The Hidden Alpha (Stryders #4...

By xoxoGGii

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Freya stumbles across a place where she's not supposed to be. These people aren't normal werewolves either. A... More

Vampire Prince Update
We're Live and Published!
Author Note
Chapter 1: Everything Goes Wrong
Chapter 2: Reprimand
Chapter 3: Accidental Trespassing
Chapter 4: Out of Here
Chapter 5: Stuck
Chapter 6: Here to Stay
Chapter 7: Settling In
Chapter 8: New Friends
Chapter 9: Ten Miles too Many
Chapter 10: Enter the Fighter Pack
Chapter 11: The Plunge
Chapter 12: Plans Fall
Chapter 13: Meditate
Chapter 14: A Little Hurt
Chapter 15: Chasing Waterfalls
Chapter 16: Peace of Mind
A/N: Timeline
Chapter 17: Waste No Time
Chapter 18: Unlikely Help
Chapter 19: Staged Right
Chapter 20: Truths and Lies
Chapter 21: Unveiling
Chapter 22: Predicament
Chapter 23: Too Many Realizations
Chapter 24: Small Delights
Chapter 25: The Calm
Chapter 26: The Rain
Chapter 27: The Storm
Chapter 28: Homecoming
Author Note- ugh!
Chapter 29: Family Drama
Chapter 30 : A Wrong Feeling
Chapter 32: Setting the Stage
Chapter 33: Forgotten
Chapter 34: Undecided
Chapter 35: Olive Branch
Chapter 36: Anklets
Chapter 37: Connected
Update Info
Chapter 38: Woken Thoughts
Chapter 39: Stryder Men
The Vampire Prince is getting Published
Chapter 40: Stryder Men (Part II)
Chapter 41: Niceties
Chapter 42: Unknown Waters
Chapter 43: Runaway
Story on Hold

Chapter 31: Royal Announcement

1.3K 121 40
By xoxoGGii

Hope you guys like this chapter!!

Thank you all for your support. Need it for these hard times. (Nothing personal just life).

This story would not be possible without you. Seriously.




The Renaissance was one of the many restaurants that my family owned. From a passion of cooking, Dad and Uncle Lance opened up local restaurant in the area from rising chefs. They did all the paperwork stuff and finances, but most of all, the chefs ran it.

All of them knew us.

The Renaissance was a neutral spot with Wyatt, who West probably told about our argument. Actually, it wasn't even an argument more than him just insulting me.

"You can't be mad at him forever." Wyatt's calm voice made me itch.

It's only been three days since our argument. Mom asked me what's wrong. Erico also managed to actually put his phone down and look at me seriously, asking me what happened.

"If you're here to be on your brother's side, which I get, but I don't want to hear it at this moment. Thank you." I took a big bite of the strawberry cake I loved as much as Dad did.

Wyatt sipped on his cappuccino, narrowing his eyes in thought. "You know he's been nervous about you two meeting."

"Too bad I didn't even know he had a mate."

"His mate didn't even know you existed until a little while ago. West never mentioned it to her because he thought - stupidly- that you wouldn't be home for a while."

"Until I did."

Wyatt nodded, "Right. Completely his fault. What he told you was very insensitive and rude of him."

We were quiet for a few moments.

"How's your school, anyways? Don't tell me you have some secret mate."

"Not in the slightest," Wyatt shook his head, chuckling lowly. "Doing some art pieces for some projects I have. It's taking me some time. Don't have time for love, I'm afraid."

I remember the way West looked at Edith, and vice verse. "Must be nice," I mentioned. "Not that I would ever know, but just...looks nice."

Wyatt agreed as he stole the last piece of cake.


Upon my arrival at home, I knew something was up. Erico was away training specifically for him- which he was truly following up on. Making me extremely proud.

Mom was actually home. In the makeshift office that was next to the kitchen, but she wasn't working.

She looked tense. Deep in thought, arms crossed.

"Mom?" I asked her, coming closer to where she was sitting down in her office chair. Mom looked up, and she took a deep breath, managing to smile.

"Freya, how was lunch with Wyatt?" she asked. "How is he?"

"Doing good, he said he'd visit," I replied, sitting on the opposite chair of her. "What's up?"

Mom gave me another small smile. "Well I know you want to know. Erico already saw him earlier than you. Your dad is here."

I gasped so loudly, I could audition to a Spanish soap opera. "What!?" I exclaimed excitedly, jumping up from my chair. "Where!?"

Forgetting the weirdness of what Mom felt about Dad for just one second. That, I would get onto later.

"Throne room," Mom's amusement was now genuine, and I kissed her cheeks before running to where the Throne room was. An extension of our castle, but far away enough to have privacy so that if the room was being used, people could not easily get into our rooms.

The throne room wasn't used for anything except for anything traditional that happens with royalty- whatever that meant. Grandpa liked to use the Council Room in Grand Lobby. This throne room in Haven's Way was built like a castle, copying exactly like where Count Dracula would live at. It was hundreds of years old, signifying just how many generations of my family had lived here. Family I would never get a chance to meet, but only hear about through Grandpa who loved to tell stories about them.

As I walked through the wide and long hallways, I passed portraits of the Stryder family. Family portraits mostly, but some of the Kings in the past liked to have it of just themselves. Same as the Queens.

Grandpa made Grandma have one painted for her to put up there.

Near the throne room was the royal graveyard too, but Grandpa did something special for Grandma, creating an entire garden just for her.

