Far from home|KTH

By EllaM_1337

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Home. Such a funny concept. She felt more at home here than she ever did anywhere before, and that thought s... More

Picking up the pieces
Drunk on love
Now what ?
Never be enough
Fear of the unknown
A place where I belong
8 years of love
To us
What friends are for
Someone like you
If this was the peak, it's fine
What if
Deja vu
Turning tables
Sorry seems to be the hardest word
Hold on
Okay then
Second chances
It's not goodbye
Final chapter: Love like this
Thank you for reading!
Epilogue: If we just dare to risk it all


95 9 18
By EllaM_1337

Nervous. That's what he makes me, she thought as she threw herself on the bed of her hotel room. Her nerves had never been on edge like this, like they were with him present. It was like every cell in her body was on high alert and magnetic to his energy, like they fed off it.

Why was he so fascinating? She had no idea and wasn't sure that it was even important. All she knew was that she had never experienced anything as intense as this. Never had she ever craved someone this badly, not only physically but mentally.

On other hand there was also guilt. She often thought about Jin and how he was doing. All her confusion must be breaking his heart, but as usual he put on a brave face. Maybe he knew as well as her that if she didn't explore this she would always wonder, maybe even romanticise it into something that wasn't real but would always stay with her. What ifs...terribly inconvenient in the long run.

Fortunately, her schedule didn't allow for much time to elaborate on her thoughts and emotions. If it did she would drive herself insane.

Today's showcase was waiting and she had to get to the venue sooner rather than later.

The energy at the venue was thrilling, so much anticipation and nervousness in the air. They were all used to it, but this was a different country, a different audience, a different energy.

"Emma!", JK yelled from the stage, summoning her to his service.

"What is it?", she asked a she reached the edge of the stage and Jimin and J-hope joined them.

"Honestly now...does it sound and look like shit? We need to know and you always tell us the truth...", JK said with a worried expression on his face.

Emma laughed as the three of them sat down on the stage.

"Listen guys, it's going to be fine. I can see some nerves right now but you guys are always fine once there is a live audience and you can feed off the energy. Trust your instincts and talent, okay? No need to worry", she replied calmly, assuring them.

"Are you sure?", Jimin asked, being the perfectionist and always wanting to double check everything.

"Should I take a video of you guys? Would it help?", she asked, knowing that they would not relax before they saw it themselves.

They all nodded.

"Okey, choose the song and I will get ready", she replied, urging them to continue.

Tae and Namjoon joined her, observing the trio on stage closely.

"Nerves?", Namjoon asked.

"Yeah, you know it. They will be fine though", she answered.

Vanessa and Suga joined them together with Hannah and James from the US team.

"All good?", Vanessa asked. "They seem a little too calm to be them right now. Not even a tiny scandal yet", she said with a soft laugh.

"They have stayed very focused on this trip so far, a dream to work with in the studio. I guess they know how much is on stake for all of us", Suga continued.

"That's great to hear. The fans this side have been dying to see them live. They are in for some craziness tonight", Tae said with a smirk.

"I can only imagine. I can't say I'm jealous of them, I could never handle the attention", Namjoon said, shaking his head.

"That's why we work behind the scenes and not on them obviously", Emma mocked her friend.

She was in work mode right now, fully focused on getting through the first night without any hiccups, Tae could tell by her intense focus on them and not him. A sting of jealousy hit him. He wanted all her attention selfishly, but this wasn't the time. He loved her creative professional side too, it was exciting to watch her use all sides of her personality. It showed the great depth of her persona.

The day progressed quickly into night and it was almost showtime. The moments before were always the most stressful, everyone being on edge, not displaying necessarily the best sides of themselves. Emma had made her way backstage with the guys, giving them one final pep talk.

"Listen, this is it! The moment we prepared for all those hours. Enjoy it! Don't put too much pressure on yourselves, just enjoy okay?", she said with an encouraging smile.

The three young men nodded with nervous smiles.

"Just breath, you guys will be fine, just listen to the crowd! They came to see you, remember that", Namjoon added.

Loud screams and chants had already filled the air. They got ready for the entrance as the first intense notes hit the speakers. Namjoon and Emma squeezed each others hands nervously in excitement like two proud parents watching their kids. Neither of them could stand still, they jumped and cheered as loudly as the crowd did.

Tae watched them, smirking. He loved their friendship. Loved how they knew each other well enough to not need words sometimes. They were a well coordinated duo of managers definitely. It was obvious that Namjoon was her work husband for a very long time and a great friend to her. He wasn't jealous of him, just wishing that he could have the same with her one day and more.

