Reincarnated into Classroom O...

By sakura_sakuroko

115K 3.6K 1.4K

A story about a 15 years old Raion Ryuvolt who die because of a god, got reincarnated into Classroom Of The E... More

Character introduction
I Die Goddamnit
The Start Of My Mission
Plan In Motion
Two S
Cherry Petals
Swimming Class
Cherry Girl
God's Domain
Stressful Month
Relieving Stress
Saving My Benefactor?
Character Introduction Part 2, Love Interest and Random Stuff
Despair Is Fantastic
...*sigh* A Date...
Blackmailing People :D
Students Council And Midterm
The Trial
Vacation At The Island
Gaining Support
Gimme The Shot
SS: Partner (Raion Ryuvolt and Ayanokouji Kiyotaka)
Lots of SS (Probably)
Zodiac Sign Doesn't Suit Me
Just a oneshot
Spread Your...
What A Twist
Start Of A New Relationship
Raion Being Raion
Pool Talk
The Moment
Victim Blaming
The Name Cause Death
Opposite Of Rotten Banana
What Is Wrong With Him

Blackmail Material

2K 73 7
By sakura_sakuroko

Chapter 16: Blackmail Material

Raion POV

As I look at what Chabashira-sensei teach, I heard a yelp.

I glance behind and found Ayanokouji rubbing his arm.


"What's the matter, Ayanokouji? You cried out. Have you started your rebellious phase or something?"

"N-no. Sorry, Chabashira-sensei. I got some dirt in my eye."

.... Ayanokouji....if you want to lie, make it believable. You're rubbing your arm, not eye....

I turn back to the front, as I hear the conversation between Ayanokouji and Horikita.

They are whispering, but you must not underestimate my ears.

They are talking about how Ayanokouji got stabbed by Horikita.





But look like Horikita denied....


I'm not buying it..

I guess I can just check the cameras later on.

As the class ends...

Hirata goes to the podium and spoke about how he want to start a study group.

But looks like Sudo, Ike and Yamauchi won't be joining.

Sudo is being the usual dumb person. He's dumb and yet he won't join the study.

If you're expelled, you won't get to play basketball in this school anymore. It's that simple. Why can't he use his brain to figure it out?

Or maybe I'm expecting to much for him.

I don't really think he got a brain or something

Ike and Yamauchi just don't want to join because Hirata is awesome I guess. Looks like they knew they're not handsome.

Well, it's currently lunch time.

I guess I go and meet my senpai.

To ste- I mean to borrow his points.

I make the rules slightly different now.

I give them every points I have on my phone, and they give me 250k or half of what they have, as long as it's more than 250k of course.

But hey, they took the bait and I get more money.

I'm gambling with my life on the line here. So, I turn on my tryhard mode to win. In which I did.


Time Skip

That was fun. Beating the senpai that is. I did all five challenge in three time instead of five. And I get 2.5 million from all that. I'll take it. Now it's time to eat my lunch. I still got time.

And I already messaged Ayanokouji to wait for me. I got something to talk to him.

As I go to class,I didn't see Ayanokouji

"Now that's weird, maybe I'm at wrong class." I look outside and it said 'Class D'. "Nope it's the right class."

I sigh and went to Ike's seat.



"Where's Ayanokouji?"

"Ayanokouji? Oh, he went somewhere with Horikita. I think they go to the cafeteria."

'You think?'


I left because Ike and Yamauchi is talking about how Ayanokouji is Horikita's..... boyfriend....

Hell naw.

I walk to the cafeteria and see both of them..... seating together....

Also, why is Ayanokouji eating the most expensive set?

I got a bad feeling about this.

I rushed to them and saw Horikita give Ayanokouji a piece of paper, Horikita start walking away.

"What happens?" I asked him.

"I got a gun on my head right now."


I look at his head and found nothing


"You don't understand."

I mean, I'm trying to steal that gun so I could use it....

Forget what I just said...

"By the way, what are you going to do in the midterm?" He suddenly asked me.

"Now that's something I didn't expect from you." I seat down next to him and bring out two bento box, one is for me, the other is Ayanokouji. "Bento?"

"No thank you, Horikita treat me today."

.... somehow I doubt that.

She must've did something

I open one bento box and start eating

"I just want to ask if you're willing to take your exam seriously."

"I don't know. Depends on my mood."

"I see."


"Let me guess, Horikita threaten you with food."

"... Why did you think that?"

"I mean....I don't really know her, but, I don't think she will do anything out of goodwill."

"... That's true. Everything she say is fishy. Not to mention how she look like she's in the hurry."

I wonder why.

Is she scare of me?

I doubt that.

She doesn't seem like a girl who will be scare of anything.

