Everything but time [Tom Hidd...

By Humble_beginnings

53.3K 2.5K 91

Book 1 in the 'Everything but Time' series Kate thinks it doesn't get much better than working for Disney in... More

Going home
Near misses and surprises
Old friends
Gossip girls
Nerd HQ
Disney magic
Long lunch
Dinner and butterflies
Pink roses
Beer and Pizza
The first time
Vanilla latte
Lavenders blue
Wake up call
Last supper
47 Days
Real Life
The invitation
Take me home
New York
The City
Ever after

The Piano

1.2K 62 1
By Humble_beginnings

Friday again. Kate sat down at her desk and checked her emails. Skimming through administrative notices, she looked up when there was a knock on her door.
"Mae, I didn't know you'd be here today!"
"Who are you all dressed up for then?" She raised an eyebrow. Kate was wearing a flowing blue and white maxi dress. The cross over neckline just showed the crease between her breasts and the chunky heart pendant on her long silver necklace sat just between them. She'd left her hair curly this morning but tied it up in a loose bun. Her silver sandals just peeked out from below her dress.
"Actually," I can't keep it to myself any longer. "Do you have time for coffee?"
"I'll drop by when I'm done, they're working on a new Tink movie and actually want my input," Mae said. "Can't wait to hear about it, though."

Kate saw an email from Lizzie. She was doing OK, she and Jake had had a rough couple of days but physically she was going to be fine. There had been some minor complications and she was staying with Nerida while Jake worked. Kate chuckled, imagining the 2 of them living together again. She was so relieved that Liz was going to be OK, although she could tell even in an email that it would be some time before her heart healed. She longed to tell her about Tom, they always shared every detail of their lives and it felt wrong to keep it from her. She knew Lizzie needed time to grieve though, and when she was feeling a bit brighter Kate looked forward to giving her the exciting news in all its glorious detail. Maybe not all of it, she blushed. A little voice in her head mocked her. What are you going to tell her? He's so besotted with you he went back to another country? Oh, long distance worked so well for me last time I thought I'd give it another shot? When he breaks your heart, it will be your own stupid fault for being so vulnerable. She pushed it back down. This was different. Tom wasn't Dean. He really wants to be with me. Yeah right, he barely knows you.
Kate headed for the rehearsal rooms and found an empty one with a piano and took out her notebook. She'd been working on a new song for weeks but not yet written anything down. She wasn't sure why. If she didn't write it down and didn't play it for anyone, it didn't exist, did it? Can't do a bad job on something if there's no evidence. The song didn't have a title yet either, but it was lower on the piano, mostly quite loud and forceful. She played it over before beginning to write, and the perfect title came to her. Fearless.

Mae returned just after 12 and they headed to the cafe for lunch. It had been a productive morning for Kate, she'd written quite a bit and even moved on to a new song which was more romantic in style.
"So tell me what has you wearing dresses and writing romantic music," she looked at Kate questioningly. "Or should I ask who?"
Kate grinned and blushed.
"It's him, isn't it? Tom?" Kate nodded. "Has he also taken away your ability to speak?"
"A little bit," Kate giggled. "Mae, I had no idea. I mean, I knew he was a fantastic actor, but he's just amazing. Charming and so thoughtful, and romantic, oh my god you have no idea-" she cut off when Mae put her hand up. Kate sighed. "He's just fucking perfect!" She blurted out. "Except for the tiny detail of going back to London on Sunday. And living there." She looked down.
"I can see how that would be a minor problem. But a workable one, right?"
"Honestly, I don't know. It really scares me. I haven't told him that, but it does."
"They don't all cheat, Kate. Heaps of couples live in different countries and they make it work. Especially in our business."
"I know. But he's him. Everyone wants him, and why wouldn't they? I want to trust him, I'm just not sure about the rest of the world."
Mae laughed softly. "You can't trust the whole world honey. But if you want this you have to trust Tom," she thought for a moment for a happier topic. "Where has he been taking you for dinner?"
Mae oohed and ahhed while Kate told her all about Mèlisse, and the gelato, and the car, and the wine, and how kind he had been after Liz's miscarriage. She kept the rest of the details to herself.
"He's a keeper, Kate. Have you seen your face light up when you talk about him?" Kate blushed a little and smiled.
"Well then I hope I can keep him."

