The Sinz of Prinz

By Elect0sharkus

73.5K 2.9K 1.9K

"You never realize what you miss until it's gone." That one line is something that goes through my head every... More

Trailer(Bonus Content)
Who am I?
Where Demons Tread
The Hunt's Guests
First Impressions...Right?
All in a Day
Two Identical Souls
It's Worse in Person
The Chains Are Set
Blast to the Past
The Past Meets the Future
The Prinz and the Prince
Living Nightmare
To Call an Angel
The Twin Cinders
Her True Companions
Holy Blade, Damned Sinners
A Friend's Wake
To End the War
A Terrible Night
The Final Two
Freed from the Night
Eugen's Epiphany
Pissed off Hunter
Fragility of a Future Girl
The Cake isn't a Lie
Hipper Helper
Monarchy Malarkey
Entertaining a Prinz
Oil and Blood
Mechanical Miracle
Man and Machine
Angel of "Mercy"
Android Assault
To Be Duped
Science and Subject
Washing Away the Anger
Oh Hunter
Timeless Duet
The Three (Faded) Heroes
Fell from Grace (+18)
Other End of the Rope
Dusk Before the Rapture
Final Confessions
The Eventide
Of Heaven and Hell
To the End
For Their Sake

Ghosts of the Future

1.1K 57 16
By Elect0sharkus

Once again, Azrael was able to wake up to a fine morning, and once again did she find herself drowning in fluffy Heaven, courtesy of Shinano.

Yet once again, Shinano was out like a light. If anything was different of this morning, it was that she was successfully able to worm out of Shinano's hold and did it all without waking her.

Azrael: Now then, very soon the rest of the factions should be coming here. Someone needs to act as liaison for the minor factions so they know of the changes and hopefully are able to settle differences...

She got to thinking while dressing herself, pulling down her signature black turtleneck and putting on her black trench coat. Her black pants followed and finally ended in her heavy duty boots that produced her infamous echoing stomps.

Finally, she strapped her two broadswords that she always kept with her to her waist, making sure each finely crafted blade was held well before she set off.

Azrael: So, what's the agenda today...

She made her way to the main room of the dorm building, seeing absolutely no one there. That alone was odd, but the complete lack of sound also caught her off guard.

Thoroughly creeped, she drew one of her broadswords and walked outside, seeing a few girls walking around, but they seemed a bit frightened of...something. Putting her broadsword back in the sheathe, she decided to investigate.

Azrael: Excuse me, miss Centaur?

Centaur: O-oh Prinz Eu...sorry, Azrael. What can I do for you?

Azrael: Why does everyone seem so jumpy and afraid this morning?

Centaur: Ah...well, we found someone injured heavily overnight


Azrael: Who?

Centaur: Vestal wouldn't tell us, only keeping us away from the scene

Azrael: Okay...thank you for your time Centaur

Centaur: It was no trouble

She walked off, and Azrael was already running towards the hospital. She didn't know who was injured, but if it was to the point where they weren't letting anyone in to see her...she'll have to figure out the wounds and pray that it isn't what she thinks it is.

There was a crowd in front of the hospital, full of worried individuals who were talking amongst themselves about the woman who was injured the night before.

Azrael: Alright, clear the way! Move it! You're gonna scare the patients with your ugly mugs!

She quickly shooed away the crowd, even forcibly pushing away some who tried to resist. With the crowd now gone, she went up to the door, which she did find was locked to keep the crowd out.

Not like it would stop Azrael.

Summoning her Rigging, she pulled out one of her knives, sticking it between the doors and pulling it up to move the lock up and out of the way.

Azrael: They really need a better lock...then again, who the fuck breaks into a Hospital in a Naval base?

Locking the door behind her, she followed after the small blood splatters on the ground, which never grew in size nor shrunk, which meant they were either stabilized or were bleeding out. With that queue, she shook away her thoughts and continued following them, up until she saw the room the blood ended off at.

Azrael: Alright...who is it then?

