By _maryamabba

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Nadiya, a teenager who grew up and was unaware that her father existed. First her mother abandoned her, then... More

Chapter 1
chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49

Chapter 20

63 11 5
By _maryamabba

Yay we're in Chapter 20 already!!!! Alhamdulillah!😇
Dedicated to these two zahra_ndako Rabeeyatu ❤️❤️


Today is Monday and it is the day he will be tutoring Nadiya and Zaliha. Thank God he doesn't have any class, which gives him enough time to spend in tutoring them. He stood up and got ready, while wearing a blue jeans and a red shirt. He brought his golden-coloured wrist watch and wore it. Then he wore a black boot and headed out of the room.

He checked the time and found out it's 11:40am. He could eat before leaving since it's 1:00 he's leaving, he thought. He went to the kitchen and saw Hikmah making something. The scent was amazing, he couldn't wait to eat whatever it is she's making because he's so hungry. Thank God his family woke up late. He would've opened the food warmer later and find a cold food, something he doesn't wish to eat.

"You're here! Good morning." Hikmah gave a weak smile.

She is still sleepy even after waking up late, Umar mumbled.

"I heard that." She playfully glared at him. "I actually woke up because I was hungry but don't tell mom or dad." She whispers.

He raised his eyebrow. "Why?"

"Well, I intentionally woke up because of my grumbling stomach, I needed food. But then, dad was also hungry, so he asked mom to make food for him. But mom was lazy, she couldn't. So she entered my room and bribed me to cook for us all. Off course it wouldn't have led to bribing, but I needed money to buy a fancy bag I saw online. Anyways, I agreed, pretending to be upset. So yeah, here I am cooking. Would you have some?" She asked nonchalantly after saying all that. Umar couldn't believe his cunning sister. She's cute and all, but she's so canny most of the times.

"Oh God Hikmah, you did all that just for money?! You're too smart for my liking." Umar said, shaking his head and she laughed.

"I was broke and didn't have money, that's why I did that. But hey, I didn't know mom was going to bribe me!" She defended herself.

"That's why you have a brother for crying out loud!" He tapped his forehead with his palm.

"Yeah, don't worry. There's always a next time." She winked at him and he laughed. "And yes, I will not spare dad too, I have a plan to execute." She said and went back to cooking her food.

"So tell me, what are you making that is scenting like this?" Umar asked. He feels like fainting because of hunger.

"Oh, I'm making egg sauce with a boiled yam!" She exclaimed.

No wonder! Umar whispered.

"Alright. Serve me then." She nodded and served him the food from the pot and gave it to him. She then served herself and poured the rest in a food flask for her parents.

Umar left the kitchen and went to the dining area. He sat and started devouring the food. He groaned internally for the yummy food Hikmah made. The egg sauce is delicious he must admit. His sister can be childish and a troublemaker, but when it comes to cooking, she's a master chef.

How funny it is that their father loves her food more than their mother's own. Well, his mother's food is delicious too. He just doesn't get why his father loves Hikmah's food the most.

After he's done eating, he took the plate to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator to get some water. He drank it and headed to parlour, where he saw his parents and Hikmah talking. Well, Hikmah arguing about something. He's sure she's executing the plan she was talking about earlier. He desperately wants to know what they're talking about, but at the same time, he doesn't want to be involved in Hikmah's chaotic situations. He checked the time and discovered it's 12:00. So he went and joined the group.

"You never have time for us dad. You're always working. Even those who work, create time for their family but you hardly do." Hikmah pouted at her father.

"No dear, don't say that. I also feel bad for that but what can I do when patients out there need my attention? I can't just leave a dying patient and come here to spend time with you." Her father tried to reason with her but Hikmah is not giving in. In fact, he got tired with this argument that he even sent his wife a sign to help him out, but she was busy laughing at him that she couldn't do anything about it.

"Well, family first. So I've decided that you will..." her father interrupted her when Umar came in.

"Hey Umar my son, how are you?" He stretches his hands towards his son as if he wants to hug him. When he came forward however, he merely pat him on his back and made him sit next to him. Umar greeted his parents and they reciprocated with a smile, leaving an upset Hikmah all by herself.

"Dad! You shut me up!" She cried and her father panicked. He's scared of Hikmah's anger. In the family of Alhaji Buba, if there is anyone they are scared of her anger, then it's Hikmah. Alhaji Buba himself feared her wrathfulness. Though she's a cutie and all, but she sure knows how to get away from everyone and everything. Umar is the only one who deals with her when she acts naughty. He makes sure to save their parents from her troubles. He won't lie too she gets her way with him. It sometimes annoys him when they pamper her so much. It's not like he's jealous or envious, he's just not getting why they won't talk to her when she's been naughty. Is it because she's the last born?

