It Is Well With The Van

By BDub116

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B. Wells and DaVan are up and coming rappers in their city of Rochester. They're normal people, at least for... More

Chapter 1: GO!
Chapter 2: The Title Track
Chapter 3: Angel and a Devil
Chapter 4: Action
Chapter 5: Run Up On Me
Chapter 6: Sanctified
Chapter 7: Code
Chapter 8: Midnight
Chapter 9: Making It
Chapter 11: Turn Up
Chapter 12: Ride For My Bruddas
Chapter 13: Don't Want Your Love
Chapter 14: Lean
Chapter 15: Diamond
Chapter 16: Bad B!
Chapter 17: Stress
Chapter 18: You Feel Me?
Chapter 19: Disappoint You
Chapter 20: Trenches
Epilogue: Beatbox Freestyle

Chapter 10: Get Banged (Part 2)

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By BDub116

It was time to end this.

Erik ran first. And B. Wells reacted as quickly as he ever had before. He used Aero to jump up high and avoid Reinhart's punch.

"Wow. Never knew a bald chorus teacher could get so angry." B. Wells taunted.

Reinhart jumped up higher than he ever had and landed with such agility that DBro stepped back a little.

"Woah, chill!"

"I don't think that's gonna help." Josh said nervously.

The man's eyes flared up. "You made a mistake underestimating me."

"That's where you're wrong. You underestimated us." Evan shot back.

"Yeah!" Tommy shouted. "You old fart!"

"Careful!" Billy warned. "You don't want to make him angrier."

"He's right." Erik said, glaring. "You can't beat us."

"Course we can. Cause we got superpowers!"

Billy turned his wrist just as he did in Westview and froze all of the ninjas in place. His power didn't work on Reinhart, though. For some odd reason.

Ven helped boost Tommy up to the roof as he used his speed to punch some of The Hand in their faces and kicking them in their... Y'know.

"You guys are so awesome!" DaVan cheered.

With the power of the team, there was no way Reinhart could win.

But he was determined.

The man summoned all of the power vested in him to raise his hands up and bring a kind of orange-black energy onto himself and the ninjas who recovered quickly.

"Woah..." Ven said, shocked. "Is that our school colors?"

"I knew it was corrupt!" B. Wells jumped in.

More ninjas climbed down to the ground.

William Hutson sighed from behind the tree. "Alright, that's it. Jon, stay behind. Daveed, let's go."

"Wait, what happened to staying hidden?"

"This is bigger than we thought. We gotta help them."

Daveed looked out at the battleground. "Yeah, you're right. The old dude's got power."

"On my signal. 3, 2, 1-"

Jonathan rushed towards the men and used the electrical Fistigons to bring a super punch to the ninjas' faces.

Daveed Diggs fought city-style as he sent more guys toppling as they ran towards him.

"Man, I hate these guys." He muttered while punching one in the gut.

William kept on shooting from a farther distance as DaVan beat up some guys too.

Finally, B. Wells stepped into the clearing and stood across from Mr. Reinhart with an angry stare.

"I got a question for you, Erik... Have you ever punched a nun?"

The man had a quizzical look on his face after that, confused. "What?"

"Have you ever punched a nun?"

The evil baldy smiled. "Yes, in fact, I have. It was pretty fun."

B. Wells' jaw dropped. How do you recover from hearing that statement from a bald middle aged chorus teacher that was trying to kill you?

Luckily, DBro saved him with a fist to Reinhart's eyeball.

Josh gasped louder than ever. "DBRO?!" He shouted in amazement.

"Talk on the gang, you gonna get banged! That's right! I just punched a none! Get it? Cause you got none! Nothing! No-"

"DBro, I think we get it."

Well, now all the baddies were mad.

But surprisingly, B. Wells and DaVan were angrier.

Because they were not gonna let Reinhart ruin their lives today.

Master Eraqus slashed his keyblade through the wind as more members of The Hand came at him.

But the keyblade master prevailed, defeating many men every second he was fighting.

Even Gasper, who the Maximoff twins helped, fought some guys with his gasps and slaps.

Everyone in the crew knew exactly how to participate in this fight. Clipping, Eraqus, Ven, Gasper, DBro, Billy, Tommy and of course the rappers themselves made themselves all useful in the battle to defeat Erik Reinhart.

