
By dear13dreamer

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ᴇʟʏꜱɪᴀɴ (ᴀᴅᴊ.) • ʙᴇᴀᴜᴛɪꜰᴜʟ ᴏʀ ᴄʀᴇᴀᴛɪᴠᴇ; ᴅɪᴠɪɴᴇʟʏ ɪɴꜱᴘɪʀᴇᴅ; ᴘᴇᴀᴄᴇꜰᴜʟ ᴀɴᴅ ᴘᴇʀꜰᴇᴄᴛ • ᴊᴜʟɪᴇᴛ ꜰʀᴇɴᴄʜ ʜᴀᴅ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘᴇʀꜰᴇ... More

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89 1 0
By dear13dreamer

xᴠɪɪɪ. ꜱᴇᴇ ʏᴀ!
Adam puts his hand on a palm print on a vertical console.

"Give me access.", He demands before the console lights up,

"Give me-"

A mild electric shock.

"I can learn anything.", He mutters putting his hand back.

"Let's try computers. From the twenty first century to the present date, give me the history of the microprocessor."

Data scrolls down the monitor.

"Oh my God."
"Look, they only give us twenty minutes maintenance. Can't you give it a rest?", Cathica says begrudgingly to The Doctor.

"But you've never been to another floor? Not even one floor down?", He asks.

The Doctor sits in the broadcast chair.

"I went to floor sixteen when I first arrived. That's medical. That's when I got my head done, and then I came straight here. Satellite Five, you work, eat and sleep on the same floor. That's it, that's all. You're not management, are you?", Cathica starts to question him.

"At last. She's clever."

"Yeah, well, whatever it is, don't involve me. I don't know anything."

"Don't you even ask?"

"Well, why would I?"

"You're a journalist. Why's all the crew human?", The Doctor presses further.

"What's that got to do with anything?"

"There's no aliens on board. Why?"

"I don't know. No real reason. They're not banned or anything.", She responds.

"Then where are they?", He prods even further.

"I suppose immigration's tightened up. It's had to, what with all the threats."

"What threats?"

"I don't know all of them. Usual stuff. And the price of space warp doubled so that kept the visitors away. Oh, and the government on Chavic Five's collapsed, so that lot stopped coming, you see. Just lots of little reasons, that's all.", She shrugs during the explanation.

"Adding up to one great big fact, and you didn't even notice."

"Doctor, I think if there was any kind of conspiracy, Satellite Five would have seen it. We see everything."

"I can see better. This society's the wrong shape, even the technology."

"It's cutting edge."

"It's backwards. There's a great big door in your head. You should've chucked this out years ago.", He is thinking aloud.

"So, what do you think's going on?", Rose finally pipes up.

"It's not just this space station, it's the whole attitude. It's the way people think. The great and bountiful Human Empire's stunted. Something's holding it back.", He mumbles slightly.

"And how would you know?", Cathica asks skeptically.

"Trust me, humanity's been set back about ninety years. When did Satellite Five start broadcasting?"

"Ninety one years ago."
Adam phones home again.

"Mum, Dad, keep this message, okay?"
"Whatever you do, don't erase it. Save it. You got that?", His voice is heard over the phone.
"The microprocessor became redundant in the year two thousand nineteen, replaced by a system called SMT. That's Single Molecule Transcription-", He is cut off by the display changing to a message- Floor 16.

"No, no, no, no, no! What're you doing? Come back! Why are you doing that? What's Floor sixteen? What's down there?", He says to himself.
The lift doors to reveal Adam. He walks to the one desk where there isn't a conversation going on.

"Sorry, er, floor sixteen, that's, er. What do you cover?", He asks a nurse.

"Medical non-emergency."

"Right. Yeah, wrong floor. I'm having technical difficulties. My screen keeps freezing, blocking me out.", He explains.

"No, that's medical. There must be something wrong with your chip."

"Yes. Yeah, of course, yeah. I haven't got one."

"No wonder you can't get a screen to work. What are you, a student?"

"Yes. Yeah, I'm er, I'm on a research project from the University of Mars.", He lies.

"The Martian boondocks. Typical.", The Nurse rolls her eyes.


