Criminal Minds Series Rewrite...

By queenofdeansbooty

93.7K 3.2K 518

Now that you understand your place in the team, you work day in and day out to capture the bad guys and give... More

Story Warnings
The Fisher King, Part 2: Part One
The Fisher King, Part 2: Part Two
The Fisher King, Part 2: Final Part
P911: Part One
P911: Part Two
P911: Part Three
P911: Final Part
The Perfect Storm: Part One
The Perfect Storm: Part Two
The Perfect Storm: Part Three
The Perfect Storm: Part Four
The Perfect Storm: Final Part
Psychodrama: Part One
Psychodrama: Part Two
Psychodrama: Part Three
Psychodrama: Part Four
Psychodrama: Final Part
Aftermath: Part One
Aftermath: Part Two
Aftermath: Final Part
The Boogeyman: Part One
The Boogeyman: Part Two
The Boogeyman: Part Three
The Boogeyman: Final Part
North Mammon: Part One
North Mammon: Part Two
North Mammon: Final Part
Empty Planet: Part One
Empty Planet: Part Two
Empty Planet: Part Three
Empty Planet: Final Part
The Last Word: Part One
The Last Word: Part Two
The Last Word: Part Three
The Last Word: Final Part
Lessons Learned: Part One
Lessons Learned: Part Two
Lessons Learned: Final Part
Sex, Birth, Death: Part One
Sex, Birth, Death: Part Two
Sex, Birth, Death: Part Three
Sex, Birth, Death: Part Four
Sex, Birth, Death: Final Part
Profiler, Profiled: Part One
Profiler, Profiled: Part Two
Profiler, Profiled: Part Three
Profiler, Profiled: Final Part
No Way Out: Part One
No Way Out: Part Two
No Way Out: Part Three
No Way Out: Final Part
The Big Game: Part One
The Big Game: Part Two
The Big Game: Final Part
Revelations: Part One
Revelations: Part Two
Revelations: Final Part
Fear and Loathing: Part One
Fear and Loathing: Part Two
Fear and Loathing: Final Part
Distress: Part One
Distress: Part Two
Distress: Final Part
Jones: Part One
Jones: Part Two
Jones: Part Three
Jones: Final Part
Ashes and Dust: Part One
Ashes and Dust: Part Two
Ashes and Dust: Part Three
Ashes and Dust: Final Part
Honor Among Thieves: Part One
Honor Among Thieves: Part Two
Honor Among Thieves: Final Part
Open Season: Part One
Open Season: Part Two
Open Season: Final Part
Legacy: Part One
Legacy: Final Part
No Way Out II: The Evilution of Frank (Part One)
No Way Out II: The Evilution of Frank (Part Two)
No Way Out II: The Evilution of Frank (Final Part)
Author's Note
Author's Note

Aftermath: Part Three

1K 43 2
By queenofdeansbooty

"Have you ever seen anything like this before?"

"Gary Heidnick in Philadelphia," you and Spencer say at the same time. You blush and motion for him to explain. "He kept women in a dungeon prisoner for years with the hopes of impregnating them."

"Heidnick was a sexual sadist, though," you continue. "He tortured the women and even ended up eating one of them. That is a power reassurance rapist."

"So, in this guy's twisted mind, these are love stories?"

"Of course, they are. He's starting families."

You're not going to get any answers at the police station, so you, Maggie, Hotch, and Derek head over to the clinic that these women have been going to in order to get more answers about your unsub. The doctor on call, Dr. Wagner is more than happy to talk to you and your team. He was shocked, to say the least, when he heard what's been happening.

"I'm sorry, but whoever's committing these crimes couldn't work at this clinic. I'm the only man here."

"But that doesn't mean there isn't a connection. We need your help to figure out what it might be."

A woman approaches the counter, and Dr. Wagner puts this conversation on hold while he hands her a form to fill out. You barely have a peek at it before the woman takes it away back to her seat.

"Look, what's happening is just horrible, but the margins on the clinic like this are incredibly slim. If word gets out there's a connection to this rapist, my practice would be ruined," he sighs.