And then it finally happened. B. Wells faced off against the man, jumping up and throwing a punch to the eye as Reinhart staggered back. He shook his head aggressively, laughing.

"One little punch won't stop me." He threw a wild one at Brandon, who felt the fist at a very fast pace, something that he didn't expect that night. But Ventus healed him up fast with his magic quickly, letting him recover and throw another punch.

But something seemed to happen when more punches came. B. Wells kept on going. He punched. And punched. And punched. And punched. And punched... And punched.

But like The Joker, Reinhart just laughed. He laughed harder than Brandon had ever heard him laugh before. He seemed... Evil. Erik wasn't a chorus teacher anymore. He was a supervillain.

And when B. Wells looked closer, he saw that his eye began to look less like an eye when he punched it. It looked more... Metallic... Greener.... Alien.

Soon, it looked like his eye wasn't really even an eye at all. In fact, the skin itself started to, sort of peel off.

Brandon looked on in horror. "What... What are you?!!"

DaVan saw this and stopped along with all of the others to try to understand what was going on. And suddenly, the ninjas stopped too. Every person stared at bald man as Reinhart's face showed more deformity. B. Wells wasn't even punching anymore. He just started peeling skin off like a mad clown.

Escalation hadn't been any higher than this. Because Evan Haggett and Brandon Wells didn't not think that this was where all of this was going. But Reinhart's two eyes were getting crazier.... Faker.... False.... And when it all ended, there were not two eyes anymore.

There was only one.

Reinhart was not Reinhart anymore. His head had multiple tentacles hanging from the top, and he had the appearance of an alien cyclops.

When B. Wells looked away for just one second he'd found that the ninjas were changing too. Just in a different way. They weren't peeling like Erik, they were illuminating. Their shape changed, and...

"What... In the heck... Is going on????"

Tommy and Billy stood close, remembering to protect each other no matter what. Eraqus stood in front of Ven, and Daveed Diggs stayed in his fighting stance with Jonathan Snipes and William Hutson as they watched the ongoing transformation.

B. Wells backed up, his jaw dropped. "What... WHAT IS THAT THING??!!!" He yelled, terrified.

It was then that Ventus realized something.

"The Hand... They're not really here!"

"What's that supposed to mean?" Daveed shouted back.

"No, they're real." Eraqus confirmed. "They're just not who they seem."

And in one swift motion, the ninjas seemed to beam up to the sky in a white portal, disappear, and... Kind of re-materialize out of thin air, as....

"Holy crap."

Round, metal machines, with a tube at the head with one blue light, a suction cup to the side and an additional threatening looking weapon.

"Now what?" DaVan screamed frantically. "Who are these guys?!"

There was a bit of silence for what seemed like 10 long seconds, and then one of them moved forward.


Everyone stood frozen unsure of what to say.


Tommy and Billy put their hands up as if they were about to be arrested by some sinister force.

"Uh, excuse me?" DBro said, breaking the silence.

"SILENCE! SILENCE!" The one Dalek roared.

"Enough." The alien said in-between them. "They are the Daleks."

"And what are you?" B. Wells asked.

"...I am... The human... Dalek. I am your future."

"So... Reinhart... That was all a lie? A ruse?"


"But Mr. Reinhart's been here for years." Ven protested.

"It's likely that the Daleks have been secretly infiltrating New York State for a long time and we just didn't see it." Eraqus theorized.


"Then why Reinhart? Why infiltrate Rochester?!" DaVan demanded. "You have no business here!"


Daveed grimaced. "Robots. And I thought NYC was crazy."

The human Dalek opened his mouth. "There is a presence here. An unchangeable force of two. First, Terra and the drill sergeant called Hartman. Then, Isadora and Duncan Quagmire, William and George Denbrough, Ventus and the girl Noodle, The Maximoff Twins... And now you."

Everyone's eyes widened as the Daleks stared at the group, now knowing that they were defeated by the sudden change of tone.

"They've been here since the beginning." Eraqus realized. "Terra and Hartman. That was when everything went wrong."

Jon snapped his fingers. "Hey! What do you notice about all of these duos?"

