The Fool

By spiralings

58K 2K 671

"But he who dares not grasp the thorn should never crave the rose" *** ExTr... More

Introduction & Aesthetics
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five

Chapter Twenty-Three

989 47 21
By spiralings

Synn lay in bed that night. He wasn't long back from seeing Aurora. He still couldn't sleep however. He looked up at his bare ceiling in a dark room. It was around two in the morning at this stage. His thoughts were running wild, uninvitingly that is. He sat up and reached under his mattress taking out the zip lock bag that still had the cash in it from when Alaric gave it to him. Untouched.

He felt guilty taking the money. No, he felt guilty spending it. He somehow felt that if he used it, he would be betraying Aurora. It was practically her money...almost.

"Hey Synn, can I borrow one of your rings? I heard that girls think they're hot" Riley asked eagerly as he barged into Synns room. Synn fumbled with the money, quickly stuffing it under his mattress again before he turned to look at his younger brother. Well, more like glared. Riley didnt notice, however, as he walked over to the black desk against his wall with a bunch of rings and chains scattered across.

"Don't just barge into my room" Synn snapped, standing up and shutting the door that he left open. Riley still didn't care. "Why do you care about what girls think, anyway? It's not like you'll ever speak to one" Synn asked bitterly, mumbling the last bit so it was left unheard to the young boys ears. Synn leaned against his desk, looking at Riley who was so taken with the rings if his.

"I have a date. There's this girl named Macey and I asked her to go to the cinema with me tomorrow, but I want to look cool so she likes me more. I can't sleep, I've been trying to find an outfit and now I need jewelleryto make me look cool" Riley rambled. He picked up one of the rings, finally, and put it on his finger, but frowned in disappointment when it hung off, far too big. Synn smirked at the sight, shaking his head. Riley sighed and put the ring back down.

"What do I gotta do to make her like me?" The young boy asked sadly. Synn looked at him and cringed. How was he supposed to know? Aurora was the first girl he had a proper conversation with in years and even at that it was usually pretty one sided.

"Dont ask me" Synn grunted moving away from the desk and leaving the room, wanting to get as far away from this conversation as possible. Synn made his way down the dark hallway to the kitchen. He opened the fridge, feeling the coolness brush his warm cheeks. Unfortunately for him, Riley followed after him.

"What do you mean!? You're dating Aurora King!" Riley exclaimed in disbelief as he entered the kitchen. Synn slammed the fridge door and swiftly turned around to look at him.

"I'm not dating her" He growled defensively. Riley's eyebrows shot up and he raised his arms in surrender. Synn sighed, rubbing the stress lines on his forehead.

"I-" Synn paused as he heard the front door opening, followed by a bang. He tensed instantly and looked at Riley who stared at him in horror. Synn motioned with his head to the back door, telling him to leave knowing he wouldn't be able to pass him and get up to his bedroom again. Riley reluctantly did as he asked.

Synn braced himself against the counter, pressing the bottom of his palms into the counter top, head hung low as listened to the heavy, staggered footsteps getting louder. Suddenly, they halted.

"What are you doing here?" A grumbled voice slurred from behind him. Synn clenched his fists on the counter top, feeling his blood begin to pump faster around his body at the vibrations that his voice caused. Synn took a deep breath before pushing away from the counter and turning around to face the man.

"I live here" Synn replied bluntly, trying to show no indication of the turmoil going on in his chest. Synn watched him as he steadied himself against the counter, looking up at Synn with a cutting eye. At Synns response, he lifted his head higher, glaring.

"I meant what are you doing here, as in, still alive on this planet" He spat. Synn took a deep breath. Oh, the urge to kick this man. Synn looked at the clock on the wall opposite, above his head, it reading quarter to four on the morning. His hands were beginning to sting with the tightness of fists. His chest began to hurt with the speed of his heart, and his lip was beginning to bleed with the grip of his teeth. Synn gathered himself and merely began to walk away, though when he came to havibg to pass the man, it wasn't so easy.

