Coincidental Husbands!!!

By MyInvisibleButterfly

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* What if a prank results in two people getting married by chance? Can they deal with the aftermath? Or wil... More

Character Introductions
Chapter 1 - What Just Happened?
Chapter 2 - Flashback - Las Vegas - Part 1
Chapter 3 - Flashback - Las Vegas - Part 2
Chapter 4 -Flashback - Las Vegas - Last Part
Chapter 5 - Meeting My So-Called Husband
Chapter 6 - Confrontation
Chapter 7 - Rules For Coexisting
Chapter 8 - Chaos and Peace
Chapter 9 - Fake Marriage!
Chapter 10 - Hi Husband!
Chapter 11- Envious
Chapter 12 - Accidentally Planned Date
Chapter 13 - I Thought You Belonged With Me
Chapter 14 - Sealing The Deal
Chapter 15 - Being Husbands!
Chapter 16 - New Bondings
Chapter 17 - Equal Partnership
Chapter 18 - Out in 4k
Chapter 19 - Pieces of My Broken Heart
Chapter 20 - Unlikely Partnership
Chapter 21 - Trouble In Paradise
Chapter 23 - The Apology
Chapter - 24 - This is Our Thing (The Finale)
Anniversary Special (Post Finale)
Check Out For More

Chapter 22 - Frustration

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By MyInvisibleButterfly

Ohm's POV:

"Meeting at home?" Drake asked looking at me from his reading glasses, a pen in hand to take notes in his notepad.

"Check." Chimon replied with a sad face.

"Status?" Aim asked.

"Failure. Big time." Jimmy replied.

"What happened exactly?" Niran asked me while I was senselessly sipping my ice tea.

I looked at him and then looked away.

Nanon smirked. "I'll tell you." He said rubbing my back to comfort me.

"'Mr. Ohm Pawat! If it is unclear to you, do you want me to call the cops?' is what my dad said while banging the door on his face." Nanon chuckled.

"Awww my poor brother." Niran said teasing me caressing my hair and then giggled. He high-fived Nanon and if I wasn't disheartened enough to be so quite, I would have smacked him.

"Meeting at his farm?" Drake jotted a new point.

"Check." Chimon said stuffing the croissant in his mouth.

"Status please?" Aim asked.

"Another big failure." Jimmy shook his head sneering.

"Woah! Now what?" Niran asked me raising his eyebrow.

"The guards didn't even allow him inside." Nanon said pulling me on to his shoulder and patting my head.

Everybody looked at each other before shrugging.

"Meeting the mother-in-law?" Drake jotted yet again.


"Please tell me that went well." Aim said.

"Better than previous two scenarios." Jimmy said giving me a thumbs up.

"But she said she doesn't hate him. But she can't forgive him before my dad does." Nanon said pouting.

"Phew. Though it is better than been shooed away by the guards, right?" Niran said patting my shoulder.

"Ok, next point." Drake said.

"Hey!!!" I snapped. And everyone turned to look at me. "What the hell is this? Are you guys helping me or preparing a list of my failures?"

"Of course we are helping you. We need to know what all we have tried so far. So we can come up with new ideas." Aim said.

"Exactly." Drake chimed in. "Dude you need our help. On your own, you could not even get your father-in-law to talk to you face to face."

"If I were dad, I wouldn't either." Chimon grimaced getting on my nerves.

"Don't be disheartened. Dad forgave me too." Nanon said trying to comfort me.

"After 10 years." Jimmy added much to my irritation.

"Ok guys. Enough. We need to come up with a plan." Niran said and they all started thinking.

Nanon held my hand and squeezed it once giving me a comforting smile. We were at a café all together trying to think of how I can convince my father-in-law to accept me. This has become our regular spot. We are meeting third time in this week here. When we met, I told them what I was planning next and they gave me suggestions for improving the plan. But all my ideas have failed so far.

We are married. And no one can stop us from being together if we want. But while my father has left the country after telling me to not contact him, Nanon has recently reconciled with his father. At least he has his family's support. And I don't want him to lose it.

Last night Nanon asked me to give up saying he will talk to his father instead. But I want to do this for him. For us. I have been at fault for many things since the beginning. But I now I want to fix whatever I can.

"Ohm!" Drake called standing up. "Get up. Let's practice apologizing."

"Are you serious?" I asked annoyed.

"Of course. You have to learn to apologize. You hardly do that." Aim said and I shook my head.

I don't know whether Nanon's dad will forgive me or not. But I know for a fact that these bunch of idiots are going to have a lot of fun on my account till then.

"Get down on your knees." Drake said.

"Huh?" I looked at him confused.

"Apologize with this gesture. It works." Chimon said. Jimmy nodded. And Aim was pointing her phone camera at me. Must be recording a video of my stupidity.

"Once Nanon's dad forgives me, I am going to give you all the time of your life." I said annoyed and they all grimaces and continued to bother me.


Nanon's POV:

I know dad's being harsh. But it is tough for him too. He accepted that his son is gay but then he was dragged to the court and was humiliated by Ohm's father. I can't think from his perspective. Because whenever Ohm is involved, my logic disappears. I stop thinking rationally. But since more than a week, Ohm has been trying to talk to my parents. My mom straightaway left everything for my dad to decide, while my dad is not even willing to listen to him.

