
By dear13dreamer

10.3K 137 23

ᴇʟʏꜱɪᴀɴ (ᴀᴅᴊ.) • ʙᴇᴀᴜᴛɪꜰᴜʟ ᴏʀ ᴄʀᴇᴀᴛɪᴠᴇ; ᴅɪᴠɪɴᴇʟʏ ɪɴꜱᴘɪʀᴇᴅ; ᴘᴇᴀᴄᴇꜰᴜʟ ᴀɴᴅ ᴘᴇʀꜰᴇᴄᴛ • ᴊᴜʟɪᴇᴛ ꜰʀᴇɴᴄʜ ʜᴀᴅ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘᴇʀꜰᴇ... More

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175 5 1
By dear13dreamer

ᴠ. ᴘᴜʀɪᴛʏ?
Rose, in another part of the ship, looks out of a window at the raging sun. She jumps when another one of the staff comes into the room, this one female.

"Sorry, am I allowed to be in here?", Rose asks.

The employee looks around uneasily.

"You have to give us permission to talk.", She informs her.

She looks at Rose expectantly. Rose looks unsure.

"Uh... you... have permission...?", She says slightly confused.

"Thank you! And, no. You're not in the way. Guests are allowed anywhere.", She informs Rose.

" 'Kay."

The employee goes to a panel in the wall and enters a code. Rose watches her.

"What's your name?", Rose asks her.

"Raffalo.", She answers.


"Yes, Miss. I won't be long, I've just got to carry out some maintenance."

She kneels before an air vent.

"There's a tiny little glitch in the Face of Boe suite. There must be something blocking the system - he's not getting any hot water."

"So, you're a plumber?", Rose asks.

"That's right, Miss.", Ruffalo nods.

"They still have plumbers?", Rose asks.

"I hope so! Else I'm out of a job!", Ruffalo replies.

Rose laughs.

"Where are you from?", She asks.


"That's a planet, is it?"

"No, Crespallion's part of the Jaggit Brocade, affiliated to the Scarlet Junction, Convex 56. And where are you from, Miss? (Seems to remember herself). If you don't mind me asking.", Ruffalo asks.

"No! Not at all. Erm... I dunno, a long way away... I just sort of, hitched a lift with this man. Both me and my girl- my friend.", She catches her slip up, only just realising the risk she's taken herself.

"I didn't even think about it... I don't even know who he is... he's a complete stranger...", Rose says more to herself than Ruffalo.

Raffalo looks slightly worried. Rose snaps herself out of it.

"Anyway, don't let me keep you. Good luck with it!", She smiles.

She begins to walk away.

"Thank you, Miss. And... (Rose turns). Thank you for the permission. Not many people are that considerate.", Ruffalo thanks her.

Rose smiles.

"'Kay. See you later.", She nods.

Roffalo nods and smiles. When Rose has gone, she takes the cover off the air vent.

"Now then.", She says to herself.

She peers into the vent and then speaks into a small microphone attached to her collar..

"Control, I'm at Junction 19 and I think the problem's coming from in here. I'll go inside and have a look. (Hears small tapping). What's that? Is there something in there?", She asks.

A metal spider appears at the end of the shaft.

"Oh! Who are you then?", Ruffalo asks the creature.

The spider scurries away as if frightened.

"Hold on! I... if you're an upgrade I just need to register you, that's all. Oh, come back!", She calls into the shaft.

A red beam of light falls on Ruffalo's face. The spider has come back.

"Ah, there you are. Now, I just need to register your ident.", She stops talking for a second.

Another spider joins the original one.

"Oh, there's two of you! Got yourself a little mate! (Giggles). I think I'd better report this to control. How many of you are there? (A third spider appears, and then a fourth). What are you? Oh, no. No. Nooooo!", She screams as she is dragged headfirst into the air vent.
The Steward enters and puts his egg on a nearby table and sits down. He listens to control speaking.

"What's that? Well how should I know?", He asks.

He activates the loudspeaker before speaking again.

"Would the owner of the blue box in private gallery 15 please report to the Steward's office immediately. Guests are reminded that the use of all teleportation devices is strictly forbidden under Peace Treaty 5.4/cup/16. Thank you.", He finishes the announcement.

While he is talking, a spider has broken out of his egg and run up the opposite wall.
The sun is burning even more dangerously.

"Earth death in 25 minutes. Earth death in 25 minutes.", The intercom announces.
Rose sits in the steps, throwing the egg up in the air and catching it again when she hears this announcement.

"Oh, thanks.", She mutters.

