Everything but time [Tom Hidd...

By Humble_beginnings

53.3K 2.5K 91

Book 1 in the 'Everything but Time' series Kate thinks it doesn't get much better than working for Disney in... More

Going home
Near misses and surprises
Old friends
Gossip girls
Nerd HQ
Disney magic
Long lunch
Pink roses
Beer and Pizza
The first time
Vanilla latte
Lavenders blue
The Piano
Wake up call
Last supper
47 Days
Real Life
The invitation
Take me home
New York
The City
Ever after

Dinner and butterflies

1.5K 72 7
By Humble_beginnings

She checked her watch again. 5 minutes to 7. Her phone buzzed. He's not coming. He's changed his mind. He was drunk, or high or in some sort of coma and just realised he'd asked her out and made a mistake...

She relaxed when she saw the message was actually from Mae.
'You look gorgeous. Hot. He won't be able to control himself and you'll be lucky if you make it to dinner.'

She texted back: 'Mae!'

Buzz. 'I knew you'd be worrying. You look great. Relax, have an amazing time, and call me as soon as you get in the door! xx'

Kate walked to the mirror just to be sure. They had chosen a teal satin shirt and black pleated skirt. It cinched and flowed in all the right places and her black heels set off her legs well, even if they were paler than she'd have liked. Her hair was loose and straight and fell neatly down her back with layers framing her face. She had applied slightly more makeup than usual but Mae had convinced her it was perfect.

7:00. She grabbed her bag. Should she go and wait outside? Maybe. One last check in the mirror.
7:01 and the doorbell rang. Kate tried the squash the panic and butterflies back down and wished she'd taken Mae's advice about a drink beforehand. She quickly scanned her apartment before opening the door.
Tom was wearing grey dress pants and a deep blue shirt. She couldn't work out how something so simple could look so... sexy.
"Wow," he said, right at the same time she said "Hi," and they both chuckled.
"Do you want to come in or should we be going?"
"Well, if you're ready to go we have a reservation at 7:30." She took his arm and they walked to the street stopping in front of a black Audi. "We're driving this time."
"You're kidding? An R8? I thought you had a deal with Jag?"
"I do, and I have one back in London. That doesn't mean I can't drive anything else, and I've always wanted one of these." he grinned, opening the passenger door.
Kate slid in to the car and was impressed. She had never been in one before and it was quite beautiful. The leather seats were warm and soft and Tom's scent mixed with the smell of leather was intoxicating.
"So where are we going?" she asked as he pulled away.
"You'll see," he winked.

They soon pulled up outside Melisse, a well-known French restaurant in Santa Monica. She wondered idly how he'd managed to get a table here at short notice. They were booked months in advance.
He opened the door and she stepped inside. This was quite unfamiliar territory for her, but it was so warm and inviting she had to stop for a moment to take it all in.
"Beautiful, huh?" Tom whispered close to her ear and she instantly got goosebumps.
"Mr Hiddleston, please follow me," a waiter had appeared out of nowhere and lead them through the tables. Kate was beginning to wonder where they were going and chuckled to herself at the thought of a private table in the kitchen because the restaurant was full.
She didn't realise she had stopped until she felt Tom's hand on her back urging her forward. They were in a private dining room with a small table for two in the middle and a beautiful fireplace. Kate thought she might faint.

They sat down, the waiter filled their water glasses and disappeared.
"I ordered ahead, but we can change anything if you're allergic or don't eat something. We're having the scallops and chicken. Dessert is a surprise."
"Um, I, ah... yeah that sounds perfect. I'm not allergic to anything," Kate stammered.
"Everything OK darling?"
"Yes. Sorry. I'm just not used to places like this."
"Please don't be uncomfortable. I know the manager and I eat here often. I've never seen this room though, it's stunning."
"It's beautiful. I feel like a bull in a china shop."
"If I could swing it you'd be treated like this every night," his eyes sparkled and Kate blushed. "If you're really uncomfortable we can go somewhere else, it's no trouble."
"No, this is perfect," Kate squeaked, playing with her water glass.
Tom reached over and took her hand. "You look absolutely gorgeous, Kate."
Her cheeks burned again. "Thank you. As do you."
The waiter arrived with a bottle of Champagne and poured them both a glass.
"Do you always have French Champagne with dinner?" she asked, putting the crystal glass to her mouth and taking a sip.
Tom chuckled. "No, only when I'm trying to impress. And I remembered it's what you like."
"This is divine. And you don't need to impress me."
"That won't stop me trying," he smiled.