"They're all linked to us?" Tommy suggested.

"They're all kids. Remember, Terra was still just 18 when he first went missing according to Eraqus. The Daleks have been watching kids for all these years, trying to get them to turn."

"Turn? Like turning evil?" Billy asked. "I would never do that."

"But the Daleks tried." Eraqus stepped in. "You were all tempted one way or another at some time to let the villain win. To think like them... But then what? What's your motive in all of this?"


"But you've tried and failed over and over many times. Why reveal yourselves now?" B. Wells inquired.

"Dalek Caan sees the future. It is our time. We will reign supreme."

"Oh, that actually makes sense."

"Evil aliens taking over the world makes sense?!" DBro exclaimed.

"No, but the fact that they know the future makes sense. They revealed themselves because they think they'll be able to take over now."

"And they probably will." Daveed finished. "Unless we do something about it."


Josh hung his head. "I guess it's over, guys. We're gonna be exterminated."

"Not today, we won't!" DeAngelo stepped forward in front of everyone. "I'm not letting you weird looking things take over my life!"

DaVan gasped. "DBro, no!"

But it was too late. DeAngelo Blount punched Reinhart the Human Dalek square in the face. He stepped right back to avoid being attacked by him, but what he didn't understand is that all of the Daleks had power beyond expectation.


Master Eraqus ran in front of everyone. "Look out!"

He plunged his keyblade into the ground and threw a barrier around the entire group, groaning in pain as he used his power.

The Daleks hit the shield with their lasers, flying high and shouting, "EXTERMINATE!"

Ventus did the same as Eraqus, strengthening the shield.

"BILLY, QUICK!" Tommy yelled.

"Everyone gather around!" Daveed ordered, getting everyone in a circle.

"Grab hands!" The boy demanded.

The group did as Billy was told, Clipping helping grab Eraqus and Ven's arms so that everyone was safe.

And with that, William Maximoff closed his eyes and thought hard... Iwanttogohomeiwanttogohomeiwanttogohomeiwanttogohomeiwanttogohomeiwanttogohomeiwanttogohome

And then they teleported.

Everyone appeared outside of The Maximoff house, distressed and scared.

"Mom! Help!" The twins yelled.

Wanda rushed out, seeing everyone in their state. "Boys, what happened?" She asked, hugging the kids.

"The Daleks!" Tommy sobbed. "They're gonna take over the world and there's nothing we can do about it!"

Wanda looked up, confused. "What?"

"The Daleks." Daveed stated more clearly. "They've been behind everything from the very beginning."

Wanda sighed. "Can someone please tell me exactly what's happening?"

B. Wells and DaVan walked up to The Scarlet Witch. "The Daleks are a group of aliens who camouflaged themselves as regular humans, but they've been watching us from ever since Terra was kidnapped by Xehanort a few years ago. They watched us throughout time, even Billy and Tommy. But don't worry, we didn't do anything to help them. So maybe there's a chance that we can stop the Daleks. We just need some help."

Wanda let all of this sink in. "They're after my boys?"

Brandon nodded. "They want to assimilate us like The Borg. It's a big problem, Wanda. We need you. Please."

Wanda shook her head. "If it's that serious, I can't be involved in this. And neither can my sons."

Billy looked up. "What? But we helped them fight."

"Yeah, Mom! And they protected us too. We can handle it!"

"If they're powerful enough to invade Earth,
not even I stand a chance against them. I'm sorry, Brandon."

"Wanda, please." Evan begged. "You turned an entire town into a sitcom. Who knows what you can do now?"

"Westview was chaos magic." She argued. "I can't let myself lose control again. That could put Billy and Tommy in danger."

She really was a mother. All she cared about was her children. And B. Wells respected that.

"Alright. I understand. Just... Watch out for the Daleks, ok?"

Wanda nodded. "Thank you for protecting my children. But I'm afraid I can't let these boys go out on their own anymore until this is all over."

"No!" Billy complained. "But I-"

"No buts. Go inside. We'll discuss what to do if a 'Dalek' comes later."

"Can we at least say goodbye to Josh and Ven?" Tommy pleaded.

The mother sighed. "Ok. Go say goodbye and then go inside."

