Fracturization (Honkai Impact...

By Corrupted839

163K 5.1K 2.4K

A boy saved by the First Herrscher made it his mission to follow in his savior's footsteps and fight against... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1: Welcome to St. Freya Academy
Chapter 2: A Friendly Spar?
Chapter 3: Normal School Days
Chapter 5: The Valkyrie Trials Pt.1
Chapter 6: The Valkyrie Trials Pt.2
Chapter 7: A History Lesson
Chapter 8: The Holy Maid
EX Chapter I | Something to Protect
Chapter 9: Mysteries of the Stigmata
Chapter 10: The Dive
Chapter 11: The Blade's Curse
Chapter 12: Chiyou Awakened
Chapter 13: The Eternal Prison
EX Chapter II | Meet the Class Monitor
Chapter 14: Academy Infiltration
Chapter 15: Clash of the Herrschers
Chapter 16: The White Comet
Chapter 17: Dark Currents
Chapter 18: The Informant
Chapter 19: Imminent Crisis
Chapter 20: Reawakening
Chapter 21: Just Another Day
Chapter 22: Trouble in Soukai City
Chapter 23: Distant Voices
Chapter 24: Oceania Assignment
Chapter 25: Poem of the Wind
EX Chapter III | A Day to Heal
Chapter 26: The Smile of Betrayal
Chapter 27: Echoes of the Past
Chapter 28: Flames of Rebellion
Chapter 29: Will of the Herrscher
Chapter 30: Journey for Tomorrow
Chapter 31: The Void's Trail
Chapter 32: The Eye of The Serpent
Chapter 33: Unraveling Shadows
EX Chapter IV | Our Next Step
Chapter 34: Arc Nocturne
Chapter 35: Drifter
Chapter 36: Starfall
Chapter 37: Nightfall

Chapter 4: Necessary Preparations

5.6K 171 70
By Corrupted839

Somewhere, in a dimly lit office room, a man with brown hair wearing a pair of glasses is on his laptop, currently in a video call with someone.

Man: ...And that is all I have seen here so far

???: Alright

A female voice replied as he finishes his report.

???: How's Akiri?

Man: Well, he hasn't blown his cover yet, so I guess he's doing well in the school at the moment

???: I see. Did he try contacting you yet?

Man: No. He's being cautious for now. To be honest, I think it's the right move. I feel like I'm being monitored as well, but I can't confirm it...

The man placed his fingers on his chin.

???: As long as he doesn't do anything reckless like use his powers, he should be fine. And speaking about his powers...

The person trails off as the screen changes to an x-ray scan of someone's body. A blue dot is seen near where the heart is. At the sides of the screen, are different kinds of data being shown.

???: Take a look at this. We've recently detected something peculiar from his core

Man: What is it?

The man was intrigued as he looks closely at the screen.

???: His core is radiating an unusual energy signature. This is the first time something like this ever happened

Man: He might be pushing his powers again

???: No, this is something else. Based on the readings, the core seems like it's growing. Maybe the more accurate term, it's evolving

The man looks back at the person with a surprised look.

Man: What?

???: Yes. I'm speculating that the core is reacting to his body. More specifically, his Stigmata

Man: Really...?

???: However, there's nothing we can do about it. He's with you now all the way at St. Freya. We have to bring him back to my lab if we want to observe the changes in more detail

Man: I guess so. We should keep monitoring the core however we can for now

???: Very well. I think that is all. Remember to send the intel later

Man: I know

???: And also, I think it's time to bring him in. I figured he would want to know what's going on by now

Man: Right. I'll call him in next time

The person on the screen nodded.

???: See you soon, Mr. Welt

With that, the communication cuts off, and the man closes his laptop and released a sigh.

(A few days later)

Akiri: This goes in like this...

Currently, Akiri is seen alone in his room, already dressed in his school uniform. The room is dimly lit as he had closed the window curtain shut. Only a small lamp illuminates the room just enough so that it is not completely dark.

He is sitting on the floor with his legs crossed as he is reassembling a handgun which he had borrowed from the school's armoury.

