You wouldn't dare

By DontWorryAbtIt22

192K 3.3K 278

BOOK 1 Leonadas, The Don of the Italian Mafia, he was taught to be emotionless, cold, and to protect what was... More

Author note/introduction
41/Oaklee ๐Ÿ˜


6.3K 119 10
By DontWorryAbtIt22

Arriving at the place  Nova sent me too. 'La mia casa', a club I've heard much about ever since it opened. Cruel, mean, mafia leader owns the place. I've met a few mafia leaders in my life, most aren't 'cruel, mean and scary'. They are soft, teddy bears for the right person.

  I step out of the car I rented for a couple of days. I'm feeling almost floaty from the joint, it takes, maybe a whole blunt to get me high.

I keep walking until I see her standing at the door.

As i walk to her I keep my head held high, as if the dirty comments and wolf whistles don't bother me. I see her smiling at me, wildly. I give her a small smile in return.

"Hey girl! Took you long enough!" Nova says, she's almost bouncing in excitement.

"Yeah, sorry." I shrug her off. I don't give her an explanation, it's not like it's needed.

"You're fine. Let's head in!"

She turns and I follow, we enter the door nodding at the bouncer. Walking in, immediately smelling sweat, weed, and alcohol. I take a deep breath watching people grinding on each other on the dance floor.

"Let's go to the bar!" I don't even get a chance to respond as my hand gets grabbed and I basically stumble after her.

Snatching my hand back. "Don't touch me." I say calmly. She looks at me strangely before turning back to the bartender ordering 10 shots.

"Alrighty girls, here's y'all's shots. Enjoy y'all's night." He says. His country accent coming out, heavily.

He's pretty cute, his brown hair is cut into a mullet but it's the cute ones where the hair is curly and not like a bowl was put on his head. He has blue eyes that shine through the flashing lights.

Taking the shots he gave us, I turn to face the dance floor. Observing the area I'm in, making sure he isn't here.

"I'm gonna go dance." Nova says drawing my attention to her. Nodding to show her that I heard her, she walks off.

Waving the bartender down " Tequila on the rocks with a lime". He nods, turning to make my drink.

He slides my drink over just as someone sits beside me. Looking down so my hair curtains my face, hoping whoever they are won't try and talk to me.

Guessing I didn't do a very good job on giving the memo.

He turns to me "What's a pretty lady like you doing at a club all by yourself?"

"I'm not alone." I say, keeping my head straight as I gulp down the rest of my drink easily before I move to find Nova, when a hand stops me.

"Did your parents not teach you that it's rude to ignore people?" He snarls, showing off his yellow teeth.

"They're dead." I say with a straight face. He looked shocked as his grip loosens. I take that as my sign to remove my grip from him and walk off.

Walking towards the dance floor I see Nova dancing on some guy. "You wanna go somewhere?" I ask her.

"Yeah." She almost looks shocked I asked her somewhere. I nod towards the door and start walking. She gets the memo and start following me. Getting into the all-white Hellcat Charger.

"Where are we going?" she asks as I speed out of the clubs parking lot.

"You'll see" is all I say, changing gears.

Arriving at my friend, Royce's place, knowing he's always home at night. I get out of the car looking at Nova to see if she's comfortable or not. She looks fine so I continue walking in his house.

"Whose place is this?" She asks looking around. Most likely for people but they're all in his garage.

"A friends." I say plainly, walking to the garage door. Opening it, I see Royce, Koa, Mason, and Kylie. Clearing my throat to let them know they're not alone. Their heads snap over to me.

Koa and Kylie scream seeing me and run towards me. Knocking us to the ground as they both jump on me.

"Oh my god! What are you doing here?"
"Where have you been?"
"Are you too fancy to see us?"
"Bitch! Get off me!"
"I miss you!"
"Whose hand is touching me?"

I laugh slightly pushing them off me, turning my head to see Royce and Mason laughing at them. Shaking my head, I stand giving them a hand. I walk over to Royce and Mason. Mason gives me a hug as Royce slings his arm around my waist giving me a kiss on my temple.

I turn, locating Nova still standing in the doorway. Not awkwardly, just watching the little reunion with a small smile.

I've known Royce, Kylie, and Koa since we were in diapers running around in our diapers in the front yard, jumping over sprinklers. We met Mason in middle school and he was like a puzzle piece missing. Along with Bianca, but she's on some holiday thing and has been gone for the last 3 years.

"This is Nova." I say, nodding my head towards her.  They turn to face her now realizing that it wasn't just me.

Kylie steps towards her. " Hi! Oh my goodness, you are so pretty. I'm Kylie-Rose but you can call me Kylie. That's Mason, Royce, and Koa. I think we are gonna get along just fine as long as you don't snitch. Man I hate people that snitch. They're so snobby too. Ou and anno-"

"Kylie?" I ask loudly.

"Yes?" She turns to face me. At this point the guys have went to go sit back down on the couch.

"Shut up."

She pouts, flipping her golden blonde hair over her shoulder and goes to sit by the guys. Sitting on Masons lap, putting her legs on Koa's lap. Mason has a neat slicked back brown hair with green eyes. He has a muscular but lean body type and towers us at the height of 6'2.

Koa has dyed maroon shoulder length hair and blue eyes, it almost looks grey. Royce sitting on the couch in-front of them, he had a shaved head, maybe half an inch of hair, with brown eyes. He's more built, as in goes to the gym and underground fighting matches.

Going to sit by Royce and Nova beside me. He places his arm on my shoulder, pulling me closer to him. I smile at him which he returns.

I look at the table separating the couches and see white powder in lines, rolled up joints, little whitepills in a small bag, and a couple opened beers. A normal weekend night for them.

I look at everyone seeing them talking with a small smile on my face. I missed them. I haven't been able to see them as much as I want too. They tell me all the time to move in with them but the drive from here to the city is almost an hour.

A movement catches my eyes. Kylie getting up to the radio turning it up. Realizing the song my eyes widen as it was all of our favorite. It's Time by Imagine Dragons starts blaring, one by one they get up to dance, dragging me into it.

Taking the joint from Koa's mouth, I take a puff as I swing my hips the song that brings all the good memories back.

I don't ever wanna let you down,
I don't ever wanna leave this town.

Mason grabs my hand, spinning me into him, making me laugh softly.

'Cause after all
This city never sleeps at night

I move my head with the swinging of my hips as my hands grab onto Kylie's forearms as she copies my movements.

It's time to begin, isn't it?

It's been a while since I've been this happy. I never realize how much I miss them until I see them again.

I get a little bit bigger, but then I'll admit
I'm just the same as I was

My arms wrapped around Royce's neck, his arms wrapped around my waist as he moves them against him.

Now, don't you understand that I'm never changing who I am?

I pop a little white pill in my mouths and plop down on the couch, listening to the rest of the song in quiet while watching the rest of them continue to dance and scream their hearts out.

Just as the song goes off, the sound of pounding on the front door and the doorbell being ranged multiple times finally reaches our ears. I look at Royce with my eyebrows furrowed and he's looking at me confused.

All together we go to the front door. "We're like Scooby-Doo gang!" I hear Nova say. We all pause, looking at her before laughing loudly.

Sobering up, we finally open the door to be met with piercing grey eyes.

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