THE CONTRACT (The Chosen Seri...

By knightwaters

283K 14K 2.9K

{MATURE +18} I am strong, I am resilient, I am fire... ***************************************************... More



5.7K 311 124
By knightwaters

Tears keep falling as I sit here, huddled and lost in my thoughts. How did everything spiral so out of control? I draw my knees to my chest, wrapping my arms around them tightly as I rock gently. I bite down on the inside of my cheek and start counting backward, trying to anchor myself. Ten, nine, eight... How could I have been so naive? Seven, six, five... Does my life mean so little to them? Four, three, two... Why didn't my father fight for me? One. Why am I so disposable?

Fido! The thought of him ignites a spark of warmth within me. He fought for me. Liam—no, I mustn't think about him. Liam didn't want me. It was Fido who I surrendered to, not Liam.

Pain clenches my heart, and I struggle to breathe, overwhelmed by the emotions flooding through me. I've never felt as complete and cherished as I did with them. I want to go back, but—can I? If Alexei's willing to sacrifice me so casually, then perhaps...

I'm strong. I'm resilient. I'm fire. I'm strong. I'm resilient. I'm FUCKED!

I unfurl from my fetal position and stand, starting to pace around Alexei's dimly lit bedroom. Since when did I become so passive? Sure, in most areas of my life, I'm all about action—fire and fury. But when it comes to Alexei, it's like I've been conditioned to accept that he's the one in control. My rebellious years, my missing years—they're the exception, not the rule.

Tears choke my voice as I sob, alone in my gilded cage. Not even Grigor has come to see me. Isolation weighs heavy on my soul. You are not alone, a voice whispers inside my head, and instinctively, my hands move to rest on my still-flat belly. How can I feel such profound love for a life I've only just discovered exists?

Suddenly, I tense, a sharp pressure building at my temples as if something—or someone—is trying to reach me. It's Fido; I can feel him in my very core, calling out to me.

Heat begins to simmer at my fingertips, and I quickly pull back, frightened of what my elemental fire might inadvertently do to the new life inside me. I can't lose control, not now.

Compelled to escape these suffocating walls and my spiraling thoughts, I move to leave the room. But then, I hear Grigor's voice drifting up from below. " Alexander, Уверены ли вы?" His tone carries a weight that stops me in my tracks.

Before I can dwell on what Grigor might be consenting to, a jolt of electricity sparks deep within my soul. I freeze as the elevator dings open, the familiar scents of grass and wood wafting up the stairway. He's here.

Without a second thought, I bolt from the room, not even pausing to look as I rush down the stairs. Alexei can't find him here. If he does, he'll kill him.

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room. His brow furrows deeper as I slip past, but he makes no move to stop me. My heart pounds as I skid into the lobby, where the sight of familiar red eyes halts me abruptly.

"Mo Thine," Fido's voice washes over me, heavy with relief. While I'm aware of Ava, my brother, and Shay nearby, my gaze locks onto Fido. He crosses the distance in a heartbeat and enfolds me in his arms, his face buried in my hair. "I'm sorry, Mo Thine, I should've been there when you woke, to explain. Please forgive me. We should've warned you, but I couldn't stop myself; I didn't want to stop myself. I love you, Erin."

I pull back slightly to search his red eyes. "Liam?"

A smile tinged with sadness spreads across his face. "Who else would I be?"

Tears escape me uncontrollably as the reality sets in: Liam loves me.

He draws me close again, offering the comforting rumble of his chest. "I thought—" I start but falter, unsure how to express the turmoil within me. "Was it you?" I muffle against his shirt, needing confirmation of our bond.

"Yes, Mo Thine, I'm sorry you ever doubted it," Liam says softly, his arms tightening around me. "I fought against what I knew was right for too long and was a real ass in the process. I hurt you, and I'm deeply sorry, love. But I'm here now, and I just hope it's not too late."

"Too late for what?" I murmur, feeling his fingers gently lift my chin, guiding my gaze back to his.

"Truth, Mo Thine. My third and final one. Do you love me? Do you want there to be an us?"

"That's two truths," I manage to sniffle, a weak attempt at lightening the moment.

Liam's grin widens, his dimples deepening in the soft light. Despite the ache in my heart, his presence, his touch, makes it all the more real, more painful because of what I must confess.