"Going somewhere?" He mocked as he shoved Synn backwards. Synn looked up at him, closer this time. His sat and pepper hair had grown linger since the last time he seen him, with greasy roots on top of his head. His skin was blotchy, a redness at the tip of his nose that indicated his drunken state was a regular occurance. If that wasn't enough, his clothes that reeked of booze were hanging of his body.

"I'm leaving" Synn gritted, no longer able to hide his anger from him. He smirked at the reaction he got from Synn. Synn shook his head and went to walk past him again, but as he did so, a fist came flying towards his face, hitting him straight in the lip. Synn stumbled back slightly but regained his balance quickly.

"Cheeky little bastard" The man spat again, grabbing the bread knife off the counter and lunging for Synn, but Synn was quicky to grab his arm with the knife, twisting it so the weapon fell from his grasp then kick him in the knew so he lost his balance. Synn sent one last punch to his nose before he fell to the ground in a drunken state of unconsciousness. Synn stood over his body, breathing heavily. He spat out blood that had gathered in his mouth onto the floor beside his before stepping iver his body.

Quickly, he ran upstairs to Rileys room and grabbed his duffel bag off the floor. He placed it on his bed and threw pieces of clothing in there that he would need for an over night, then swung it iver his shoulder and left the house. Riley was out the front, waiting on the steps. When the door opened behind him, he panicked and scrambled back, until he realised it was Synn. Synn shoved the bag into Rileys chest, causing him to stumble back with the force.

"Take the bag and go to one of your friends house for the night" Synns said sternly. Riley looked up at him with concern.

"What happened, is dad okay?" He asked, clearly distressed. Synn nodded.

"Hes fine, he just unconscious but he's gonna be pissed when he wakes up so its better that you aren't there when he does" Synns explained flatly. Riley nodded and slowly swung the back iver his shoulder.

"What about you?" He asked. Synn looked at him for a moment.

"Its fine, I'll find somewhere"


Aurora was sleeping peacefully that night, with sweet dreams of her usual meet up from earlier in the night. She was a light sleeper, however. Levi had made sure they all were, just in case of the event of a likely emergency in the middle of the night. So, when she heard tapping on her balcony doors, her eyes shot open. She sat up, feeling the thin straps of her silk nightgown fall down her shoulders. She looked towards her balcony doors and seen a dark figure standing in front of them. She panicked for a moment, not knowing who it was, until she turned on the salt lamp beside her bed and noticed the hood that hided his features. Instantly, she felt relieved. She threw the covers off her body and lept outside the bed. She tried to run across the room quietly, though it didn't really work. She unlocked the balcony doors and opened them slightly so he could get in, then closes them behind him.

She turned around to face him, seeing him standing in the middle of her room, studying it. His dark hooded figure looked odd in her pristine room. Everything was either white or rose gold.

"What are you doing here? How did you know this was my room? You could have snuck in to bed with my brother for all you know" Aurora questioned him, very confused about the whole situation. Synn turned around to face her.

"You said before you had a big tree outside of your balcony. Its the only one that has it" He explained nonchalantly. Aurora furrowed her eyebrows.

"How'd ya get past the guards?" She wondered, knowing nothing ever mad either past them.

"Thats a secret" Aurora rolled her eyes at his blunt response, though didnt press further, knowing he wouldn't tell her. She scared him up and down, until her eyes caught sight of his bloodied and bruised knuckles. She frowned and grabbed them, looking at them.

"What happened?" She asked in concern. Synn looked down at her, his heart racing, though not with anger. He stayed silent, both not trusting his voice and not wanting to tell her. Aurora copped this.

"Well, how bout ya make my neck look the same?" She said suggestively, winking at him to try and take away the heaviness that she left in the air after her previous question. Synn pulled his hand away and pushed her forehead backwards. Aurora giggled and fell on her arse, Synn staring down at her lazily. He rolled his eyes then turned to walk away.

"Ooh yeah! You go get the handcuffs, they're in the right locker beside my bed" She said excitedly, getting up. Synn froze in his place. "I'll get my lingerie on" She squealed before running off to the other side of the room. Before she could however, Synn wrapped his arms around her waist, spinning the both of them around before he fell back onto the bed, Aurora landing on top of him. The young girl was in a fit of laughter, head resting on his chest. Synn stared down at her in amazement. Her face was lit up and in that moment, he swore he would do anything to see her smile like that and laugh like that ove and over again. Aurora sat up, straddling his waist. Synn pulled the neckline of his hood up over his mouth and the top of it down over his eyes and nose more.

