Unbroken (Marina)

By marina_ship69

452K 10.6K 2.4K

Captain Maya Bishop AKA Firefighter Barbie has always been a loan wolf, everything she has done, she has done... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six
Chapter Fifty-Eight
Chapter Fifty-Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty-One
Chapter Sixty-Two
Chapter Sixty-Three
Chapter Sixty-Four
Chapter Sixty-Five
Chapter Sixty-Six
Chapter Sixty-Seven
Chapter Sixty-Eight
Chapter Sixty-Nine
Chapter Seventy

Chapter Fifty-Seven

5.4K 142 29
By marina_ship69

They were in the back of the aid car, Carina constantly checking Maya's vitals. Since having the mask on Maya could breath a little better but was still struggling. Andy sat watching things closely with Hughes driving.

"Carina" Maya whispered she held her hand out to hold.

Carina turned around and held onto Maya's hand, "I've got you bambina. Dr Pierce is waiting for you"

"Baby, hug me please" Maya wheezed.

Carina leaned down and wrapped her arms around Maya as best as she could. She gave her a gentle kiss on the head, "Carina..."


"I'm- I'm a little scared" Maya breathed but started to cough. She couldn't control her coughing, she ended up having a coughing fit.

"Hughes put your foot down!" Carina shouted "She's coughing up blood!"

"Maya bambina I know it's hard but you need to try and breath" Carina soothed, "Breath bella. You need to breath"

Maya slowly started to stop coughing, she spat out a pile of blood from in her mouth and fell backwards on the bed. She gripped onto her chest tightly and tried to breath.

"Almost there guys!" Vic shouted.

"You're okay, you're safe here" Carina sat next to her and held onto her hand, "I know you're scared my love but I will be here the entire time, I won't leave"

The aid car stopped and the back doors flung open. "DeLuca, what do we have?" Dr Bailey asked.

Carina looked at her with scared eyes, "It's Maya"

"Right get her in!"

They quickly wheeled her into the ER and into a trauma room. Carina reeled off everything that happened, "I think it's to do with the fire on the weekend, she ran in and saved a father and son but didn't have any gear" she kissed the back of Maya's hand, "I've been checking her over twice a day since, everything was normal" Carina panicked.

"Okay Dr DeLuca, we've got her, I'm going to set up a few scans now, we'll run all the usual tests. Don't worry" Dr Pierce said calmly holding onto Carina's arm. "But you now need to wait outside"

Carina let out a deep sigh, she leaned down and kissed Maya's forehead, "I'll be right outside bambina, I love you"

"I love you too" Maya croaked out.

Carina left the trauma room and her brother ran towards her. "Carina what's going on?"

"She can't breath, her lungs are healing from the fire on the weekend but she's been working out really hard today and I think it's just got a little much for her" Carina sighed and landed her head on Andrews shoulder.

Andrew wrapped his arms around his big sister holding her close. "She'll be okay, she's strong" Andrew soothed, "She's with the best doctors"

Carina paced the corridor for what felt like eternity, they'd closed the blinds in the room leaving the Italian feeling clueless. She didn't understand how this could have happened, she gave her a check every day and it was all fine.

Maggie came out of the room and walked to Carina, "We're going to take her up for a scan, even though she was coughing up blood I don't think it's anything to worry about, it's just irritated but these scans will confirm that"

"Thank you Maggie, can I see her?"

"Of course, we will be taking her up very soon" Maggie smiled and left to book it in.

Carina walked in the room, Maya was covered in different wires and surrounded by monitors.

"How are you bambina?" Carina asked softly.

Maya smiled weakly at Carina, "I'm okay"

Carina walked over and sat next to her girlfriend, she placed one hand on her stomach the other holding her hand. "Did Dr Pierce explain anything to you?"

Maya nodded slightly, "She thinks the blood isn't anything serious" Maya spoke a little easier now. Her breathing had started to become clearer and easier.



"What did that asshole Dixon say to you?" The Italian asked softy.

Maya took a breath and licked her lips, "He uh- he-". Dr Pierce walked in interrupting them, "Sorry guys but were ready for your scan now"

They both nodded, "I'll be here when they bring you back bambina" Carina smiled, "I love you, I'll be right here"

Maya nodded, "I love you too" she pulled her mask off, "Kiss me?"