I should lie to protect us both from further heartache, but every fiber of my being screams yes. Liam's embrace tightens, as if he senses my inner turmoil and wishes to soothe it away.

Tears flood anew as the realization sinks in—the man I love is truly here, and it's not just his wolf but him, Liam, entirely. "It's both of us that belong to you, Mo Thine," he whispers into my ear, his breath warm against my skin.

I close my eyes, letting his scent and the solid reality of his embrace anchor me for a moment longer. "You can't belong to me," I whisper back, my voice breaking with the weight of what I'm about to say, the heartache of our impossible situation heavy in my chest.

"I already do, and always will. There's no other for me. You're my everything." His words shatter the last of my composure, and I start crying again. This time, the emotions are so overwhelming that my knees buckle, and I collapse.

Liam, ever in tune with my emotions, catches me. He immediately lifts me, cradling my body against his chest, and carries me towards the elevator. My mind spins with panic. "Stop, Liam. We can't. You can't. I have to stay," I insist, trying to halt his determined march. I have to stop him before Alexei returns.

He seems to read my thoughts. "It will be fine, Mo Thine. I am taking you home."

"But you can't, Liam. He won't let me go. If I leave, Alexei will come after me." From the background, I hear Griffin growl, only to be quieted by Ava's soothing voice.

"Cкучать Erin," Grigor interjects, drawing my attention. I lift my head, and it takes me a few moments to focus through my blurred, tear-filled eyes. When I finally see him clearly, he's extending his phone towards me. Instantly, I know it's Alexei on the line. Taking a deep breath until my lungs burn, I take the phone from Grigor and press it to my ear.

"Do you love him?" Alexei's voice is smooth yet carries an underlying tension.

"I—" I start, my voice choked with sobs. His tone is calm, but I sense the pain lurking beneath.

"Do you love him, Erin?" he presses, his voice now clipped with impatience.

"Yes," I manage to say, and Liam's arms tighten around me in silent support, his presence grounding me as I confront this pivotal moment.

There's a heavy pause on the line, then Alexei sighs deeply. "You are free to go."

"What?" I gasp, sitting up straight, disoriented by the sudden shift in conversation; Liam adjusts his hold to support my new position.

Alexei's chuckle comes through the phone, devoid of any warmth. "Don't sound too relieved."

"Why?" My confusion grows, seeking clarity.

"The why does not matter. I meant what I said," he asserts, his voice firm yet resigned. I try to understand his meaning but fall short.

I hear him sigh once more, heavy and laden with something unsaid. "You know the saying if you lo—" He pauses, clears his throat, and finally states, "I'm setting you free."

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My heart clenches again, and though I care for Alexei, I don't love him. My heart belongs to one man, well, perhaps two. Liam rumbles in approval from somewhere within my thoughts.

"But what about the contract?" I ask, my voice tinged with both confusion and relief.

"It's been dealt with," Alexei responds, his voice trailing off into silence. Before I can speak again, he adds, "You should've been honest with me."

"My feelings for Liam, Alexei, I—" I start, but true to form, Alexei cuts the call abruptly.

Shock freezes me for a moment, but then elation sets in. I'm free. I'm free. I'M FREE! Beside me, Liam winces, reminding me of our linked minds. Annoyed yet slightly amused, I jab him in the arm.

"Mo Thine! What was that for?" he protests, rubbing the spot I just struck.

"Why the fuck are you in my head?" I snap, catching Ava's snort of amusement from the sofa opposite us.

"Seems Tiger has some of her spark back," Shay comments wryly from where he leans against a window. I shoot him a glare, which he meets with an indifferent shrug and a playful twist of his watch.

"It's the bond, Mo Thine. We share thoughts. Can you not hear mine?" Liam frowns, leaning in to sniff me. He growls and recoils. "Magic. Someone's blocked your connection to me."

"That would be Gerald," I sigh, recalling the earlier intervention meant to ease my pain. Another growl from Liam meets my admission, but I choose to ignore it.

Suddenly, Liam closes the distance again, his movements swift. He pauses with his nose near my stomach, inhales deeply, and then looks up at me with a blend of shock and adoration. "Is it true?"

Realizing he must have seen the image from Gerald's discovery, I nod. Without another word, Liam crushes his lips to mine in a passionate kiss.

