Why Me, Not Her? || Reader In...

Von Midnight_Melody906

179K 8.2K 8.5K


Prologue | 0
One | 1
Two | 2
Three | 3
Four | 4
Five | 5
Six | 6
Modern | Special
A Question For You Readers!
> Chapter 7 <
> Chapter 8 <
> Chapter 9 <
> Chapter 10 <
> Chapter 11 <
> Chapter 12 <
> Chapter 13 <
> Chapter 14 <
Character list
Character list pt.2
Fanart β™‘
> Chapter 16 <
Fanart #2 β™‘
Crush Killer | A Special
Seven-teen | 17
Eighteen | 18

> Chapter 15 <

5K 279 176
Von Midnight_Melody906

Aha... heyyyyyy pleasedon'tkillmei'llupdatemoreIswear-

Um, I think you deserve it if anything (ㆆ_ㆆ)

Excuse you- 

Blah blah blah, anyway if y'all remind us (*cough*spam us in messages*cough) we're probably gonna update sooner.. maybe-

yuh cause I honestly can not keep track of time so you guys should probs remind us if we take more than a couple weeks to update lol

And uh, no excuses other than I didn't want to- Oops 😗

< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >

"Draft" - Talking

Draft - System talking

Draft - Thoughts

(Draft) - Me talking

< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the pictures used in this story unless stated otherwise, I only own the cover, plot, and my original characters

< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >

~ Your POV ~

<~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >

After that very stressful birthday party, recently the amount of letters you usually got tripled in size.

It was strange seeing that other than your family and the Raymond sibling's were usually the only ones who sent you letters (Other than your admirer's but their letters/gifts weren't allowed to come inside the castle) but now they were all stamped with symbols from various noble families, albeit they were the lower ones but still. But now, truly what high-ranking noble would want to marry off their children to just a mere knight? Apart from the... obvious ones (we all know who they are) at least.

And since you did not want to be targeted from various nobles just because you had ignored their letters, you sadly looked through them all whenever you could which wasn't very often since you were Ovia's personal knight (*cough*Caretaker*cough*) and that took up most of your time, leaving you with hardly any free time which was now used to answer letters from strangers. 

That's what you are currently doing right now just like a few chapters- I mean weeks ago expect this time it's daytime. Ovia was in the bath and for obvious reasons you weren't allowed to be in the room. Goodness, the maids surely put up quite a fight and since you didn't want to go through all of that trouble arguing, you just left. 

The letters was mostly them trying to get on your good side since Athen had danced with you so they most likely wanted to gain benefits from him through you. Naturally, they were from nobles who didn't have much to lose since any nobles who valued themselves and their profits, wouldn't dare do anything to upset the Raymonds' and trying to use the person that they like would probably make them mad. Very mad.

However, in the midst of all those letters, there were in fact two letters from very high ranking nobles (Apart from the Raymond's). One was from Lorinda, the girl you had met at the party and the other was from Nathan!

My precious child!

You waited for a few seconds before blinking when you remembered why the System didn't say anything like he would have usually. 

Ah, I forgot he was updating

You decided to open Nathans first because well.... He was your favorite and you felt bad at what happened at the ball. You didn't really do anything wrong to be honest, but you still felt horrible seeing his sad face.

Ahem, anyway- After carefully peeling off the wax keeping the envelope together, you opened it and read the contents, mentally crying for your poor baby. He had basically checked up on you and wanted to ask if you and him could talk some more. It surely took him a lot of courage to even send this letter knowing him.

It was so heartwarming you had to take a few minutes to calm your heart that bled for the poor kid. He was so cute! Ahh, why must all the adorable ones always go through the most misfortune? You certainly hoped that he would find someone soon to give him the love he needs. 

And no, it wasn't gonna be you- As unfortunate as that was, your heart wasn't that big. 

Okay just kidding- How could I possibly do that to my baby? My child? My precious? Okay, they all might be my babies but he's my favorite 😩 Ahem, I should stop breaking the poor fourth wall before it quits so back to the story- 

Soon all softness left your face, leaving you with an indifferent look as you opened up Lorinda's letter. She seemed decent you supposed but it wasn't enough for you to have that much favorability for her.

'Dear [Y/n] Porter:

        Hello once more [Y/n].'

You cringed at the use of your first name before continuing to read the letter and having your mood become sour. 

Calling someone by their first name, especially in the noble class's and up means that you are very close to that person which is why people are usually shocked when the Raymond's, for example call you by your name and vise-versa or when Ovia calls the prince by his name and vise-versa again. Although, for Ovia nobody really says anything cause she usually calls everyone by their names anyway and Leondro was very close to her so people wouldn't dare do anything to upset him. Hm, you should probably teach her to stop calling strangers by their given name- Oh wait, her calling a very stuck up noble by their first name led to an important scene so never mind~

      'I would like to apologize for my behavior last time we had met where I had run off rather rudely. So I do hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me for that. I can understand why you won't and you probably don't want to talk to someone like me but I'd really like it if we could chat some more. It would be my greatest pleasure!'

