?
Chapter 24 - Two Immune! : Ascend?!
Chapter 25 - He fell! : The Sniper and The Cook
Chapter 26 - Morning Sunshine : The Giant Belfry
Chapter 27 - The Bell at Last! : Gold, Gold, Gold!
Chapter 28 - Leave The Sky! : Enter... a Base?!
Chapter 29 - Pirate > Marine? : Acting
Chapter 30 - Escape, (Y/N)! : TWICE?!
Chapter 31 - See ya Jonny! : Foxy again?!
Chapter 32 - Tension: The Afro...
Chapter 33 - Betrayal?! : Escape again...
Chapter 34 - Ice? : Admiral Aokiji
Chapter 35 - Water 7: New Friends
Chapter 36 - Knock it Down! : He's Back
Chapter 37 - He's After Who? : She Did What?!
Chapter 38 - Usopp! : Kidnapped
Chapter 39 - Fight : Visitors
Chapter 40 - Unwelcome - Taken
Chapter 41- Knights: One in a Suit, One in a Mask
Chapter 42 - Operation Rescue Robin-chan!
Chapter 43 - Spanda : Power Level
Chapter 44 - Bite of 87 : Life
Chapter 45 - 'Badasses' Stick Together : Battle Plan
Chapter 46 - Trouble... : Sounds?
Chapter 47 - Merry : Goodbye, Water Seven!
Chapter 48 - Fog : Island?
Chapter 49 - Hogback: Invisible?
Chapter 50 - Escape : The Leader
Chapter 51 - Gecko Moria : The Plan
Chapter 52 - Brook: Old Memories...
Chapter 53 - New Plan: Pinky!
Chapter 54 - Ne-ga-tive!: Large Luffy
Chapter 55 - Vacation: Beginning
Chapter 56 - End : We're Off!
Chapter 57 - Vacation! : Jewels
Chapter 58 - FFR: Too Kind...
Chapter 59 - Shopping!: The 12 Supernovas?
Chapter 60 - Camie: My Dad?
Chapter 61 - Info. : Log Book
Chapter 62 - Trip: Jungle?!
Chapter 63 - Girls: Symbol
Chapter 64 - Ms. Hancock: heartless...
Chapter 65 - Banquet: Execution?!
Chapter 66 - Disembark: Phase 1
Chapter 67 - Phase 2: Unexpected Guests
Chapter 68 - Reunion in Hell; Friend and Foe
Chapter 69 - Synchronicity; Secrets
Chapter 70; Team Hijack!; Escape
Chapter 71 - Nurse; Marineford
Chapter 72 - Marineford : Whitebeard
Chapter 73 - Enter! : Warlords
Chapter 74 - Fallen : End
Chapter 75 - Luffy: Goodbye!
Chapter 76: Feudal Era Adventure!
Chapter 77 - (Y/N)'s Time-Skip Chronicles
Chapter 78 - Sabaody-take 2 ; Fakes
Chapter 79 - Assemble: Set Sail!
Chapter 80 - Journey: Disaster
Chapter 81 - Sea Kings: Lost and Found
Chapter 82 - Something's Fishy: Bestest?
Chapter 83 - Fight: Hordy
Chapter 84 - Battle: Recognition
Chapter 85 - Kidnapped: Situation
Chapter 86 - Stuck...?: "Truth"
Chapter 87 - Truth?!; Arrival
Chapter 88 - OVER 5,000!: Fight
Chapter 89 - Feast: Questions
Chapter 90 - Emji's Decision: Departure
Chapter 91 - Sanji: Fresh Air!
Chapter 92 - Z's Ambition I: Giant
Chapter 93 - Z's Ambition II - Lily's Dad
Chapter 94 - Z's Ambition III: Giant Mishap
Chapter 95 - Film: Z!
Chapter 96 - Punk Hazard?: Expedition
Chapter 97 - Dragon: ...What?
Chapter 98 - Centaurs: Cold
Chapter 99 - An Old Friend: Swapped
Chapter 100 - Beasts: Ally?
Chapter 101 - Alliance!: Stuck
Chapter 102 - Hearts: Biscuit Room
Chapter 103- Snow: (Y/N)'s New Technique!
Chapter 104 - Goodbyes: Not Done Yet
Chapter 105 - Nightshift: News
Chapter 106 - Missions: Toys?!
Chapter 107 - Roulette: Blind
Chapter 108 - Interrogation: Code-Names
Chapter 109 - Corrida Colloseum: Stalker
Chapter 110 - Suit Up!: Rebecca
Chapter 111 - Block B: Battle!
Chapter 112 - Battle; King Punch!
Chapter 113 - Victory; Bellamy
Chapter 114 - Memories: Bad Man
Chapter 115 - Decoy: Toy's Secret Revealed!
Chapter 116 - Saved?: More Bounties?!
Chapter 117 - Action!; Stone
Chapter 118 - More Competition: Round II, Pica!
Chapter 119 - Racing: Cornered
Untitled Part 120

Chapter 6 - Nami Cured? : Off to Alabasta

7.9K 269 136
By AAwesome_SauceA

I woke up slowly, in a drastically different place from where I passed out. 

'It's still snowing, so I'm still on the island the Straw Hat's boarded. I wonder how long it's been since then.'


That's Zoro's voice! I tried to sit up, my vision still blurry, as I felt a hand on my chest. 

