Reincarnated into Classroom O...

By sakura_sakuroko

115K 3.6K 1.4K

A story about a 15 years old Raion Ryuvolt who die because of a god, got reincarnated into Classroom Of The E... More

Character introduction
I Die Goddamnit
The Start Of My Mission
Plan In Motion
Two S
Cherry Petals
Swimming Class
God's Domain
Stressful Month
Relieving Stress
Saving My Benefactor?
Character Introduction Part 2, Love Interest and Random Stuff
Despair Is Fantastic
...*sigh* A Date...
Blackmail Material
Blackmailing People :D
Students Council And Midterm
The Trial
Vacation At The Island
Gaining Support
Gimme The Shot
SS: Partner (Raion Ryuvolt and Ayanokouji Kiyotaka)
Lots of SS (Probably)
Zodiac Sign Doesn't Suit Me
Just a oneshot
Spread Your...
What A Twist
Start Of A New Relationship
Raion Being Raion
Pool Talk
The Moment
Victim Blaming
The Name Cause Death
Opposite Of Rotten Banana
What Is Wrong With Him

Cherry Girl

4.3K 141 73
By sakura_sakuroko

School going to open soon.

But I'm too lazy.

But at the same time I wanted to go to school to meet my friend.

But at the same time I don't because I'm a half introvert.


After School

Location: Raion Dorm

Raion POV

I jumped to my bed. Not gonna lie. This bad is so soft. Like cotton candy.

After resting for a while I went to take a shower. The water inside her is so refreshing. I wonder is it a river water.

Probably not.

Then I went to make some food. Nothing much, just the normal stuff for afternoon tea which is some sandwiches, cake and of course, tea.

I set all of them at my balcony. Maybe I should buy a rocking chair. Life sure is fun.

But never fair.

As I was enjoying my afternoon tea, a ring come out of nowhere. Went I say nowhere I don't really meant it. It's actually from my phone.

I look at the caller ID. It's read


Hanabira Sakura
AKA Weirdly Demanding Girl

I pick the call lazily.

"What" I say.

"Konnichiwa Ryuvolt-kun. How have you been?" The woman on the other side of the phone say.

Now you might be asking, why didn't I just ignore her call. Well the reason being is simple. Because she's persistent. No matter how much I try to ignore her call, she just keep calling.

And there might be some who think I'm stupid and say I should just yell at her.

That might work.

But that still doesn't work. She keeps calling and I think she is a M.

You get what I mean.

Anyway, back to business.

"First time not great, second time great, third time great and lastly went you start calling it's got from 100 to 0 real quick." I say.

'It's true. Going to the same class with some idiot is not fun. Second time is great because I get to hear some tiny piece of clue from the PE teacher. Third time much better because the afternoon tea with the cake. And lastly, her call make my cake taste weird for some reason.'

'Now I'm really mad. Can I kill somebody?'

(giggle) "You being funny today Ryuvolt-kun." She say that while giggling. See she's a M.

"Just say what you want." I stated grumpily.

"Well you see, I just want to ask you if you wanted to meet my friend tomorrow."

"No." I say firmly and quickly hang up.

I continue eating my cake.

But as it's about 2 centimeters away from my mouth, the phone ring again. And it's from the same girl.

Sigh. How troublesome.

I shoved the cake into my mouth and pick up the call.

"What?" I ask almost shouting.

I'm someone who's really hard to be mad, but the moment someone try to take me away from my sweets, it's game over.

"I'm sorry. Am I disturbing you?" She ask with a really genuine voice.

"Yes." I stated.

'Hey! I'm not being nice just because she apologize. Apology doesn't mean anything to me unless I feel like accepting it. Which is rare.'

"Sorry." She say and decided to say something. "Ano ne na Ryuvolt-kun. I'm etto. How do I say this?"

'Look's like she want to say something but doesn't wanted to. Probably afraid that I will hate her. Which I already am.'

"What? If you're not saying anything I'm hanging up." I say sipping my tea. Delicious.

"Well. I'm just wondering why you don't trust anyone. I'm sorry if this offend you."

She say that like she haven't already offended me. Troublesome.

She's a unique girl I'll give her that. But I hate people who's meddling with other people business. Mostly if they meddle with my business. The last person who meddled with my business didn't end well. And trust me, you don't wanna know what I did.

"Why are you thinking I don't trust anyone?"

As far as I'm concerned, I haven't told her that I'm someone who got a trust issues.

"I have talk with you for a week you know. Of course I knew you don't trust anyone."

'Well that's doesn't make sense at the same time it does.'

"Why do you want to know?"

"Well, it's because we're friends. And as a friend I want to help you trust people."

'Seriously? That's it? She too good for her own good.'

"And I don't think you trust me, I want to know why so that I will be a genuine friend with you."

'Such a weird soul.'



Both of us didn't talk for about 10 minutes, until I open my mouth.

"Because I hate betrayal."