Between mouthfuls of delicious food they talked about everything from work to family. Tom blushed a little when Kate talked about how much she loved Marvel and how he had done such an amazing job with Loki, and was surprised she had seen the Hollow Crown series. She told him about how she had studied music from a young age and had always preferred not to be the centre of attention. She had worked a bit as a backing vocalist in Australia before working as a vocal coach on a few talent shows. Her break in to Disney had come purely by accident, after working with Joel Madden he had recommended her as a coach and arranger as a temporary fill in and they liked her so much she was still there.
"When I first heard you, you were singing Roar with nothing but a piano," Tom confessed. "I was so mesmerised I stopped in the middle of the corridor. You have a beautiful voice," he could see she was looking down at her lap and blushing again. He reached over the table and took her hand, causing her to look up. "I mean that. Your performance last night was flawless and raw and just beautiful. You should never be afraid to have an audience." Kate smiled across the table. He certainly had a way of making her feel comfortable. He stood up, not letting go of her hand. "Do you have room for dessert?" Without waiting for an answer he lead her out the door where the manager was waiting. "That was magnificent, thank you so much for squeezing me in."
"Any time Tom. All taken care of and your car is out front," he said handing Tom the keys.

They were back in the Audi and Kate wondered what had happened to dessert. Then she wondered if he perhaps had meant the other kind of dessert and panic started to rise again.

Tom pulled up at the pier and ran around to open her door. The welcome coastal breeze felt good on her skin. A few minutes later they were sitting on the pier with chocolate gelato. It was surprisingly quiet despite the warm weather. Tom tentatively put his arm around Kate as the cool breeze picked up and hesitated when she stiffened. He was pleasantly surprised when she moved closer to him and he enjoyed feeling her pressed up so close to him. Kate lay her head lightly on his chest and felt him breathing. He was warm and she could feel his firm chest beneath his silky shirt. His scent was part cologne but it was also just him and she breathed it in deeply.

After talking for over an hour they headed for the car and home. They sat in comfortable silence most of the way home and he asked if he could walk her to the door.
"Of course, you can even come in the door if you like," she smirked.
They went inside and Kate made tea. It was quite late and she was trying not to yawn. She didn't want him to go and she wouldn't have minded if they just talked all night. It was nice to have company.
"I have to be upfront with you" he said seriously, looking in to her eyes. God she had beautiful eyes. Focus, Hiddleston!
"I have to go back to London on Saturday evening and I won't be back here for about a month. I'm not sure when I'll be back in LA for a long period of time, everything I have booked at the moment is all over the place for the next few months." he could see the disappointment in her face and she looked down at their hands. "I know it's not ideal. But I really like you Kate, I think you're amazing and I'd like to see you again. Often." He punctuated the last word by tilting her face up to look at him and she was entranced by his eyes once more. He leaned down slowly, giving her plenty of opportunity to pull away. Instead she leaned in to meet his lips. Oh, they were soft and he was so gentle. After a moment that felt like an eternity she brought her hand up to his neck and brushed her tongue against lightly against his lips. Slowly their tongues began to mingle and his hand went to her back and puller her in close. Tom had to stifle a moan as she pressed up against him and kissed him with that beautiful sweet mouth. When they broke the kiss they were both breathing a little faster.
"Can I see you again tomorrow?"
"Yes. Please," she smiled. "I can't top tonight's dinner but I can cook if you like."
"Sounds perfect," he kissed her once more and she almost pulled him close and told him not to go. As he walked out of sight she closed the door and leaned back against it. Did that really just happen? Kate walked quickly to the window and peeked out to the street where his car was parked and saw him leaving her building. She was hoping not to be seen but he looked up and blew her a kiss. Damn. Sprung again!

Tom parked the car back in the garage and sat for a few minutes, touching his lips. Kate was something else, she had him completely enchanted. He hadn't expected any sort of physical contact, he'd just wanted to impress her. The way she leaned up and kissed him had made him weak at the knees. He'd be replaying that one for a while.
As he climbed in to bed he thought about sending her a text, but thought better of it. He would see her tomorrow. As he drifted off to sleep the smile stayed on his lips as he wondered what his week in LA might bring.

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