She opened the door, first catching the eyes of of Vestal, who also watched her.

Vestal: What the?! I swore I locked the door!

Azrael: You did, I just broke in here. No one else in here so it's just us

Vestal:, I'm not even mad. You've definitely seen worse and her condition is the only reason I'm keeping her away from the rest

She moved to the side, and finally let Azrael see the woman who was critically injured.


Vestal: Yeah...I figured you would be like that

Azrael's eyes were locked onto the person in the bed, as she felt her fingers slowly start to twitch as her anger swelled to heights they never had hit in a long time.

Azrael: Vestal...

Vestal: What is it?

Azrael: Where...was she found?

Vestal: Near the park, off towards the Northern part of the base...good luck on your hunt

Azrael: Luck is wasted when I know I'm taking their skull as a trophy

She opened the window and leapt out of it, despite it being a 2nd story window. Vestal sighed and closed it behind her, looking over to the comatose woman. She had bullet holes in her flesh and a severe crack of her skull, obviously from some sort of metal bludgeoning.

Vestal: Hipper...she'll figure this out, don't worry

Azrael: Clues...where are clues...

She was scrounging around the Northern park, looking to find any sort of idea as to who attacked her sister so brashly and viciously. When she finally gets them, she was planning on tearing them to pieces slowly and painfully.

First thing though, she had to find them.

Azrael: Where the fuck are you?! If you come out now, I promise your death will be quick!


Azrael: Fine, then when I find you, I'll make sure you know pain before I end you!

?: I do not feel pain Angel

She snapped around to behind her, but saw nothing there. The odd part was that she felt as if she knew that voice...

Azrael: What the fuck...who's there?!

Her sharp eyes scanned the environment, but she saw no one.

?: I am designated AH-01. Android model designed with hunting the Angel as effectively as possible

Azrael: A bot huh? So they stopped sending real people to fight their wars huh?

AH-01: Flesh is considered disadvantageous against your blades. Metal has proven to be superior despite your proficiency of destroying it as well

Azrael: I'm flattered...

She had already unsheathed her broadswords, holding each in one hand and looking around to find the hiding robot.

Azrael: Now then, where are you hiding hm? Are you planning on using my own tactics against me?

AH-01: Negative, ambushes against the Angel has proven ineffective. Direct combat is the most successful chance

She heard mechanical whirs from behind her, and turned around as the culprit was walking i the shade of the tree. The light passed over their green eye, and the yellow scanner covering their right one, eventually, they stood out in the light, staring Azrael down.

Azrael: WHAT?!

The robot tilted it's head.

AH-01: Your heart rate skyrocketed, have you given up on this fruitless endeavor?

Azrael: Wha...n-no...

AH-01: Target is dissociative, commencing attack

They pointed their hand forward, which shifted into a Heavy caliber gun that quickly fired dozens of shots at Azrael. She snapped out of it and started running to the side, blocking the shots with her blades while running in between the trees to avoid the gunfire.

Azrael: Why the hell do you look like that, she's dead! Why did they even try to make you this way, to trick me?!

AH-01: I was designed to mimic the original in all manners to get the drop on you. My own free will was unaccounted for. I have chosen through my own will to attack you now rather than later

She raised her other arm and fired small yet fast missles that Azrael was forced to block. The explosion knocked her back into a tree, where she winced at the pain upon contact.

AH-01: I am perfectly designed to take you down Angel, and my success rate is 74.8% in battle tested simulations

Azrael stood up on her feet, staring at the robot that was in front of her.

Azrael: You think that matters? You may look, sound, and even speak like her, but you will never be my sister!

AH-01: That is not the objective, I have orders to destroy you

Her arms shifted again, having two long and red energy formed swords shoot out from her arms.

AH-01: By any means necessary

Jeez, 20 days with no updates, and I make a slightly shorter chapter?

Unfortunately yes, as my ideas are a bit dry other than what you saw above. I'll be able to mend it, don't worry, but you'll have to give me time.

Though I do hope this twist was quite the shock for you!

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