Gurl, you were gonna beat this bitch up- She really pulled out the typical white lotus act and made her excusing herself look like you had been the one making a big deal out of it when it was the other way around. Then she tried to guilt-trip you into talking more with her? 

Excuse me what??? Guilt-trip you? She must be hallucinating if she thought you'd fall for that! Send that girl to a mental hospital ASAP! She'd be too dangerous to leave by herself.  

Although you might have not fallen for her manipulation that was done rather poorly, unfortunately that didn't mean others wouldn't so the second you were done with this letter you were throwing it into the fireplace to watch it burn away. 

      'I won't be wasting your time anymore, so if you'd take up my offer -'

Offer? More like you trying to guilt-trip me into it!

     ' - I'd be overjoyed! Now, I won't drag this out any longer. Good day [Y/n] and if your interested, please do tell me! 


               Lorinda Palmira'

Like hell you were! You would have to have absolutely no brain cells if you took up her offer! 

A few sentence's of you declining Lorinda's and losing all of the previous favorability you had for her and accepting Nathan's offer to chat more, you sealed them up before throwing Lorinda's letter into the fireplace in your room with no hesitation. 

After it was completely burned up and turned to ash's, you walked to the balcony once more, letting the letters fly to their designated place. Once they were gone, you went back inside before sparing a glance at the grandfather clock in your room. 

It was tea time for Ovia and she was probably already out of the bath and probably drying off, so you left your room, locking it before making your way to the kitchen where you made her some tea and took out some pastries you had made earlier. If your father had not died, maybe you'd open up a bakery; disguising yourself as a male to avoid getting in trouble. Sigh, you guessed it was just not to be. 

Hm, maybe I'll pretend to die, run away and then open up one? But then what about my family? They would be fine financially but...

It was a rather hard decision. If you 'died', they would get a lot of money and everything you previously owned would go to then as your will says, but you didn't think they could handle it. They already lost your father and losing you as well... yikes. But on the other hand, they could eventually heal and you'd live a life away from all the yanderes... 




No current updates on current programs, but 'Missions' will now resume as normally

Aw man, you were rather glad knowing that you didn't have to do any more missions but now you had to do them again. What a bummer.


Mission details - Continue being a knight. |

Rewards - None. |

Penalties - Loss of: All skills and Abilities, Stat Points, System Points and suspension of System forever. Including, having physical and mental capabilities to drop significantly |

Time limit - None due to type of mission, unless if certain requirements are met to abandon mission |

With a pause, you stood there, blankly staring at the wall not even registering the fact the design was different than before, only focusing on the contents about the mission.

...You wanted to strangle him.

With a sad sigh, one could visibly see how disappointed and frustrated you were, but honestly who wouldn't in your situation? 

Knowing there wasn't much you could do, even if the System was back he himself can't control the missions you get (He could only make small, insignificant missions that don't have that big of an impact), you knocked on Ovia's door before entering. She was already sitting at the cream colored sofa that was in her room so you made your way there and placed down the metal tray on the marble coffee table. It made a pleasant noise as the two objects made contact. 

With a quick glance at her, you noticed her hair was still a bit damp and since it was becoming colder and you didn't want her to get sick, you waved a hand and her hair dried up. She smiled in thanks and you nodded.

"Good day Ovia" You greeted politely before straightening up again from your previous crouched position since you had to place the things on the table.

"You as well [Y/n], what are we having today? Oh, and thank you."

"Of course Ovia, it's my duty. And as for what you are having today, you'll have some white tea that has a delicate flavor and sweet taste to it to make it easy to drink since I know you like teas that don't have a strong flavor.", You looked at her for a split second and she looked at you in gratitude. 

"And as for the sweets to go along with the tea, I have made something called Alexandertorte which is thick pastry strips filled with raspberries and raspberry jam in the middle to balance out the doughy part of the sweet. The top is sprinkled lightly with some powdered sugar for some extra sweetness and has some chocolate drizzled on top for both appearance and to give everything a slight chocolaty flavor."

As you said your introduction of what she was going to have today, you poured her the tea and cut out a slice of the dessert and placed it in front of her. Ovia had practically already drooled and looked like she wanted to gobble down everything, but contained herself since she knew you weren't quite done yet.