The hand pushed me lightly back down, even though I tried to resist. I must be pretty weak right now... dammit. I wonder how Nami is doing?...

"Careful little girl, that shot wound looks pretty bad. You lost a lot of blood. We're taking you back to our castle to fix 'ya up." An older voice said, clearly a female. 

That must be who Zoro was yelling at, I hope he's ok.

"W-What?! She's shot?! We need to treat her right away!" A much younger male voice screeched from in front of us. 

We were in something moving, and there was a fuzzy animal running before me, so we were in a sled. Though I only saw one person in the sled, the female voice, where was the younger voice?...


"We're here. Chopper, help her out!"

I looked around and saw a blue fuzzy building that looked like an extravagant castle. I also noticed we were on a mountain, to my shock. I didn't expect anyone to live in the mountains here, they looked too tall.

"Yes, Doctrine!" Something big and brown grew in front of me and picked me up bridal style. Suddenly, I heard something I recognized, but wish I hadn't. 

It was Luffy.

 He was screaming. I was so shocked, adrenaline got my eyes open, not fuzzy, and I jumped ut of the raindeers arms. 

'There's no way Luffy climbed us the mountain to this old lady's castle, did he?! Unless she was a doctor! That's gotta be it!'

The brown animal yelled that I shouldn't overexert myself, but if Luffy was hurt, I had to help him. 

For Vivi, Nami, and Alabasta. 

I flung myself on the ground to look over the edge of the cliff and there he was. Luffy was there with Nami and Sanji, both unconscious on his back. 

His fingers down to his wrists were purple. 

I gasped at the sight. I needed to help him. 

My mind was so overwhelmed with the thought of any of them dying that I couldn't think straight.

"LUFFY!" I screeched at the top of my lungs. It was so windy I didn't think he would hear me if I didn't. He looked up at me with tired and furious eyes, which softened a little after seeing me. I couldn't hear him, but I saw his lips move. He said


All my trains of thought snapped at that moment, I used my devil fruit right as the brown animal came to my side. I used my devil fruit and as soon as wood appeared, I coughed up blood...

"H-Hey! Don't do that, you can seriously injure yourself!" I heard the animal next to me speak, but I didn't care, I had to help Luffy right now. 

I suffered through it, with my nose and mouth flowing plentifully with blood.

"LUFFY! NAMI! SANJI! IF YOU DIE, WHO WILL SAVE ALABASTA?! I NEED YOU!" I yelled with blood still coming out of my mouth. I made a platform of wood, and the platform shot up into the air, catapulting all 3 into the air. I heard Luffy screaming as he came plummeting towards earth.

'At least...he's alive...' 

I was panting and holding my gut. That much blood probably shouldn't be coming out of my face right now. As I looked up, Luffy, Sanji, and Nami landed right on top of me. I heard a high-pitched voice scream if I was ok. I looked at my face to see the pale Luffy looking into my eyes. He was on top of me, and when he fell I coughed more blood, but I laughed and hugged him with weak arms.

"...(Y/N)..." I heard him say. My eyes wouldn't open. I looked in the direction of his voice and mumbled, "Sorry, I got a little blood on your shirt. Heh..." Then he passed out, his head falling onto my chest.

"Please help them!" I yelled to the animal. 

He stared at me for a bit but then nodded. 

I told the woman known as Doctrine that Nami was sick due to a bug bite and her temperature a week ago was 104. 

Doctrine took Nami from my weak arms, and my body stopped responding. 

There was a giant animal-man-thing behind me to catch me, thankfully. 

I thanked him and then I passed out...again...


I woke up in a room full of books and medicines, and a small reindeer-looking animal making something with herbs and other medicines. 

Because I couldn't put my finger on what happened, but I can't talk now. I guess I yelled or got hurt. 

'So, was this reindeer boy a doctor? He is the same animal as the one with doctrine, and the one who carried me in here...' 

Everything was slowly coming back to me, but now in whole... I looked across from me and saw Nami sleeping. She looked less red and I was so happy she was still breathing. 

I looked at the reindeer doctor at the counter. I didn't know how to get his attention, so I knocked on the bedside table beside me. 

He looked, and I guess I scared him because he jumped back in surprise. He hit a desk with books on it, and they fell on his head, to which I laughed, silently. 

He ran through the doorway to the room and hid the wrong way, looking at me terrified. I looked around and noticed a piece of paper on the desk. I tried to get up to get it, so I could write to him the things I wanted to know. 

As I got up, sharp pain in my shoulder caused me to fall back down in pain. The reindeer jumped over to me and helped me back into bed.

"You shouldn't get up yet..." He spoke, then covered his mouth and looked at me scared. I just smiled at him, which made him confused. 

I pointed at the pen and paper on the table, and he hesitantly looked at me, then at the paper. 

He went to grab it, not taking his eyes off of me. When he gave it to me, questions flooded my mind, but I asked the one that was weighing the most.

'How are the others?'

"HUH?!" he looked at me as if I grew a third arm, "You're concerned about your friends, not about what happened or what I am or my blue nose?" he said the last part with a little sadness in his tone, but I shook my head and pointed to my question again. 

He gulped, not expecting the question, and told me:

"Everyone who came up the mountain is alright. The orange girl is still sick but will survive, the yellow-haired boy and the black-haired boy are thriving, up and around the castle. And you...well..." He paused, sounding scared to tell me, "You will be fine, but you won't be able to talk for a day or two. You damaged your vocal cords..."