Just some simple words and the surrounding turn quite again.

5 minutes past by.

10 minutes.

15 minutes.

None of us utter a single word.

This is sad.

This is so sad.

Why did this happen?

Did I do something wrong?

I'm sad.

My tea turn lukewarm.

My sandwich become cold

My cake taste weird.

I shouldn't say that. Now my tea taste weird.

I'm sad. ;(


My sad thought broke because of her voice.

Her voice sounds sad. I wonder why. Did she also trying to enjoy her afternoon tea but her tea turn lukewarm? Probably.

"I'm sorry."

What is she talking about? Why is she apologizing. Is it because of the tea?

"You've probably went through a lot."

Yeah I did. Try tasting my tea.

"You've probably suffer a lot of stuff to went through this."

You damn right I am! I prefer my tea hot. Well probably cold too but not lukewarm.

"I'll definitely help you trust more people. I promise."

Eh? We're talking about tea right? Why is she talking about trust? Weird.

"And to earn trust you will need to tell something about yourself first."

That's kinda true. If someone doesn't know about the other person they will probably be wary of them. But why are we talking about trust again? Also I'm not talking about myself. People in this world will freak-out went they found out what I did.....

.... probably

"So I will tell you about myself."

Wait! She not trying to ask about me? That's good.

"Just in case, can you say something? I don't want to talk if you're not there. It will be embarrassing."

'Must be awkward for her. She's the one doing the talking and yet the person who's she trying to talk with isn't saying anything. Just imagine the fact that you tell all about yourself only to find out they're not there. Must be embarrassing.'

"What's up. I'm still alive." I say. 'Even though I'm already dead and kinda reincarnated, who cares.'

Giggle "Good to hear that." She say while giggling.

Why is she giggling? Did I say something funny?

"Anyway, my name is Hanabira Sakura. My birthday is in 27 July. I was originally born in Yokohama but I was move to Kyoto. I'm quite good academically and physically. I like sushi and soba. If you had any questions please ask."

I know all of that except for the part that she like sushi and soba. And it's all thanks to me hacking the school system. Tehe.

Well I do have a question. But it's probably a simple stuff and not something dramatic.

"In that case, you don't really sounds like Kyoto person since you don't have their accent. Did you practice normal japanese accent?"

"Uh no. Although I live in Kyoto, my mum and dad is originally from Tokyo. They just move there. But they can speak both Tokyo and Kyoto accent. I also can speak both accent."

"Then next question. This will probably be the last one."

"Okay. Go on."

"You say your mum and dad is from Tokyo, but you're from Yokohama. You also say you move to Kyoto but you only say yourself not your family. Why is that?"


What's this? Did I say something wrong? Well I might be wrong though. I just spouting out nonsense.

I went to the kitchen to make some more tea because I kinda finish drinking it. Of course I bring the phone with me.

"You are a smart person Ryuvolt-kun."

"Not really, almost everyone can brew tea."

It's true some people can't brew tea, to the point they kinda burn their house.

"No. That's not what I meant."

I just realized her voice sounds lifeless. What's happening

"Okay, so what do you mean?" I ask. I kinda said with an irritated voice. You can't blame. The cake and the tea is ruined.

"What you say about me born in Yokohama while my parents from Tokyo."

"Oh that. It's probably just your mum and dad live in Tokyo first then they move to Yokohama lastly they live in Kyoto."

Yeah. That's probably it. It's kinda hard to tell where her parent actually from. Not like it's my business.

"That could be true. But they didn't move to Yokohama. They're from Tokyo and move to Kyoto. They never move to Yokohama."

Okay. I don't like to use my brain. I'm too lazy. Although I'm a little smart I only use it to attack people, scam people, specifically do bad stuff. My brain is not for solving mystery. Although I love mystery, I prefer to watch it without solving it so I could feel the suspense of the detective solving the case.

'Ughh, why did I ask her that? If only I didn't I will not use my brain to much.'

My thoughts is interrupted went she say something interesting.

"I'm actually adopted."


Andddddd silence.

I went back to the balcony and started drinking my tea.

"So?" After drinking for a while I decided to ask her.


'Now that's an unexpected reply. Maybe she didn't hear it right. She probably gone deaf for 10 seconds.'

"What I meant is what's the problem with being adopted?"


"There's no problem right? If you got adopted then it's good. It's mean that someone wanted you to be their child."

'Although there's probably some people who's adopt kid for evil stuff, her adopted parents probably isn't evil considering she's being so kind. Or it's probably just her that is kind but not her parent.'

"Let me ask you this."


"Does your adoptive parents love you?"

"Y-yes. They love me."

I sense no lie in that statement.

"Then it's all good."

Some parents don't love their own blood related child. Some parents do. Sone adoptive parents love their adopted child. But some don't. She's lucky that she got a good parents. I don't even know what happened to her real parents, but she's definitely happy with her adoptive parents.