But I would love to know what she scared of

I start eating the second bento.

I know, I'm eating a little fast today.

But I still savour the food. Fast but at the same time slow.

"..... How much can you eat?"

"As long as there's still food on my table, I'll eat it. I'm also hungry today."

We eat as we chat a little. Ayanokouji being the awkward person he is, make me do all the talking.

I don't talk about him being Horikita's boyfriend because I know that's just a bland lie.


Time Skip

Well, class end. And the funny thing that happened is how Ayanokouji told Horikita to kiss Sudo and Ike.

Look like Horikita told him to gather the Three Idiots so she could teach them.

I'm gonna bet she'll fail instantly.

I'm actually looking forward to that.

I look to Ayanokouji and see him talking to Kushida....

.... Why her?

Now that I think about it, why does people talk to her?

She look cute yes. But you don't just trust people that try to be perfect.

I mean, everytime I saw her talking to Ike and Yamauchi, she got this weird aura around her.

Forget about aura, her smiley face is obviously force

Now, I saw him going outside with Kushida.

I just go back to the dorm.

I got a feeling Sakura gonna call me.

At the dorm.

Okay, I just finished my call with Sakura. She asked me what will I do for midterm. That's simple. Do what I usually do.

Then we talk about.....stuff.

I don't know....

Don't ask me.

Throughout the conversation, my mind went black because I don't understand a single thing.

I start playing video games. Stress is a thing you know. And when I play video games, it's help a little. Or eat some food.

"... Maybe I should go to library tomorrow." I mumbled as I look at the time.

I would love to know what book they have. Maybe they will have some good horror stories, or science fiction.

The next day

At school rooftop

What is with this school?

The pool is huge, the cinema is huge, the arcade is huge, the library is huge.

What else?

They got a huge ship or something?!

Got private island or something?!

A space ship or something?!

If that happens, they really waste a lot of taxes.

I'm currently reading a horror book that I borrowed from the library.

This place got a really nice air. Perfect to relax.

As I was reading, I feel a familiar presence coming upstairs.

'This presence....'

I got up and hide behind the door

(You know, the way up, they always look like a little shack, so Raion hide behind there where both Kushida and Ayanokouji won't be able to see.)

I hide my presence.

For some reason, I got a presence that mix with the nature really well. So I always got mix with a tree.

Not that I mind.

Which is why I always disguised my presence into a slightly normal person.

After a few seconds, the door open.

There, I saw Kushida, walking to the railing.

It's already 6:00 pm. Why did she come here? To look at the view? I knew the view is fantastic, but this is my spot.

I chose this place because no one really go here. Now, I need to change my spot. I don't want to be associate with her.


I get out my phone and start recording. For some reason, I want to. Maybe she's meeting her boyfriend.

If that's true, I will definitely show this to the whole school.

It will be fantastic.


It's only a little, but I feel Ayanokouji presence.

What is he doing here?


"Ahhh, so annoying!"

Her voice was so low that it didn't sound like Kushida that she show.

"She's seriously annoying! God, how irritating. It'd be better if she just died…"

Look like her mask is slipping.

Also, if she's talking about my girlfriend, I'll kill her instead. You don't touch my girlfriend.

I already promise myself that I'm going to protect her.

"Ugh, I hate stuck-up, snobby girls who think they're so cute. Why is she such a harpy? A rotten girl like her couldn't possibly tutor me."

.... Harpy?

The Greek mythology one or the eagle one?

"Ah, she's the worst! She's just the worst, the worst, the worst!
Horikita, you're so annoying! You're so damn annoying!”


She's talking about Horikita....

You know Kushida. I hate bitch. And you're one.

But I hate Horikita.

'Maybe we can get along well.'

I thought as I try to stop recording to confront her.

But a loud sound echo


Is that the door?

I didn't stop my recording and look at Kushida who took a deep breath, before looking at the direction where the sound come from.




Don't tell me Ayanokouji got caught...

Kushida coldly asked, "What…are you…doing here?"



No way.

''I got a little lost. Sorry. My bad, my bad. I'll be going now."

.... Looks like Ayanokouji got caught.

"Did you hear?" she asked.

"Would you believe me if I said I didn't?" He replied.

What a mood.

"I see…"

Kushida briskly walked down the stairs.

I couldn't see clearly, so I decided to use my invention.

I put my hand on my pocket and pull out two sticker.

I flick one sticker to the door, and the other, near the stairs.

It's good that I remember the position of all of it.

The sticker is a little camera with a little microphones.

I got time, so I made them. It work in spying.

The camera is connected to my smartwatch. I turn on my smartwatch and see what's happening.

There, I saw her placed her left forearm against the base of Ayanokouji's throat, and pushed him up against the wall.