"And I have also prepared some Apple Strudel which is apples, as the name implies, and some other fruit wrapped in filo pastry and baked to create this perfect golden color you can see. On top is some powdered sugar to help sweeten everything and give it an appealing look" 

Once more, you took out a piece of the Apple Strudel and placed it on a separate plate before putting it beside the Alexandertorte. What a glorious sight it was, tea in a very fine detailed porcelain cup with two yummy looking pastries that made one's sweet tooth happy beside it in matching porcelain plates. All in all, it was very nice to look at and you felt a sense of pride go through you knowing you had been the one to make it. 

"This looks wonderful as always [Y/n]! Your new creations never fail to make me happy, please sit down as well!" She patted her hand on the sofa while looking at you with a smile that basically said she couldn't wait to eat, tea time was her favorite time of day.

Naturally, you were the one to make it so enjoyable. If you ever manage to survive and were released of this duty, Ovia would never recover nor be satisfied with anyone else after this. After all, once someone has a taste of the desired object, it would only make it much more unbearable to not have it. It would have been better to have never tasted such a luxury since after that, one would never be satisfied. This is how most of Ovia's yanderes were born, they got a taste of her uniqueness and since naturally there is no one else like her, they would start to crave her more and poof, yandere born. Ta da.

With natural movements of someone who has done this multiple times, you sat down at the sofa across from the one she herself was sitting at. 

"The birthday party yesterday was really fun! The Raymonds were quite nice and different from what I thought they would be like. I even met a nice gentleman too", She smiled and sipped her tea while looking at you.

A nod, and she continued.

"He was talking about his companies and they're so fascinating! I would've never guessed he owned a mine! Of course Liam has more but he's the prince of this kingdom so I wasn't really shocked because it's to expected. But mines are really expensive! So of course I was surprised when I heard he had one, not that I was doubting him! -", Slowly the words started to blend with each other and all you could do was nod, drink, eat and blankly stare at her with no clue of what she was saying.

Ovia... chatted a lot as you can see. If she was back in your old world, she would be one of those people who liked to gossip a lot but didn't actually mean any harm. A very extroverted girl, but you suppose that was part of her charm. 

"Oh my gosh, I can't believe I forgot to tell you his name! Ahh, I'm so forgetful!", She grabbed her cheeks and had a look of horror on her face as if she made the biggest mistake ever. 

With a sweat drop, you smiled and tried to comfort her. 

"It's okay Ovia, it's not like you killed someone so calm down a bit alright?"

"Yes, thank you [Y/n]!"


With a sob, Ovia covered her face and ran towards Leondro and buried her face into his chest the second you had opened up the door to the second living room.

"It...It's just so sad! And-and sudden-", She hiccupped a few times through her tears and tightened her arms around Leondro who didn't even seem to notice he was being squeezed like a rubber toy. He was merely looking at her and rubbing her back gently. 

You stood a few meters away, staring at them with a blank face. That guy Ovia had been talking about yesterday during tea time... died. Apparently when he was on his way to the city to check up on one of the clothing companies he owned, he got ambushed in the forest by some bandits who were said to have wanted his expensive jewelry he was was wearing and got killed in the process. They also said that the bandits responsible for his sudden death got away and a couple of knights were dispatched to try and find them to bring justice.

Yeahhh, that's definitely  not what had happened. And something tells me Leondro had something to do with it

Just then, the prince lifted his head and looked straight at you. For a split second the two of you made eye contact, blue meeting [Eye color] before you broke it off and bowed slightly to acknowledge him.

Yep, it's definitely his fault, I mean that guy was around Ovia a lot and was acting like a total creep the whole time. Good thing I was around most of the time to stop him from molesting her

So, having that all in consideration and the fact you didn't know him so therefore you didn't really care what happened to him, that guy's death wasn't too bad since he had probably molested a lot of other people before Ovia too, but a death was a death and a life was taken.

"Calm down Ovia, it'd be no good if you tired yourself out now would it?", He sat her down at the sofa and tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear. Ovia naturally looked up at him with puffy eyes that were brimmed red in the corners. It made her look very pitiful. Ovia was of course an empath and even if she had not known him that well, she would still mourn for him and she was. Hard.

"You're... You're right... Ahem, now if you'd please excuse me, I'd like to go to the restroom please. No need to follow me [Y/n], please stay here with Liam would you?", She looked up at you with pleading eyes. It would look rather strange if you'd insisted on coming with her to the bathroom, so you had no choice but to stay here with Leondro unfortunately. 

"Alright Ovia, do take your time"

No, please don't and come back quickly.

She stood up from the sofa and hurriedly made her way out of the room and closing the door behind her. A slam was heard due to the fact the doors were quite heavy so they would slam shut even if you took great care to close it quietly behind yourself, other than that it was pure silence. 

The prince was sitting on the sofa and beckoned a maid over who came quickly and poured a cup of black tea.