"Well, you still need chipping."

"So, does that mean like brain surgery?"

"That's an old fashioned phrase, but it's the same thing, yes.", She tells him.

"Oh. Okay, never mind. But if I get a chip that means I could use any computer.", He is thinking aloud, forgetting about the Nurse's presence all together.

"Absolutely. You'll have to pay for it. They've stopped subsidising."

"Oh! Right. Sorry. Wasting your time. Thanks."

Adam walks away, then goes back.

"Hold on. Can I use this?", He asks.

He holds up the card from the cashpoint.

"That'll do nicely.", She smiles at him.
Adam is sitting in an operating chair. The nurse puts a circular device above his head.

"It all comes down to two basic types. Type one, the head chip inserted into the back of the skull, one hundred credits. There's the chip. Tiny. Invisible. No scarring. Type two is the full info-spike.", The Nurse explains.

"Oh, that's the-"

He points to his forehead.

"Thing.", He finishes his thought.

"That's the one. It does cost ten thousand.", She informs him.

"Oh, well, I, er, I couldn't afford it then."

"Not at all. It turns out you've got unlimited credit."

"No, but I couldn't have it done, I mean, that's got to hurt, hasn't it?", He is starting to worry.

"Painless. Contractual guarantee."

"No, my mate's waiting upstairs, I can't have major surgery.", He tries even harder to get out of this.

"It takes ten minutes. That sort of money buys a very fast picosurgeon.", The Nurse counters.

"No, but I, I couldn't. No, no, it's-"

"Type one, you can interface with a simple computer. Type two, you are the computer. You can transmit any piece of information from the archive of Satellite Five, which is just about the entire history of the human race. Now, which one's it going to be?", She cuts him off.
The Doctor is using his sonic screwdriver on a pair of double doors.

"We are so going to get in trouble. You're not allowed to touch the mainframe. You're going to get told off.", Cathica warns him.

"Rose, tell her to button it.", He says over his shoulder.

"You can't just vandalise the place.
Someone's going to notice!", Cathica exclaims just as the door open.
The Editor is watching all this on the monitor. Suki has joined the ranks of the undead computer operators.

"I don't understand. We did a full security scan. That man was there when we found Suki Macrae Cantrell. There were no indications about him. And yet here he is, clearly acting outside the parameters. Fascinating.", He says to himself.

A Snarl and a growl are heard, presumably from above him.

"Yes, sir. Absolutely. At once. Check him. Double check him. Triple check him. Quadruple.", The Editor orders and the creature once again makes noises from above.
The Doctor is having fun making things go sput amongst the mare's nest of wiring.

"This is nothing to do with me. I'm going back to work.", Cathica announces.

"Go on, then. See you!", The Doctor quips.

"I can't just leave you, can I!", She counters.

"If you want to be useful, get them to turn the heating down. It's boiling. What's wrong with this place? Can't they do something about it?", Rose says waving her hand in front of her face.

Juliet suddenly produces a fan from her pocket and hands it to her.

"Aw. Thanks, Love. Always prepared. Ever the mum.", She chuckles before bopping her nose.

Juliet smiles before producing another fan from her other pocket and using it for herself.

"I don't know. We keep asking. Something to do with the turbine.", Cathica responds to Rose's previous question.

"Something to do with the turbine.", The Doctor mutters.

"Well, I don't know!", Cathica cries.

"Exactly. I give up on you, Cathica. Now, Rose. Look at Rose. Rose is asking the right kind of question."

"Oh, thank you.", She says.

"Why is it so hot?", The Doctor says suddenly.

"I've got a guess.", Juliet mutters looking at her reflection in a nearby piece of glass.

Rose laughs.

"Very good, Hon.", She starts to braid her girlfriend's hair, so it's out of her face.

"One minute you're worried about the Empire and the next it's the central heating!", Cathica is outraged.

"Well, never underestimate plumbing. Plumbing's very important.", He smiles.
"Security scan complete.", A computer voice informs The Editor.

"Well, who is he?"

"He is no one.", The Computer replies.

"What does that mean?"

"He is no one."

"What, you mean he has a fake ID?", The Editor asks.

He has no identification."