Carina let out a little laugh and leaned over to kiss Maya softly, she turned to face Maggie, "Look after my girl okay?"

"Always" Maggie smiled.

Carina stood up and left the room bumping into Andy.

"How is she?" Andy asked.

"Let's get a coffee" Carina smiled and lead them out to the coffee cart. Once they had their coffees they sat on a bench on the corner.

"They're taking her up for scans now, Dr Pierce doesn't think the bleeding is anything too serious, but she wants to find out for sure. She is breathing better but..." Carina let out a little shaky breath, Andy noticed Carina starting to get emotional and wrapped her arm around her waist. "Let it out Carina, don't hold it in"

With that Carina started to cry, she felt her body getting shaky as she started to panic. "Hey hey, it's okay, it's okay. This time you need to breath" Andy laughed a little, "Breath Carina, Breath" she soothed.

Tears streamed down Carina's cheeks as she shakily held her coffee cup, "I'm a doctor" Carina sobbed, "I'm her girlfriend and a doctor. How did I not see this?"

"This isn't your fault Carina, you always look after her, you're always taking care of her. You couldn't have known this was going to happen" Andy reassured.

"I should have made her go to the hospital after if happened but she convinced me otherwise, I checked her out, I checked everything that I possibly could have and it was fine. I was amazed because she was so fine" Carina sobbed heavily.

"This isn't your fault Carina, that asshole Dixon said something to her which made her push herself past her limits. She knew her body wasn't up for it but she did it anyways, he caused this. I don't know what he said or did but... she's strong, she'll be okay" Andy pulled Carina in, she sobbed on her shoulder for a while until Carina felt her pager going off.

She looked at it, "That's Maya", the duo quickly stood up and made their way back in to the hospital.

They found Maya back where Carina left her, she was starting to look better. "Baby, have you been crying?" Maya asked.

Carina shook her head but another tear slipped down her cheek. "Come here" Maya held her arms open and Carina climbed onto the bed wrapping herself in her girlfriend. "I'm sorry for scaring you" Maya whispered.

"I'm going to wrap you in bubble wrap for the rest of our lives" Carina laughed a little.

"That would be a little claustrophobic baby", Maya gave Carina a squeeze, they rested their foreheads together looking into each others eyes. Maya pulled her mask down and instantly kissed Carina, she held onto her cheek pulling her in as close as possible.

They pulled apart when they heard someone fake cough, Carina turned around to see Maggie.

"Nice to see your lungs work enough to do that" Maggie laughed.

"Sorry" Carina whispered.

Maggie turned to face Andy "How do you put up with these two?" She laughed.

"I live with them, this is PG" Andy laughed back.

"I have news.... There is damage to your lungs but it's not a serious amount which is why, Maya seemed fine to you Carina when you checked her out. The excessive exercise today put strain on your lungs because; one you haven't been doing it for a while, and two, because you're lungs still need to heel from the fire" Maggie explained.

"What about work?" Maya asked.

Maggie shook her head slightly, "Well you're the fire Captain, you don't technically do anything excessive. If you were not the captain I would have you off for two weeks but... if I say you can go to work, you need to take it easy, light exercise only, no going into burning buildings, you are strictly on desk duty" Maggie pointed at her.

Maya let out a little sigh of relief, "Thank you"

"You need to rest, but we can discharge you today, only if you promise to take it easy"

Maya nodded, "Okay"

Maggie said her goodbyes and left the room.

"Maya, you need to tell us what Dixon said to you" Carina straight out said, "He obviously said something that upset you, we want to help you bambina. Please tell us"

Maya sighed, "He was just being Dixon, he's an ass" she shrugged but earned two glares from Carina and Andy. "He was just being a dick, he wanted to know why I had time off, I wouldn't tell him so he started to say shit about Carina. When I snapped back at him he did the whole, this is why women shouldn't be in charge, men are the superior ones. So I shot back at him and he threatened my job"

"Maya" Andy sighed sadly.

"Bambina, what did he say about your job?" She held Maya tight when she noticed her tense up.

"He said if I'm not back tomorrow as captain, I won't be captain anymore" Maya shrugged slightly.

"He's a fucking asshole" Andy growled.