She poured it quickly and elegantly into the cup before bowing and made her way back to the wall where she and some other maids and butlers were standing with their heads bowed. The maids hands clasped in front of them while the butlers had their hands behind their back. They were rather far away since this room was massive, so they wouldn't be able to hear anything from were they were standing unless if someone was yelling or talking loudly. 

Leondro looked at you for a second and with a long and slender finger, he made a 'come here' motion with his mother finger. You followed and stopped in front of the coffee table before bowing once more. 

"Shall I assist you with anything Your Highness?", You asked very politely while keeping your head still bowed.

"Yes actually. I do know for a fact you've probably figured out the truth but do me a favor and don't tell anyone will you? Especially Ovia, you know she'd freak out if she ever found out what had actually happened", He leaned back on the sofa and crossed his arms. Although you couldn't see his face, you knew he was staring at you, well glaring might have been a more appropriate of a word.

"What is this truth Your Highness is talking about? This humble servant of yours knows nothing",  It was obvious he was threatening you and whenever someone higher up than you threatens to keep your mouth shut, you go along and pretend like you know nothing. Got that kids? Pretend like you don't even know what they're talking about okay? Keep this in mind and don't die alright?

You heard him hum in approval for a bit and could see him cross his legs before he called out to you once more with a lighter tone of voice.

"You may sit now, help yourself to a cup of tea as well"

You did as he ordered and once the maid poured you a cup of tea too and went back, Leondro leaned in closer and placed his hands on his knees. Then, he smiled. 

Naturally, you could feel yourself pale a bit at the horrific sight and your sense's telling you it was dangerous, but you could do nothing but stare at his face with a calm expression. He had a very handsome smile of course, having being blessed with that face and all but knowing him, him smiling at you was something to be concerned and cautious about. Especially if you weren't Ovia.

"Now, as your future King and ruler, please be more casual around me. I want to be a King everyone can be comfortable and not be cautious around"

With a dry throat despite having a sip of tea earlier, you slowly nodded. 

"Yes Your Highness, I'm sure everyone is glad to have a future ruler like you. The future of the Circle Kingdom is in great hands..."

Resting his head on his hand, his grin became bigger and you tried to keep your hand from trembling and to keep your face steady. Thankfully, you succeeded and only your pinky twitched a little before going still. It didn't seem like he noticed since he was staring at your face intently. 

"Call me Liam too, okay?"

Blinking rapidly, you swallowed nervously and bowed your head slightly to keep him from seeing the panic in your eyes. You're poker face might have been above Master but any extreme emotion(s) would make it break and right now, you were only feeling nothing but extreme nervousness and a bit of fear too. 

"... Yes Liam"

"Now, I hope you don't mind me calling you [Y/n]? It would only be fair after all"

"No, no, not at all. Please do call me... [Y/n].", Resisting the urge to shrink back, you forced out a smile while biting the inside of your cheek to keep yourself from doing anything rash.

Once more, his grin became bigger as he took a sip of the tea while peering over the rim to look at you. Just then, you could hear the door open and the sound of Ovia's heels clicking against the floor before crossing onto the soft and pale carpet that was on the floor. You almost sunk down in relief but didn't and slowly sipped the bitter tea that seemed to burn your tongue with it's heat, but you didn't pay any attention to the feeling of your tongue swelling up.

She then sat next to Leondro once more whose face was back to how it usually was like; Cold and emotionless. 

"Did I miss anything?", She looked at the two of you with curious eyes. 

"No, you didn't. Right [Y/n]?", The soft smile he had when he was looking at Ovia gained a different emotion when he glanced at you.

"Yes, you didn't Ovia"

She sighed a bit in relief and started to chat with Leondro. It seemed like she felt better about that guys death. 

Now that I think about it, we never learned his name did we? It's like... he's an insignificant side-character who was created to be thrown away

You didn't really like the thought of that. You might be inside a game where the characters didn't exist in real life, but this is your new life and everyone here is living and breathing. 

Suddenly, a feeling of dread crossed you. This whole time, you still, somewhere deep inside you, thought this was just a game. But it wasn't.

Damn it [Y/n], don't think about it. You know how bad it was when you did.

It was all repeating again... You didn't want it to though. Not after that nightmare.


Hope you liked this chapter and feel free to give your opinion ^^

Word count: 4171

(And now I shall disappear for another couple months, adios my readers 🤞)

(I'll do my best to make her update earlier! I swear so don't come at mee 🥺🥺)

(wow, idk how to feel about this bro)

(Then don't feel bro :))

(I- How you gonna do me like this bro??? I thought you loved me 😭😭😭😭😭😭)


(Wait a minute- Ain't our roles reversed??? That's how I'm supposed to be like!)

(Wait now that I think about it-)


I do not support actual yandere behavior, this story is purely for my entertainment and yours as well, should you know someone who shows those types of behavior, do not hesitate to seek help.


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