I now remembered everything, me being shot in the arm, Zoro calling after the old lady, ME using my devil fruit in front of strangers, everything.

I smiled at him and wrote down a second question ;

'Are you the one who helped me and my friend?'

That one confused him even more, but he looked slightly down, then nodded. I smiled at the cute act and wrote a little more;

'Thank you! You must be a great doctor.'

He did a goofy little smile and did this adorable noodle dance, similar to Sanji's dance. "Shut up! Your complimenting won't make me feel better or anything! Bastard!~"

When he finished talking, the woman called Doctrine came in and hit me so I would lay back down. She sat on the side of the bed, not looking at me.

"So, who shot ya?"

I wrote in my paper: 'The townspeople. I took a bullet for a friend'

I giggled silently as she looked at me, shades covering her expression. She did a funny little laugh and then told me I was really brave.

That's what you'd think...'  I wrote.

She looked at me funny, then got up.

"Of the things I've seen and heard you do, you are incredibly brave, you just don't see it." with that she left the room.

I grabbed my pen and paper and started scribbling some words down. Chopper looked at me and came to the bedside to see what I was writing.

'What's your name?'

'O-Oh, I'm Tony Tony Chopper, I'm a doctor."

'I assume you ate a devil fruit?'

"How did you know?!" He yelled, eyes popping out of his sockets.

'Hunch. Plus, you're a talking reindeer'

He looked down and then spoke softly, "A-And... You're n-not scared of me?"

'No, should I be? I have a devil fruit too'

I wrote some more.

'You're not that scary looking anyway'

"SHUT UP! IDIOT" he pouted and turned away from me. I laughed, though raspily, and slowly got up, toughing it through the pain, which had gone down significantly. 

"Y-You still shouldn't walk or try to speak yet... But your friends are in this room." He led me slowly down a hallway to a room that looked like it was for multiple people. 

There were 3 beds and Luffy was in one. A pile of old bandages was on a pan next to His bed, and he had fresh ones on. The bed next to Luffy had no one on it, but the sheets were not made. 

'Sanji most likely. He probably left to cook for Luffy or Nami' 

I went and sat on the bed next to Luffy's. I took out the pen and paper I brought from the other room and stated;

'This is my friend, a pirate captain. When he hears that you are a doctor and saved us all, he will want you on his crew'

"WHAT?! NO WAY!" Chopper ran out of the room screaming and almost woke Luffy up. 

'Now that I know Luffy and Sanji are ok, I can rest easier. But we still need to leave for Alabasta as soon as Nami is better. I wonder how Vivi's doing.'

I decided to take another nap. After I closed my eyes, I heard someone walk in, with small footsteps. I tried to groan, but nothing came out. 

It was Chopper, he came in and started taking off the old bandages and putting fresh ones on. 

When he was done, he just looked at Luffy, his back to me. I could tell he was thinking hard, but I couldn't see his face, so I don't know what about it.

"Hungry...so hungry..." I heard a mumble from past Chopper and saw Luffy's head turn towards the reindeer. Luffy muttered something else, causing Chopper to Jump back in fear. At that moment Sanji walked in and noticed him as well. Sanji started talking about how to cook venison and jumped back toward me. I picked him up from the ground and held him in my lap.

"Hey lady... Y-Your friends are scary..."

I made the motion of giggling and smiled at him. Sanji started his noodle dance and yelled. "(Y/N)-SWAN YOU'RE AWAKE I'M SO HAPPY YOU'RE ALIVE!~"

Chopper and I glared at him and did the 'Shh!' motion. He covered his mouth and walked towards us as Luffy sat up.

"Meat..." Chopper shivered and ran away, with Luffy and Sanji chasing after him. 

'If they go that way and wake up Nami I swear to god...' 

I got up as fast as I could without hurting myself and went to where the commotion was. When I walked in, I stood next to Doctorine. 

She and I watched as Luffy and Sanji chased this guy around, then after a lap or 2, Luffy stopped, backed up, and said "Nami!..." in an excited but worried tone.

Sanji stopped chasing Chopper as they now both stood next to Nami, with goofy little expressions on their face. After a brief discussion with Nami, they got back to chasing the reindeer.

"I'm surprised! They can already move around?" Doctrine said, looking in the direction the three boys went.

"What's that talking stuffed deer with a blue nose?" I went to her bedside and smacked her lightly in the back of the head. 

I would tell her but my voice won't let me. Nami looked happy to see me and held my hand, as we looked at Doctorine for the answer.

"His name is Chopper. He's just a reindeer with a blue nose."

"Reindeers don't speak," Nami said. I hit her again.

"If he's different than ordinary reindeer in some way, It's because he ate the Human-Human fruit. That's all. He's a reindeer who gained Human abilities. And I taught him everything I know about medicine."

'I knew it.'

I smiled to myself, Happy I was right.


"Become one of my crew! Please, old lady! We need a doctor on our ship!" Luffy slammed his hands on the table and looked at Doctorine. 

I silently giggled as I ate the food Sanji kindly prepared me. Doctrine pit up a finger and said, "Luffy, you said that's your name, right?"

Luffy nodded and then was kicked across the room for calling doctrine old. Luffy's body made dents in the wall where he landed.

"What an incredible old hag..." Sanji muttered. He was now across the room in the wall as well.

"Being a pirate would waste my glorious time." Doctrine answered as I giggled beside her. 