Tommy and Billy went and hugged Gasper, Ventus and all the others, and sadly walked back to the house.

But as they were walking back, the group heard a sound. It was kind of a strange sound, like a whooshing.

"Hey, do you hear that?" Ven asked.

"Yeah." Jonathan confirmed. "It sounds like it's coming from.... Over there."

The noise accompanied a flash, more like something appearing out of thin air. And after about 10 seconds, they could all clearly see what it was.

A blue police box. It was strange, and completely out of the ordinary. But all DaVan said was, "What now?"

They'd been through something crazy already, What could this possibly entail?

The door opened and out walked a man in a pinstripe suit and a tan trench coat, followed by a blonde girl.

The man smiled cheerfully. "Hello! I'm The Doctor. Wonderful to finally meet you."

Everyone was pretty much speechless. Another weird thing for a super weird day.

"Doctor? Doctor Who?" Evan asked.

"Just The Doctor, thank you. And this here is Rose Tyler."

"Hi!" She waved.

B. Wells stepped forward with DaVan, as they were the leaders of the group.

"Uh, hey. How..."

"Oh, that? That's the TARDIS. It's my time travelling box. Waiiiiiit, did you not know that yet?"

"Ummm, no."

"Alright, good. I'm in the right place."

"You said you're a time traveler." DaVan noticed. "Have we met you before?"

"Aaooh, naah. But Rose and I know all about you. You're being followed by the Daleks."

Ven perked up. "You know about the Daleks?"

"They're The Doctor's worst enemies." Rose informed. "We've traveled all across time to find them, but they keep using their perception filter and blending in with the rest of the world."

"But there's one thing that the Daleks keep leading us back to." The Doctor pointed around to all of the people standing in front of him.

"Us?" DBro asked, confused.


"What about us?" Eraqus inquired. "The Daleks told us they'd been trying to tempt us to think like them and get us to turn to the ways of the Human Dalek."

"Yes! The Human Dalek. Dalek Sec. He's the main one we're after. We're trying to get him to think like a human. Reverse the process. But before we get to that... Let's get some names."

B. Wells nodded. "Right. I'm Brandon, or B. Wells as my friends call me, this is Evan, or DaVan, and this is Ven, Master Eraqus, Daveed, Jonathan, Will, DeAngelo, Josh, Billy, Tommy, and Wanda."

The Doctor whistled. "Wow, that is a lot of names! I'll get on to memorizing them immediately! Rose, you do the same. Now! Onnnnnnn to the Daleks."

Evan snapped his fingers. "Yes, the Daleks. How'd you become enemies with them?"

"Oh, that's easy... They destroyed my home planet, killed all of my kind, except for me. I'm the last of the Time Lords."

Everyone stared at him, now definitely speechless. That was a pretty powerful backstory.

Although, The Doctor was a mostly positive person. So he just went right back on track.

"But enough about me! Why you? Unless you know already."

"Yeah, you missed that part." Josh said.

"The Daleks targeted kids, specifically duos, to try to get them to turn to the darkness and become Human Daleks. So basically, us."

"Right, Dalek Sec disguised himself as Erik Reinhart. The chorus teacher. Do I have that correct?"

Brandon nodded. "He tormented Ven and I for years. Tried to make me angry."

"And did you? Get angry?"

B. Wells shrugged. "Yeah, but I took that out on my music. Released a diss."

"Ah, yes! Music! The ultimate stress reliever. Good thinking. The Daleks can't tap into music. All they know is violence, and ruling over everything, and extermination!"

"They tried to kill me!" DBro exclaimed.

"Exterminate." Rose corrected.

"Yeah, whatever. But they got those little laser things. How do you stop em?"

"You'll see." Rose said with a sly smile.

"Brandon, one last question. Do you know anyone in your time with 'Reinhart' that could have also been targeted by the Daleks? Because if you do... We need to know."

The rapper thought for a long while. "Hmmmm, I don't think so...." And then he realized what that meant and his jaw dropped. "Oh no... Jesse Ward!"

"Jesse Ward!" The Doctor repeated excitedly. "Who's that?"

"My childhood friend. We were in chorus together, Jesse and I almost got beat up good by Reinhart, that Human Dalek.... He might be in danger right now!"