Back to dreaming again. His mind tended to go there abundantly, to visions of what life would be like with her. Her overly joyed face in this moment brought a smile to his. The sweet feeling of accomplishment and pride, he could relate.

She was tired though, he could tell. Behind all that supportive energy was a hint of exhaustion, he could see it through her eyes. But as usual, she just kept going with a smile on her face, putting everyone else needs before hers.

Eventually the show ended and they managed to get the guys into cars quickly to avoid chaos at the venue. It was a successful night definitely and everyone was exhausted from the release of months of tension tonight.

Excited chatter was still heard all the way to the hotel, but Emma just observed everything quietly, taking in every moment.

"Emma, why are you so quiet tonight?", J-hope asked her curiously.

"Yeah , it's not like you to be this quiet", Jimin added with a worried face.

"Are you okay? Do you need some water?", JK asked, trying to be helpful as usual.

"Guys,I'm fine, just tired. I'm so proud of you. I'm just enjoying listening to your feelings about tonight. It makes me so happy. Like a proud sister!", she answered with a tired smile.

"Are you sure?", Jimin asked again.

"Yeah I'm sure, I'm fine, don't worry. But no partying tonight! Go straight to your rooms and have some dinner and then to bed. You need the rest!", she continued.

"Same goes for you, behave and go straight to bed...alone", Jimin said and they all burst out into laughter, knowing exactly what he meant.

Emma blushed and Tea laughed nervously in the backseat.

"Jesus christ...seriously...I can't with you guys, always embarrassing me!", she said and stared at them intensely.

"Just saying...", Jimin muttered and rolled his eyes.

Emma was grateful that the car ride came to an end quickly and they all disbanded into their rooms. Tae grabbed her hand in the lobby when no one was paying attention and pulled her into the closest elevator to her surprise.

She stared at him startled and nervous. Damn those nerves again. His presence was not any less intimidating tonight, his tall well carved features leaning against the wall, his wavy hair almost covering his dreamy eyes, his arms crossed over his chest, his eyes on her as usual.

He smiled at her anxious appearance, fascinated with the hold he had on her.

"Dont worry...", he said in his soft low tone, but she did worry. She always did with him present because she didn't trust herself with him. He was a master of erasing all her boundaries.

"Worry about what?", she said, pretending to be unaware of what he meant.

He chuckled softly.

"You know what I mean...", he said and approached her, trapping her between the wall and him.

Shyness always overpowered her with him this close, with the obvious excoriating  sexual tension in the air, it was thick enough to be cut with a knife by now.

His eyes sought hers, demanding attention, his hand pulling her chin up.

"I know you are tired but I just wanted a moment alone with you. All I think about is your lips on mine since the bus ride ...I just want to kiss you so badly...", he whispered, hoovering with his lips close to hers.

Emma gulped, her core being hit with flames of desire by his words. She pressed her thighs together in search for some friction for her dripping core, but he pushed his leg between her thighs, pressing his chest against her, pulling her body to his.

"Do I turn you on?", he asked with a smirk as he pressed his thigh against her clit, letting her grind herself on him.

"Isn't it obvious?", she asked and bit his lower lip, pulling it  with her teeth to access his tongue quickly.

Tongues were playing with each other heatedly, bodies grinding on each other desperately, hands exploring each other hungrily, soft groans leaving their mouths in between until the elevator doors sprung open. Neither of them was satisfied yet.

"This is your floor..."he said as he still stared at her with dark lustful eyes, holding her in his grip.

"I know", she replied panting.

"Good night then", he said and kissed her deeply once again.

Her lips didn't want to part from his and she pulled him out of the elevator, a pleased smirk spreading on his face.

"Emma...wait", he said and pulled away from her lips unwillingly.

"Why?", she asked confused, staring at him with her deep blue eyes.

"I just don't want you to regret anything. I don't want to take advantage of you, I'm not like that...I care about you too much, but I can wait until you are ready", he replied calmly.

She sighed but knew that he was right. She didn't think this through, she was needy for him and let her needs take the lead. Parting from him right now wasn't an option though.

"Can't you just sleep next to me?", she asked carefully.

That question was really testing his self-control, but he would take whatever he could get. He wanted to stay next to her tonight. This was a chance to wake up next to her, to hold her. He could never refuse her anything.

He nodded and followed her to her room, knowing that this was not going to end in friendly cuddles. Not with this amount of attraction between them.

He watched her step out of the bathroom in a t-shirt. All he could think of was the easy access that choice of clothing gave him. Heat spread through him quickly, his inner demons debating with him intensely. This was the most intimate moment with her so far, so many possibilities in the air, just the two of them present.

