The Hidden Alpha (Stryders #4...

By xoxoGGii

81.4K 6.3K 3.4K

Freya stumbles across a place where she's not supposed to be. These people aren't normal werewolves either. A... More

Vampire Prince Update
We're Live and Published!
Author Note
Chapter 1: Everything Goes Wrong
Chapter 2: Reprimand
Chapter 3: Accidental Trespassing
Chapter 4: Out of Here
Chapter 5: Stuck
Chapter 6: Here to Stay
Chapter 7: Settling In
Chapter 8: New Friends
Chapter 9: Ten Miles too Many
Chapter 10: Enter the Fighter Pack
Chapter 11: The Plunge
Chapter 12: Plans Fall
Chapter 13: Meditate
Chapter 14: A Little Hurt
Chapter 15: Chasing Waterfalls
Chapter 16: Peace of Mind
A/N: Timeline
Chapter 17: Waste No Time
Chapter 18: Unlikely Help
Chapter 19: Staged Right
Chapter 20: Truths and Lies
Chapter 21: Unveiling
Chapter 22: Predicament
Chapter 24: Small Delights
Chapter 25: The Calm
Chapter 26: The Rain
Chapter 27: The Storm
Chapter 28: Homecoming
Author Note- ugh!
Chapter 29: Family Drama
Chapter 30 : A Wrong Feeling
Chapter 31: Royal Announcement
Chapter 32: Setting the Stage
Chapter 33: Forgotten
Chapter 34: Undecided
Chapter 35: Olive Branch
Chapter 36: Anklets
Chapter 37: Connected
Update Info
Chapter 38: Woken Thoughts
Chapter 39: Stryder Men
The Vampire Prince is getting Published
Chapter 40: Stryder Men (Part II)
Chapter 41: Niceties
Chapter 42: Unknown Waters
Chapter 43: Runaway
Story on Hold

Chapter 23: Too Many Realizations

1.3K 138 91
By xoxoGGii

Really love all the support- keep on it guys! Thanks to all of you who do. 

Always love to hear thoughts about this story? Freya? Callum? Is it too slow (actually jk it's going to get worse)

No cliffhanger.




"Keeping up with the Barrier is killing him. Like you noticed before, it's like a living thing, but a huge magic enchantment that no ordinary being can control. Callum keeps it alive and slowly he's dying by exerting too much of his magic on it," Julian continued on.

Callum is dying.

Tears do start to form my eyes by the horrible news.

There was more shouting, and Julian got up, tense and ready to intervene.

I followed him out of his tent, to where Callum was in front of two super huge guys like they were auditioning to be linebackers on a football team. They were about a whole foot wider than Callum too.

I froze while Julian kept walking ahead. Adrienne was there. Coming back inside the Barrier.

Spotting me, he took a step forward. "Freya!"

I took one back, finding my way how to move. My flight or fight was kicking in, and I was about to become a soaring eagle. Logic wasn't present in my mind since I should know that there would be no way Adrienne would attack me while Julian or Callum was present. Where there are witnesses.

Watching this entire exchange, always calm and composed, Callum's entire face flashed with fury taking in my reaction of Adrienne.

The two guys in front of him immediately drop to the ground with large thuds unconscious. Callum steps over them, walking to Adrienne with a new deadly purpose. Adrienne looked terrified now. 

"Is he the one?" Callum asked me, already knowing- how could he know? Julian hurried alongside Callum to block him from trying to get any closer to physically harming Adrienne.

Adrienne's eyes widened, and he held up his hands. Understanding the danger he was in now. "Let me explain, Freya. Please."

Didn't I ask the same thing to Julian and Callum earlier, and was it different?

Flora came around the corner of the tent, probably sensing her mate be here, but she wasn't expecting this situation. Nor her mate crumble to the floor which I think wasn't Callum's doing.

"What's going on? Why are you here Adrienne?" Flora asked. Adrienne shook his head, but Flora's eyes softened at where he was right now. I couldn't blame her because of the mate bond, but at the time same, Adrienne tried to kill me. Flora bent down, whispering something in his ear. He looked tired, leaning in to her.