After he finished reassembling all of the parts, he finishes by disengaging the slide lock and the slide snapped to the forward position. He then puts the empty magazine back into the weapon.

Akiri: Alright. Let's do this...

He mumbled as he closed his eyes shut and held up a hand forward.

Akiri: Analyzing basic structure...

He mutters as he reaches down and touched the weapon with his hand. Blue glowing lines started to appear, slowly growing from his hand until it covers the pistol entirely.

Akiri: Analyzing component materials...

The lines started to glow brighter for a few seconds before going dim.

Akiri: Material composition analyzed

He took a deep breath and exhaled as he lets go of the weapon and the blue lines disappears.

Akiri: Beginning projection

He held out his hand again and grips his fingers as if he is holding a pistol. A moment later, faint glowing blue lines started appearing in his hand, tracing the outlines of the same handgun that is on the floor.

He started to sweat, and his breathing started to slowly get heavier as he is straining himself more and more, trying to use his Herrscher powers.

The blue lines kept expanding, tracing the shapes of the gun's internals. He precisely constructs every piece of components and mechanism until it fully becomes the shape of the pistol.

After that, metal parts started appearing, seemingly out of thin air, slowly filling the shape. However, halfway, it suddenly stopped.

Akiri: Ugh!

He exclaimed as he quickly clutched his chest in pain, and the projection disappears in an instant.

Both of his hands fell to the floor to support him from falling over and he then took a moment taking deep breaths.

Akiri: Damn it...

After a few breaths, he had recovered and he releases a sigh.

Akiri: I still can't do it...

He recalls his time back at Anti-Entropy's base.


The boy is seen on the ground breathing heavily just like earlier as he clutches his chest tightly in pain.

??? #1: Just stop, Akiri

Someone said in front of him. It is a shorter than average woman with blue hair and blue eyes, wearing a white lab coat.

??? #1: You only have only a fraction of the power Welt has. You're limited to only strengthening and weakening molecular structures

Akiri: No. I can do it... I know I can...

??? #2: Are you an idiot?

Another person said to him. A woman with red hair with a pair of glasses, wearing a white lab coat.

??? #2: We already told you that you can't. If you push yourself more than this, it could risk overloading your core

Akiri: Even so... I have to try

He said before walking up to the table and he lifts up his arm as he started to project the weapon once again.

??? #2: You idiot! Don't you understand a word I just said?!

She shouted as she walks up to him, but the blue-haired woman then grabbed her arm to stop her.

??? #1: Just leave him alone

??? #2: But-

??? #1: All he's doing is tiring himself. He'll stop once he gets exhausted

She said as she turns around and walk away without another word.

The red-haired woman just let out a sigh as followed her colleague and they exited the room, leaving Akiri to himself.

(Flashback over)

Akiri: ...I still need to get stronger

His mind wanders back to what happened at Nagazora city. He thinks back to his encounter with the 3rd Herrscher.

He thought back to the aftermath of the battle. The sheer power of the Herrscher was unlike anything he had ever seen before.

An entire city was reduced to rubble by a single being. And that was from a Herrscher that had just awakened, yet to show her true potential.

Akiri lets out another sigh before taking the gun and placing back it into its case. He slides the metal case under his bed and he got up on his feet and fixed his slightly wrinkled clothes.

He then stretches his whole body with a yawn.

Akiri is then startled when he heard someone loudly knocking on the door.

???: Hey! Watcha doing so long in there?! We're going to be late!

He heard Kiana shouting from behind the door.

Akiri: S-sorry, I'm coming!

Kiana: Hurry up or we're leaving without you!

He heard her walking away from the door as he then quickly made his way outside the main entrance of the dormitory building where the girls are waiting for him.

Mei: It's unusual for you to be late, Akiri-kun

Akiri: Sorry. I got caught up with something

After he gave his excuse, the four of them briefly made their way to the training arena as they have combat classes in the morning for today


Morning training went on as normal without any complications.

After lunch break, Akiri is now sitting quietly in class.

Himeko: What is the unit for measuring Honkai Energy output?

Girl: Honkai Welts

One of the girls answered with a hand up.