"But everyone's registered. We have a census for the entire Empire.", The Editor is growing more annoyed by the second.

"He is no one."

"What, he doesn't exist? Not anywhere?"

"He is no one.", The Computer repeats.

"What about the blonde and the brunette?", He sighs.

"They are no one."

"All three of them? Well, we all know what happens to non-entities. They get promoted. Bring them up.", He orders.
The Doctor produces a monitor with a schematic on it.

"Here we go. Satellite Five, pipes and plumbing. Look at the layout.", He says.

"This is ridiculous. You've got access to the computer's core. You can look at the archive, the news, the stock exchange and you're looking at pipes?", Cathica again is confused by his priorities.

"But there's something wrong."

"I suppose.", She gives in.

"Why, what is it?", Juliet asks just as Rose finishes her braids.

"The ventilation system. Cooling ducts, ice filters, all working flat out channelling massive amounts of heat down.", Cathica explains.

"All the way from the top.", The Doctor realizes.

"Floor five hundred.", Rose adds.

"Something up there is generating tons and tons of heat."

"Well, I don't know about you, but I feel like I'm missing out on a party. It's all going on upstairs. Fancy a trip?", Rose quips, lighting the mood slightly.

"You can't. You need a key.", Cathica tells them.

Juliet rolls her eyes. She has long been done with this behavior.

"Keys are just codes, and I've got the codes right here. Here we go. Override two one five point nine.", The Doctor scoffs.

The monitor shows 215.9976/31

"How come it's given you the code?", Cathica asks.
"Someone up there likes me.", The Doctor's voice rings throughout the room.
"I told you it was painless. No scarring, you see?", The Nurse smiles.

"Perfect success."

"How do I activate it?", Adam asks.

"It's a personal choice. Some people whistle. I know one man who triggers it with O, Danny Boy. But you're set on default for now. That's a click of the fingers.", She answers.

"So you mean, I just..", He trails off.

"Click.", She finishes his sentence.
"Come on. Come with us.", Juliet encourages Cathica.

"No way.", She adamantly refuses.

"Bye!", The Doctor exclaims.

"Well, don't mention my name. When you get in trouble, just don't involve me.", Cathica says before she leaves.

"That's her gone. Adam's given up. Looks like it's just you two and me.", He smiles at the girls.

"Yeah.", They say.


"Yep.", Rose says.
Adam clicks his fingers and the portal in his forehead opens to reveal his brain. He clicks it shuts again.

"Oh, my God. I'm going to be sick.", He looks very pale by now.

He leans forward and retches, then pulls a pale ice cube out of his mouth.

"Special offer. We installed the vomitomatic at the same time. Nano-termites have been placed in the lining of your throat. In the event of sickness, they freeze the waste.", The Nurse explains to him.

Adam can't bring himself to respond, so instead he simply nods at her.
"The walls are not made of gold. You two should go back downstairs.", The Doctor says when they walk in.

"Tough.", Juliet scoffs.

They find the Editor and his staff.

"I started without you. This is fascinating. Satellite Five contains every piece of information within the Fourth Great and Bountiful Human Empire. Birth certificates, shopping habits, bank statements, but you three, you don't exist. Not a trace. No birth, no job, not the slightest kiss. How can you walk through the world and not leave a single footprint?", The Editor is talking to them as they find him.

"Suki. Suki! Hello? Can you hear me? Suki? What have you done to her?", Rose notices the former acquaintance and runs over to check on her.

"I think she's dead.", The Doctor informs her, grimly.

"She's working.", Juliet notices as she walks over and rubs Rose's back, in order to sooth her.

"They've all got chips in their head, and the chips keep going, like puppets.", The Doctor once again figures out what's happened.

"Oh! You're full of information. But it's only fair we get some information back, because apparently, you're no one. It's so rare not to know something. Who are you?", The Editor inquires.

"It doesn't matter, because we're off. Nice to meet you. Come on.", The Doctor says to the girls.

Suki grabs Rose's arm. Two other zombies grab the Doctor. And another comes from behind and grabs hold of Juliet, despite her flailing arms and legs.

"Tell me who you are.", The Editor demands.