Watching them made my throat clog. I stepped in front of Callum. "I think I'm going to head to my tent and sleep early." Callum's gaze met mine. I nodded my head away from Adrienne so Callum wouldn't get any ideas. "Come on." 

Julian said his goodbyes to us as he joined Adrienne in talking about what that was all about.

Callum glumly followed me as I tried not to rush out of there. "Tell me if he was the one- why don't you tell me, Freya?"

I turned around to see his piercing gaze at me as we arrived in front of my tent. I shot back, "Why don't you tell me that you're-"

You're dying. You have magic. You healed me. 

"That's different," Callum argued, knowing what I was talking about. His eyes were trained on my wrists, where the bracelets were. Changing the subject skillfully. "How about we just take them off and get it over with?"

"Sure." I raised my hands, and Callum carefully grasped my bracelets. Both of us were tense all of a sudden, a current charged in the air. 

As soon as he put magical pressure on the bracelets, I felt it. Excruciating pain zapped through my whole body, making me cry out, "Agh!" I couldn't hold it in.

It felt as though my energy has been sucked out, and I was rendered completely faint, swaying until Callum caught me in his strong arms. "Freya can you hear me?" Callum asked me frantically, holding me tightly.

 A worried look marred on his face that I could barely see as I tired to open my eyes.  "I feel..." I couldn't finish my sentence because the tiredness washed over me.


I woke up with a start. Lifting up my hands, I groaned when I saw the bracelets still on full display. I needed to hide them, so I wore a long sleeve shirt, hoping no one would ask me if they saw. I washed my face, hoping I didn't look too bad. I went to my suitcase to maybe find a skincare product...

"You're awake." Julian entered my tent with Callum behind him. Holding a tray for me.

I straightened, standing up as Julian placed the tray on the thing they call a bed. The plate held fresh bread (I knew Lorraine liked to bake it fresh every single morning- yum), three different kinds of jams and a bowl of strawberries with a glass of orange juice. I think this was them spoiling me. Such a simple breakfast, yet I felt this food was better than anything I've had.

"Thanks," I said, popping a strawberry in my mouth, trying not to look at Callum.

"You passed out when I tried to get rid of the bracelets," Callum replied. I remembered the pain and the panic in Callum's voice. "It seems like magic makes them appear, but it'll take a toll on you if we try to get it out."

Julian looked between us. "You won't try to see what happens? I want to see-"

"No I won't do it. I won't be the cause of your pain because I can't stand to see it." Callum's tone held finality in it. 


Since Callum decided he couldn't for the time being let that pain happen to me again with the bracelets, the next few days were pretty uneventful. 

Flora didn't mention anything with Adrienne, and I knew maybe I needed to hear him out. About what exactly, I didn't know, but I needed something to distract me. My thoughts going to how I can get Callum to just do it and get it over with and him dying were on my mind.

There was a dance that the pack was preparing for which the Fighter Pack also joined, much like the play event. This was a time where everyone was happy and cheerful, and to boost morale up. Julian knew his pack needed it right now, so he gave the green light.

Party planning this event didn't even make me excited. Enjoying all the fine details and bossing people around wasn't the same. Lorraine managed it for the most part, but I did make some suggestions with what the decorations should look like. And expanding the dance space with lights.

I was pacing around, trying to let go of my swarming thoughts. When I handed Opal her letter, she didn't say anything about it because of just- everything. I mentioned to her it looked like Callum didn't open the envelope yet, so that had to be a good thing. Opal's reaction was only that of guilt.

"Opal, this would be a perfect chance to get you to dance with Callum," I said, trying to come up with another plan. Stopping at the table where Flora and Ara were sitting down trying to come up with a floral arrangement for the centerpieces. Opal was putting cloth on all the tables.

"Guys I need to tell you something." Opal stopped me from pacing. "Honestly, I should have told you this earlier. You did try really hard, and I appreciate it. I do, but I don't care about that anymore with Callum. Forget about."