I start recording.

I take another one and flicked it at the ceiling near the wall where they are.

It land above them and I could see both of their face better.

Damn, Ayanokouji still have the same apathetic face. Kushida.... she look angry.

With her stupid bitch face

"If you tell anyone what you just heard, I won't forgive you."

So... that's only directed at Ayanokouji right?

It's okay if I tell everyone right?

“And if I did tell?”

Normally you wouldn't say that, right?

I don't know, I don't think I'm normal.

I hide back to my original hiding spot. Just in case they decide to come up here.

I mean, Kushida's bag is still here

“In that case, I would tell everyone that you raped me,” she said.


Did I heard that right?

“That’s a false charge, you know.”

“That’s okay. It wouldn’t be false.”


So, are you going to let Ayanokouji do that?

Right here?

Right now?

I guess I'll need to give you guys some privacy.

But I'll still record.

I look back at my watch and saw Kushida grabbed Ayanokouji's right wrist and slowly opened his hand. She pushed his palm up against her breast.


Is she a stripper?

"What are you doing?"Ayanokouji asked. He hurriedly tried to pull away, but she pushed on the back of his hand.

"Your fingerprints are on my clothes. That's evidence of my claim. I'm being serious. Understand?"

....I don't think that's how fingerprint work.


Are you dumb?

"I understand. I really do. So let go of my hand."

And I just realized that Ayanokouji have a surprise expression.

"I'm going to leave this uniform in my room without washing it. If you betray me, I'll hand it over to the police." He glared at Kushida for a while as she kept her hand pressed against her.

Won't it smell?

"It's a promise," she said.

Kushida stepped away from him.

"Hey, Kushida. Which is the real you?"

"That's none of your business."

You already let him touch your boob. What's wrong with letting him know everything about you?

"I see. Well, I was wondering something. If you hate Horikita, then you don't need to involve yourself with her, right?"

She did?

Is she a lesbian?

I guess I'll tell Ike that he didn't have a chance.

"Is it bad to want everyone to like you? Do you understand how difficult it is to accomplish that? You can't know, can you?" she asked.

I never want people to like me. But isn't it weird that you want everyone to like you.

Looks like Kushida is an attention seeker.

"Well, I don't have that many friends, so I guess not."

Now that's just sad

I'll buy you an ice cream later buddy

"At least on the surface, I wanted to appear to get along with Horikita."

"But the stress of that just kept building, huh?"

"Yeah. That's what I want out of life, though. That way, my existence has meaning." She answered without hesitation.

That sounds like a You problem rather than a Me problem

I don't care about your existence. You can disappear for all I care.

"Let me tell you something, while I have the chance. I absolutely despise gloomy, ordinary guys like you."



Which part of him is that?

I don't see anything like that

All I see is someone who want friends.

On the surface that is.

I don't know what he's thinking down there

I think he's the same as you, Kushida.

On the surface you want to have friends, but inside, I don't think he really care. Don't know about Kushida.

"I'm just speculating, but did you and Horikita know each other before this year? Maybe you both attended the same school in the past?" The instant he said it, Kushida shuddered in response.

Really? They go to the same school?

"What the… I don't know what you mean. Did Horikita-san say something about me?" she snapped.

Wait a second.


Isn't that like a polite way of talking in Japan?

I thought she hate Horikita

"No, I had the impression that this was the first time you’d met. But something seemed strange."



Doctor Strange?

"You learned my name only when I first introduced myself, right?"

I recalled the first time Kushida had spoken to him.

But mine is different.

I learn it from a book


Life's a lie

Just like my life

Who know if I'm in a book right now.

Something you call fanfiction.

Yeah... That..

"So what?" Kushida responded flatly.

"Well, where did you learn Horikita's name? Back then, she hadn't introduced herself to anyone yet. The only person who knew was Sudou, but I doubt you'd met him by then."

In other words, Kushida wouldn't have had the chance to learn Horikita's name.

So,...I was right

"You got close to me so you could spy on her, right?"

"Just shut up. Hearing you talk irritates me, Ayanokouji-kun. I only want to know one thing. Do you swear you'll never tell anyone what you learned here today?"

So they knew each other from middle school.

And here I thought Horikita is Kushida ex

Am I the only one that think that?


Just me?



But they can be one in middle school though...


Just saying...

"I swear. Even if I did, it's not like anyone would believe me. Right?"

Now that he mentioned it, the entire class did trusted and loved Kushida. The difference between them was like day and night

“Okay. I believe you, Ayanokouji-kun.” Kushida closed her eyes and slowly exhaled.

"Horikita-san is rather unusual, isn't she?"

"Yes, I'd say she's really unusual."