I noticed a little reindeer boy around the corner looking at Luffy. Once Luffy and Sanji noticed, the chase was on again. Doctorine called them brats and told them to hold on, running after them. 

'I'm just glad they have so much energy...' 

I sweatdropped. 

Merely seconds later, they ran through the room through a door behind me. Chopper ran past fine, Luffy hit me and I spun in my chair almost falling, and Sanji caught my chair but kept running. I was flabbergasted.

"I'll eat you both first!" Doctrine landed on the ground between me and the other 2. Chopper hid behind my chair, but the wrong way. I nudged him and he hid the right way, thanking me. 

The boys ran in this direction, so Chopper ran as well. Luffy and Sanji were running from the newly armed Doctorine, and Chopper was running from the boys.

"I don't care about the food, I just want some peace."

I giggled at Nami's remark as she laid down again. The door was left open by the boys and she started shivering. Before she could get up, I put my hand on her shoulder, letting her know I would do it. 

She thanked me, but before I got to the door, Chopper closed it and told me that if I won't rest I should at least not move too much. 

I was shocked, but nodded and went to my seat. He started telling Nami what she had to do and what was wrong with her. Nami thanked him and he yelled.

"SHUT UP! I don't want to be thanked by a human...haha!" His last words morphed into a laugh and he looked very bashful, like when I thanked him earlier. "Don't mock me! You jerk...haha. Don't be silly, you idiot!" The voice thing happened again, but in the second sentence, he sounded like a child. 

He was so cute I could squeeze him 'til he pops.

I heard loud screaming from outside the room, but I paid no mind. Doctorine just caught the boys. No big deal. Chopper was asking us if we were pirates. Nami confirmed and I nodded my head.

"R-Real ones?"

"Real ones..."

"You have a flag with a skull?"

"It's attached to our ship." There was a pause, "Are you interested in pirates?"

"NO! YOU IDIOT! NO!" Chopper jumped back and hit a bookshelf. He was covered in almost every book on the shelf 

'So clumsy'

 I giggled to myself as I got up and helped him.

"Ah! So you're here too (Y/N)?" Nami asked as I scratched the base of my neck, helping Chopper stand.

"She can't speak." Chopper answered firmly.

"Why not..?" Nami questioned.

"When she got u here, she ..." Chopper looked at me for confirmation to tell her. I nodded and he continued, "she was super hurt and helped her you and the other two idiots up the mountain with her devil fruit. Using it strained her body and mainly, her vocal cords, so she can't speak without it hurting for a day or two."

"For real...?" Nami looked at me and I nodded once more. I waved my hand in the air and smiled, trying to signal that I'll be fine.

"Well..." Nami started, "Wanna come too?"

Chopper just looked at her with a terrifying stare. "What?!"

"To the sea! Why don't you come with us...? Hm? If you do, that'll help me a lot! If we have a doctor on our ship, we don't have to stay here for 3 days, right?"

I grabbed Chopper and whipped him around so he could see me. I nodded my head furiously with stars in my eyes. 

He got what I meant, but still backed up. He yelled that it was impossible and asked me and Nami if we were afraid of him because he could speak. I scooted over to Nami while he was talking and sat next to her bed on the floor.

When he finished, Nami chuckled and said, "What? Are you trying to scare me?"

"My nose is blue, too"

I laughed a silent laugh as Nami giggled again.

"There you are! Reindeer!" Luffy said, Halting to a stop in the doorway, facing Chopper. Chopper yelled and started running out the door he closed. 

'They left it open again...' 

I sweatdropped and got up to close it.

"Tch, those brats sure are quick..." Doctrine sat down and said as I had closed the door, sitting back in my spot by Nami.

"I don't like it... girl... You trying to recruit my assistant."

I shivered as I looked at Doctorine, who looked back with angry, glaring eyes.

"Oh? Do I need permission to make a move on a man?" Nami remarked as I turned to her and shook my head furiously, sweating bullets.

Doctrine, to my surprise, laughed and said, "No, you don't. If you wanna take him, go right ahead. But it won't be easy, he has a scar on his heart. A big scar that even I can't cure..."

She told us his backstory about an old man they both knew. He does and was the only one other than Doctrine who accepted him. 

He was shot by Wapol, though poisoned before that on accident. I gritted my teeth. 

'I knew he was bad news. I should have held him underwater with my devil fruit!'

I felt a hand land on my shoulder, Nami's. She could tell I was angry so she just smiled at me. 

'I forgot, she and Wapol haven't met yet.' 

I smiled back and shoved my pen and paper into my pocket.


Everyone raced outside upon hearing that Wapol was back. I grabbed my coat before I left and booked it with Sanji to the front of the castle.

"We're restoring the Drum Kingdom! Bwahahaha!" I heard a familiar tone and a shiver went up to my spine, as we stood in the entrance, looking at Wapol, who was on the edge of the mountain. 

Wapol looked up as we all barely exited the castle, just enough to be fully outside. I looked up too and saw a flag with cherry blossom petals on it.

"Must be that old man's flag from the story..." I thought. Sanji looked in my direction, then to the flag I was looking at.

"What's that strange flag? What happened to the Drum Kingdom's flag?" Wapol groaned. My fists clenched.

Doctrine walked in front of me and Sanji with Chopper, who was in his real reindeer form. Doctorine was laughing.

"I burned that thing," she told him.