If you have any idea about being a last born in a nuclear family or even an extended one, and how they get pampered all the time, the way they will just wish for something and it will happen in no time, then it's Hikmah to her family.

Hikmah got the privilege that her family is easygoing. Had it been she's in a no-nonsense family, she wouldn't have lived with such spoiled behaviour she's showcasing.

"No my dear, I didn't. I was giving Umar some attention because, you know, I've not seen him for long. So what were you saying?" Unbeknownst to them, Umar and his mother are capturing them with their phones. The drama between Dad and Hikmah is just hilarious. They're always creating drama in the house.

"I said I will forgive you only when you take us all out." She folded her arms and frowned.

"Is that all? Then let's all go." He stood, not even hearing where they're going to.

"Wait dad, you didn't even hear where you're taking us."

"Does it even matter? All I care is that I'm forgiven."

"Alright everyone, get up. We're going shopping." Hikmah exclaimed and looked towards Umar and her mother's side, they immediately dropped their phones and hid it under the pillow so as not to be caught by Hikmah.

"What?!! Shopping?!" Her father exclaimed with wide eyes.

"Yup. We're going shopping."

"But my dear, I can't go shopping at this my old age."

"Off course you can. You're fit after all." She said. Umar was getting tired of their talking and he couldn't wait till it's time to go to school, even though it's funny. He glanced at his watch carefully, not to drag Hikmah's attention. Unfortunately luck wasn't on his side, because Hikmah has seen him.

"What are you checking time?!"

"What? No! I'm not! I'm just repairing my watch, that's all." She looked okay with this statement and he let out a sigh.

"Get ready, we're going shopping. Mom is already ready." She winked at her mom who smiled broadly at her. Hikmah and her mom are almost the same when it comes to fashionable things. So her mom is actually happy they're going shopping. Her husband doesn't take her shopping, so she's glad Hikmah brought this idea. Even though she's always busy with work too, but who will like to miss fun things? Maybe she will be using Hikmah for her own ways, she thought.

"What shopping?! Do I look like a girl to you? I'm not going shopping, neither is father." Umar replied sternly and his father let out a long sigh he didn't know he was holding.

"But, that's his only punishment. Why are you ruining it?!"

"Give a reasonable punishment and not this. Dad is too old for shopping. If you want to buy something for him, go alone and you mustn't go with him."

"Okay fine! Mom and I will go alone. You boys should carry on with whatever you're doing. Come on mom." They left the duo in the parlour, not before collecting their credit cards. Even though they have theirs!

"That was helpful. Thank you son." His father said with a laugh and Umar couldn't help but joined the laugh. They laughed together which even result to a tear coming out from their eyes. The laugh finally died down so they sat.

"So how are you son? How's school?"

"Fine Dad. How's work?"

"Well, it is always hectic but Alhamdulillah." He raised his hand in a gesture of tiredness.

"May Allah make it easy for you."

"Amin." Alhaji Buba replied.

They became silent. Umar decided to leave since it's almost time for the tutorial. But his father wants to have a father and son discussion, oh well...

"So Umar, when are you settling?" Great, now how will he answer such question when he isn't even dating?

"Uh, when the right time comes Dad." Umar replied uncomfortably.

His father smiled and nodded. He knew exactly that's what he's going to say. Even though he wants his son to settle soon and be able to see his grandchildren too, but he won't push him to. He'll support him whenever he decides to settle.

"Alright then. May God spare our lives to see this great day."

"Ameen." He replied. "I will take your leave Dad. I have to get to school." He said and stood up.

"Alright then. Take care." Umar nodded and left the parlour. He got into his car and drove off.

His family is full of drama even in early mornings!


Khadijah is done with the class Professor Ahmad taught them and it was so uncomfortable because Ahmad couldn't stop staring at her. In fact, it became so obvious that people started getting suspicious. It led to the point where someone was asking him a question, but his mind wasn't even there! He was busy staring. Who does that for crying out loud? Even committed partners don't do that in public as far as she knows.

As much as she likes him and wants to be with him, she couldn't help but find what he did annoying. But she can't blame him. She's the reason for what he's doing or so she has thought. She has hurt him too. But little did he know that she's going to patch in with him soon.

Speaking of patching things, she's on her way to Zaliha to apologise to her for what happened between them. She doesn't have class but Khadijah knows she's going to be in school because Nadiya told her she'll get off for school and wherever Nadiya goes, Zaliha follows.