She puts the egg down and turns her attention to the cutting of Jabe's grandfather. She picks it up.

"Hello! My name's Rose. That's a sort of plant. We might be related...", She trails off.

She suddenly realizes what she is doing and hurriedly puts the plant down.

"I'm talking to a twig.", She sighs.

"You want some more interactive company?"

She turns around to see Juliet.

"Jules.", She says.

"I've been looking everywhere for you! Are you alright?", She rushes over and sits next to Rose.

"I'm fine. Just a bit overwhelmed. What with all the aliens walking round'.", She confesses.

"Me too. How bout's we just sit here together? No aliens. Just two human girls, alone. In an isolated room. In the middle of space.", Juliet suggests wiggling her eyebrows.

Rose laughs and shoved her shoulder.

"You're so gross.", She whined.

"Whatever. You love me. We can just sit here if you'd like."

"I'd love that. And I do love you.", Rose answers.

Juliet nods as Rose buries her head into her chest.

Juliet wraps her arms around her and rocks slightly.

Behind them, a spider breaks out of the egg.

Platform One: Corridor
The TARDIS is being dragged away by some of the staff.

"Oi, now, careful with that. Park it properly. No scratches.", The Doctor orders them.

One of them walks up to him, squeaks at him, hands him a card and walks away again. The Doctor reads it - it says 'Have a nice day'. The Doctor looks at the retreating staff's back as if they are completely off their rocker, and walks off.

A few of the metal spiders scurry up the wall behind him. A few more are running along the air vent.

Viewing Gallery
The spider that came out of Rose's egg appears to be scanning the branch that rests on the ground by Juliet's leg, but both are completely oblivious.

It jumps and runs into the air vent when the Doctor's voice floats through the door.

She and Juliet untangled themselves and sit separately now, only holding the other's hand.

"Rose? Are you in there?", He asks.

"I can't find Juliet either. Is she with you?", He asks.

The spider scrambles through the vent just in time, before the Doctor comes through the door.

"Aye! Aye! (Sits on other side of stairs). What do you think, then?", He asks them.

"Great! Yeah... fine. Once you get past the slightly psychic paper...", Rose trails off.

The Doctor laughs and there is a short pause.

"They're just, so alien."

The Doctor looks at her questioningly.

"The aliens. Are so alien. You look at em'... and they're alien.", Juliet explains for the Doctor.

Rose nods.

"Good thing I didn't take you to the Deep South.", The Doctor says.

As if looking at him properly for the first time, Rose asks.

"Where are you from?"

"All over the place.", He replies doggedly.

"They all speak English.", Juliet speaks up again.

"No, you just hear English. It's a gift of the TARDIS. Telepathic field, gets inside your brain, translates.", He smiles.

"It's inside my brain? Both our brains?", Juliet asks.

"Well, in a good way.", The Doctor tries to assure her.

Juliet is starting to get angry.

"Your machine gets inside our heads. It gets inside and it changes our minds, and you didn't even ask?"

The Doctor is taken aback by her angry demeanor.

"I didn't think about it like that.", He says.

"No! You were too busy thinking up cheap shots about the Deep South! Who are you then, Doctor? What are you called? What sort of alien are you?", She sneers.

The Doctor sits up and looks away from her.

"I'm just The Doctor.", He replies.

Rose intervenes.

"Where are you from?"

"Oh not you too.", He says.

"Answer her!", Juliet exclaims.

"What does it matter?"

"Tell us who you are!", Rose shouts at him.

"This is who I am, right here, right now, alright? All that counts is here and now, and this is me!", He shouts back.

"Yeah, and we're here too because you brought us here, so just tell us!"

The Doctor gets up and walks down the steps away from them both.

"Earth death in 20 minutes. Earth death in 20 minutes."

After a few moments, both Rose and Juliet get up and follow the Doctor down the steps.

"Alright... as my mate Shareen says... don't argue with the designated driver...", Rose says.

The Doctor, with his back to them, smiles at that. Rose gets her mobile out of her pocket.

"Can't exactly call for a taxi... there's no signal. We're out of range. Just a bit.", She says.

"Just a bit?", Juliet asks causing them to all laugh.

"Tell you what...", The Doctor takes the phone from her.

"With a little bit of jiggery pokery..."

He takes the back off the phone.

"Is that a technical term, "jiggery pockery"?", Rose asks.

"Yeah, I came first in jiggery pokery, what about you?", He asks.

"Nah, failed hullabaloo.", She replies sassily.

"Oooh. (Fits in a new battery, hands phone back to Rose). There you go.", He says.