"So you show yourself, Dr. Kureha, the last survivor of the doctor hunt! Get out of my castle!" Wapol yelled. I could hear his teeth grinding together from here.

"This castle is no longer yours, Wapol! It's full of corruption and misery from during your reign. Leave! Don't just leave here, leave the Country too! The Drum Kingdom is already dying out, Moron!"

"What's that?!" Wapol screeched.

'Yea! Tell him Doctorine!' I thought from behind her, pumping my fist in the air and humming. She turned and smirked at me. Wapol's attention was now on Sanji and me.

"WAIT!" Luffy screamed, coming from god knows where. 

I looked around for him, only for him to come from between Sanji and me, shoving us over and yelling "This guy is mine!"

Luffy booked it to Wapol, yelling out his move. "Gum-Gum...Pistol!" 

Just like that, Wapol was sent flying through the air for the second time. Though to my surprise, he just barely missed the edge of the cliff, though, only 'cause his cronies were there to save him.

"I'm sick of you guys, y'know that? What's your problem?" Luffy grumbled.

"WOO! Yeah, Luffy! Kick his ass!" Sanji screamed, cupping his hands around his mouth. I clapped because I still couldn't talk. Luffy looked at us and smirked, but he got serious right after and turned to Wapol.

"Last time we met, I couldn't fight you 'cuz I had to protect my friends, but now...OH~ you guys are so gonna get it!" He said, smiling a goofy smile.

The cronies started yapping about 'King' Wapol this and 'King' Wapol that... Man, even I was getting sick of it.

"Who cares?! He ticked me off again!"

"Hey... Luffy..."

"Hm? Yeah, Sanji, What's up?"

"(Y/N) Apparently can't speak, but she just wants me to ask you if she can get a hit on Wapol in. He killed her friend's friend." Chopper and Doctorine flinched at my resolve, but Doctorine just laughed, while Chopper stared at me. 

I had written that down for Sanji, and Luffy nodded. I knelt and shoved both hands onto the ground. Because I don't use my devil fruit often, I don't have any special names for my moves, but this is the only move I remember using frequently on enemies when I'm mad.

I tried my best to hide my face from Luffy, but I could tell he knew how mad I was. I grunted a bit, and a second later, two massive branches of wood appeared from the ground. They raised to about half the castle's height.

(You basically have Yamato's wood Jutsu from Naruto ;))

"Hey (Y/N)! Save some for me too!" Luffy said, getting ready to go in as soon as I was done.

I nodded and turned back to Wapol, I smirked evilly, and I could tell he noticed. In a second the planks of wood bent to be pointing at him. They probably had a 30-foot diameter on them, so I understand why he screamed. I sent them down, and before I knew it, Wapol... he... he...

"NO FAIR!" Luffy yelled from next to me, as I sat there with my jaw on the floor.

"HE ATE HER SPECIAL ATTACK?! WHAT THE HELL!!" Sanji yelled from behind me.

Luffy and I were staring at the weapon as he swallowed TWO 30x HIS SIZE PLANKS OF WOOD! When he was done, he looked at me and said, "Hey! That wasn't half bad! Why don't you join me and make that wood for a snack every day! Huh? Sound nice?"

"Don't you dare mock my friend!" Luffy yelled, going in for the attack on Wapol. Luffy was stopped by Doctorine, who asked if he was cold.

Luffy stared into nothing for a second and said "Wait! He's the KING?!" Sanji hit him over the head for the latest reaction time to date. 

The cronies were trying to intimidate him, but Luffy was talking about how cold he was. He ran back in to get a jacket and I turned back to Wapol.

"Straw Hat, you've got some nerve. I'll end you here, and take your friend to be my cook on my ship! Bwahaha!" I shuddered as Luffy got visibly madder. But, Luffy was so mad, he wanted to be warm while he beat this guy's ass, so Luffy went and got a coat. 

I was so confused when I saw he was gone, then turned to Doctorine.

I pulled out my pen and paper and wrote for her ;

'If you didn't say anything about the weather, this fight would be over by now.'

She giggled as I smirked. She looked at me and responded. "I want a hit or two as yell, little girl. You're not the only one who wants revenge." 

Sanji, I could tell by the look on his face, was putting this all together, as Chopper and Doctorine stepped forward.

"I'll start with you, Dr. Kureha! It's a serious offense for moving into my castle and an even greater one for flying that stupid flag!" My knuckles were turning pale, I was clenching my fists so hard.

"It's not yours! Not anymore, its hero looks great! I wasn't interested in this run-down place, what with all the bad things you did here. But we can use it to do some good! And the reindeer insisted on flying the doctor's flag! " Chopper was getting visibly mad as well. This fight might not end well if Luffy doesn't come back soon.

Wapol laughed at the story. I stepped forward, but Sanji put an arm in front of me and shook his head. I stayed put, fingernails digging into my palm.

Wapol commanded that the flag will be burned immediately, and Chopper started breathing heavily, his glare intensifying. 

He started saying Wapol will never be the true kind of Drum Kingdom, as he transformed into a bigger firm, a form with tons of muscles. 

'So cool!' I thought but now wasn't the right time to ask Chopper questions.

Sanji stepped forward, after getting a hit on the head from Doctorine for calling her old. Suddenly 2 large afro-looking things were flung at Doctorine. Sanji stopped one with his leg and I stopped the other with a small branch of wood. We soon realized it's static electricity. 

