Unspoken Legacy (Unspoken Tri...

By mcblobby

181 26 38

After the events of Multiplex and Black Swan, Leah poses a new threat. It's her senior year and she just want... More

be better
another family dinner, another disaster
trouble in paradise
you like having me around?
be enlightened
she is everywhere I go
you're just a kid
beautiful but dangerous thing
falling for him
i love you
you could never hurt me
just good?
both worlds
the best thing for now
i've really missed you
no cheating
everything was my fault
people like us shouldn't be alone
sunshine and rainbows
dead flu
all this time, you were her
you are my parents
we can't be scared to live forever
no more mistakes
stop telling lies

they said you would be here

5 0 2
By mcblobby

The first day of senior year was awful, I had to go back to everyone giving me condolences about Hayden. Since her death was so late in the year I didn't go to school much and if I did I didn't stay long.

So everyone was saying sorry to me and I wanted to come back to school with fresh new eyes.

That didn't happen.

I spotted Paige and Becca in the hallways and I ran up to them and they slung their arms around me.

"How are we feeling about senior year?" Paige asked.

"Good," Becca and I answered at the same time. We looked at each other and giggled.

Marshall attacked us from behind along with River.

River was one of Marshall's new friends, he was a junior who became close with during summer football practices. River was tall, he had cinnamon brown skin with freckles all over. His hair was short, and his eyes were a deep brown that sometimes were a light brown.

River looked even more excited than Marshall did today.

River stole Paige around from my arm and spun her around. According to Marshall, River liked Paige. Paige was utterly clueless at the fact that he did.

I did tell Becca when Marshall told me, we had been trying to hint to her that he liked her but nothing.

"So North and Taylor, where are you off to?" Marshall squeezed in the middle of us since Paige and River ran off.

Becca pulled out her schedule, "I have greenhouse." She handed hers to Marshall and he snacthed mine along with hers anc was comparing it to his.

"We have no classes together in the North." He pouted and his eyes looked sad.

I took my schedule back, "When did that ever stop you from seeing me?"

He rolled his eyes and disconnected from us, "Fair point. See you guys at lunch!"

Becca's head turned to me, "When are you going to admit you like him?"

I nearly choked hearing her words and my face burned up. I fixed my hair as if it suddenly got hot. "I have no idea what you are talking about."

Becca pulled me off to the side where the entrance of my class was, "'When did that ever stop you from seeing me?' Oh please Leah."

"It's the truth!" I pleaded.

Her green eyes practically sighed themselves and she ran her fingers through her hair, "Remember when you did the same thing with Odessa and Asher with me? This is payback. I see how you too look at each other. You lie all the time Leah, this is one of them."

"Whatever Becca, I'll see you at practice yeah?"

"Whatever Leah, avoid it until you can't! Then I'll be waiting and I told you so!" Becca disappeared down the hallway.

I don't like Marshall. Becca was just being Becca and messing with things that just aren't that way.


I had a break from practice so I sat on the bleachers and was working on my portfolio for college. It was something I was making a priority.

I had in my earbuds and was using every last chance I had. Doubling everything was challenging but I was constantly busy.

Hands jumped onto my shoulders and someone sat down fast next to me. "North, what are you working on?" It was Marshall. Of course it was.

He was also practicing and he took his break to talk to me. Great.

"Portfolio, it's due soon and I'm working on last minute sketches. What are you up to after practice?"

"Nothing, want to hangout?" He asked his hand sliding through his sweat soaked hair.

I moved away an inch, "First, shower. Then if you are willing to hangout with me and Paige."

His helmet hung in his hands, "Can we grab food?"

I closed my sketchbook, "Sure." My phone buzzed with the sound that there was an alien fight in the city.

I had connected the console downstairs from my parents house to my phone, it was able to alert me when there was an alien attack. I wired it to the police station thanks to the internet. It took a couple tries but I also asked Marshall how you would do it.

He worked on tech in his spare time. He didn't really think much of it but I think he did know. He definitely knew my secret but was being kind enough to not tell anyone and keep it to himself.

"I have to go to the bathroom. I'll be back," I said and I raced down the bleachers. Once I was far enough away I ran off and my suit materialized.