"Since that information's keeping us alive, I'm hardly going to say, am I.", The Doctor quips.

"Well, perhaps my Editor in Chief can convince you otherwise."

"And who's that?"

"It may interest you to know that this is not the Fourth Great and Bountiful Human Empire. In fact, it's not actually human at all. It's merely a place where humans happen to live.", The Editor says before he is cut off by a growl and a snarl.

"Yeah. Yeah, sorry. It's a place where humans are allowed to live by kind permission of my client.", He continues.

It is finally revealed, that a giant lump is hanging from the ceiling, with a very nasty set of teeth in a mouth on the end of a pseudopod.

"What is that?", Juliet asks.

"You mean that thing's in charge of Satellite Five?", The Doctor asks.

"That thing, as you put it, is in charge of the human race. For almost a hundred years, mankind has been shaped and guided, his knowledge and ambition strictly controlled by it's broadcast news, edited by my superior, your master, and humanity's guiding light, the Mighty Jagrafess of the Holy Hadrojassic Maxarodenfoe. I call him Max.", The Editor corrects him.

Down on Floor 139 Adam avoids Cathica as she goes to take another look at the schematic that the Doctor called up. Then she goes to the lift and punches in the code for Floor 500.

Meanwhile, the Doctor, Juliet and Rose have been placed in hefty sets of manacles. Juliet reaches over and hold Rose's hand, despite the tightening of the ropes eating into her wrists.

"Create a climate of fear and it's easy to keep the borders closed. It's just a matter of emphasis. The right word in the right broadcast repeated often enough can destabilise an economy, invent an enemy, change a vote."

"So all the people on Earth are like, slaves.", Rose says, the disgust evident in her voice.

"Well, now, there's an interesting point. Is a slave a slave if he doesn't know he's enslaved?"

"Yes.", The imprisoned trio exclaims.

"Oh. I was hoping for a philosophical debate. Is that all I'm going to get? Yes?", The Editor rolls his eyes.

"Yes.", The Doctor replies with a stone cold look on his face.

"You're no fun.", The Editor sighs.

"Let me out of these manacles. You'll find out how much fun I am."

"Oh, he's tough, isn't he. But, come on. Isn't it a great system? You've got to admire it, just a little bit.", The Editor addresses Rose specifically.

Juliet's nose scrunches up as she attempts to show him their linked hands, but she gives up when she realizes that the ropes just cut even deeper into her skin.

"You can't hide something on this scale. Somebody must have noticed.", Rose says.

"From time to time, someone, yes, but the computer chip system allows me to see inside their brains. I can see the smallest doubt and crush it.", The Editor smirks evilly.

Cathica arrives on Floor 500. Adam goes to the broadcast room on 139.

"Then they just carry on, living the life, strutting about downstairs and all over the surface of the Earth like they're so individual, when of course, they're not. They're just cattle. In that respect, the Jagrafess hasn't changed a thing."

The Doctor, Juliet and Rose spot Cathica behind the Editor's back.

"What about you? You're not a Jagrabelly-", Juliet butchers the pronunciation of the creature.

"Jagrafess.", The Doctor corrects.

"Jagrafess. You're not a Jagrafess. You're human.", She continues.

"Yeah, well, simply being human doesn't pay very well.", The Editor snaps.

"But you couldn't have done this all on your own."

"No. I represent a consortium of banks. Money prefers a long-term investment. Also, the Jagrafess needed a little hand to install himself."

"No wonder, a creature that size. What's his life span?", The Doctor inquires.

"Three thousand years."

"That's one hell of a metabolism generating all that heat. That's why Satellite Five's so hot. You pump it out of the creature, channel it downstairs. Jagrafess stays cool, it stays alive. Satellite Five is one great big life support system.", The Doctor works it out.
Adam settles in the broadcast chair and opens his portal, then phones home.

"It's me again. Don't wipe this message. It's just going to sound like white noise, but save it because I can translate it, okay? Three, two, one and spike.", Adam's voice rings out over the voice. The information beams strikes him.
"But that's why you're so dangerous. Knowledge is power, but you remain unknown. Who are you?", The Editor yet again is grilling The Doctor for answers.