Rose takes it and looks at him uncertainty. He nods. She looks to Juliet who shrugs.

"It's worth a try.", She says.

Rose turns back to the phone and dials up her mum's number. She brings the phones to her ear and it rings.
"Hello?", Jackie asks into the phone.

"Mum?", Rose asks.

Jackie, at home, is putting some washing into the machine.

"Oh, what is it? What's wrong? Has Juliet hurt herself again? What's the poor thing done now?", She asks.


"Sorry love.", Jackie apologizes.

"What have I done now? Oh, this red top's falling to bits! You should get your money back. Go on! There must be something, you never phone in the middle of the day!", Jackie says into the phone.

Rose laughs.

"What's so funny"

"Nothing! You all right, though?", She asks.

"Yeah! Why wouldn't I be?"

"What day is it?", Rose asks.

"Wednesday. All day. You got a hangover? Oh, I tell you what, put a quid in that lottery syndicate, I'll pay you back later.", Jackie answers, perplexed by the odd call.

"Yeah, um, I was just calling 'cause I might be late home."

"Is there something wrong?", Jackie asks concerned.

"No! I'm fine! Top of the world!", Rose answers quickly.

They all laugh.

Jackie puts the phones down.
Rose lowers the mobile, stunned.

"Think that's amazing, you w at to see the bill.", The Doctor offers up.

"That was 5 billion years ago. So... she's dead now. Five billion years later, my mum's dead.", Rose concludes.

"Bundle of laughs you are.", The Doctor says.

The ship shudders.

The Doctor, rather pleased and curious, says: "That not supposed to happen..."
"Well, what was it?", He asks control.

"I'm just getting green lights at this end. (Activates loudspeaker). Honored guests may be reassured that gravity pockets may cause slight turbulence, thanking you."

As soon as it switches off again, he speaks angrily to control again.

"The whole place shook! I felt it! I've hosted all sorts of events on platforms 1,3,6 and 15 and I've never felt the slightest tremor. I warn you, if this lot decides to sue... I'm going to scan the infrastructure. (Presses a few buttons). What's that?"

A spider scurries up the wall behind him.

"Control, I don't want to worry you, but I'm picking up readings... (Computer beeps). I have no idea! Well, they're small, and the scan says they're metal... (Computer beeps, frustrated). I don't know what they look like!"

Suddenly, he spots the spider, which is now pottering around on his desk next to his mug.

"Although, I imagine they might look rather like that... you're not on the guest list... how did you get on board...?", He asks the spider.

The spider looks at him almost mockingly and presses a yellow button on the control panel. The computerized woman's voice booms out again.

"Sunfilter deactivated."

"No. No!", The Steward exclaims.

"Sunfilter descending."

The Sunfilter does indeed, descend.

Frantically, The Steward shouts: "No! Sunfilter, up! No, no, no!"

He fumbles frantically with the buttons on the controls panel, but too late.

"Sunfilter up! Sunfilter up!"

Blinding light engulfs the room.

"Sunfilter descending."

The Steward screams. Outside the room, the spider escapes through an air vent.
The guests are completely oblivious to the commotion, chatting to each other. The Moxx of Balhoon is talking to the Face of Boe.

"...this is the Bad Wolf scenario.", The Balhoon says.

The Doctor, Rose and Juliet enter the room.

"That's wasn't a gravity pocket. I know gravity pockets and they don't feel like that.", The Doctor says.

He is fiddling with a control panel next to the door. Jabe approaches them.

"What do you think, Jabe? Listened to the engines, they pitched up about 30 hertz, is that dodgy or what?", He asks her.

"It's the sound of metal, it doesn't make any sense to me.", She replies.

"Where's the engine room?", He asks.

"I don't know... but the maintenance duct is just behind our guest's suite, I could show you. And... )
(Gestures at Rose and Juliet)... your wives.", She says.

"Their not my wives.", He says quickly.





Jabe looks at both girls.


Rose and Juliet are insulted but only Rose speaks up.

"Whatever we are, it must be invisible, do you mind? Tell you what, you two go and pollinate, We're going to catch up with our family. Quick words with Michael Jackson.", She says forcing a smiles and walking over to Cassandra, Juliet following close behind her.

"Don't start a fight!", The Doctor calls after them.

He offers his arm to Jabe.

"I'm all yours.", He smiles.

Watching them leave, Rose and Juliet smirk before both saying: "And I want you home by midnight!".

The Doctor grins back at them.

"Earth death in 15 minutes. Earth death in 15 minutes."
Before the Doctor and Jabe enter, several spiders scurry out of view.

