Coincidental Husbands!!!

By MyInvisibleButterfly

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* What if a prank results in two people getting married by chance? Can they deal with the aftermath? Or wil... More

Character Introductions
Chapter 1 - What Just Happened?
Chapter 2 - Flashback - Las Vegas - Part 1
Chapter 3 - Flashback - Las Vegas - Part 2
Chapter 4 -Flashback - Las Vegas - Last Part
Chapter 5 - Meeting My So-Called Husband
Chapter 6 - Confrontation
Chapter 7 - Rules For Coexisting
Chapter 8 - Chaos and Peace
Chapter 9 - Fake Marriage!
Chapter 10 - Hi Husband!
Chapter 11- Envious
Chapter 12 - Accidentally Planned Date
Chapter 13 - I Thought You Belonged With Me
Chapter 14 - Sealing The Deal
Chapter 15 - Being Husbands!
Chapter 16 - New Bondings
Chapter 17 - Equal Partnership
Chapter 18 - Out in 4k
Chapter 19 - Pieces of My Broken Heart
Chapter 20 - Unlikely Partnership
Chapter 21 - Trouble In Paradise
Chapter 22 - Frustration
Chapter 23 - The Apology
Chapter - 24 - This is Our Thing (The Finale)
Check Out For More

Anniversary Special (Post Finale)

4.5K 271 63
By MyInvisibleButterfly

Ohm's POV:

"Excited?" Aim asked as she placed the balloons properly on the stand.

"Very... This is so much better than I had envisioned." I said giving her a side hug.

"Of course. This is his studio dear. The opening is supposed to be grand."

"Yeah but then it's not the first one. Just the bigger one." I smiled at her and took out my phone to check for any messages.

"No message from Non yet?" Aim asked looking at me pout.

"No, I wonder where he went. This is his dream studio for which he has worked hard for more than four years." I said worried.

"Don't worry. He must be getting ready."

"He wasn't home this morning Aim. I don't know where he has gone. I can't contact him."

"You have started overthinking. So many years down the marriage and you have already grown old." She patted my shoulder."

"Oh please. Old my ass. I am just worried. Look at yourself first. Don't you need to find a boyfriend before your hair grow white?" I grimaced.

"Huh, I still look 16." He stuck out her tongue to tease me. "By the way, have you got the gift you had ordered?" Aim asked now while hanging streamers across the wall.

"I have it with me." I smiled at her.

"Show me.... Now!" she said and I shook my head. "Nope, It's not for anyone else to see. It's ours only." I told her and she pouted. "Stop pouting already. You will see it soon. Let's just finish this quickly. It's almost time. I want everything to be ready before Nanon arrives."

We decorated the whole studio and it almost took us more than 2 hours to finish doing so. I then placed all of Nanon's best clicks framed properly across the studio. This was my gift for him. There were the ones which I like the most, a few were Nanon's favorites, few were his parents and Chimon's choices. There was one in particular that Jimmy liked. Also, there was a beach picture too that had shadows of me, Aim's, Niran's and Drake's marking our bond. That one was our favorite too.

And then there was one that had the silhouettes of me and Nanon kissing near a sunset. A pure love picture from our third year anniversary. That wasn't Nanon's click as such. But it was his camera that did the trick. While placing every frame I was thinking about his reaction when he would see this.

His family, Aim and Niran were all waiting for Nanon to arrive before opening the studio gates. In last five years Nanon has become a renowned photographer. He works with major magazines and TV studios. But one thing he has continued doing is that he doesn't work for anyone. He freelances. He is his own brand. And people line up for his appointments.

As for me, Pawat Manufacturing along with NPP Constructions is now amongst the world's leading manufacturing and construction business merger. Niran and I are leading it just fine with the proper sync needed between the two. Aim has been working with both as she cannot commit to anyone.

Drake is by my side as always, but now as the MD of the Pawat Manufacturing. With me being the Chairman, I needed someone to lead the business while I handle the overall growth. And there cannot be anyone more trustworthy that Drake. And to top his happiness, he is also a father now of a 2-year-old cutest kid in the world.

Chimon is helping his dad in his farm business. So his father happy and is partly retired now. He just assists Chimon whenever needed. Chimon is also busy dating Waan whom he has been pursuing for last 3 years. Well, I did give him a few tips here and there because his brother was a complete idiot when it came to girls.

Not that I want him to be expert in that field anyway. I am happy the way he is. Because he is mine. And I am so happy about it. It's like I am in a wonderland. We argue a lot. Fight too. And funny thing is now when we fight, he goes to my place, straight to Aim and aunt Ying while I go to old town and stay with his family.