"That's definitely not good. We've got to go now! Allons-y!"

"What about the TARDIS?"

"There's no time! Let's go!"

"But Mom won't let us go!" Tommy whined.

"Actually, boys..." She started. "You're involved in this in a big way, and you've survived even with this whole attack. I'll let you go, but I'm coming with you."

Billy gasped. "Really?!"

The woman nodded. "Really. Let's go."

Along with the powered individuals in their team, The Doctor and Rose ran off to help B. Wells and DaVan overcome the Dalek invasion.

And as it turned out, The Ward house wasn't taken over yet, but that doesn't mean The Doctor was wrong.

The team walked up to the house.

"They're not here yet. But that doesn't mean they won't come."

Josh pointed to the house. "Look. The lights are off."

"It's night." DBro said. "Of course they're off."

"No. ALL of the lights are off. Not even the porch light."

"That does seem a little suspicious." Daveed agreed. "You wanna take a closer look?"

"Oh, you know it!" The Doctor rushed ahead of everyone with Rose following as he took out something from his coat pocket when he got to the door.

"Got my sonic screwdriver." He pressed a button on the little thing, making a strange sound.

"The door's already unlocked. Something must have happened here. Brandon, Evan and Master Eraqus, come in with us. The rest of you, stay outside and guard the house."

The place was dark, because the lights were all turned off, but that's wasn't the only thing. Rose looked around the first floor with Evan, finding nothing really out of the ordinary.

But when The Doctor checked upstairs with B. Wells, they walked up slowly to avoid making noise.

"Let's take a look in the rooms."

The doors upstairs were suspiciously open too. And when The Doctor looked inside...

"Oh no. These are the bedrooms. And there's no one in here on my end. How about you?"

"Nothing!" The Doctor replied. "Something's up. Maybe-"

"Guys! Down here!!"

Eraqus yelled for the crew to come to the basement. And what they found there was already frightening.

Patrick and Leah Ward were tied up to a post in the basement, muffled cries coming from their mouths.

DaVan and B. Wells took the tape off and set them free. (like juice wrld)

"Where's Jesse?" B. Wells demanded.

"It's Reinhart!" Pat blurted out. "Reinhart took him!"

"The perception filter!" Said Rose.

"I was wrong. They're already here."

Everyone rushed upstairs to see The Hand already outside with Reinhart holding Jesse back with other ninjas holding Dan and Laura as well.

"Ahhh, Doctor. There you are. I was waiting for you to take the bait."

"I have been chasing you all throughout time and you end up here of all places! Taking humans hostage! This is too far."

"Everything is too far for you, Doctor. We're just doing what needs to be done."

"When does this ever end for you?!" He shouted. "You all died! I saw! But you always find a way to come back!"

"This ends when the Daleks are ruling over the universe!" Dalek Sec said with jubilee. "This is our time and you can't stop us!"

"Years. For years you have been planning this and I've finally caught up with you. I will stop you!"

The ninjas all laughed, angering the Time Lord.

"Turn off your perception filter! Show yourselves, cowards!"

The people promptly glitched, turning back into their alien form.

"You are all here. And now, it is time for you to make a choice. One of the children... For these lowly humans."

"No!" The Doctor's eyes flared. "I can't let you do this."

"But you must. They will die if you don't."

"Woah, this like a SAW movie for real." DBro exclaimed out loud.

The Doctor turned to Rose. "I can't let them kill innocent people. But I can't let them defeat us. What do I do?"

Rose Tyler stared at the Daleks in disbelief. "I don't know." She whispered back sadly.

"CHOOSE! CHOOSE!" The Daleks chanted.

The Doctor didn't know what to say. He was faced with an impossible decision. For such a long time, he'd been fighting the Daleks and now was the time for them to trick him. He just couldn't figure it out-

"I'll do it."

DaVan stepped forward confidently.

"What?!" B. Wells cried out. "No!" He said defiantly. "You are not turning into one of these."

"I have to. We can't risk the end of the world, or the death of Jesse and his family. And besides, you all matter so much more than me. B. Wells, you impact kids' lives every day. What do I do?"

"You make music! You are my friend! You're they're friend! You can't just sacrifice yourself for some aliens!"