I clicked on the mask and like other times they were trying to rob a bank. There was a steady increase in that area.

When I got there I was lurking in the shadows, they had hostages and one was wounded by the time I had gotten there.

I moved swiftly getting some out one by one without him noticing first. The others got complicated, there was a child that they had held by their hair.

I flicked flames to his skin in a pinpointed manner so it wouldn't hit the child's hair.

The alien put the fire out from his arm and glared at me. They dropped the child and the child ran back to their mom.

The alien had green markings running up their arms. They ran at me and I dodged them rolling on the ground and standing back up again.

"They said you would be here," the alien mocked.

I was confused, "Who?"

The alien caught me off guard and grabbed my wrist slamming me down to the ground and their hand slammed on my back. His power must have been some kind of acid because it burned through my suit and made contact with my skin.

I took his arm and used my superstrength and flames and made him feel the burn this time. They tried to grasp at my mask and I grabbed them so they couldn't touch me. It seemed their power came through their hands only.

I let power wash through me and into him and he immediately was scared and overwhelmed by my power. Their eyes darted away from me. I kneed them in the stomach, "Who said I would be here?"

They shook their head and wouldn't look at me. I kneed them again this time harder with power and they still wouldn't say anything.

"Okay fine be that way," I took their hands and made a power cuff around his arms. I walked them out of the bank and still held on to them and they moved and squirmed and I kept restraining him.

My brother was waiting for me, regardless of what happened with Hayden we had a mutual understanding. The first time I saw him after all I could do was apologize. He didn't say much but I think he realized he needed me in the city and I needed him.

The government has made the police power damping cuffs and I didn't have access to those. Luckly according to Landon I was not in the sights to arrest since I had taken down Multiplex and Black Swan and I hadn't posed a threat.

"Hey Landon, got someone new today," I said smiling ear to ear and passed them to Landon and he slapped on the new cuffs and I took off my own restraints.

He moved him off to the police car, "You never get a day off huh?"

"Not lately, no. Also the one who was wounded, seems like an acid burn because of their power," I showed Landon my wrist and my back that was exposed. It was just my shirt underneath that I could never feel. I did have welts on my arm I was going to have to look at later.

He peered at the person, "Acid? That's new."

I shrugged, "Eh, it's nothing. Also you might want to look into that guy being sent and knowing I would be there. I think they were sent, wasn't their choice or something."

"They told you that?" He motioned his hand for me to walk with him.

"Something along those lines, might make sense of why it's been so crazy lately. Anyways I have to go, let me know if he talks. Keep me informed please," I said before running off and he grabbed my arm before leaving.

His eyes met mine, "Are you thinking of another Multiplex?"

I looked at him, "I really hope not for our sakes. Next time I see you we will have a communication device. You are the only one I trust."

He nodded and let me go. I got back to the school and came out of the bathroom. I had been gone for about ten minutes.

I needed something to cover up my arm. I kept it behind my arm but I saw Marshall on the side he was picking up.

I tapped him on the back, "Do you have a jacket or something?"

His eyes widened as he saw me, "Why?"

I quietly showed him my arm and he winced when he saw it. He looked at my eyes and then looked down again.

He sat down the stuff, "Hang here for a second and I'll grab my hoodie," he was getting to run off and he waited for a second, "It's hot out thou-"

"I don't care Marshall. Just please grab me something," I said and he nodded.

I saw my friends waiting off to the side and he ran back out holding his navy blue hoodie. I slipped it over my head and it managed to cover my wrist and the spot on my back.

"Good?" Marshall smiled looking me up and down in his hoodie.

I pushed him away, "Yes, now go shower and get changed."

Something that was bugging me is that someone probably sent that alien and knew I was going to be there. I mean anyone would know I would be there but it was the fact that he said it directly. He was also quiet and wouldn't say anything when I asked.

I had a nice summer and I wasn't looking for another Multiplex. I was looking for a chill senior year and just go with the flow. I did not want the stress that came with the whole Multiplex and Black Swan situation.

I also just did not want to do that all over again. I couldn't risk my family and friends. I couldn't lose someone else. 

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