He has finally finished the class and has left the hall immediately. He was embarrassed to the core. Never in his career has he been so unprofessional like today! The students even chuckled at his behaviour. It is now he's realising that someone was even asking him a question which he didn't pay attention to. He has messed up big time. Khadijah herself, got angry at him. He has seen her face and the way she frowned. Even when she did that, he hadn't observed that he needed to lower his gaze and pay attention to the lecture he was doing.

But darn had he missed her! He so do. To think it's been long since he saw her because he has not been teaching them as his class is not frequently. But today, he is going to talk to her like he said he would. Whatever it is in her mind, she should just tell him and not keep him in the dark.

As we speak, he's following her and he realised she's heading to the Law faculty, which made him wonder why she will be going there. He's following her anyways. He needs to talk with her.


Umar, Nadiya and Zaliha are seated in a bench under a shedded tree receiving a cool fresh air which is making the tutorial Umar is giving them wonderful. They've been cooperating really well. The duo are happy by the way Umar is teaching them. They're now finding the course so simple that Nadiya is even surprised of. They're finally rounding up though, Zaliha has been yawning since, complaining of hunger.

"I swear I'm hungry I could die." Zaliha uttered with a yawn which made Umar chuckle.

"Oh Zaliha, you're such a glutton that you can't even resist a three-hour tutorial." Nadiya complained, even though her stomach has been grumbling softly.

"Alright I'll just be on my way now." Umar said. The fellow has to stifle a laugh from the twos' conversation. They're just so funny.

"Alright Umar, thank you so much. We really appreciate your time in lecturing us." Nadiya said with a genuine smile.

"Uh, it's nothing really. I don't mind helping you anytime you needed it." Umar said, returning the smile. Where did the shyness go to?!

"Really? That's so nice of you to say." Zaliha said with a broad smile, making Nadiya to roll her eyes at the behaviour.

Umar flustered. "Um, I think I'll just leave." He said and immediately left. Ah, it's back.

"There was no need to smile so broadly." Nadiya said, after Umar has left.

"Oh, I intentionally did that. You see how flustered he felt." Zaliha said with a laugh.

"Yeah I've noticed too. I wonder why he's always shy when he's around us." Nadiya said.

"Hmm I don't know." Zaliha shrugged but is already putting two and two together.

Just as they're about to leave and go get some lunch, Nadiya started suspecting that someone is watching them behind the bush-like trees far from them. At first, she thinks she's making it up or maybe it's a cat in there, but soon, she sees a figure peeping through the trees which covers him. She shudders and becomes scared. She starts muttering some supplications which draws the attention of her friend.

"Nadiya, what's wrong?" Zaliha asked while shaking her friend.

"I'm- someone is-spying-on us." She stammered.

"Are you serious? Who? Where is he?!"

"Look over there." She pointed at his direction but unfortunately, he isn't there anymore.

"But I'm not seeing anyone there Nadiya. Were you sure you saw someone?" Zaliha asked after making Nadiya sit.

"Zaliha I promise you I saw someone. I saw a figure and it's a male." Nadiya uttered breathlessly.

Zaliha wanted to reassure her friend that everything is alright, but she can't. She didn't see anyone there but she is certain her friend is telling the truth because of the way she's getting scared. Zaliha's mind starts to race about the spy. Who could it be that is spying on them? And why will he spy?!

They heard a footsteps approaching them and turned to see Khadijah. They finally gained their composure and acted normal, not to draw attention or let anyone know about what happened.

"Nadiya, Zaliha, how are you two?" Khadijah greeted while sitting in the bench they're already on.

Zaliha gave Nadiya a once over before replying to Khadijah. "We're doing well, Alhamdulillah. How was class?" She genuinely asked.

"It was great." She replied to them, even though it wasn't exactly great.

Um, Zaliha? I have something to say to you, that is if you don't mind...?" She stuttered.

"Go ahead." She stood from the bench and faced her. However, Khadijah was finding the gaze she's giving her intimidating but one thing she's glad with is that she's giving her the ear.

Meanwhile, Ahmad has reached the department and has finally seen where Khadijah situated so he is going there. She didn't see him though, as her back is facing him. He decided he's going to talk to her no matter what, because if he doesn't go now, he might not get the chance to. And maybe, she won't give him the attention he's going to seek.

But as he moved closer, he quickly stopped in his tracks. His eyes widened and he looked shell shocked upon the figure in his front. Unbelievable!

So... who could that someone be that Ahmad saw?
I need your GUESSES🙂

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