๐ˆ๐๐…๐„๐‘๐๐Ž | แถฆแต—แตƒแตˆแต’สณแถฆ สธแต˜สฒแถฆ

By chososcult

84.3K 3K 197

โ ๐ˆ๐… ๐ˆ๐“ ๐Œ๐„๐€๐๐’ ๐ˆ ๐‚๐€๐ ๐๐„ ๐–๐ˆ๐“๐‡ ๐˜๐Ž๐” ๐“๐‡๐„๐ ๐ˆ ๐–๐ˆ๐‹๐‹ ๐†๐‹๐€๐ƒ๐‹๐˜ ๐“๐€๐Š๐„ ๐“๐‡๐€๐“ ๐‘๏ฟฝ... More

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2.3K 101 3
By chososcult

immidately upon entering the abandoned building, katsumi's nose scrunched up in disgust at the stuffy and smelly air. her turquoise eyes glanced around, noting down all the escape routes and stairs.

''what a pain~'' the orange-haired girl sighed, walking up the stairs with the other two following behind. ''i came all the way to tokyo and now i gotta deal with some curses?''

this caught both, katsumi's and itadori's attention and the two looked at kugisaki in confusion.

''you're here to expel curses, aren't ya' ?'' 

''let's make this quick and split up'' kugisaki turned around, completely ignoring the boy's question. ''i'll start on the top floor and make my way down while the two of you start from the bottom. let's finish this up and head over to ginza for some sushi''

''hey, take this more seriously. curses are dangerous!''

katsumi winced at itadori getting his butt kicked by kugisaki. the other girl kicked itadori down the stairs, a pissed-off expression on her face.

''why's a newbie like you telling me off? get moving!''

''i can't read you at all!'' itadori countered back, sending the girl a glare. 

''that's why you're not popular''

''what?! how'd you know that?! i bet you're not popular either, bitch''

katsumi's giggle sounded through the room, making itadori glance over at her. he blushed in embarrassment, scratching the back of his neck, and opened his mouth to say something when suddenly a curse appeared above the two.

itadori was quick to react and pulled out his weapon, slicing one of the curse's legs off, making it screech. 

''nice~'' katsumi grinned from the sidelines, twirling a few petals around her head, making it seem like she had a halo. itadori sent her a small smile before turning his attention back towards the curse, just in time to evade its attack and push his dagger into its head, killing it.

''ya' good?'' itadori questioned katsumi. the girl tilted her head to the side, her petals following in motion, and she nodded, sending him a grin.

''just peachy!'' she looked around for a quick moment, her turquoise eyes scanning the room. ''oh, itadori''

''hm?'' the boy turned around, nodding for her to go on.

''move a bit to the left''

he did as told and katsumi's lips pulled up in a small smirk. itadori watched with wide eyes as the number of petals multiplied and twirled around katsumi before disappearing. a moment later, six lotuses appeared out of thin air, floating right above where itadori stood.

cursed lotus art: heavenly hail

katsumi moved her finger downwards and the lotuses started shooting small glass-like shards. the two teenagers watched as the shards hit a curse that crawled out of its hiding spot which was just underneath the carpet. the curse screeched as the shard penetrated its skin, burning a hot purplish flame.

the salmon-haired boy picked up a stray shard and held it up to examine it closer. he could feel cursed energy radiating off it, and it burned at his skin, not enough to actually harm him but enough for him to feel the heat. the shard was solid, shaped like a petal, starting a purplish color and ending with a hod pink at the pointy edge.

''be careful not to hurt yourself'' katsumi's voice pulled itadori out of his thoughts. he turned around, only to find the said girl right next to him, looking at the shard in his hand. he handed her the shard and watched as the solid shard transformed into one of her petals.

''that's cool'' 

''thanks'' the blonde-purplish-haired girl smiled softly before nodding her head forward. ''let's go''

the two walked in silence for a few moments, both just observing the surroundings, on a lookout for any suspicious activity. every now and then, itadori's chocolate eyes would wander to katsumi, who was walking a step in front of him.

''do you always have those out?''

katsumi glanced over her shoulder and saw itadori pointing at her petals. she nodded her head, grabbing one from her makeshift halo and twirling it around in her hand.

''i usually have at least one or two out but since we're on a mission, it's easier to have more'' she explained, handing him a petal she had taken out of her halo. the boy's ears turned red but he still accepted the petal, cradling it carefully in his hand. he glanced at the girl with an unsure grin on his lips. ''uh, don't you need it?''

''nah~'' katsumi waved her hand in dismissal, ignoring the slight blush she felt on her cheeks. ''i attached one to kugisaki's uniform earlier. it helps me know where everyone is''

''woah!'' itadori's eyes sparkled in excitement and he gently put the petal in his pocket, before turning to the girl. the two continued walking through the halls for a few more minutes before katsumi suddenly stopped with a frown on her face.

''kugisaki's in trouble''

''let's go then!''

the duo dashed up the stairs, itadori following behind katsumi as she lead them through the halls. the two stumbled into a room, coming face-to-face with a wall. itadori looked at katsumi with an invisible question mark over his head.

''she's behind this wall'' katsumi concluded, staring at the wall intently. she could feel kugisaki's presence, along with another curse that seemed to be just in front of the wall. katsumi moved closer to the wall and tapped a place, before turning to itadori with a grin.

''ya' think you could punch through it?''

itadori mirrored her grin and walked closer, flexing his arm a bit and rolling up his sleeve. ''sure thing''

katsumi pointed at where he should punch it and moved away, giving him space. itadori grinned and pulled his hand back before punching through the wall, right next to the curse.

''huh? i missed?''

the dual-color-haired girl watched with wide eyes as itadori just tore the surrounding wall off, creating a space for them to enter the room kugisaki was in. he moved quickly, slicing an arm of the curse that was holding a boy hostage. itadori quickly pulled the little boy towards him, pointing his cursed tool at the retreating curse.

''it's getting away!''

''itadori! give me that arm!'' kugisaki shouted, pulling out a straw doll and throwing it on the floor, just in time as itadori threw her the arm she had asked for. katsumi watched in fascination as kugisaki pulled out a nail and her hammer before puncturing the nail through the straw doll and an arm, making the curse burst out, splattering blood everywhere.

a few moments of silence passed in the room and itadori turned to kugisaki.

''see! i told you it was dangerous to go alone!''

''you never said that!'' kugisaki countered, rolling her eyes.

''yes i...wait, didn't i?'' the salmon-haired boy glanced at katsumi for support at which she only shook her head, stifling a laugh.

''besides, what the heck are ya' eating that you can bust through a wall?!'' the other girl screamed out, pointing at the large hole behind katsumi.

''seriously, were you fed with steroids instead of milk when you were a baby?!'' katsumi added, glancing at the hole in the wall.

''we sent the kid home safe and sound'' gojō grinned at his students. ''let's go grab a bite''



itadori and kugisaki exclaimed in sync. they glared at each other like little kids.

''i don't know about ya' all, but i'm craving for some mochi'' katsumi smiled brightly, pushing past the two and standing in front of gojō. the white-haired teacher laughed in delight, ruling katsumi's hair.

''good work katsumi-chan! that's why you're my favorite''


double update, as promised <3

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