"Hey" Niran patted my shoulder and sat beside when the others dragged Ohm out of the table to make him practice his body language while making an apology. I can't help laugh looking at him cutely trying to do everything that they are teaching him. Sometimes he is just a giant adorable kid.

"Uhhh sorry I didn't see you." I said turning towards him.

"Yeah you were too busy looking at my brother." Niran teased.

"C'mon, don't you start this too."

"Ok I get it. But you guys are so much into each other, it's hard not to tease." We chuckled.

"Ummm, thanks for everything." I said.

He looked at me once and then smiled. "Actually I am sorry for everything. Ohm wasn't the kind of person to spike drinks and be arrogant before." He said and I looked at him confused. "He was sweet and loving... like he is now when he is with you. But..."

"But?" I pressed.

"Since childhood, his mom wasn't there. And Uncle never paid attention to him except for showering him with money."

I nodded listening.

"He depended on Aim and me for family comfort. But I left his side. Since then he was a total wreck. I always wanted to lead the business. And so my jealousy got the best of me." He said and I could feel he was trying to talk it out.

I gave him a comforting smile. "Don't you want to become the chairman? I am sure Ohm will give you his shares." I said.

"He was the one who offered to give all his shares to me first."

"What? He never told me."

"That's how he is. He won't say the good things about him." I looked at Ohm who was now on his knees reciting the speech written on paper handed to him by Jimmy.

"Then why did you give your shares to him?"

"Coz as grandpa always said, few positions come with responsibilities. And I feel Ohm is better at handling responsibilities than I am."

I just looked at Niran unable to say anything.

"Hey it's ok. No need to be emotional. We are all cool now." I said smiling and patting my shoulder.

I grinned back and nodded.

"So what will you do now?"

"Construction. Dad left something for me and Aim. I am going to use my part from it as capital for my new construction business. I have contacts and with Pawat Manufacturing I can run a business in collab."

"That's a good idea."

"Thanks. Let's hope for the best."

"Fingers crossed." I said and we smiled.


Ohm's POV:

I pulled Nanon into the washroom cubicle.

"What are you doing?" he asked with a naughty smile knowing very well what I could be up to.

I held his face in my palms and kissed him. He chuckled in my kiss and kissed me back.

"I am seeing you after 48 hours." I said.

He laughed. "Are you always calculating hours?"

"Only when I am away from you." I said and kissed his cheeks.

I pinched his dimples while he kissed my forehead.

"I miss our home." He said sniffing my neck. "And I miss you." He said and bit me on my collar bone.

"Ow. You are getting wild these days." I said nipping on his lip.

"You have this effect on me." He said hugging me tighter.

"Do you want me to show what effect you have on me?"

"We are in public loo, hubby." He said pinching my cheeks this time. "And others are waiting for us."

"Just 5 minutes." I said and his dimpled smile became even more prominent.

"Ohm..." he said tracing my face with his forefinger.

"Hmm?" I asked enjoying his touch while holding him tight by his waist.

"I am proud of you." He said caressing my cheek and looking in my eye.


"Because of what all you did to resolve everything. I was just waiting for things to happen or someone to do something all the while either crying or being sad. While you were doing things. Taking decisions. Giving away your rights." He said a bit guiltily.

"Did Niran tell you this? I told them not to." I said embarrassed. I never wanted him to know that he is above everything for me.

"Why? What is wrong in letting others know your good side?" he said pecking me on my lips.

"Doesn't go with my image." I said quoting with my fingers.

"You are crazy." He smacked my head lightly and chuckled. "I don't like saying it too much but... I love you." He said.

"Oh! But I like hearing it too much... And... I love you too." I said and pressed my lips against his.


Nanon's POV:

"Non, are you leaving already?" Ohm asked pouting as usual when I was about to go into the car. The others left and Chimon left with Jimmy to buy a few things before heading back home. Ohm and I were the last ones leaving. After seeing everyone off, we were walking to the parking lot.

"What do you expect? I promised dad to have dinner with him." I said and he pouted even more.

I caressed his cheek and pulled him into a hug.

"Why don't you leave it? Let it be. With time he will be fine." I said rubbing his back.

"No way. I want to be with you and I want to be with your family too." He replied hugging me tightly. "Why is it so hard to be with you?"

No one was ready to pull back from the hug. But I reluctantly let go.

"Ohm... do you want to come to my room tonight?" I asked playfully trying to change his mood. He smirked.

"I know what you are trying to do. But that will not solve the problem. Although I am not saying no." he said and I chuckled.

"Hey, I forgot my mobile in there. Let me get it quick." He said and left.

I decided to wait for him in the car. But when I was about to open the door a hand stopped it.


"Come out!" he said. I could see he was angry.

"Hi!" I said skeptically smiling at him.

"You bloody asshole!" he punched me as soon as I closed the door and faced him.

"Rith! What the hell are you doing?"

