Kingdom of the Zodiac

By SBLoveAuthor

9.1K 268 79

The locals had warned me that no one in their right mind would enter the North Woods alone, not unless they h... More

The Legend of the Zodiac
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57

Chapter 12

155 4 2
By SBLoveAuthor

"I'm not getting on that thing," I pointed at the massive animal pawing at the ground a few feet away from me.

"Oh yes you most certainly are," Liam threatened from where he stood at the creatures side.

After giving it another once over, I promptly decided that I would rather limp the whole way to camp than sit astride the horse before me, if you can even call it that. While it exhibited characteristics that screamed "equine", like its long legs and muscular torso, that's where the similarities between the two species ended.

"Nope, not happening." I crossed my arms over my chest, presenting them both with my back.

"Fine, just remember that you asked for this." Liam stated.

"Asked for what?" I began turning around, only to be hoisted in the air and thrown over Liam's shoulder. 

"Put me down, neanderthal!" I slammed my fists against Liam's perfect ass repeatedly, hoping he would drop me. But he didn't. Instead, he slapped me right back.

"Ow!" I slapped him again.

"Quit squirming or I'm going to drop you," he growled before depositing me directly beside the aloof creature.

"Shiva," Liam announced, "meet Little lion. Little lion, meet Shiva." 

I scowled at Liam for a moment before turning my attention to our mount. 

"He's actually kind of beautiful," I admitted, reaching out to caress its shiny obsidian flank, marveling how the gold flecks dusting its neck glinted with the eclipsing sun.

"She." He corrected as he gingerly stroked the creatures forehead, carefully avoiding the three small horns protruding from between its eyes. 

I rolled my eyes, "Oh, my bad. She, is very beautiful."

Shiva snorted her approval. "Yes she is," Liam stated proudly.

Sliding my hand up to pet her long neck, I paused when I reached her withers. "Why doesn't she have a mane?" 

Liam shrugged, "No one knows. Legend says that Aelius created the Demacia as a gift for his wife after she gave birth to their first son. We don't know why he made them the way he did and we don't question it. They are resilient, loyal creatures that only bond with one Fae in their entire lives. I met Shiva a few years ago and we've been inseparable ever since."

My hand paused over Shiva's shoulder and I ducked under her thick neck to glare at him, "There were a lot of words in that explanation that are not in my vocabulary, Sunshine. Care to elaborate?"

It was his turn to roll his eyes, "It would help if I knew which words you were referring too."

"Aelius, Demacia, Fae?" I counted them on my fingers, "Pretty much all of them."

He shook his head, "Ah right, I keep forgetting you are not familiar with the history of Solistium and all those who call the Zodiac Kingdom their home."

"Shiva here," he pointed with his thumb, "is a Demacia. Demacia are the Fae's version of a horse."

"The Fae?" I scrunched my eyebrows together, "As in Faeries?"

Liam nods, concentrating on tightening the stirrup on his side of Shiva before rounding her front to tighten the one on my side. 

All of my favorite books were about Faeries, and I had always dreamed of marrying a handsome faerie prince and living happily ever after - Then I grew up.

I shook my head, "Your full of shit."

Liam's hand paused on the saddle before he turned to look me in the eye.

"Faeries aren't rea.." 

Liam slaps his hand over my mouth, "Never say that! Don't you know that every time someone says that, somewhere a Faerie falls down dead?"

His face is so stern that for a moment I think he is being serious, then his tight frown turns up at the corners and he doubles over with laughter. "You should see your face!"

Instead of waisting the energy it would take to pry his hand off my mouth, I decide to stick my tongue out and touch his palm.

"Gross! You are a child." he grimaced, snatching his hand back then wiping it on his jacket.

I punch him in the bicep, "That's what you get for being a dick, asshole!"

"Not a fan of the taste of your own medicine, eh? Now, are you going to be a good little girl and let me finish your vocabulary lesson?" he waited.

I roll my wrist, "Oh please, do continue."

"Where was I? Ah, yes, the Fae.." he said as he stepped over to where his pack lay on the ground.

"So Fae are real?" I interrupted again. "They're not just some magical being some horny lady in her fifties made up?" 

"Of course we're real." he answered, not looking up as he rummaged around for something.

"We?" I cocked my head.

He let out a sigh before he stood up and removed his hood. Fishing a leather band from his pocket, he tied back his shoulder length waves and turned towards me. 

My mouth hung open as I gawked at the delicate pointed tips at the top of his ears.

He raised his eyebrows, having read my expression. "What did you think I was, Nova? You saw my wings the first night you met me, you had to have realized by now that I'm not human?"

I honestly had forgotten about them. They were part of him, just like the dimples that appear whenever he smiles and the way his eyes turn from amber to gold when he's angry. I peered up through my lashes, gaze landing directly on his wings. He'd had them tucked so tight against his body that they blended in with his dark attire. 

I was still staring when he suddenly lifted his hand in front of my face and snapped his fingers a few times.


Snapping out of it, I turned abruptly and limped over to a nearby bolder to cop-a-squat. 

"Are those things for show or can you actually fly? You know, performance issues are not uncommon. One in five - MotherFucker!" I rubbed the side of my head.

"That hurt asshole!" I glared, bending down to retrieve the canteen at my feet that Liam had just thrown at my face.

"Put that in the saddlebag would you?" he asked with a mischievous grin, "And to answer your question, no, the wings are not just for show."

"So why aren't we then?" I asked, hobbling over to tuck his canteen away in the bag attached to Shiva's saddle.



"Is that something you would be interested in?"

I mulled it over, "I wouldn't be opposed to it."

He thought for a moment before he shook his head, "Maybe another time, preferably when we are in a Zodiac Court that does not have fire breathing winged creatures of death."

"You mean like dragons?" I swallowed audibly.

He nodded, "Don't worry Little lion, I won't let them eat you." He made a point to tickle me in the ribs.

"You mean those fuckers are real too?!?" I laughed, swatting his arm away.

He rolled his eyes again, "Just shut up and get on the Demacia."

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