"Does someone want to explain what's going on?" Ava interjects, her voice cutting through the charged atmosphere.

Griffin, still chuckling, responds, "Use your senses, Doe. What do you smell?"

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After a moment, Ava squeals, "OMFG! Is that what I think it is?" Liam's lips still on mine prevent any response from me. It's Shay who chimes in, "I do hope this one's also a boy. Imagine the things Uncle Shay can teach him. Hopefully, how NOT to have a stick up his ass."

Liam finally breaks the kiss and lifts his head to growl at his cousin. "Don't push me, Shay. I can still kick your ass even with a stick up mine."

Griffin snickers, and Ava bursts into laughter. Their reaction only spurs Shay to grin wider and flex his biceps in a mock challenge. "Bring it on, Kiss Ass, let's see you try."

"As much as I enjoy your pissing contest," Ava cuts in, turning her gaze to me with a tentative expression."Erin, Ya Dead?"

I understand she's trying to lighten the mood. I'm irritated that nobody warned me, but I also recognize I might not have listened even if they had. I roll my eyes and shoot her my best resting bitch face. "Yeah, I'm fine."

Relief floods Ava's features, and I raise my hand to stop her from speaking further. "But you owe me, big time. All of you," I declare to our little group—my found family.

"And I will spend the rest of my life making it up to you," Liam whispers, his voice sending shivers down my spine. His assertion of possession is met with my heart's silent agreement. He is mine. "And I am yours," he affirms, and I can't help but punch him again, lightly this time, causing him to chuckle. "Okay, I'll stay out of your head," he concedes, his grin broadening, dimples flashing.

"So, now that I know you aren't planning to kill me, can we get out of here?" Ava stands, stretching out her hand to help pull me from Liam's embrace. "Anything you need before we go?"

I bite my lower lip, pondering. Everything I own was bought with Alexei's money—my Louis Vuittons and other ludicrously expensive items don't feel like they're truly mine anymore. I'm technically broke now.

"You won't need for anything, Mo Thine. I'll buy everything you need," Liam assures me earnestly.

I glare at him, causing him to look away, but the sincerity in his now-brown eyes melts my heart. "Feck, Mo Thine, this is going to be harder than I thought," he admits.

Griffin, who has been observing quietly, comes over and claps Liam on the shoulder. "I'll help, brother." Liam nods in appreciation, and I catch a glint of pride in my brother's eyes.

I glance around the room. Do I need anything? "No, I will be fin-" Before I can assert that I will be fine, Grigor cuts me off.

"Cкучать Erin, I will box up your items and have them sent to you." I blink at him in surprise. The older man smiles back, his appearance scarcely touched by time—elementals age well.

Behind me, Liam growls protectively. I give him a gentle elbow. "Are you sure?" I ask Grigor.

He nods. "Да, cкучать Erin. Alexander would not want to keep you from your possessions." His implication is clear—Alexei wants no reminders of me. A pang of remorse hits me for what he must be feeling, but I can't deny my heart.

"Thank you," I say, moving toward my old friend and embracing him. "I will miss you."

"I'm not going anywhere, cкучать Erin. And something tells me that I'll see you again soon." Grigor's eyes twinkle with mischief as he releases me from the hug. "Go be with your mate."

I give him one final squeeze before Liam wraps his arms around me, nearly dragging me toward the door. "Wait, let me at least get some proper clothes on."


Thirty minutes later, I'm comfortably seated in my car with Liam at the wheel. Ava and Griffin are right behind us as we make our way out of the city.

Shay parted ways with us right after we left the penthouse. He had business in the city and planned to head to one of the pack's safe houses to arrange transport and meet us back home later.

We're connected with Ava and Griffin via Bluetooth, and I'm doing my best to stay patient as Griffin recounts the sequence of events that led them to rescue me.

From our conversation, it's clear that Shay and Isla are far more cunning than I ever gave them credit for. Isla's decision to accompany me to the city was a strategic move to gather intelligence on the Elementals and my contract. Griffin played more of a supporting role, mostly letting his sister take the lead in their covert operations.