"To be honest I don't care about your practice," Maggie sasses. "Three women were raped after coming here. That's not a coincidence. It's a pattern."

"If you're implying that I could be a suspect, I should let you know that I had a vasectomy twenty-five years ago."

"We just want to know if there's anyone in and out of this clinic who fits the profile," you sigh. "He's quiet, lives alone, and awkward with women, yet hangs around the office a little too long just to be near them."

"No, it's just a small clinic. I only hire women. My patients are just much more comfortable around them."

"What about elsewhere--computer support, janitor?"

"My daughter handles all of the technical business and I have a cleaning crew of two women. Sorry."

The woman comes back and hands over the form that she filled out, and this time, you can clearly see the contents of the paper. Favorite alcoholic drink, favorite vacation place, favorite song, and many other favorites that fit in with the rape victims.

"What is that, doctor?" you ask.

"It's just a questionnaire we hand out to learn more about our client base."

"This is everything the unsub knew about the victims," you reveal.

"Who else sees these?"

"I don't compromise the medical privacy of my patients."

"Those aren't medical questions, and you didn't answer her," you cross your arms.

"Well, I sell the forms to a direct marketing company called First Hand Media. They just target buying habits. No medical information changes hands. It's not illegal."

"Yeah, but the margins on a place like this... word gets out... your practice would be ruined," Maggie smirks.

"I'll call Garcia," Derek offers.

He steps off to the side where some women are chatting with each other, and you follow closely behind. Hotch and Maggie can handle the doctor on their own, so you decide to listen in on his conversation with Penelope.

"I'd like to make a request," Derek grins when he gets her on the phone. "Alright, listen, it's a marketing firm by the name of First Hand Media. I want you to see if they have any connection to the colleges from the first set of victims... That's a beautiful thing. One last favor. Look up the words sexy and brilliant in that computer of yours and tell me what you come up with." The women who were chatting nearby pause when they hear his words, and you just smirk to yourself. "You are a goddess woman. Ciao." Derek hangs up and finally notices the women staring at him. "It was a... It was a work call."

"So," you slink up to his side as you two head back to Hotch and Maggie, "do you have the hots for Ms. Penelope Garcia?"

"Shut up," Derek groans playfully.

"What? I'm serious," you giggle.

"Oh, like how you're in love with Spencer and won't tell him?"

"W-what?" you stutter. "I don't love him. We barely started dating."

"Your body language says differently," Derek grins. "It doesn't take a psychic to see that."

"Yeah, well, I'm still trying to figure out my feelings for him. I do like him a lot, though. Speaking of body language, yours seem to suggest you have feelings for Pen."

"I don't know. Maybe," he chuckles.

"We found First Hand Media's home base," you say to Hotch when you get back to them.

"Let's go."

You four meet the rest of the team there because you might need a lot of back up if this man is going to be at First Hand Media. Craig, the manager, is very upset you think one of his guys is a serial rapist.

"You really think this rapist is one of my guys?" Craig asks in disbelief.

"Well, he's used to being in strangers' homes and is always on the phone. That's how he's confident. Thanks to your research, he feels like he knows these women," Gideon says.

"We're going to need a list of any employees you have that worked in a fertility clinic and university questionnaires," you state seriously.

"I give every employee complete access to all of our materials. It helps keep them fresh if they can alternate between types of calls."

"So, what you're saying is that I fill out my intimate personal information, and then you just share it with everyone you have working here for minimum wage?" you ask with a bit of an attitude.

"I sense an attitude."

"Yeah, you're damn right you do," you snap.

"We need copies of every single questionnaire that you got from the clinic," Elle steps in. "We can get a warrant here in about an hour if you prefer."

"If you think about it, all I'm doing is profiling, just like you guys."

"Let's not think about it."

Craig sighs and gets the files you need, and you are shocked that it's so many. There are so many that it will take at least four members of your team to carry the boxes.

"All these?" Spencer gasps.

"We cover the entire Great Lakes region."

