Young Hearts Go BAM 3 - Leo I...

By MeganMaguire15

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Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen - The Diary
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four

Chapter Thirty One

120 7 0
By MeganMaguire15

I was discharged from hospital the next day and I felt over the moon. I promised myself that any money that I make , I will donate to the hospital.

I went to school two days later on the Monday. Our last day of high school , ever. This should be emotional. I arrived at school early to collect all of the yearbooks. I picked one up and went to the achievements page. There was a list of students who had highly achieved all through high school. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw that I was on the top of the page. There was my picture and then underneath it said:

Class Of 2017
Sarah James

Achievements - Sarah James is the highest achiever in the class of 2017. She was in the school's Cheerleading squad for two years during 9th and 10th grade. She was part of the mathletes all through her time at this school and achieved highly in the science club. She also entered various art and music competitions playing violin , guitar and vocals. She was voted prom queen in her senior prom and recieved half of the award of "best couple". We have chosen Sarah to be the valedictorian of the 2017 class because she is such an inspiration to the whole class and even the classes below. We will certainly feel her absence once she leaves this school but the memories that she will leave will be happy ones. Thank you for being a part of our school Sarah. We will miss you dearly.

Comments: Taylor - Sarah has been my best friend since 6th grade when we both started middle school. We became friends because we were both victims of bullying but everyday Sarah would try and stand up for herself and remain happy in whatever she's doing. I take back what I said before , she's not been my best friend since 6th grade. She's been my sister since 6th grade and I'll miss her so much when we go to collage.
Josh - Sarah has been my sister's "sister" for six years so that means that she's been my sister for six years aswell. She has always been there when I've needed her. Or when anybody needed her for that matter. I remember when I was embarissed about not having a date to a school dance so she went with me just to make me feel better. This was one of the many selfless acts commited by Sarah. She will always be in my heart. Even when I go to collage in London she will be with me. Some people see me as a twin but I'm a triplet. It's not just me and Taylor , it's me , Taylor and Sarah.

I let a tear slip out. I would miss this school so much. I closed the yearbook and put it back in the box. I then picked up the box and walked into the auditorium where they were going to be given out.

"Hi" I heared Leo say as he snaked his arms around my waist "Are you all emotional today?"

"Yeah , not only will I miss this school but I'll miss Tennessee" I said. I'd be moving to New York to attend Julliard University. Leo would be coming too of course.

"Yeah , me too , I've grown to love this place" said Leo. Then before we could exchange another word , all of the students in my grade came crowding into the hall. They all got their yearbooks and then started asking people to sign them. There were a lot of people crying. In the middle of it all I thought , why am I trying to stop myself from crying? Then I sat on the edge of the stage and just sobbed. Leo came and sat next to me , putting his arm around me.

"It's ok , you can't stay in high school forever. It's impossible" joked Leo.

"I know" I sniffled "I'm just going to miss it so much"

I was supposed to give a speech at the graduation ceremony and I was hoping that I wouldn't cry.

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