Throughout her time with me, Isla was in constant communication with Shay, who operated under the handle Goose1990. Together, they were scheming to breach the Vault—with Shay as the ground agent and Isla, known as Maverick1998, as the strategist. During her daily runs, Isla would scope out the office, relaying vital information to Shay for their planned break-in.

After they verified that my contract wasn't in the Vault, they orchestrated a plan with Griffin—and presumably Morgan—to infiltrate Alexei's study. While Shay and Isla played their roles perfectly in the party, Griffin managed to plant a counterfeit version of the contract, enchanted to appear authentic, in the library for Isla and Shay to retrieve later.

When Shay and Isla slipped away from the party, they accessed the library, found the faux contract, and made their way into Alexei's office via the heating ducts. I couldn't help but smile at the image of Isla crawling through ducts—something she's done since she was a kid. Because the entry and exit points were unenchanted against outsiders, Isla was able to swap my real contract with the fake in Alexei's safe.

Griffin laughed as he recounted that Isla's disheveled appearance was due to her removing her dress to fit through the ducts, a diversion that also allowed Shay to smuggle the genuine contract out undetected. Unfortunately, they didn't realize the original contract was cursed, threatening lethal consequences for anyone who touched it without fulfilling its conditions.

Isla, unaware of the curse, was immediately affected upon touching the contract. Thankfully, she managed to encase it in a protective cover before handing it to Shay. "So that's why she looked so ill when I saw her in her study?"

"Yes, Ciarra," Griffin confirmed, his voice tinged with pride. "We couldn't break the curse on the writing, but Isla found a way to handle the text without succumbing to the magic."

"But she still got sick," I pointed out.

"The curse was designed to kill anyone who handled the contract without the key," Griffin explained solemnly.

I shuddered, realizing the gravity of the situation. The 'key' referred to the magical code needed to deactivate the curse. Thankfully, Isla had deciphered it and found a loophole in the contract. However, we still needed to pin her down at the Treehouse for a full debrief on her discovery.

Reflecting on Isla's actions at the Belle Garden, where the magic made her lose control, I remain puzzled about Shay's comments regarding them being mates. Griffin, mirroring his sister's secrecy, dodged my questions, saying it was a matter between Isla and Shay.

Once Ava and Griffin gave us some space, the conversation between Liam and me shifted from the broader implications of our clan's secrets to more personal matters.

"Why did you need to be Alpha, and not someone else, like your brother?" I ask, glancing at Liam as he drives. Watching his profile, I'm still overwhelmed by the fact that he's truly mine. Sensing my thoughts, Liam grins and squeezes my thigh reassuringly.

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"Mo Thine, the True Alpha power is passed to the firstborn son, and only specific bloodlines hold this power," Liam explains, keeping his eyes on the road while his hand rests reassuringly on my thigh. "It could have been Griffin, Shay, or me."

"What about Oscar's son?" I inquire, thinking of Roisin's brother.

"Roisin, being the firstborn, carries the True Alpha gene, not her brother," Griffin clarifies from the Bluetooth connection, his voice steady over the speaker.

"So, with that, does it mean Roisin is destined to mate with Rory?" I muse, remembering how Rory seemed quite taken with her during my first visit to the Ranch. I hadn't seen him around during the last holiday or at Ava and Griffin's claiming.

"Aye, my younger brother had quite the fondness for her. But on his last trip home, he met another she-wolf who has accepted his claim," Liam answers with a slight chuckle.

"So, Roisin will be alright?" I press, wanting more assurance.

"Roisin will be fine, Mo Thine. There are plenty of Alpha wolves who would be honored to claim her," Liam reassures me, his tone warm and confident. I share with him the interactions I had with Roisin during their claiming ceremony.

"She's a good lass, albeit a bit pampered because of her mother. But there's a fierceness in her that will make her a formidable force should she meet her Maité Fíor," Liam adds thoughtfully.

My curiosity peaks again, "So if the True Alpha role goes to the firstborn, why is Reagan considered one of the 6th elements?"

"All Alpha She-Wolves are considered a 6th element. However, the purer the bloodline, the more potent the she-wolf's power. Any female born into a Brady, O'Connell, Hughes, or O'Cleary line inherently possesses greater strength," Liam explains, his voice filled with a mix of pride and reverence.

"O'Cleary line?" I echo, unfamiliar with the term.

"Aye, that's Aisling's line," Liam clarifies.