DaVan turned to his friend and put a finger to his lips mouthing, "Just watch".

B. Wells stared in confusion and shock as DaVan slowly walked over to the Daleks.

"No! Don't!" DeAngelo shouted. "You down bad right now to do this."

"Yeah! Like Eczavier!" Josh added.

Evan smiled. "Yeah, I know."

"It is done." Dalek Sec stated. "The boy has chosen to become one of us. Step forward, Evan Haggett."

Evan turned around and walked backwards, next to the Dalek.

"Ayo, Dalek Sec." He greeted.

"What are your last words?" The alien asked.

DaVan grinned mischievously. "You think you won, but you wrong. Cause when you talk on the gang............ YOU GONNA GET BANGED!!!"

Like an electric lightbulb, DaVan lighted up with his sonic energy, throwing Dalek Sec back and blowing up a few Daleks next to him, freeing the Wards.

"Woah!" Rose shouted out in amazement. "He's going sonic!"

Evan ran towards the crew at a super fast pace as the Daleks started shooting their lasers immediately.


Wanda shielded everyone with her magic, Eraqus doing the same as Rose got a huge gun out and blew some Daleks' heads off while Jesse watched in horror.

"What are those things?!" He asked frantically.

"Long story!" B. Wells replied, shooting a fireball at Dalek with Tommy and Billy helping and increasing its size and speed to kill another Dalek.

The Doctor turned to DaVan. "So you're sonic?"

Evan nodded. "Those powers come in handy."

"Whaddya say, DaVan? You wanna do a little experiment?" He held out his sonic screwdriver.

The boy realized what was happening and laughed. "Oh, yeah!"

He charged up his sonic power, and as The Doctor activated the screwdriver, Evan aimed the energy at the screwdriver, allowing it to flow through and electrocute many Daleks.

"We're actually winning! This is amazing!" Ventus cheered.

But soon, the Daleks stopped firing and the constant violence died down.

The Doctor glared at the things, looking very determined to destroy them.

"Doctor?" Rose started.

"We need to destroy them all. Stop them from taking over the world with their evil race." He said seriously.

Master Eraqus stood by the Time Lord. "Doctor, you need to think rationally. You're angry right now. Calm down a bit."

"With all due respect, Master Eraqus, I've fought the Daleks for longer than you've lived. They are ruthless beings and they won't stop until they kill us all."

"But if you kill them all now out of rage, you'll be just like them. You'd be compatible to become a Dalek hybrid yourself." Rose reasoned. "I agree that they need to be stopped, but a whole race shouldn't have to die."

"My whole race died!" The Doctor snapped. "Shouldn't theirs too?"

Dalek Sec got up and limped towards the other Daleks, chuckling.

"Look at you. Arguing about death. Killing. Feelings. Daleks have no feelings. That is why we are surpreme. A few Dalek deaths will not stop us."

The Doctor realized what he had just said, and something clicked in his head. "If you don't have feelings, then why are you laughing? Or smiling?"

Dalek Sec paused, letting that sink in too.

"See? You are different than the Daleks! You have feelings! You know what that means? You're part human! I'm the last of my kind, and you're the first of yours! I can help you start a whole new race of Daleks. Daleks that can feel! Daleks that can understand the meaning of life, and not just want to conquer! I can help you have a new life, just come with me. I can help you... Trust me."

The hybrid began to shake a little. "I have... Feelings?"

"Yes! You do! Your creator thought removing emotions made you stronger, but it really made you lesser!"

Dalek Sec realized this. The whole time that he was killing, feeling nothing, trying to be greater than all other races... It meant nothing. The heart was greater than the rest.

"But then... If we return to the flesh... And also the heart.... We wouldn't be supreme anymore..... I see now... I understand.... that is good."

"THAT IS INCORRECT." The Dalek behind him grunted. "DALEKS ARE SUPREME!"

"Not anymore!" Dalek Sec shouted.


"Then our purpose is wrong! Where has our quest for supremacy led us? Hiding behind perception filters, waiting for the right time to strike? Look at us! There are only a few of us left. If we do not change now... Then we deserve extinction."


"Wait, no, no, no!" The Doctor cried out.

