Young Hearts Go BAM 3 - Leo I...

By MeganMaguire15

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Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen - The Diary
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four

Chapter Thirty

138 8 0
By MeganMaguire15

I went to the hospital cafeteria with my mom. I don't know why but the nurse was very insistant on us going to eat. Before I went I got changed out of the horrible hospital gown and into some pajamas that my mom had brought for me. It was just a tank top and flannel shorts. I also put on a pair of pink slippers/boots. It was a struggle getting down to the cafeteria because I had to pull my drip behind me as I was still attatched to it via tube. I sat down while my mom ordered. Spaghetti hoops on toast. After I'd finished eating I felt really thirsty. I got that thirsty that it began to irritate me so I sort of started looking around for the closest drink. My mom saw me and chuckled.

"I'm guessing that the medication has kicked in" she said and I nodded "I'll go and get you a drink then"
Then she went back in the que and came back with two glasses of water. I thought that it was one each but I ended up chugging down both.

"Shall we go back upstairs?" asked my mom. I nodded and we walked back up to the ward together , lugging my drip behind me. When I got up to my room it looked like somebody had been in and turned the lights off and put on a single lamp. I opened the door and inside there were rose petals sprinkled everywhere and fairy lights were draped over the pinboard above the bed and across the bed frame. There was a CD player on the set of drawers next to the bed and either side of it were two crowns. Then in the corner of the room stood Leo wearing his tux. He looked amazing.

"Wow" I said "Did you do all of this?"

"I didn't , your amazing nurse Caroline did" admited Leo. Caroline was stood in the other corner of the room. I walked over and gave her a hug.

"Thank you so much Caroline" I said.

"No problem. I missed my senior prom and I was devistated , I couldn't see that happen to another person" said Caroline "I have got your friend Taylor on skype so that you can be in your prom"

"But I'm wearing my pajamas" I said.

"Unfortunately we couldn't get hold of your dress" said Caroline.

"It's alright , you've done so much for me" I said gratefully.

"But" said Leo picking up my hand "Your nails really look the part" he joked.

"I'll tell Jackson" I laughed.

"No need!" said Jackson appearing on the projected video that was being projected onto the wall "I heared him. Thank you Leondre"

"Attention" said Mr. Front who walked onstage on the video "We're annnouncing prom king and queen now"
Everybody on the video became silent. I stood next to Leo holding onto his arm.

"Prom king is Leondre Devries" said Mr Front and everybody began to applaud. Then on the video I saw that behind Mr. Front there was a video of us. I began to clap quietly for Leo so that I didnt wake another patient. Then Caroline walked over and put one of the crowns on Leo's head.

"Well done Leondre" said Mr. Front "Prom queen is of course his lovely girlfriend Sarah James , well done Sarah and get well soon"
Then everybody began applauding and Caroline put the other crown on my head.

"Are you able to make a speech Sarah?" asked Mr. Front. I nodded and sat infront of the webcam on the table.

"Wow" I said "Thank you all so much for voting for me , maybe hospitals give me good luck. I've won prom queen in hospital and when I was fourteen years old I got asked out by Leo in hospital. My lucky charm must be hospitals. I can't wait to see you all at school and I'll really miss you all when we graduate next week"

I then walked back over to Leo as everybody clapped.

"Let's have the dance of prom king and queen" said Mr. Front. Then Caroline pressed play on the CD player. It was Give Me Love by Ed Sheeran and we began to slow dance until the song finished. I felt really happy and grateful for everything in my life. Shortly after the dance ended our connection with the school got lost and our short prom ended. But I was too happy to be disappointed.

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