'Good thing I'm a Wood Human' I sweatdropped


Wood is not a strong conductor of electricity. Static electricity is usually 20,000-25,000 volts. Humans are good conductors, but if wood gets wet, It's a great conductor of electricity. Once it gets to that level, or you get wet, it can be really easy to hurt you (Totally not foreshadowing ). But in this fight, the static guy can't do shit to you. (Y/N) Has an IQ of 245, so she knows a lot of stuff :)


More afro things were shot at Sanji, and as one thing led to another, Sanji became A decoy plan. Sanji got set on fire, and as the cronies were busy, Chopper attacked. 

The jester guy was pushed out of the way by Wapol and Chopper was almost eaten by Wapol. I used my devil fruit abilities and sent a small plank of the wood straight into the jaw of Wapol. 

Chopper got spat out and thanked me. I nodded and looked at Doctrine, who also thanked me. 

Sanji already had another plan in motion as well, with Luffy now flying at Wapol, 

'About time...' 

I stood next to Doctrine as we watched the fight unfold.

Luffy landed a direct hit on Wapol's stomach. If I didn't get Chopper out, that move sure would've. Then the real fight started.


I went inside to go check on Nami as instructed by Doctorine when Wapol got thrown into the building. 

I rushed away from him and made it up the stairs. I heard a door creak to my right as Wapol smirked when he saw who it was. 

It was Nami, bundled in my big purple coat. 

'I should go to protect her just in case... She is still sick!' 

I knew Wapol would say something to Nami and Nami would respond, plus Doctorine could help if we needed her to. 

I made my way around to Nami. Once I got to her, she mumbled something about the coast being clear. 

She probably didn't see me next to her. I got to her side as she warmly greeted me. We then walked to the railing as Wapol Laughed from the bottom floor.

"W-What the..." Nami muttered from beside me.

I tried to talk to her but I couldn't, so I as quickly as I could whipped out my trusty pen and paper, and jotted down a quick note.

'Get behind me. Luffy is fighting this guy right now.'

"I see..." she whispered back as Wapol finished laughing. 

I was nervous, this guy ate a strong attack of mine. Only perfectly coordinated and small attacks he won't notice will work.

"Well well, two more Straw Hats I presume?" I would have said I wasn't a straw hat if I could speak, but he wouldn't care, so I just shrugged it off.

"He doesn't look friendly..." Nami whispered as I nodded. I jotted down again;

'He has the Munch-Munch fruit and is a pirate.'

"Ok..." She whispered to me, still sort of behind me. Wapol snickered again and Nami yelled, "Huh? Straw Hat? What's that mean? Sorry, sir but we don't know what you're talking about." 

I nodded furiously, trying to hide my face slightly from Wapol, hoping he won't recognize it. 

'He might recognize me, but he won't recognize Nami because she was resting when he came.'

"OH! I was wrong?!" He had such a stupid look on his face I frowned a bit.

"Yes, we are just travelers who are passing through, and we're actually on our way out."

"Oh, I see!" He stretched out his words a bit, which made me nervous. It sounded like he didn't believe us...

"Nice talking to you! See ya!" She started pushing me as we walked fast to the stairs.

"Bye!..." He dragged it out again.

I turned around to see him climbing up the pillar where we were. I lunged in front of Nami as she turned to look where I was looking, gasping at the fact that this man is now so close.

"LIAH! RAH!" He darted towards us as I picked up Nami bridal-style and booked it for the stairs. 

Nami was screaming in my arms as he was yelling about being kind and ordering us to stop. 

'I knew he didn't believe us!' 

I made it to the stairs and barely missed his bottom jaw. I started down but when I got to the bottom and turned around, he was stuck on the roof of the stairwell. 

I snickered silently as Nami was just shocked. I put her down next to me and held her hand, ushering her to go to another room to rest.

When I heard him yell a move named 'Munch-Munch Factory!', I whipped my head around to see him eating himself. Nami screamed and I tried to. 

I picked her up and bolted for the castle doors. WE were in a big courtyard and he started to make some weird noises. I stopped running and turned to look at him.

"My miraculous bone shaping structure has been complete! I'm lean and mean!" He flipped into the air and came out taller and thinner than he was before. I tensed up and took a few steps back, tightening my grip on Nami.

He looked at us and smirked an evil smirk, "And I'm hungry..." He lunged into the air as I started for the door again. Nami was screaming and Wapol was laughing behind us, still in the air. He threw his hands onto my shoulders and landed on top of me on the ground. I threw Nami out of my hands a good distance away before I was pinned. I closed my eyes hard.

"Time to gobble you up, Straw Hat. Ahaha-"

"Found you!" I heard Luffy yell as his foot came from the doorway, knocking Wapol straight in the face. He was knocked off of me, and as I looked up, all I could see was a stretched leg. 

I got up and went to Nami. I was bowing, trying to apologize for throwing her, but I don't think she understood. 

I felt a hand land on my shoulder as Luffy asked, "Hey that's funny, wasn't that guy a big fatso before?" Nami hit him on the head as I sweatdropped.

Nami put a hand on his shoulder and asked, "Mind telling me why my coat is torn up and dirty before I murder you?" I shivered as Luffy went pale. Nami started yelling about cost and that he owes her money.

"I didn't do it! That loudmouth over there did! It's not my fault he shot a cannon at me!" He pointed at Wapol. 

'Nice save Luffy, you may live to save Alabasta now.' 