The Editor snaps his fingers and energy surges through the manacles. Back in the now, the little dog watches energy encircling the telephone answering machine.

"Leave them alone. I'm the Doctor, she's Rose Tyler and this is Juliet French. We're nothing, we're just wandering.", The Doctor exclaims in anguish.

"Tell me who you are!", The Editor growls.

"I just said!"

"Yes, but who do you work for? Who sent you? Who knows about us? Who exactly-"

He stops. The Jagrafess growls.

"Time Lord.", He says simply.

The Doctor takes a worried glance at Juliet but neither her or Rose notice.


"Oh, yes. The last of the Time Lords in his travelling machine. Oh, with his little human girls from long ago-", He is cut off by a very upset Doctor. He is however, slightly relieved he didn't pick up his secret.

"You don't know what you're talking about.", He spits.

"Time travel.", The Editor smirks.
Adam screams as information is sucked out of his brain.

"Help!", Adam yelps.
"Someone's been telling you lies.", The Doctor says.

"Young master Adam Mitchell?", The Editor grins.

The Editor calls up the holo-monitor showing Adam in the broadcast chair.

"Oh, my God. His head!", Rose exclaims.

"I knew he would do something stupid. Why does this always happen!", Juliet complains.

"What the hell's he done? What the hell's he gone and done? They're reading his mind. He's telling them everything.", The Doctor is angry now.

"And through him, I know everything about you. Every piece of information in his head is now mine. And you have infinite knowledge, Doctor. The Human Empire is tiny compared to what you've seen in your T A R D I S. Tardis.", The Editor grows more and more cocky by the minute.

"Well, you'll never get your hands on it. I'll die first."

"Die all you like. I don't need you. I've got the key."

The Tardis key rises from Adam's pocket.

"You and your boyfriends!", The Doctor exclaims to Rose.

"For the last time, he's not her bo-"

"Shut it Jules! Not the time.", The Doctor seethes at her. She rolls her eyes.

"Today, we are the headlines. We can
rewrite history. We could prevent mankind from ever developing.", The Editor smiles.

"And no one's going to stop you because you've bred a human race that doesn't bother to ask questions. Stupid little slaves, believing every lie. They'll just trot right into the slaughter house if they're told it's made of gold.", The Doctor says growing annoyed.

The Jagrafess snarls, and Cathica leaves.
Cathica throws the corpse off the broadcast chair and sits down.

"Disengage safety.", She says softly.
"What's happening?", The Editor's face falls and his smiles drops.
"Maximum access. Override Floor one three nine.", Cathica speaks again.

Adam is disconnected. The Tardis key falls to the floor.

"And spike!", She exclaims.
"Someone's disengaged the safety. Who's that?", The Editor is determined to get answers.

He calls the image up on the holo-monitor.

"It's Cathica.", Rose observes.

"And she's thinking. She's using what she knows.", Juliet chuckles.

"Terminate her access."

"Everything I told her about Satellite Five. The pipes, the filters, she's reversing it. Look at that.", The Doctor smiles.

The icicles are starting to melt.

"It's getting hot.", He taunts The Editor who is scrambling to stop her.

"I said, terminate. Burn out her mind.", He orders Suki.
"Oh no, you don't. You should have promoted me years back.", Cathica mutters.
The consoles explode and the dead operators collapse. Alarms sound in the rest of Satellite Five and people panic. Rose and Juliet get out of their manacles and hug briefly.

"She's venting the heat up here. The Jagrafess needs to stay cool and now it's sitting on top of a volcano.", The Doctor explains.

"Yes, I'm trying, sir, but I don't know how she did it. It's impossible. A member of staff with an idea.", The Editor speaks to Max.

The Editor takes Suki's seat while Rose tries to free The Doctor. She gets the sonic screwdriver from his pocket. Juliet keeps watch on The Editor.

"What do I do?"

"Flick the switch! Better yet, Juliet!", The Doctor whispers to them. Juliet comes over.

"Flick the switch.", She nods and grabs the screwdriver.

"Oi, mate, want to bank on a certainty? Massive heat in a massive body, massive bang. See you in the headlines!", The Doctor exclaims as his binds fall.