Nearing the throne room, I got panicked for a second meeting Dad. It's been a while since I've seen him, talked to him. I missed him so much too. I peeked at where I heard voices, hiding myself a little behind one of the massive pillars, where Dad was speaking to a councilmen.

Dad's stoic face made me realize how much like Grandpa he looked like. Over the years, Mom had mentioned that Dad's become more serious. Taking on more responsibility than he did when he was younger. Stepping into the role of Prince serious, following in Grandpa's footsteps.

If I didn't know him I'd say he was intimidating. Especially when he was addressing any of the Council members.

"Make sure all the guards are prepared. Reggie made the necessary arrangements already on his part," Dad's voice said. The councilmen nodded, bowing a little before he scurried off.

Dad gave a curt nod at him, still looking serious. Sometimes so unrecognizable. The way he spoke with such authority and had the domineering presence.

I stepped forward, making myself known finally, and Dad's gray eyes landed on me. Every bit of harshness faded as he gives me a big smile, extending his arms out to me.

In just a few steps, I hug him. "My little princess, I missed you." Dad kissed the top of my head, squeezing me in a hug. Tears pricked at my eyes at the sudden onslaught of emotion.

Everything just felt perfect for a moment. In the safety of Dad's arms. Mom was here too. I was back with my family.

Dad stepped back, scowling as he noticed my tears. "What happened? What's wrong?" he asked, wiping a tear away.

"N-nothing, I missed you too," I swallowed, sniffling as I hugged him again even tighter. His familiar scent washing over me calmly. "Welcome back home."

"Same to you," he chuckled. "Looks like both our journeys brought us back home."


I had a million questions to ask Dad. Where was he? What was he doing?

"I'll answer it, don't worry, but everyone has that same question," Dad kept saying. We got inside the house, and Erico was setting up the dinner table, helping Mom. The huge dinner table that we usually only reserve for bigger gatherings.

Erico joined me, clinging onto Dad's other arm, insisting, "Tell us, Dad." He had the same pouting face Dad did which didn't help. Dad was trapped as we got into the kitchen. Mom had her back turned to us, and she didn't turn around. Dad's eyes instantly went to her.

Dad cleared his throat, "We do have an announcement to make."

"Oh gosh you're pregnant at this age?" I asked, gasping again the second time today. "Actually, I could definitely use a younger sibling. Hopefully a sister so I can take her endless shopping when Erico doesn't want to."

Finally, Mom turned around, holding the spatula, opening her mouth wide. Dad looked a little surprised like the thought didn't occur to him.

"Freya, no I am not pregnant."

"Can you try?" I asked. Half joking and half not.

"Sure," Dad offered, wickedly smiling at Mom. Mom shot him a glare, not thinking it was humorous.

She narrowed her eyes at him slightly. "Be serious. Lance and Ava are coming any moment now."

"They're going to be here too?" I exclaimed at this family reunion.

"Your grandpa too," Dad grinned at us. Erico and I knew that meant Christmas was coming early.

We heard the door open, and all of us turned around.

It was a flurry of greetings and family chaos.

Turned out that Grandpa and Uncle Lance came at the same time. Uncle Kenshi was also there, but there was no Reggie or Iggy because they actually were on vacation.

"They'll need it," Grandpa chuckled to Uncle Lance as they walked inside the kitchen. My Grandpa was the most fearsome vampire in existence. Who turned to a doting and caring family man in a matter of seconds. Erico was the first one he saw to tease. "My little coco, how you always grow so much whenever I see you, my heart." He pinched Erico's cheeks, kissing them both. We always laughed at Erico's baby pictures because he had the chubbiest cheeks that were also the cutest you've ever seen on a baby.

Erico secretly loved the teasing, hugging Grandpa back.

Grandpa and Mom exchanged pleasantries too- it didn't seem like Mom was mad at Grandpa. Only Dad. Still troubling for me.

He spotted me last in the room, and he lit up even more. I swallowed the emotions stirring in me, and almost jumped to Grandpa's arms, as he patted my hair, smoothing it. "Love you," I told Grandpa.

"How I missed you, my dear Frey." Grandpa's eyes twinkled. "You must tell me all about your schooling."

Behind Grandpa was Uncle Lance and Aunt Ava. Plus West and Wyatt. Wyatt raised an eyebrow at me, shrugging even though we just saw each other earlier today.

Something was up.

"You seriously get even more beautiful every time I see you," Aunt Ava greeted me, kissing my cheeks. "You need to stay over at our place for real this time."

I nodded, "Will do, don't worry."

"My little princess," Uncle Lance smiled softly at me as he hugged me tightly. "I missed you."

Wyatt gave me a hug, and West and I locked eyes. But I narrowed my eyes at him. Until Grandpa said something to West, a serious looking conversation. I knew that West went through something recently with Grandpa and Reggie's help. I could ask about it, but I didn't because I was still mad at him.

Uncle Kenshi did his usual wave greeting to us all before talking to Mom in full conversation.

"Are you going to tell us now?" Erico asked, looking at our parents. Everyone quieted down inside the kitchen. "Why everyone is here?"

"Now that everyone is here we can," Grandpa looked around, nodding. "I think it's time to tell you all that I am retiring, and Zeke will take my place. There will be a coronation within the upcoming weeks for the King and Queen. Stella has done such an amazing job keeping the council in check in our absence of keeping the other vampire council's satisfied. All of the council and vampires around the world have acknowledge the transition of power."

Everyone was shocked at this- except Dad and Mom.

Grandpa continued, "This means a lot for all of us. In all his travels, we all know that Zeke is ready to be King."

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