Himeko: Good

Standing in front of the room, Major Himeko is teaching them, mostly revising them on topics that are previously learnt, in preparations for the upcoming exams.

Himeko: And how much exposure to Honkai Energy is needed for a regular human to undergo zombification?

Girl: Ten Honkai Welts and above

Another student gave a quick answer.

Himeko: Correct

As she continues her lecture, the boy let out a yawn, completely bored of the subject being taught as he is already well versed in it.

Looking at his classmates, the majority of them are paying close attention to the lecture. Mei is attentively taking notes while Bronya chooses to only listen. Kiana meanwhile, had her head on her table with her eyes closed. A bit of drool could be seen from her lips as she peacefully sleeps in the middle of class.

Rolling his eyes, Akiri then rests his head on the table, looking towards the window as he released a long breath. He spent the rest of the class not really focusing on the lessons as he is too tired to care about it.


The ringing of the bell signals the end of classes for the day. Numerous students are seen around the campus with most of them heading to the dormitory building, while some are still hanging around the campus.

Akiri, Mei, Bronya and Kiana are now seen walking together along the halls of the school building as they had just exited the classroom.

Mei: That was so much to take in, wasn't it?

Mei spoke out as she hung her head exhausted and let out a tired sigh.

As the day of the exams is getting nearer, the teachers of the academy had started to intensify their lectures and revisions. And the amount of homework being given to the students have been more than tripled since.

Combat classes had been more brutal as well. However, all training sessions will be halted three days prior before the exam starts to give students ample time to rest.

Akiri: The teachers are really cramming in whatever they can now... All of those formulas are burned into my retinas now...

He complained as the last period for the day was his least favourite; mathematics.

Akiri: My head feels like it would explode if I had to remember another math formula. Which I will probably never use for the rest of my life

Mei: It's just a few days left until the exam starts, so I guess it makes sense why they're pushing us so hard

Akiri: Almost too hard. It's stressing me out more than anything

Mei: I can agree to that. How about you, Kiana-chan?

Kiana: Hm? Oh yeah, I'm totally fine! Nothing I can't handle

She said with confidence, despite the fact that she was asleep the entire time.

As they walked out of the main building, Akiri stopped and looked at the girls.

Akiri: I'll be going to the teacher's office. So you guys go on ahead

Mei: Oh yeah. You got called by Mr. Welt yesterday, right?

Akiri: Yeah. He wanted me to come to his office after school today

Kiana: You probably got in trouble for something. Even I never got called by a teacher

Akiri just rolls his eyes as Kiana started laughing.

Bronya: The Bronya sense confliction in that statement. Subject Kiana has been called to the principal's office many times before

Her face went red out of embarrassment and she started stuttering.

Kiana: T-that's different! Aunt Theresa isn't a teacher!

Akiri: Well, I'll be on my way then

After excusing himself with Mei and the others, Akiri quietly made his way towards the direction of the teacher's lounge as the day before, he was instructed by his history teacher to meet him in his office.

A few minutes of walking later, he found himself standing in front of a fancily carved wooden door. He took a breath before going to give the door a few firm knocks.

???: You may come in

A male voice answered from inside, and Akiri opened the door and entered the room. He took a brief moment to look around the office. Bookshelves fill the left and right sides of the office, with a wooden desk at the far side of the room and a window behind it.

Akiri: Mr. Welt. It's been a while

Standing in front of the neatly organized desk, is a man with brown hair, with matching brown eyes. A long coat is worn over his white dress shirt, which is neatly tucked in his grey coloured pants. This is the Sovereign of Anti-Entropy, undercover as a history teacher, Welt Yang.

Welt: Indeed. How have you been?

Akiri: The same as usual, I guess

Welt: That's good to hear. Have a seat

He said as he gestures to a single chair in front of his desk and Akiri went to sit down. The man then went to close the curtains shut, blocking the window completely as a precaution. The room is now lit by the lamps above as Welt went and sat at his desk before opening his laptop and started to key in a password.

Akiri: So, when I heard that you were gone on a secret mission, I didn't expect you to be here of all places

Welt: I wasn't expecting it either. However, there is something crucial to our plans located here

Akiri: Huh?