But yesterday when we had a fight, Nanon has not come back after that. I assumed that late night he will be back, but he did not. Or maybe he did. But today morning when I woke up he wasn't there.

I still don't know how it blew up out of proportion. But this topic whenever it comes out, it always ends up in a heated argument.

"Ohm..." Dad called me when he entered the studio.

"You came!" I said and ran to my father who was finally back from Mexico. He has been constantly roaming around now. But he sometimes comes back home and meets us all. Usually whenever he is home, Nanon and I go to meet him or even stay at home for a day or two. He totally adores Nanon. Completely opposite to how he was earlier. But I can't blame him. Nanon is too cute.

"Of course I came. Am I late? Where is Non?" He snapped. How can my own dad snap at me and ask for Nanon all the time?

"Dad he will be here soon." I assured uncertainly. But I can't let anybody else worry.

"Thank god, I am not late then. I will go accompany Nanon's dad till then." He said and patted my shoulder and went in to meet my in-laws.

It was half an hour above the decided time to open the studio. And I was starting to worry. I have been dialing his number for so long. But to no avail.

I called Drake and they said that Nanon was not at his old studio too. It was only Chimon, Jimmy and him picking up all the important stuff from there to get here.

"Ohm... Ohm..." Aim came running.

"What happened?"

"Nanon said he won't be coming."

"What????" I asked wide eyed. "Is he nuts? This is his studio opening. What does it mean he isn't coming?"

"He said that he is so pissed off with you that he doesn't care about anything. He won't come."

"What nonsense! We argued but that has got nothing to do with this studio. This is his dream, our dream." I snapped. "Give me the phone."

"He disconnected."

"Where is he? Did he say anything?"

"He said he is not going to let you know his location." She said with terrified expressions.

"What the fuck!" I yelled throwing my phone on the ground. "I will find him no matter what." I said and stormed out of the studio.


Nanon's POV:

He came out storming as expected and then his eyes landed on me. He stopped and stared at me wide eyed. Then his eyes roamed around and he saw the huge hoarding behind me with the only picture what was clicked of us together in Vegas 5 years back on the very same day. Both drunk and in each other's arms. That was the day everything changed. That was the day he came into my life. And till day, I can't think of any reason to regret the fiasco that happened.

And so using all my skills I beautified this picture and kept it on a hoarding. The question that I am going to ask will require him to remember this day too.

I gestured Chimon and he got my guitar. I looked over at Jimmy who came near me with a mic. And Drake got me a chair to sit.

I took a seat and Ohm's expression right now are the most precious ones for me. I looked at him and cleared my throat. Shaking nervously, I looked at him in the eye.

I can't count the times
I almost said what's on my mind
But I didn't
And just the other day
I wrote down all the things I'd say
But I couldn't
I just couldn't

Baby, I know that you've been wonderin'
Mm, so here goes nothin'

In case you didn't know
Baby, I'm crazy 'bout you
And I would be lyin' if I said
That I could live this life without you
Even though
I don't tell you all the time
You had my heart a long, long time ago
In case you didn't know

Ohm Chuckled and a tear slipped his eye. He bit his lip in order to stop himself from tearing up anymore. I myself choked up a bit but cleared my throat and winked at him, continuing.

The way you look tonight
That second glass of wine
That did it
There was somethin' 'bout that kiss
Boy, it did me in
Got me thinkin'
I'm thinkin'

One of the things that I've been feelin'
Mm, it's time you hear 'em

In case you didn't know
Baby, I'm crazy 'bout you
And I would be lyin' if I said
That I could live this life without you
Even though
I don't tell you all the time
You had my heart a long, long time ago
In case you didn't know

You got all of me
I belong to you
Yeah, you're my everything

I got up and walked to him. He was overwhelmed with emotions and looked the most beautiful that I have ever seen him. My Ohm...

In case you didn't know
I'm crazy 'bout you
I would be lyin' if I said
That I could live this life without you
Even though
I don't tell you all the time
You had my heart a long, long time ago
Yeah, you had my heart a long, long time ago
In case you didn't know
No, no
In case you didn't know

Chimon rushed to me and took away the guitar. I saw my parents, his dad, Aim and Niran behind him near the studio entrance. Both the dads were smiling. Niran gave me a thumbs up. Aim seemed emotional and Mom was actually crying, a lot. But I knew they were happy tears. My eyes travelled back to my man in front of me who was stunning with light teary eyes in his black tux and my god. I couldn't help thank god a million times for this wonderful life.

I kneeled down and Jimmy handed me a box.

