By _maryamabba

3.7K 685 204

Nadiya, a teenager who grew up and was unaware that her father existed. First her mother abandoned her, then... More

Chapter 1
chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49

Chapter 17

76 19 6
By _maryamabba

Zaliha sat in the terrace reading from her phone. She has been seating there for more than an hour because she has given Nadiya and her mother the chance to talk. Ever since her friend told her that her father is alive, she couldn't stop thinking about it as it's making her having a strange feeling. A feeling she couldn't pinpoint. Though it was a great news considering the fact that Nadiya craved for a father for a very long time, but for some reason she isn't happy about it. She's not happy because her father actually abandoned her for so many years and suddenly, he's back into her life. Where was he so many years back? A question she's being wondering ever since she was told. She's thinking her father has a big reason for suddenly revealing himself. She knew something is fishy and not right. Not like she's doubting him, but that's the only thing disturbing her mind right now. She also wants to talk to Nadiya about it, but she doesn't want to upset her because finally, she has found happiness and gotten what she wanted for years.

She checked the time again and realised that it's late and she needs to go home. She immediately stood up, wore her shoes and clutch her bag on her shoulder. She was descending the stairs when suddenly, she bumped into Khadijah and her mother, going downstairs too. Zaliha and Khadijah exchanged glances before Hajiya A'ee recognised Zaliha.

"Ohh Zaliha, you're here?" Hajiya A'ee said with a genuine smile.

"Yes Aunt. I came since two hours ago. I was just about to leave." She said, not even bothering to look at Khadijah.

"Ohh okay. How are you and how's your mom?" She asked with a smile again.

"She's fine Alhamdulillah. How are you too and everyone else?" She asked, not meeting Khadijah's gaze and even though she knew she's getting on her nerves, she didn't care.

"We're absolutely fine Alhamdulillah." And Zaliha thinks this is her cue to leave but to her astonishment, Khadijah smiled and talked to her.

"How are you Zaliha?" Zaliha wondered if Khadijah accidentally hit her head somewhere today. She couldn't face this new Khadijah because she's making her feel uneasy.

"I'm good. You?"

"I'm good too." She replied.

Zaliha got surprised with the awkward greeting they are busy doing that she laughed mentally.

"Okay Aunt. Let me go bid Nadiya goodbye and then leave." She said.

"Sure dear. We were also about to go meet with them." And together, they walk downstairs. Khadijah at her back, slightly touching her intentionally, which is annoying her greatly and when she turned and glared at her, she smiled. She's having a feeling that she has repented, though she can't trust her and she won't forget what she did to her.

They reached the parlour and stared at the mother and daughter in consternation for the two were laughing heartily. Zaliha was dumbfounded, as if it wasn't the two of them having misunderstandings not long ago, Nadiya in particular, before she left them. Well that was a fast reunion she must say. She's happy about that though.

"Well it seems like mother and daughter are having a great time!" Khadijah exclaimed and smiled at them, her mother smiling too. They soon approached them and sat. However, Zaliha stood there and didn't draw on.

"We're. Alhamdulillah we're happy around each other now right?" She smiled broadly at her daughter.

"Yes, Alhamdulillah." She smiled and hugged her mother, which made Khadijah and her mother so happy to see them happy together.

There after, the four of them were laughing and having a small chat happily. Khadijah brought snacks and drinks for them all. They ate and continued with their chats. Suddenly, Nadiya saw her friend standing there, a little frown on her face and deep in thoughts.

"Hey Zaliha, come over here." She called with a bright smile and Zaliha jolted out of her thoughts and managed to smile at her friend.

She came and sat near Nadiya, aware that everyone was staring at her.

"Hey what's wrong?" Nadiya whispered softly to her friend.

"Nothing. Thanks for asking." She whispered back.

"Alright then. I hope so." Nadiya replied and Zaliha smiled.

"I'm fine trust me!" Zaliha said with a chuckle and Nadiya smiled this time around.

"Okay okay." Nadiya said raising her hand in the air.

"I see you and your mother have settled. Alhamdulillah." Zaliha whispered softly. Though nobody is paying heed to them as they're talking and laughing loudly.

"Yeah, Alhamdulillah." Nadiya replied and Zaliha kept quiet . She doesn't want to push Nadiya into telling her what happened. If they could send everyone away to talk alone, she shouldn't ask.

Nadiya sensed that her friend doesn't want to be obvious about wanting to know what happened between her and her mother which she's grateful for. She's also contemplating on telling Zaliha what happened because it is a sensitive matter and though she trusts her friend, she's not ready to tell her because she's embarrassed to narrate what her father did to them.

They sat in silence, and while everyone was chatting and laughing. Zaliha stood and decided to leave.

"Okay l should leave now. It's getting late." Nadiya stood too.

"Aw I thought you're sleeping over tonight." She pouted which made Zaliha to laugh.

"Hmm I guess you've forgotten. Let me remind you! 7:00am lecture by yours 'strictly' Barr. Kabir!" Zaliha said and Nadiya laughed loudly which even drew the attention of the people sitting next to them.

"Ohh Zaliha, that was so funny! Your's 'strictly' huh?" She chuckled at that.

"Hey you know how he can be. If you're even a second late to class, he will not let you in." Zaliha huffed.

"Been there!" Nadiya exclaimed and they clasp hands with a laugh.

"Alright aunts, goodnight." Zaliha said with a smile.

"Goodnight dear." They said in unison.

She was about to leave, Nadiya escorting her when Khadijah rushed behind them. When Zaliha sighted her, she smiled.

"I wanted to escort you." She said and Nadiya smiled at her.

"Thanks." She said and they walked together, talking until they reached the gate and Zaliha board a cab which she sat in, waved at them and took off.

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