She grinned an evil grin and turned to Wapol saying, "Ok, well in that case..." I and Luffy both shivered now, " I guess I can forgive you... To be honest, I should've known that you would've never brought it back in good condition when I let you borrow it! You can just pay me back my usual 3–% Interest! Which comes to... 100,000 berries." Luffy's eyes shot out of his head as I laughed silently.

"AH! YOU SHOULD'VE SAID! I WOULD NEVER HAVE TAKEN IT THEN!" Luffy screamed as Nami chuckled, causing me to laugh harder.

"Hello, I'm still here!" Wapol yelled from behind us.

"OH! That's right... I still gotta kick your butt!" Luffy groaned.

"HAH! I'll be the one doing the butt-kicking! Behind this door lies the castle's arsenal! And I'm the only one who has the key to it!" I knelt and put both hands on the ground. Luffy and Nami looked at me, but then right back at Wapol. 

"Inside its walls are some of the fiercest weapons known to man! All I need to do is devour them, Straw Hats! Then they will be part of my body and you'll pay for what you've done to me. The three of you don't stand a chance!" 

I got back up as the branch I created brought back what I needed. I smirked as Nami looked at what I grabbed and snickered. 

Wapol reached for the key, which I had just stolen, and when he realized it wasn't there, he ran to look for it. As Luffy went to chase him, Nami took the key from my hand and spoke.

"This must be the key to the arsenal..." Nami muttered. I nodded and pointed to my branch. "Y'know (Y/N), we would've made a good team of thieves." She smirked at me as I sweatdropped.

"Man, I wish it was the key to the treasury or something better..." she sighed as I giggled as she gave me the key again. I stuffed it in my jacket for safekeeping.

"NAMI MY LOVE!" Sanji came, crawling on the ground. "Thank heavens, I thought you'd gotten hurt! And (Y/N)-chwan! I'm glad you're not hurt either!~" He said in a weird tone. I giggled silently as Nami and I knelt to his height.

"Sanji, What happened? Why are you crawling? Are you ok?!"

"I'm great now that I've seen you and (Y/N)-chan! I'll be even better If could rest my head on both of your chests-" He was hit to the ground by Nami, legs twitching, as I clutched my chest and turned red from embarrassment. We heard an explosion come from where Luffy had chassed Wapol. 

'Sounded like a cannon!' 

I went outside to see if Doctorine and Chopper were ok. Chopper was staring intently at the exploded area of the castle and Doctorine was leaning against the entrance wall. Chopper was in his small form so I sat down next to him.

"Chopper, ya worried about your friend?" Doctrine asked with a smirk.

"No Doctorine, not at all! Know why? 'Cuz he's a pirate!" When he responded, she didn't seem surprised, she just grinned wider. I put an arm around him and smiled, and he giggled back. The next thing we knew, Wapols head was sticking out of the top of the castle. Luffy was about to give Wapol a HUGE Gum-Gum Bazooka until he yelled so loud even we could hear, Luffy landed the devastating blow, and Wapol went flying, for yet a third time that day! 

I clapped as hard as I could as Chopper cheered.


About 30 minutes after the fight, and after the rest of the others got up the mountain, I found myself sitting with Vivi, watching Nami and listening to Sanji's screams. 

Everyone in the room was nervous for him. A man named Dalton was to my left. He was the town's 'current king'

The door creaked behind me and Vivi, as a voice said, "Well as expected, his injuries got worse because he overexerted himself." Everyone was watching Doctrine as she walked over to Dalton, who was in pretty bad shape. 

She took a long swig from her bottle and then turned her head towards him, "Now... Dalton... Where is the key to the arsenal? You know where it is right?"

I clutched my pocket as Nami glanced over at me with a little gasp. Vivi turned at the gasp and I just looked at her and grinned.

"The key to the arsenal...Why do you need such a thing?" Dalton asked, cocking his head while still laying down.

"It's none of your business." Doctorine took another drink from her bottle.

"It was always with Wapol, so it probably flew off in the sky with him," Dalton responded.

"What?! Is that right?! Oh darn..."

"Doctorine..." Nami spoke up, sitting up in bed. I started to sweat. If Doctorine knew that I had the key, she might get mad, and Doctorine is scary when she's mad... 

"About the treatment fee for our crew... Would you make it all free? Also, would you discharge me right away?"

"Did you just ask for the heck of it knowing it's all impossible? As your fee, I'll take the entire cargo and money on your ship. And you both will stay here and rest at least 2 more days!" she looked at me and Nami, as I scratched the nape of my neck.

"Nami-san, she's right! You should be treated all the way!" Vivi chimed in as I chuckled. 

'Nami is strong, she doesn't need that much time to heal. If we left today, she would be fine before Alabasta.'

"I'll be fine since I don't feel like I'll die!" Nami said cheerfully which made me and Vivi sweatdrop.

"That can't be a reason!" Vivi whined back, but Nami just smiled. She looked at me and nodded. I slowly and hesitantly went to my pocket and pulled out the key to the arsenal. 

Almost everyone's Jaw dropped except for Mine and Nami's.

"You need the key to the arsenal, right?" Nami asked for me since I still couldn't speak.

"What?! Why do you have that key?!"

Doctrine looked surprised and impressed as she questioned me, "Is that the real one? How'd you get it?"

"(Y/N) stole it." 

'oh boy...'