Ohm was now crying. Without able to hold back anymore.

"Ohm..." I was choking up too. But I wiped the tear that fell out of my eyes without me knowing. "I know I have been too stubborn about my superstitions. You knew from the beginning, that I was worried about this getting jinxed. But you always stepped back. For five years, you suppressed your wish every time in front of my fears."

"The first time everyone asked us to get married properly, you read my expressions. You knew why I was saying no. And you still complied. You took a stand with me. And I have been scared all the while about everything. But I realized just now...." Another tear fell from my eye and I wiped it. Ohm started kneeling down but I stopped him...

"Don't! Please let me finish..."

He stopped respecting my request as always.

"I realized all this started with the bad omens. Bad coincidences which were actually boons in disguise. Everything we have seen and lived together... It was all my stupid delusional mind... Making me feel scared... Scared of losing you. For no reason. There was never a reason that you gave for me to be scared. But you know what? You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. You are my life. And from now, as you always say. I won't be scared. I won't be superstitious anymore. I'll trust my luck that brought me to you. I will trust you who is always by my side. Selflessly loving and giving. And I will live my happiness to the fullest."

I smiled at him and he bit his lip again still holding back.

"So I want to officially vow myself to you. I want to exchange our wedding rings. I want to make this wedding a reality and not just a coincidence. I don't want us to be called Coincidental Husbands anymore."

Ohm looked at me and smiled all teary. I couldn't help but cry along.


Ohm's POV:

"Non..." I said while kissing him entangled in our bedsheet in the open garden under the sky. His bare skin warming me up against chilly winds. This has become our favorite spot to cuddle with wine, music and string lights.

"Ummm?" he answered in my kiss pulling me harder by my hair.

"Can I at least make you wear a ring?"

He pushed me slightly. "Wha... Ohm..."

"What? It's our fifth anniversary tomorrow."

"Haven't we already talked about this a million times?"

"But I want to. A few things are still missing in our marriage. I mean think of it. If we would have officially dated first, I would have proposed you with a ring. We would have read the vows. Would have kissed you in front of the world telling them you are mine and I am yours."

"Ohm please..." he snapped and got up. "I am done explaining you everything. How many times do we need to do this?"

"Are you always going to be scared? It's been 5 years Non..."

"I don't care. If you can't understand my fears..."

"It's you who can't understand my feelings, Non. I have been trying to understand your fears since day one." I cut him.

"Fine. Let's just end this discussion here. I have a lot to do before my studio opening anyway..." he got up and stormed into the bedroom banging the door.

I stayed still naked in the blanket unable to understand where have I been wrong all this while that he still can't trust me. Nanon opened the door. He had now changed in his black hoodie and denims. He took the car keys and left home.


"Ohm... Will you please officially and properly marry me?" he asked the question that I wanted to ask him for an eternity now. I am feeling thousand things right now. But these goddamn stupid tears won't stop.

He opened the box with two similar platinum bands in it. I kneeled down in front of him and he looked at me with tear filled loving eyes. His cute dimpled smile was broadly plastered and I couldn't help but thank heavens for blessing me with this bucket full of happiness in my life.

I extended my hand and he slowly slid the ring in it. Jimmy gave me the other ring and I slid it in Nanon's ring finger. Before anything else, I pulled him into a hug. We both were a crying mess. And the worst part was there was media snapping our pictures. It was Nanon's studio opening and obviously we were expecting media. But now this whole thing will be on TV and newspapers and everywhere on Internet. But who cares. I broke the hug and held his face in my palms. I kissed him fully on his lips and he chuckled as usual before kissing me back.

"I love you." I said.

He grinned and kissed my forehead before replying, "I love you too."

We got up and immediately were crushed in a group hug by Chimon, Jimmy, Niran, Aim and Drake. We met our parents and they hugged and blessed us.

I smiled at Nanon while pulling him holding his hands. Fingers entangled the whole time. I walked him to the studio entrance.

"Time to chant and remember to put your right foot forward." I gestured towards the scissor and ribbon.

He looked at me smiling for a second longer and then jumped on my back.

"Hey Non..."

"Put whichever foot forward. I am just going to chant your name along. Because as far as I am with you, I don't care about anything anymore. I am going to enter my dream studio like this." He said and kissed me on the back of my neck.

"Yes sir!" I said and cut open the ribbon for our new studio piggy riding Nanon on my back. Everyone cheered and clapped while I put him down and kissed him one more time without caring for the world.

"Happy 5th Anniversary, Husband." I held his face touching our temples.

"Wish you the same, Husband." He grinned and nuzzled my nose with his.

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