"Why would you say that?" I exclaimed. 

"Romance!" Ara added.

"I'm over that now, really. I figured on the night of the play."

Flora tilted her head to the side, "You said it went good?"

"It's useless to go after him anymore because he doesn't feel an ounce of anything towards me. I thought I did like him since he kept one big secret I have. And I did have affection for him, making myself think it was some hero worship thing, maybe liking him...I mean he is dreamy." Opal smiled at this, my reaction was in disgust. "I was confused with what I was feeling and in denial."

All of us were trying to process what Opal was telling us. In denial? Confusion?

"I don't get it," I just told her straight out. "Seriously, it seemed like you were great together."

"You really don't know, do you? You haven't noticed that there's only one person that Callum truly looks at in that way. He could never even like me because of you."

I wanted to start laughing, but everyone was looking at me seriously. 

"Me?" I squeaked. A fluttering feeling of something like hope erupted. I couldn't feel those things. Not about Callum. 

"Trust me on this. During the night of the play, I suspected as much because he looked at you longingly when you left us, and so I did a test."

Ara and Flora were now hanging on to every word. The flowers that they were supposed to be arranging at my discretion were now forgotten. My own cutting of the flower was dropped on the table.

"Tell us the test," Flora said quickly. "Come on, this is good."

"Aren't you still stuck on the part where this is on me now?" I had to ask.

"No," Flora and Ara said in unison. 

I narrowed my eyes at them and Ara gave me a rare smile. "You guys make sense to me."

I went back to snipping the flowers shorter and putting them mindlessly inside the vases. "Nothing about Callum makes sense."

"Isn't that just romantic," Ara sighed. Flora shushed us, gesturing for Opal to continue. 

"I was suspicious because Freya is the only one to ever have made him do anything. Why would he suddenly go to the play he has never been his whole life? Because you asked him to. Why would he go to the Fighter Pack with us? Because you asked him to."

I mumbled, "Here I thought it was because I was a good motivational speaker."

"You are, you are," Opal assured me. Giving me a wink. "The test was when I asked him doesn't he think Freya is the most awesome, beautiful, intelligent woman he'll ever meet in his life?"

I gasped, knocking over the vase and spilling water all over the table in the process. "Opal do not tell me you told him that!"

"I said no lies to him."

For some reason, my heart was now beating a mile per minute. Oh my gosh, oh my gosh. "Do I care about his response? No. I don't. Don't tell me."

Tell me, my heart said.

"His answer?" Flora pressed, really into the story. Ara was too, and I think she was writing somethings down. For some reason, I felt like I already knew his answer. Flattery will get him everywhere. 

"He smiled at that. The first time he ever did around anyone that wasn't Freya. Do you know he has dimples?" Opal asked.

Yes, I think. Everyone else said no.

"He said, and I quote, 'She is even more than that'."

Flora, Ara and Opal squealed at this while I watched them be so happy over this thing, but truly I was shocked. 

"I- I don't like him, Opal. Never seen him that way." Opal wasn't wrong. I always forced myself to not think anything good about Callum. But he did save me, he gave me strawberries, he healed my leg, he's some kind of strong mage, he's dying...

"Freya, you don't need permission to go after him or him after you. Do whatever your heart feels right. From everything I've seen Callum do and say, it's hard not to think you would like him. You also seek him out in things too, ask him specifically for things." 

I did?  "Wait. This is completely me changing the subject-" All the girls groaned. "Because I don't want to think about it right this minute. What did Callum help you with?"

Opal cleared her throat. "He saw me with someone. Another girl."

Given the looks of Ara and Flora, it seemed like they didn't know this part about Opal. It wasn't anything but curiosity. "It was what my letter was about, but I decided last minute to just let it be. Then you come in Freya with your own heroism, and you were right- I don't think Callum would've cared if he found you sneaking around his tent."

"Do we know her?" Flora asked quietly.

Opal stared at a distance, sighing. "You'll hate me."

"No we won't," Flora assured her.


"What!" we all screamed.