"Who's in charge of Platform One?" Is there a Captain or What?", The Doctor asks.

"There's just the Steward and the staff. All the rest is controlled by the metal man.", Jabe responds.

"You mean the computer? But who controls that?"

"The Corporation. They move Platform One from artistic event to another."

The Doctor is silent for a moment.

"But there's no one from the corporation on board.", He says finally.

"They're no needed. This facility is purely automatic. It's the height of the alpha class. Nothing can go wrong.", Jabe explains.

"Unsinkable?", The Doctor asks with a smirk.

"If you like. The nautical metaphor is appropriate.", Jabe answers.

"You're telling me. I was on board another ship once. They said that was unsinkable.... I ended up cling long to an iceberg, it wasn't half cold. (Stops a moment). So, what your saying is, if we get in trouble there's no one to help us?", He asks.

"I'm afraid not.", She looks at the floor.

The Doctor grins.


He starts walking again.

"I don't understand. How is that fantastic?", She asks.

Behind them, a spider creeps out of its hiding place.
Rose and Juliet are talking to Cassandra. They are looking out of a window at the sun and down at the Earth.

"Soon, the sun will blossom into a red giant, and my home will die. That's where I used to live, when I was a little boy. Down there. Mummy and Daddy had a little house built into the side of the Los Angeles Crevice. (Sighs). I had such fun.", Cassandra says.

"What happened to everyone else? The Human Race, where'd it go?", Juliet asks.

"They say Mankind has touched very star in the sky.", Cassandra says absentmindedly.

"So, you're NOT the last human.", Juliet concludes.

"I am the last PURE human. The others... mingled. (Disgusted). Oh, they call themselves "New Humans" and "Proto-Humans" and "Digi-Humans" even "Human-ish" but you know what I call them? (Lowers her voice to a whisper). Mongrels.", Cassandra practically spits out.

"Right and you stayed behind.", Rose speaks up.

"I kept myself pure."

"How many operations have you had?", Rose asks.

"708. Next week, it's 709, I'm having my blood bleached. Is that why you wanted a word? You could be flatter. Both of you. Rose, you've got a bit of a chin poking out. And you, Juliet those cheekbones are perfect but they could be better. If they weren't there.", Cassandra answers.

"I'd rather die.", Rose says.

"Honestly, it doesn't hurt...", Cassandra says with a soft voice.

"No, I mean it. I'd rather die. It's better to die than live like you, a bitchy trampoline.", Rose conveyed.

"Oh well. What do you know?", Cassandra asked cockily.

"I was born in that planet.", Rose says.

She takes hold of Juliet's hand.

"We both were. And were our parents, and that makes us officially the last human being's in the room. The two of us. Cause' you're not human. You've had it nipped and tucked and flattened till there's nothing left. Anything human got chucked in the bin. You're just skin, Cassandra. Lipstick and Skin. Nice talking.", Rose proclaims.

Just before she can walk off Cassandra makes one last snarky reply.

"Doesn't matter. Neither of you are pure anyway. Not with that relationship of yours. Absolute, blasphemous.", She smirks, if you can call it that.

Rose's eyes widen as she stops in her steps. Juliet's mouth it open wide in shock.

They turn and stomp over to her.

"You have no idea who you're dealing with, lady. You don't get to insult anything when you're nothing but a piece of paper skin!", Juliet exclaimed.

Rose but her lower lip as she watched her girlfriend defend their relationship.

"If anything, you are blasphemous. What with all those operations! Aren't pure humans meant to be untouched by tainted forces?", She asks.

"Well, yes. But that's different!", She tries to defend herself.

"How, Cassandra? How is that any different? It's exactly the same! So shut it! You lumpy pancake!"

Cassandra is taken aback and offended by the insults.

Rose is grinning like a maniac as Juliet walks back over to her.

"That's my girlfriend!", Rose shouts loudly, causing several of the guests to cheer and smile.

Juliet finally reaches her side and is immediately pulled into Rose's chest.

She only looks up long enough to see Rose's bright smile before her eyes are closed again. Rose kisses her lips passionately in front of everyone, without a care in the world.

As cheers and claps are heard. One person mumbles underneath their breath angrily.


"I will destroy you Juliet French. If it's the last thing I do. I will have my revenge."
As always, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! It was so fun to write!

I'm looking forward to writing Cassandra again, especially in her next appearance. 😉

QOTD: What would you like to see in this story?

QOTD: Who's your least favorite companion?

Mine is Bill Potts. Nothing against her, just not my favorite.

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