"Other people don't influence her, or rather, she keeps her distance from everyone else. She's the complete opposite of me."

"You know, Ayanokouji-kun, you're the only one that Horikita-san opens up to." this a one side love.

Love triangle?

Wait no.

I don't think Ayanokouji love Kushida.

So what should I call this relationship here?

"Wait a minute. She doesn't open up to me. Absolutely not."


Now that I think about it, it look more like she's bullying him. Maybe I should bully her later.

"Even so, she seems to trust you more than anyone else. Out of all the people I've ever met, Horikita seems the most wary of others and yet also the most self-confident. She certainly wouldn't trust anyone worthless, even if they were unbelievably kind."

"So, you think she has good instincts for people?"

"That's why I said I believed you. Ayanokouji-kun, you're fundamentally indifferent to other people, aren’t you?"

I don't think he really care about what happened to other. If someone die, I don't think he care

"It's not an out of place judgement. Back on the bus, you didn't show any interest in giving up your seat to the elderly woman."

"If you believe I'm telling the truth, then you won't spread pointless rumors,"

"If you were really so confident, you wouldn't have felt up my breasts.''


Blackmail material!

I can blackmail Ayanokouji!!!

Just joking.....


"Well, that's… I was really flustered. I panicked for a second." Her stern expression melted into one of impatience.

Panicked eh?

“So, Kushida, would I be right to think of you as the kind of girl who lets guys touch her breasts?”

I slap my mouth shut.

I didn't expect that.

She kicked his thigh as hard she could.


Panicking, he grabbed the railing.

"Hey, watch it! I could've fallen and gotten seriously hurt!"

"I kicked you because you said something stupid!"

And you did something stupid.

You know, if he falls, you would be in deep trouble. Not that I think he'll fall

There's camera that record everything.

Especially who go up the rooftop.

You and Ayanokouji must've been recorded. I don't think they record me, for obvious reasons.

So if he fall, they can use it for evidence. Police can figure out if he was push or if it was an accidental thing.

Not to mention, if you run away, you'll be a suspect.

And if he die, you will be in prison.

I know people did something stupid when they flustered, but I didn't think it will be this stupid.

Kushida snapped, her face flushed from anger.

"Hey, wait a minute."

She still looked furious. Kushida tromped back up the stairs, grabbed her bag, then returned wearing a huge grin.

That's creepy...

"Let's head back together," she said brightly.

"Oh. Sure."

What is she? Hyde & Jekyll?

"By the way, what do you think of Ryuvolt?"

Why am I being brought in this conversation?

Did he see me?

Well, there's a possibility.

I didn't really hide myself that well when I flicked the spying cameras.

"Ryuvolt-kun eh.... I don't really know. Just like Horikita he only talk to you. Maybe he's someone like Horikita."


No I'm not!

"Well, if what you're talking about is true, then he must've trust me because I also didn't give my seat to that elderly woman."

Actually,..... I'm only talking to you because I want to judge you.

"Yeah. Let's go."

"Oh, okay."

I heard the door close.

I look at my watch and stop the recording.

Just in case, I should sent this to my smartphones 

I went out of my hiding place and look at the door where they exit.


That is what I call, blackmail material!


Kushida mess with the wrong guys.

I mean, Ayanokouji can handle it himself.

He don't need this recording.

But you know Kushida.....

Remember when I said maybe we can get along?

My eyes gleam a little

I take that back...

The moment you threaten Ayanokouji, you'll need to get pass my dead body

Although he don't need it, I'll do it if the situation told me too.

Not to mention....

I would love to see the face of despair from you and your simp face.

I smile a little and lick my lips.

You don't mess with my reading time.

You fucking alternate versions of Cyruu.


Pin: That's quite the short chapter

Author-san: Not my fault, my cousin is here

Arthur: Ahhh I see

Pin: So, what did you do?

Author-san: Nothing much, just play with each other together.

Arthur: By the way, we should talk about this person call Cyruu.

Author-san: Oh don't worry.

Pin: Why?

Author-san: It will be explain later.

Arthur: When?

Author-san: I don't know.

Pin and Arthur: ....

Arthur: Also, where did he get the idea of making a sticker spying camera.

Author-san: Oh, that? Detective Conan.

Pin: There's such thing?

Author-san: Something close to that.

Arthur: How about we talk about who we are base of.

Author-san: Later

Pin: Wha-

Arthur: No fair

Author-san: Also, don't interrupt or else I'll high jump kick you guys again.

Arthur: ...

Pin: ..... Why does you always like to use a kick?

Author-san: Kick is stronger. I also use punch a lot. Now, let's wrap it up.

(Sorry for bad grammar and writing)

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