"Yep so I got stressed out and just wanted to work all my frustration out in the gym. I knew I was pushing myself too hard, so I sat down on the floor and that's when my breathing started to get bad... then you walked in" Maya looked up at Carina with sad eyes, "I'm sorry, I knew I should have told you but I was stressed and didn't want to put it on you"

Carina stroked Maya's cheek, "Always tell me bambina, don't hold it in"

Maya nuzzled herself into Carina, holding her tightly. "Let me take you home, you will rest for the rest of today and we'll see what you are like in the morning. He can't threaten your job like that"

"He's an ass, he almost tore the station apart once before. I won't let him do it again" Maya spoke up.

Andy stood up and sat the other side of Maya, "We won't let him do it again. You're not on your own in this. He shouldn't even be chief, I don't know how he got it in the first place"

"I'm going to go find Maggie and get your discharge papers" Carina quickly kissed Maya and hopped off the bed leaving the room.

"You need to wife her up Bishop" Andy laughed.

"Wife her up?" Maya laughed, "Oh god"

"Do you not want to marry her? Because if you don't I will"

"Marriage is just...." Maya shrugged, "I don't know, not for me"

Andy looked at her with an eyebrow raise.

"What?" Maya asked.

"Don't let your parents failed marriage ruin your life"

Maya looked away, "I'm not... I just- I don't know"

"Come on Maya, you would be crazy not to with Carina. She worships you and everything you do" Andy encouraged.

Carina walked back in and instantly noticed Maya feeling on edge, "Did I just interrupt something?"

"Uh-uh- no-not at all" Maya blurted out.

Carina looked at Maya suspiciously, "Right okay", Carina popped a bag down on the bed, "This is basically an inhaler, for now you need to use it every three to four hours. Once you feel better only use it when you feel the chest pain" Carina explained.

Maya nodded understanding, "Can we go home now?"

Carina laughed at her little eager girlfriend, "Sí, Maggie is waiting by the desk for you"

They signed Maya out whilst Carina ordered an Uber, the apartment wasn't that far away but Maya needed to rest.

They finally arrived back home, Carina made Maya sit on the couch whilst she went and made them all some food. Carina sipped on a glass of wine whilst she was cooking. Suddenly a pair of arms wrapped around her waist, "For once I hope that is Andy because my girlfriend should be on the couch" Carina said sternly.

"Baby I can walk ten steps" Maya laughed.

"You can but you shouldn't"

"I just wanted to come hug you" Maya pouted.

Carina turned around and wrapped her arms around Maya's neck, "You are stubborn" Carina laughed.

"Can I help?" Maya smiled up at her.

"No. You can sit and stay" Carina pointed.

"Baby I'm not a dog" Maya laughed, "I know we do doggy a lot but that's just in the bedroom"

Carina burst out into laughter and pulled Maya into her chest, "You are something Maya Bishop"

"A good something?" Maya asked.

Carina lifted her up and sat her on kitchen counter, she held only her face, her thumb bopped her bottom lip. Maya bit her bottom lip slowly, as her eyes went between Carina's lips and eyes.

"I know what you're thinking bambina and the answer is no" Carina whispered, "You will definitely need that pump then"

"Not even a quick make out?" Maya begged seductively.

"We don't do make out sessions, they always end up naked"

"Just this once?" Maya flashed her eyes at the Italian.

Carina let out a little breath and connected their lips together, Maya wrapped her legs around Carina holding her tightly. Carina danced her tongue over Maya's bottom lip before slipping it in. Maya pulled Carina in closer than ever, Carina lifted her up turning them around so Maya was backed into the wall.

Andy walked back into the room, fully expecting the couple to be doing something dirty so she walked over the cooker and started stirring the pasta... clearly Carina had forgotten about it.

"Carina your pasta's burning" Andy pointed out. Carina quickly dropped Maya to her feet and rushed over to Andy who was laughing in hysterics.

"What? How bad?" Carina shouted.

"Nah it's fine" Andy laughed "I just wanted to see your reaction"

Carina slapped Andy on the arm and pushed her away from the cooker. The three woman finally had their food before all showering since they didn't after their work out then finally settling into bed for the night.


So sorry if the ending sucks... I couldn't figure out if the finish this chapter....

Also I think I'm in love with my boss.... She's hot asf and always flirts with me. When she talks to me in Spanish I melt. Can't understand a word she says but that doesn't matter. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk!

Have a lovely day ✌️

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