Finally free, the trio leaves.

"Actually, sir, if it's all the same to you, I think I'll resign. Bye, then!", The Editor exclaims before attempting to run away.

Suki grabs his ankle and he falls.

"Let go of me!"

The Doctor, Juliet Rose run for the broadcast as chunks of ice fall from the ceiling, the satellite shudders and the Jagrafess growls. As their running, Juliet stops briefly to grab her head. In her mind, images flash. She sees a woman holding a screwdriver and fighting a dalek. She looks over to see who she presumes is The Doctor, but he looks different. She only caught a glimpse of a bow tie before she was pulled back into reality. She shook away the odd flashes and continued to run.

"Let go of me! Let go of me!", The Editor yet again cries.

The Jagrafess explodes. The Doctor snaps his fingers and closes Cathica's portal.
As dawn rises over Mother Earth, the people on level 139 are helping the injured.

"We're just going to go. I hate tidying up. Too many questions. You'll manage.", The Doctor says to her.

"You'll have to stay and explain it. No one's going to believe me.", She says.

"Oh, they might start believing a lot of things now. The human race should accelerate. All back to normal."

"What about your friend?", She asks.

"He's not my friend.", The Doctor rolls his eyes.

"Now, don't-", Rose is cut off by Adam himself.

"I'm all right now. Much better. And I've got the key. Look, it's. It all worked out for the best, didn't it? You know, it's not actually my fault, because you were in charge.", He blames The Doctor.

The Doctor angrily pushes Adam into the Tardis.
And out of the Tardis.

"It's my house. I'm home! Oh, my God, I'm home! Blimey. I thought you were going to chuck me out of an airlock.", Adam exclaims with a chuckle.

"Is there something else you want to tell me?", The Doctor clenched his jaw.

"No. What do you mean?", Adam plays dumb.

The Doctor picks up the answering machine.

"The archive of Satellite Five. One second of that message could've changed the world."

The Doctor sonic screwdrivers the poor defenceless telephone. It explodes.

"That's it, then. See you.", He shrugs and goes to leave but Adam speaks again.

"How do you mean, see you?", He asks.

"As in goodbye.", Juliet says earning a shoulder slap from Rose.

"But what about me? You can't just go. I've got my head. I've got a chip type two. My head opens.", Adam's voice gets higher.

"What, like this?", The Doctor snaps with a smirk.

"Don't.", Adam groans before he closes it.

"Don't do what?", The Doctor taunts before doing it again.

"Stop it!"


"All right now, Doctor, that's enough. Stop it.", Rose steps up beside him, along with Juliet.

"Thank you.", Adam sighs.

Rose clicks her fingers.


"Sorry, I couldn't resist.", She chuckles.

Adam closes it again.

"The whole of history could have changed because of you.", The Doctor scolds him.

"Ijust wanted to help."

"You were helping yourself."

"And I'm sorry. I've said I'm sorry, and I am, I really am, but you can't just leave me like this.", Adam begs.

"Yes I can. 'Cause if you show that head to anyone, they'll dissect you in seconds. You'll have to live a very quiet life. Keep out of trouble. Be average, unseen. Good luck."

"But I want to come with you.", Adam whines.

"I only take the best. I've got Juliet and Rose."

Adam's mum comes in the front door.

"Rose, Rose. Oh, my God.", Adam panics.

"Who's that? Geoff, is that you?"

"It's me, mum. Don't come in. Wait there a minute.", Adam tries to keep her away.

"Oh, my Lord. You never told me you were coming home! Hold on, I'll just take my coat off. You should've told me you were coming home. I would've got your favourite tea in.", The woman suddenly exclaims.

"Rose, take me with you.", He begs again.

The Tardis engine starts up. Rose and Juliet go inside along with The Doctor and it dematerialises.

"Hey, what's that noise? Have you left the back door open? Blimey, there's a draft."

She enters the front room.

"What a surprise. Oh, let me look at you. Oh, six months. It's like I saw you yesterday. Isn't it funny? The time goes by like that."

She clicks her fingers. Oops.
Author's Note: I apologize for the long wait on this chapter! I don't really like this episode so it was difficult for me to write. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed!

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