"You were playing me huh? Bloody wannabe ass!" he said through his teeth and charged to punch me again. This time I dodged it. It was late evening and so it was a bit dark in the parking lot. And I couldn't see anyone around.

He charged once again I blocked his hand holding his fist and pulling him back to my car. I pushed him to stop him.

"Rith what the hell are you doing?" I said angry now.

"You were playing me. And you were married too." He screamed pushing me.

"I never played you, Rith" I said unable to understand. "What bullshit are you spitting?"

"You are married aren't you? And you were saying you don't know him. You were playing me."

"Rith. Get back to your senses."

"I thought you were an innocent person. But I didn't know you lay with people for money."

What the... I was furious. If nothing, he was my friend. But what he said today hurt me. And I won't take this bullshit.

"You know what? I didn't play you. I straightaway rejected you." I snapped.

He glared at me. I could see his anger raising. And so was mine. I was so angry that I couldn't help stoop low to his level.

I smirked and got close to him and looked straight in his eyes.

"You didn't have enough money to satisfy me anyway." I said and he looked at me wide eyed.

"I never expected you to be this shitty." He hissed.

"Nanon!" Ohm called from behind and we both turned to look at him.

"What the hell is happening?" Ohm came running and looked at my bruised face. He held my face in his palms and looked at me concerned. The he looked at Rith and his expression changed. I could see his concern overtaken by fury, rage. He left my face and held Rith by his collar.

"How dare you!" he said and punched Rith. His punch was so strong that Rith fell on the ground face down. His head banged loud enough for us to hear. Rith was almost unconscious.

"Ohm!" I held his hand but he jerked me away again pulling Rith up with his collar. He punched him again, once, twice, thrice.

"Ohm, leave him." I pulled him harder this time.

He pushed me again and went ahead to beat Rith when I screamed louder.

"OHM! STOP IT RIGHT NOW!" I screamed on top of my voice and he turned to me. His eyes filled with rage.

"Leave him. Please." I pulled him by his hand and took him to my car. "Sit here."

"How dare he hit you??" He asked annoyed still eying him.

"Calm down will you?" I yelled at him. Ohm looked away to furiously.

Rith managed to get up. He was hurt badly but today I wasn't feeling bad for him at all. Still I walked to him.

"If you can't stand me, don't bully me either. We don't work together anymore." I warned him.

He smirked. "You know how to get a guy whipped and get him to do all the dirty jobs for you huh? Never thought a player like Ohm Pawat would be so much into you."

"HEY!" Ohm yelled angrily coming in our direction and I blocked him before he could reach Rith.

"Get the fuck out of here Rith." I screamed trying to control Ohm.

He looked at Ohm and something tells me that Rith got scared of his anger. His punches must have been tough enough for him to know that he can't mess with the wild beast. But then his expressions changed when he looked at me. Anger returned and he glared with his rage filled red eyes.

"Nanon, when your cheap tricks were exposed on national TV, I wished for it to be false somehow. But today when I saw you guys, I knew I made a mistake. Hope to never see you again." He spat in our direction and walked away.

Ohm and I looked at each other. Both were too angry to say anything. But we have had enough problems in our share already. So I slowly walked towards him and held him by his shoulder.

But he jerked my hand away.

"What was that?" he asked angrily.

"Ohm! Let it be. Maybe he was angry because I had rejected him."

"No!" He snapped and then gulped down his anger. "No this is not it. This is... This is..." he was frustrated.

I want him to calm down but I don't know what to do.

"Ohm, listen to me please. We should focus on us."

His expressions changed. He was panting, suppressing his anger. I was at loss of words too. We were in that dark parking lot and my phone kept ringing back in my car. But I wasn't able to go away from Ohm. He looked vulnerable.

I waited for a while. Ohm was walking back and forth rubbing his face.

"Ohm..." I called him and held his hand.

He stopped and looked at me.

"Let it be, hmmm? Everything will be fine tomorrow." I tried to convince him.

I don't know what he is thinking. And I don't know what I am feeling too.

He slowly left my hand.

"I think you should go home." He said plainly. I looked at him perplexed. If there is one thing that I can't stand is seeing him getting distant from me. I know I liked Rith at some point of time. But now he doesn't matter to me. Why I tried to save him today was not because of him, but because of Ohm. I don't want him to be dragged in any issues.


"I'll see you later. Please just... Just reach home safe ok?" he came near me and kissed me on my forehead and went into his car.

He drove away even before I could process anything.

His dad left him. My dad is not forgiving him. And now this. I know he is frustrated. I am too. But I scared. I don't want him to take the blame on him internally. But the saddest part is, I don't know what to do.


Hey Guys,

This chapter might be sad but it is important and you will soon know why. So please bear with me. 😊

We are nearing the end of Coincidental Husbands. It has been a story very close to my heart even before I placed OhmNanon in the main characters' place.

Have said this many times before but once again, thanks for being part of this. 🙏💖

After this I will be starting with another FF with OhmNanon and a few more favorites of mine.

That is another draft that I am pouring my heart into and it is different genre from this one.

If you like my work and wish to receive the updates, please follow me.


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