"W-What?! You've got guts dictating terms to me like that. You two are unbelievable girls." Doctorine got in my face, making me nervous and I leaned back against Nami because I was sitting on the bed with her. Nami smirked as she peered over my shoulder.

"Okay then... You don't have to pay me a fee. But that's all." Doctrine snatched the key from my hand and walked off while saying this. Nami got visibly angry and shoved me off of her, making me land on the floor.

"Wait a sec! If that's the case, I can't give the key to you! Give it back!"

"Listen, girls!" Doctorine was pointing at Nami, me, and Vivi at this point, " I have to leave this room now to take care of things." She turned her attention to Nami, "There's a drawer chest with my coat in the back room. And it's not like I'm posting guards... Also, that young man's backbone treatment is already complete. But listen, don't you dare escape!" She now turned her attention to the bystanders in the room, You guys come with me. I need you for heavy lifting."

Once they had all left, all three of us girls started giggling. 

"She told us to take her coat and Sanji-kun and escape using this chance." Nami shrugged her shoulders.

"Yeah, that's how it sounded to me, too." Vivi chimed in. I nodded my head in agreement and we all looked at each other, grinning.


Sometime after Luffy asked Chopper to join him, to where Chopper reluctantly said no and went back to the castle. Chopper hid in the room Nami and I woke up in trying to escape the determined captain. 

He turned around and saw me looking at him. I was in there grabbing the last of our things. I sat on the bed and patted the spot next to me. He reluctantly came over as I pulled out the pen and paper. 

'Not much room left, better make the most of it.' I scribbled ;

'Why won't you join him?'

"His crew will think I'm weird, and so will everyone else, other than Doctorine."

'I don't think you're weird.'

"Well, yeah, I guess... But I still want to learn new things and become a great doctor!"

'What's stopping you from doing that on the sea?'

"Well..." He paused, almost seems like he did not want to answer. Before he could answer I wrote down another question, dismissing the other one.

'What's your dream?'

He looked at me, shocked by the random question, "I... I want to cure every sickness in the world..." He looked at me, then looked away, tearing up a bit, "B-But everyone but you and Doctorine will think I'm weird and... and look at my blue nose! No one can like me!" He yelled the last part. I scrunched my face and looked at my paper. 

'Looks like there is only room for one more thing. Here goes nothing...' 

I wrote one last sentence down.

'You're a pirate, you're not supposed to be liked!'

He looked at me with wide eyes then thought. And thought... And thought until finally he looked at me and smiled, "I guess I'll have to reconsider. " He grinned an adorable goofy grin as I hugged him tightly.

Luffy busted in and saw us together, "Oh! Hey (Y/N)! Oh, there you are Chopper! Join my crew!"


"Awe! Why-" Luffy paused, then his smile got even wider and somehow even goofier. "YAY! I got a doctor on my crew!" Luffy jumped around happily, as I got up and walked out the door.



It was now night and the snow was falling plentifully.

"HEY! REINDEER!" I smacked Luffy lightly in the back of the head. 

'Be a little more considerate!' 

Luffy ignored me and kept begging him to join.

"Hey, Luffy just give it up." Usopp wined, as I then preceded to smack him the same way. 

'I want him to join as well... :('

"He doesn't want to be a pirate." Zoro groaned. I went to go smack him as well, but he glared at me, and I hid behind Usopp.

"That's not true! I wanna take him with us! Nami and (Y/N) feel the same!" I nodded furiously at Luffy's statement, as Zoro just yelled at him for being stupid.

We heard a footstep behind us, causing us all to turn. It was Chopper!

"Oh! Reindeer!" Luffy grinned like an idiot at the reindeer as I walked up to stand next to him. Nami and Vivi joined us while dragging Sanji in the snow.

"Hey! Let's be pirates together! Okay?!"

"It's not possible."

"Yes, it is since it's fun!"

"But..." chopper clenched his... hooves? Hands?... and yelled, "But I'm a reindeer! I have antlers and hooves!" He sounded teary, "I even have a blue nose! It's true... that I wanna be a pirate, but... I'm not even a human! I'm a monster! I cant become your friend! So...! So I just came to say thank you..." I clenched my fists, "I do appreciate you guys. Thank you for asking me to join you."

Luffy just looked at him, awe-struck.

"I'll stay here, but..." He got a smile again, "one day... if you feel like it, stop by agai-"

"Shut up! Let's go!" Luffy interrupted him. Chopper's eyes started to water, and the sobs came shortly after. 



The Straw Hats, Vivi, and I were now waiting for Chopper to get his medical equipment. 

I was so happy he joined us! We were talking about sailing straight to Alabasta when Chopper came back, when-



'Oh boy...'

"Hey, he's coming... HM?!" Zoro said, then choked up at the end. I was sitting with him, so I turned my head and almost screamed at the sight. Doctrine was chasing Chopper with...WEAPONS?!

"Everyone! Get on the sleigh! We'll go down the mountain!"

"WHAT?!" We all screamed, well, I tried.

The next thing I knew, we were all flying down the mountain in the sleigh. Chopper was very careful, unlike Luffy, who I and Usopp had to use all-out strength to keep on the sleigh. When we reached the bottom, we were all watching as cannons went off and all of the snow in the night sky looked like cherry blossoms, like in Doctorine's story! I and Luffy were ecstatic at how cool it was. 


Chopper was crying, which made me cry. I don't do well with tears...

And with that, we were off to Alabasta.

(A/N - Edited 7/26/22)

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