"Let's narrow it down. The guy we're looking for is a white male between the ages of twenty and forty, socially awkward and unable to make connections easily," Spencer tries to narrow it down.

"I have two hundred and fifty employees. Most of those are men, and every single one of them matches the description you just gave me."

"Right, well, thanks for your time. Keep being an upstanding member of society," you say sarcastically and grab two boxes.

The rest of the teams confiscate the boxes and head back to the police station to try and figure out what the hell kind of person is capable of this... and why. You never figured out why those men did what they did, and if you can help these women figure that out, then maybe it might make you feel better.

"Elle, it might be worth going back to the victims. It's a long shot, but maybe somebody remembers the first name from a telemarketing call," Hotch suggests.

You can feel resentment coming off her, but she doesn't show it.

"Yeah, the unsub feels a connection with them so he wouldn't lie or use an alias."

Elle gets up and leaves the room to do what she was told.

"We know this guy's DNA is not in the system, but I'll cross-check employment records against sexual misdemeanors--peeping, exposure, etc," Derek offers.

He, too, leaves the room.

"I separated Dayton forms from the rest of the region," Spencer says proudly.

He took every single file First Hand Media gave you and isolated the Dayton ones from the rest.

"So, what do we know from the latest set of victims?"

"They're all single and all over thirty-five," JJ puts out there.

"Each of them also indicated recently buying books on babies and childbearing," Spencer adds.

"They all want children, and are willing to do whatever it takes to get one," you say. "So, he knows they're committed to having children, which means they're much less likely to abort, even in the cases of rape."

"Get this, each of the victims also checked the 'yes' box when asked if it would be okay to contact them on special deals on pediatric items," JJ informs the group.

"In the unsub's mind, they've consented. He thinks he's doing them a service," you sigh.

"Check those forms for each of those elements. If we can narrow it down to a potential list of victims, we can be waiting for him," Hotch orders.

You, Spencer, and JJ all look through the files to see if you can come up with women who might be in danger. JJ isn't doing too well on her end, you're using your abilities to help you eliminate, and Spencer speeds his way through the files. Only until everyone is done do you share.

"Any hits?" Hotch asks.

"Got one," JJ shrugs.

"Nothing," you shake your head, and Spencer agrees with you.

"It's the only one?"

"It's a small city. There can't be very many single women in their late 30s going to the exact same fertility clinic."

"So, we know who he's going after next."

You knew who the unsub was going after, but no matter how many times the Dayton police officers went to the house, she wouldn't answer the door. They had no probable cause to enter the house, so they left a detailed message and left. Turns out, the rapist was already inside. He raped her soon after the police officers left. By the time you heard about the attack, it was too late.

You don't think you've seen Elle this angry before.

You get to the crime scene where Maggie and her officers are already at, and Elle is marching over to give Maggie a piece of her mind. This isn't going to end well.

"There was no forced entry. We're still not sure how he got in," Maggie sighs.

"Is the MO the same?" you wonder.


"I'm going to take a look inside," Hotch says and heads inside the house.

"What the hell are your men doing?" Elle exclaims in anger, glaring at Maggie.

"Excuse me?"

"You can have men outside the door, but a woman can still get raped inside!"

"They knocked, there was no answer, so there was no legal cause to enter."

"So, they just walked away?"

"No, they left messages that it was urgent, that she contacts the police."

"Which must be on the machine right after that creep left a message saying he was going to rape her," Elle shouts.

"They did everything in their power."

"You just keep telling yourself that," she growls.

Elle storms away, and you are shocked that she is acting this way. She may have suppressed her emotions in the beginning, but they are starting to come out in the worse possible ways.

"Elle!" you and Derek exclaim, but she doesn't listen.

The house ended up being a bust because there was no evidence left over by the guy at all... except for the traumatized woman he left behind. She is still too scared and terrified to even talk, so there is nothing left for your team to do. The Dayton police can talk to her whenever she is ready to do so. For now, all you can do is go back to the hotel and wait for something to come up. You're kind of frustrated about all of this, but clearly not as much as Elle. You could go talk to her, but you think that's only going to make things worse.

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