Welt: I'm contacting Salt Lake base right now

A holographic screen then appears in front of the boy, however, it isn't displaying anything at the moment. Welt keys in a few more things until the screen changes to display the face of a young-looking woman with short blue hair with similar-coloured eyes. Dr. Lieserl Albert Einstein.

Einstein: Akiri. It's good to see that you're okay

Akiri: Hey, Eins. It's good to see you too

He then leaned a bit closer to the screen, seemingly looking for something or rather someone.

Akiri: Tes isn't here?

Einstein: She's busy with something. She won't be joining us today

Akiri: Oh

Einstein: I've already heard everything from Mr. Welt. The 3rd Herrscher is contained, yes?

Akiri gave a firm nod.

Akiri: For now, at least. I don't think she'll awaken again unless provoked

Einstein: I see

Akiri: Also, I'm assuming you've heard of the other students who transferred here the same time I did. And the fact that the 3rd Herrscher is Mr. Ryoma's daughter. And Siegfried's daughter, she's here too

Einstein: Yes, I've been informed of that as well

Akiri nodded again before putting on a serious face.

Akiri: Also, another thing. What was Bronya Zaychik doing in Nagazora?

Einstein: That was a surprise for me as well

Akiri: So you don't know either, huh? Seems like Cocolia is planning something behind our backs

Einstein: It seems so. However, there's no way to be sure unless we confront her directly

Akiri then looked at Welt.

Akiri: Why don't you just get back to being the Sovereign? You can easily stop whatever she's planning

Welt: I still have unfinished business to tend to. We just have to keep a close eye on her from now on and figure out what her scheme is

Welt said, and the others nodded in response. There is a brief moment of silence before Einstein decided to speak out, continuing their discussion.

Einstein: Mr. Welt, any progress on your mission?

Welt: There is. I'm transmitting you the intel now

He said as he plugs in a USB Drive into the slot on his laptop and proceeds to type some more on the keyboard.

Einstein: Transmission successful. Thank you

Akiri: Intel? What did you just send?

Welt: The layout of the academy. Including the entrance to the basement and everything required to access it

Einstein: With this, the necessary preparations are complete. We can move on to the next phase of the plan

Akiri: Plan? What plan?

He asked, looking at his two superiors, genuinely confused about what was going on as he was kept in the dark.

Akiri: Mind telling me what it is?

He looks at the two of them again, however, neither of them answered.

Akiri: Great. Looks like everyone is keeping secrets now, huh?

Welt: You shouldn't worry about that. When the time comes, I will explain everything

Akiri just let out a sigh, knowing that whatever he does, it's their decision whether or not to tell him whatever they're planning.

Akiri: Fine, whatever you say

He then looks back at Einstein.

Akiri: So, what do I do now? I kinda got enrolled here as a student, so there's no way I could just go back to home base

Einstein: I think that could play in our favour. We have no immediate need for you right now. So for the time being, you should just live out your days there as a student there. I'll contact you should need be. Understood?

Akiri: Yes, ma'am

As he said that, a beeping noise can be heard coming from his wristwatch.

Akiri: Curfew's starting soon. I should get going

He said as he got up on his feet.

Welt: I'll see you in tomorrow's class. And good luck on the upcoming Valkyrie Trials

With that, Akiri excuses himself and walked out of the office, leaving Welt alone, still in a video call with Einstein.

Einstein: You know, I'm starting to have doubts whether or not you'll tell him the truth

She spoke out, breaking the silence.

Welt: About what?

Einstein: About Siberia. And about his friend, Sirin

Welt flinched for a split second, hearing the name before regaining his composure.

Welt: ...Now is not the right time

Einstein: Then, when? When is the right time?

She asked the man, who seems to be having trouble answering as he only stayed tight-lipped.

Einstein: He'll find out eventually, one way or another. And when he does, how do you think he'll react? That we've been lying to him all this time

Once again, Welt Yang wasn't able to answer, and another moment of silence ensues for the two of them until Einstein let out a sigh.

Einstein: Give me some time to prepare. Once everything's ready, I'll contact you

The man only nodded as the communication between the two was cut off, leaving the man to his own thoughts.

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