"Oh no- that is something I cannot defend you on! Her!? Opal, what were you thinking!" I shrieked. "You were the smart one!"

Opal buried her face in her hands. "It just happened...I don't know."

"That's where the fall out between you and Catoria kind of happened, isn't it?" I stated, and Opal nodded.

Opal tried, "Can we go back to Callum and Freya?"

"No," I said hotly. But they did some, and we completed the table set ups with goofing around. Lorraine scolded us for it too. All in a day's work.


Headed to take a bath, I was surprised that Flora walked with me to my tent. "Hey, I know you said you needed a bath, I can spot you."

Spot me meant that she was going to make sure there was no peeping Toms or snakes. Mainly, snakes. If I felt something on my foot, it was game over for me.

"Thanks, I was going to go alone."

"No you weren't," Flora grinned at me knowingly. "You'd take Callum with you."

I paused mid way of grabbing my towel. She was right. The realization struck me like chord, and I didn't like it one single bit. Crap. Crap.


They were right. 

And Callum really thought I was beautiful? The girlish side of me- which is all of me- was so happy and proud about this fact. Stryders are known for their good looks, and vanity is not our trait to have, but it was always nice whenever it was mentioned.

This was by brooding Callum too. Which means he's noticed my beauty. 

He also thought I was awesome and intelligent. "You're the bravest person I ever met," he told me too.  I think about his belief in me always. How he's protecting the whole pack without them even knowing about it. His grief when he wants to be alone. Why he shrouds himself in loneliness. Cares for Julian and didn't say anything about Opal's situation. 

I think about his eyes.

I sigh dreamily, and snapped out of it. Oh no, now that I've allowed myself to think about Callum is another way that isn't ugh- I can't go down this wormhole.

The big elephant in my mind: he's dying. I wouldn't let him die if I can help it.

"So.." Flora trailed off. Clearing her throat. "Would you give Adrienne a chance to speak to you?"

I stared at Flora. "Flora-"

"He told me everything," Flora blurted. "And what he says is true, he wasn't trying to kill you. If you give him a chance, then Callum would too which means Julian would. They already know he's the one."

"He wasn't the one to hurt me..." I trailed off, frowning about my incident, and internally shuddering at what I had to go through.

"You don't have to," Flora told me quickly. "I think now I know why he's been so cold to me. There has been things happening within the Fighter Pack that is bad."

I dwell on this for the rest of my bath. Immersing myself completely in the water to try to forget about everything for just one single moment.


The morning of the dance, I practically skipped to the kitchen because I knew desserts were being made for the dance tonight. 

Skidding to a complete stop when there was Callum in the kitchen alone, taking out a muffin tin.

I hadn't seen him since he refused to cause me pain as he called it, a few days ago. It felt even longer. Maybe he was trying to avoid me, and I wasn't seeking him out like Opal had claimed I do.

Callum snapped his head up, and I knew I've been caught. Words escaped me. I couldn't form a sentence in front of him now.

Curse them for making me think all these things about Callum!

"Good morning," Callum spoke, turning away from me when I was just staring at him for too long. Great. Now he thought I was some kind of creep. Definitely didn't think I was intelligent there.

"Can I try?" I pointed to the cupcakes that were already frosted. Didn't let him say yes or no, and took one bite. "Mmm... you outdid yourself. Maybe try strawberry frosting?"

I finished it up quicker than was deemed appropriate or lady like, but Callum seemed amused.

"You have..." Callum trailed off, tapping his finger at the corner of his mouth. Either I did a lousy job, or he was impatient, Callum leaned over to me.

He grazed his thumb at where I had some frosting. My heart faltered weirdly when he bought his thumb to his mouth, tasting it. Entranced by this.

That thought came out of nowhere. What on earth was wrong with me? Callum? Attractive? Making me almost swoon?

I needed space. To get away from him and his hot actions. Hot? I mean not hot. 

"Perfect cupcakes. I gotta some things. Uh. Bye." Not so cutely in front of him, I grabbed another cupcake, trying to smile at him as I ran out the kitchen.

Trying to run away from my feelings, more like.

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