Confidently he removed his clothes down to his underwear. Her hungry eyes followed his every move as she got under the covers, pretending not to be affected.

The image of his toned aesthetic overwhelmed her senses and she looked away, a light pink shade covering her cheeks. She felt flustered in his presence like this.

"Hey...", he said as he got under the covers with her, pulling her closer to him, grabbing her hands in his and kissing them softly. "You make me just as nervous as I make you, don't worry...I'm all yours. Take all the time you need, I will be waiting until you know what you want".

Her eyes stared straight into his soul, her lips brushing on his skin, the sweet sensation of  the heat from them adding fire to his arrousal. This was by far the most sensual moment she ever had with a man and he was just laying next to her, gazing at her.

"I can't help it...you memorise me...", she replied softly. "Forgive me for not being able to give you all of me yet, I know you suffer because of me".

He shook his head and placed a soft peck on her lips. Oh, the sweet tingling sensation of his lips.

"I would rather suffer with you than not have you at all...it's the sweetest, most beautiful form of  suffering...", he replied in his husky tone, overflowing her core with wetness for him.

She reached for his lips, smashing hers on his harshly with all her emotions of deep desire for him in every way possible. He was like a magical creature, knowing her mind better than herself. And the way he knew exactly how to kiss her and touch her to light her flame, it was magnificent, unheard off.

Their make-up session got heated quickly, both of them wanting more of each other. He was fighting with the urge to rip her clothes off and slam himself into her wet core. Just the thought of it made him insane. It was pure madness. He wasn't used to losing control like this. It was the hardest thing he ever had to do, to resist it at this moment.

His hands explored her soft skin, her t-shirt slowly getting pulled out of the way, granting him access to her core. His hand was drawn to her womanhood, needing to stroke it even though it was over her underwear. He was ready to burst from just the sense of her soaked underwear, triggered by the sign of her affection for him. She pressed herself towards his touch, granting him the permission to touch her.

He used his body weight to push her to her back as he kept kissing her passionately. She kept pushing herself against his touch, following his every move willingly. He pushed her underwear to the side and slid his fingers through her warm wet folds. He already knew how good it would feel to make love to her, his member getting harder by the second.

A quiet moan escaped her into the kiss and he pulled away, her needy eyes looking at him with desperation.

"Are you okay? I'm sorry I couldn't resist touching you...", he said as he kept stroking her, watching her facial expression closely. All he could see was lust and pleading in her eyes.

He pushed his fingers inside of her, making her gasp, her eyes widening at impact.

"Tell me what you like", he said as his fingers kept pumping into her slowly. He wanted to please her badly, desperately. "Let me taste you, please..", he plead.

She found herself unable to speak, caught up in the touch of his hand. Her eyes barely stayed open, her body surrendering to him, squirming under his touch.

He disappeared under the covers, the heat of his breath hitting her dripping core. His tongue made contact with her wet slit and she moaned out loudly as he licked her, dug his tongue  deep in her and kissed her folds and clit hungrily, following the sounds of her pleasure.

She ground her core against his tongue, riding it, lost in the pleasure. It took over her mind and body completely, all of it feeling like the most natural thing with him.

"Tae..", she panted, letting him know that she was almost at her climax."Tae..Tae...".

Reason left her at this moment with her vocabulary as she was sent off to a string of orgasms, emptying her off all her energy and all her frustration of craving for him. She tasted sweet as she became unravelled under the touch of his tongue, his whole being wanting more of her.

He watched her come down from her high, stroking her overly sensitive folds. He had never seen anything more sensual in his life than her at this moment. His lips made contact with hers and he kissed her softly as she caught her breath, his arrousal pressed against her stomach.

"If I fuck you now... I won't last more than a minute...", he panted into the kiss. "You are so damn beautiful right now, I don't know what to do with myself...".

She smiled and kissed him as her hand slid into his boxers, grabbing him hard. He groaned and kissed her deeper. He had never been this close to coming from just someone touching him. Her soft hand pumped him gently but firmly, him pushing himself into her touch. The wetness from his pre-cum acted as perfect lubrication for her hand as she milked his member until he came with a loud groan.

"See...we can't be trusted with each other...being alone with each other...", he said and admired her blushing cheeks and swollen lips. "I just can't stay away from you, you are my obsession", he said lovingly, pulling her into a hug.

"I know...", she replied into his chest and smiled.

"When you are ready I want to make insane love to you all night...please let me...words are just not enough to explain the way I feel about you", he plead.

She nodded, understanding exactly what he ment. This madness was all that occupied her thoughts, filled her up to her limit. A love like this, that hit them like a extracelestial force from nowhere. Where was it going to take them?

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