"I'm only kidding" She said lightly, slapping his chest. "The handcuffs are in the left locker" Her serious tone could have fooled him, if he hadn't known her as well as he did. His hands settled on her waist, causing the silk fabric to bunch beneath his palms. Instantly, her smug expression dropped and he watched as he breath hitched. He was now the smug one. Aurora looked down at his hands, staring at them and wondering how a simple touch could cause such chaos in the tummy. Suddenly, they were both snapped out of their trance by a dampened vibration. Aurora rolled her eyes and leaned iver to grab her phone off of the locker. She rolled onto the bed beside Synn instead, just as he arm slid under her head.

"Stupid alarm" She hissed, swiping the screen to shut off the annoying buzzing. She had it set for one of the days during the week but forgot to turn it off. She had a rest that day but forgot to study for it the night before so decided to set an alarm to wake up early and study. Instead, she pressed snooze. Synn looked down at the screen in confusion. He never had a phone like that. He only ever used the old styled phone that Bruise let him borrow, but that didn't have a big screen like the one in Auroras grasp.

"Whats that?" He asked, pointing at all the small blocks on the screen with his other hand.

"You mean apps?" Aurora wondered in confusion. Synn frowned further. He obviously had heard of them and everything, but he didn't expect them to look like that. "Do you not have a phone?" Aurora asked. Synn shook his, to which Aurora could see from the corner of her eye.

"Oh my goodness, Sunshie, you have to see this shit. Its unreal!" She exasperated. She began to show him all the cool things on her phone, while Synn sat and watched carefully, taking it all in. She even showed him what a selfie was. He didn't like that however, shoving his hooded face into her neck to avoid the camera while she giggled quietly to herself. Then she began showing him online shopping. He had heard of this too.

"Can you find rings for guys on that thing?" He asked curiously. Aurora nodded and looked up some fancy name that Synn couldn't pronounce. He watched as she tapped a few things then a bunch of pictures of rings came up on the screen, causing v his eyebrows to raise slightly.

"Here, scroll through them" She said, handing him the phone.he stared at it for a moment before taking it carefully. It looked alot smaller in his grasp. He held it in his left hand in front of them both then began to scroll using his right pointer finger. Aurora was now enclosed by his large arms. Butterflies erupted in her stomach again as the familiar smell of a burnt match and rain engulfed her senses. He didn't own any cologne, never had a reason to. If Synn want so focused in trying to move the screen then he would probably be blushed scarlet at their position.

Synn huffed in annoyance as the screen began to move on its own. This caused Aurora to look at the phone. As he gripped it with his left hand, a part of his hand was touching the screen, causing it to glitch.

"Nevermind, fucking piece of shit" He grumbled, shoving it back into her hands. Aurora giggled and took it off him. He blushed slightly at the embarrassment of it, having to be taught about things a guy his age should already know about. But didn't because he didn't have the money to spend on stuff like this. Well, now he did, but still probably wouldn't. Aurora shut off her phone and put it on her nightstand.

"You still haven't answered any of my questions" She stated. Synn stayed silent.

"How did you even know where I lived?"

"You told me before" He replied, shutting his eyes. Aurora thought about his answer for a second, wondering if it were true. Eventually, she did recall a conversation about that.

"What about how you got in, I'm still amazed by that. I'm only able to get out to see you because I have one of my brothers and two bodyguards to back me up. You have to teach me, Sunshine" She claimed dramatically. Synn shook his head.

"Shhh, if you're a good girl and shut your mouth, I'll tell you whatever you want" Synn said sleepily, feeling the bliss of being pulled into a peaceful sleep, for once. He had never felt so relaxed, despite Aurora interrogating him all the same. His eyes lids got heavier and heavier, his arms subconsciously pulling Aurors tighter to his chest.

Aurora never shut her mouth so fast.

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