After lunch Kate did some more playing and writing and went through a couple of arrangements that were due to be recorded the following week. She had completed Fearless and written it all down. She decided to let it sit until next week and come back to it. The other piece still didn't have a name, but it was complete except for being written down. Kate was quite proud of it, it definitely had a romantic period Mendelssohn-style influence to it and even felt nice to play.

Just after 5 Kate walked back to her car and drove home, she thought about Tom and fear and trust. She remembered that day almost a week ago when she sent him the message with her number and what that had already led to. She knew he desperately wanted her to trust him, and she wanted to show him but didn't know how. It dawned on her as she was turning in to her street and she sent a text to him as soon as the car stopped.
'Can you pick me up at home? Just give me 10 minutes to grab my things xx'
'Sure can, bring your swimmers the pool is lovely today ;)'
She liked the sound of that. It had been an unusually hot day and she was going to have a shower but a swim would be much nicer.
Packing a bag to take to Tom's house, she kicked off her shoes and sat down at the piano. Already she was having second thoughts and getting anxious about her plan. She unlocked her front door and sent another message. 'The door is unlocked ;)'
She sat down and started to play, thinking he would still be a few minutes. The familiar notes of her arrangement of Roar fell lightly under her fingers and her voice sang the words easily. This was one of the favourite arrangements she'd done for a film and had been very well rehearsed.

Tom was intrigued. Kate was up to something. He decided to walk to her house and left when he got the first message, the second beeping from his phone as he neared her building. As he got close to her door he could hear a familiar song. He stood at the door for a few moments, leaning his head against it and closing his eyes. He didn't want her to stop if he opened the door, and he had longed to hear her again since the first time in the rehearsal room. Last Friday had been mesmerising, but having her do this just for him made his heart swell.
He opened the door almost silently and stepped in. He knew she would see his reflection in the piano once he got to the end of the short entrance. To his surprise and delight she saw him immediately and rather than freeze she smiled at him and kept going. He sat down on the couch and watched her intently. Her dress flowed down to her feet, and since this morning she had let her hair out, it fell in those gorgeous unruly curls he loved so much. The way she sat at the piano was like nothing else he'd ever seen her do, her back was straight and she looked completely relaxed with her fingers dancing over the keys. When she finished the song she turned to him and he smiled. "Just beautiful," he said softly. "I never loved that song until I heard you sing it."
The next piece was only piano, it was the one he'd heard her playing a few days ago. Was that really only a few days? It was mostly low pitched and had a driving syncopated rhythm that gave it a powerful mood. He couldn't believe this incredibly talented woman had so little belief in herself.
Kate's confidence was improving. She couldn't remember the last time she played for someone like this, probably when she was a teenager doing exams.
She hadn't even planned to, but she began to play the new piece, the one without a name. By the time she finished playing and turned to Tom, the piece had a name in her head, and she had tears in her eyes. He came and sat on the stool next to her.
"My darling, that was so beautiful, I'm almost lost for words. Thank you so much for sharing it with me, I know that wasn't easy for you to do. I feel honoured."
She looked down at his hands in hers. "You're the first person to hear those. The first one I called Fearless and the second," she paused to look in to his eyes. "The second I named just now, for you. Everything but time."
Tom leaned over and kissed her mouth softly and slowly. When he looked back to her his eyes were glistening. "Kate, I could never give you anything close to the gift you've just given me. I apologise if this is too soon, but it feels right. I love you, Katherine."
That was her undoing and tears fell down her cheeks. He pulled her in close and after a moment she pushed back to look up at him again. "I love you too, Thomas."

They sat for a long time in a comfortable silence. Neither could believe how their lives had changed in just a week. Finally, Tom stood and led Kate to the door, grabbing her overnight bag on the way out and putting it in the car.

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