I nod thoughtfully, absorbing the intricate weave of clan and power, when Liam pulls out a necklace. He hands it to me—a simple chain linked to a metal heart with an intricate pattern inside. "It was my mother's, given by my father. We use these claiming knots instead of rings," he says, his eyes flicking to my now bare engagement finger. "My Da gave it to me tonight before we left to get you."

Holding the rustic yet stunning necklace, I'm moved by the gesture. Tears prickle at the edges of my eyes as I slip the pendant over my head, letting it rest against my chest. "Always," I affirm, meeting Liam's joyous smile.

"Close your eyes, Mo Thine; we still have a way to go," Liam suggests softly.

I start to frown but am overcome by a wave of dizziness. Yielding to Liam's suggestion, I let my eyes drift shut, allowing the sound of the road and Liam's presence to lull me into oblivion.

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Liam parks my car next to Griffin's truck, jolting me awake. "Have I ever told you how beautiful you are when you sleep, Mo Thine? Drool and all."

I groan and stretch, cracking my neck. "Get used to it, Fido. This right here," I gesture to my mouth, "is going to be your favorite place." Liam laughs, his eyes alight with a playful spark. As I move to open my door, my phone rings, displaying Gerald's name.

"Baby Girl," Gerald's voice comes through loud and clear over the car's Bluetooth system.

"The one and only," I respond, smiling as Liam steps out of the car.

"Is it true?" Gerald's voice takes on a serious tone.

"I assume you're asking about Alexei releasing me from the contract? Then yes, it's true." Liam opens my door and helps me out. "Oh, by the way, I need you to remove whatever blocker you put on me," I say, holding the phone to my ear, waiting for Gerald's response.

I hear him mutter something under his breath before he clears his throat. "You should have told me. Then again, I should've known," he grumbles, his voice tinged with frustration over the connection.

Stepping onto the porch where Ava and Griffin are waiting, I switch my phone to speaker mode. "You've lost me, Gerald. Can you explain that in simpler terms?"

Gerald chuckles, though the laughter lacks its usual warmth. "You are far from unintelligent, Baby Girl. I'm talking about the contract. I know what the terms were—I wrote it. There was no breaking it."

My heart sinks, and I notice Griffin stiffen, his senses on high alert. "Where is Isla?" Gerald's question is sharp.

"She's insi—" I start, but Ava interrupts, pointing to Griffin, whose eyes are glazed over. After a moment, his focus returns, the red of his wolf's eyes blazing.

"Oh, feck!" Liam curses.

"Oh God, no!" Ava exclaims simultaneously.

"I thought so," Gerald sighs heavily. "The contract was very specific, except for one line," he says, taking a deep breath, though I sense I already know what he's about to reveal.

"It wasn't specific to me, was it?" I ask, my voice barely a whisper as I watch Ava's face drain of color.

"No. The contract stated that a female child, born of Viktor, must fulfill the contract."

"Fuck!" My mind races as the implications sink in. Isla, what have you done?


HAPPY 2022!!!

OMG - Two books down. One to go!

I decided to keep this as a long chapter rather than splitting it into two. I know the ending might come as a bit sudden, but Erin & Ava's story will continue in book three. (more POV of both girls to be added).

I will be honest. Book two was a complete struggle for me. The whole time my mind has been in the plot for book three, and even though I love Erin and Ava, it's Isla who is my main character.

I will say that I have NOT written a single thing yet for book 3 - SO PLEASE do not ask me for at least six months (date stamp 26/12/2021) as to when the book will be posted. I know that might sound like a long time. But I need to get this right and make sure I have most of the plot written before I begin posting.

Like THE CLAIMING. I will post some sneak peeks, so don't forget to follow my profile to ensure you get all updates.

I would also like the take the opportunity to thank my loyal readers for following me onto book two. It has been a bit of a rollercoaster coming out of the multiple covid lockdowns; (for those that don't know, I am Australian and live in the lockdown capital of the world). But your feedback, comments, THEORIES have kept me sane.

So even in the downtime between book two and book three. I would love to see more comments and theories, even about some of the other characters. I will tell you that there are side storylines that I am toying with for them, but no promises.

Thank you again for your support.

Don't forget to vote and recommend the series to your friends (unless you think they are shit).



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