But it was too late. The Daleks had already shot down Sec and killed him.

"Your own leader." He scoffed. "The only creature who might have led you out of the darkness and you destroyed him. You cowards!"


"What? No, no, don't you disappear! Noooo!"

The Doctor couldn't stop them, though. The Daleks from up in their ship in space had already used their transport to get them back up, away from the Earth.

The Doctor stood there, defeated and in anguish.

Jesse Ward was still in a state of shock.."I missed something big, didn't I?"

"Very big." DaVan replied.

Pat ran up and hugged his brother and the rest of his family as well, just glad that they were safe.

"Are you ok?" Dan asked, holding Jesse close.

The boy nodded, tears in his eyes.

"So what happens now?" Rose asked. "We just go back to the TARDIS and wait for the Daleks to come back?"

The Time Lord shook his head. "I don't know, Rose. They take years to form their plans. We've bought a few, at least. With Dalek Sec's human turn, and with these people's resistance to evil, they'll have to come up with a new plan to turn the world Dalek. There's nothing we can do now."

"But that's good, right?" Brandon chimed in. "They're gone. And when they come back, you'll be there to stop them."

"It never ends." He replied. "They'll just keep coming back, and I'll always have to battle them. I guess that's just how destiny works."

He then turned to the whole group. "Thank you. For your support in this fight. Really, all of you. You've just saved the entire world from extinction for a few years."

"But that's nothing to you, right?" DBro joked.

He chuckled. "Yeah. You're right."

"Will we cross paths again?" Eraqus asked.

"Oh, I hope so. You've been a great help to Rose and I. And a whole lot of fun too." He grinned. "Come on, Rose! Allons-y! Time to go somewhere else! Where do you wanna go, Venice? Barcelona? Nazi Germany?"

"How about, wherever the TARDIS takes us?" She suggested happily.

"Sounds like a great idea! All of you, I hope I see you again!"

"How will we know when you're here?" Evan asked.

"Just listen for the sound of the TARDIS! You can hear it from miles away!"

With that, The Doctor and Rose Tyler ran off to travel through time with their amazing little blue box.

The next day

Jesse sat at the kitchen table with Patrick and Leah, trying to process what just happened.

"So... Daleks, huh?" Leah started.

"This whole time, Mr. Reinhart was an alien. I would never have guessed that." Jesse said.

"And were those ninjas?" Pat asked.

"They were Daleks disguised as ninjas." Leah corrected. "And Jesse, I didn't know your friend had superpowers!"

"Just magic." He replied. "But his friends have superpowers, so that's pretty cool."

"D'you think he could teach me?" Pat piped up.

"Maybe. You should ask him."

"Maybe I will."

The siblings smiled at each other, happy that they were all okay.


"So, you beat em? All by yourself?" Said Peter Maximoff at a fast speed.

"With the help of the others." Wanda pointed out. "But yes, the Daleks are gone now. For a while."

"Well, that's good." Billy finished. "We helped The Doctor, and now we saved the world!"

"We're superheroes!" Tommy cheered.

Peter scoffed playfully. "You're not just superheroes. You're X-Men."

"Yeah, yeah. But we're Avengers too! You and Mom are on both sides now!"

This family, like The Wards, were happy. Just happy that everything was fine. Of course, with The Maximoffs, nothing was ever truly fine forever. The lives of superheroes were always crazy. But in this moment, they were finally able to just relax for a bit. Because they were a family. And family is forever.


With Clipping finally back to making music and DBro and Gasper at their own homes, DaVan and B. Wells were finally able to chill at The Land of Departure with Ventus and the rest of the keyblade wielders.

"So now that you've finally solved the Reinhart problem, what are you guys gonna do now? You obviously can't go back to school. They'd notice."

Brandon sighed. "Yeah, you're right, Ven. I just don't know."

"You could stay here with me and the Quagmires. We can teach you how to use a keyblade."

"That would be fun. Remember, though. My parents are close. They'll find out soon. We're both gonna be in mad trouble."

Evan thought for a second, and then of course he got one of his amazing Haggett ideas.

"I know exactly what we can do."

"Ok. And that is?"

DaVan gave a giddy smile. "We.... Should go on tour."

5363 words.

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