"Ummm. You're not going to mock me?" She ask a really weird question. Her voice sounds a little rougher than before.

"No. Why should I?" I answered, confused with her questions.

I heard a sniff when suddenly...

"Uwaaaahhh! Waaaaa!" At the other end of the line I hear something. It's the sound of someone crying. And that someone is Hanabira Sakura.

She continues to cry for more than 30 minutes.

'Damn she sure can cry. To be honest it's kinda annoying considering I usually the one that make people cry and beg. Although I think I'm the one that cause her to cry. I'm not happy because it's sounds annoying. Also why did she cry?'

After a while she stop crying but look like she still hiccuping.

"Finally stop?"

"Hmm *sniff*"

World peace is back.

Now back to war.

"Ok I'm hanging up."


Before I hang up she call out to me.

'Damn her voice become hoarse.'

"What is it?"

"Thank you."


"What's there to be thanking?"


'What do you mean nothing? There's definitely something. You don't just say thank you because of nothing.'

Usually my friends say thanks for something that I didn't do. And when I know what they meant by thanks is when I found out they betrayed me.

'Is she trying to betray me?'

"There's something."

If she didn't answer than she definitely trying to betray me. That's the only logical thing. It's happened to me all the time when people say their thanks just so they could earn my trust, after that they will betray and kill me.

"It's just, a lot of people that found out that I was adopted always bully me."

Welp. Didn't expect that one. What a weird society we live in. Someone who's adopted got bullied.

(A/n: I don't know if this happens to anyone but I know someone who does get bullied just because they're adopted. Truly a weird society.)


"Once again thank you. Good bye."

"Ok... Bye."


Oh my god! What does she want? Is she gonna say how stupid I am? I'm not gonna accept it from someone much more stupid than me.

"Did you just say bye?"

'What kind bizarre question is that?'

"Yes I did."

"That's new."

'What's new? My soundproof wall or my new fridge. And yeah, I got two fridge.'

"Ugh. I'll call you later at night. Bye"

And I hang up before she could say anything. I should've just done that.

Hanabira Sakura POV


Did he. Did he just say bye?

He never say that.

He never say hi or bye.

He just pick up the call and demand me to state my business with him.

And he say he will call me later.

That's new.

He never want to pick up my call unless I'm being persistent, and yet he want to talk with me again. And he's the one that will call me.

I'm excited.

He's a really nice guy. Even though he act like a gangster and knew my secret, he doesn't laugh at me.

But still it's rare for me to tell my secret. It's kinda happened to me.

No. That's wrong. Went he ask me about my origin. I feel like if I resist I will be......


I might be exaggerating but his voice at that time sent chill down my spine.

Its like he's nice but at the same time he's not.

But.... I still want to be his friend.

I can't wait for tonight. Sure does hope he doesn't forget to call me.

Back to Raion POV

Finally. Finish talking. Now started eating.

As I was about to grab my sandwich from the plate. I realized there isn't any.


Looks like my tea time is over. Time to clean up.

Time skip to night time

Raion POV

I finish working out, have a dinner and take a shower. This place have become my home. It's like an apartment except it's a little smaller.

As I wipe my hair dry using the towel, I checked my phone. The time right now is 8:45. I sit on my bed and decided to see my points balance. It's over 8 million. I'm a millionaire. Noice.

I look at my phone again. It read the demanding girl name.

'sigh I kinda did say I'll call her later. Can't break my promise can I?'

Before I tap the call button I stop.

'She tell me all about her because she trust me, right? She wanted to be my friend even though I give her the cold shoulder. She's a nice kid. She's definitely will be easy to destroy considering she's to kind for her own good. There's also the possibility that her secret will be exposed. If that happens she will definitely break down.'

'Since she really genuinely want to be my friend. I guess I will repay her a little. I don't want to own a favour to someone. I prefer to be the one that owned someone.'

I called her after setting up my decision. It took 3 rings for her to answer it. She's probably studying or something.

"Hello?" Come the voice from the other line.

"What's up?" I decided to return her greeting.

"Nothing much, I'm just currently studying with my friend right now."


I hang up.

She call back.

I quickly hang up.

But she call back.

See. She's to persistent.

This thing continue for 30 minutes.

I finally pick up.

Why you ask? It's simple. It's because even though I already silent my notification. She decided to message me that she will come to my room. And I'm to tired to go for a walk. Like, I already took a shower. I'm a lazy ass motherfucker.

"Why did you do that for?" She ask

"I just don't want to hear your friend voice that's all."

'Now you might think I'm shy. But the truth is I don't want to associate with anymore bitches.'

"Oh. Don't worry they won't bother you since they already left."

"So.... Why did you call?" She ask.

"I can't?"

"No. No. Of course you can. It's just rare for you to call me."

"..... Are you mocking me?"

'I don't think she's mocking me. But it just went out of my mouth.'

"No. No. Of course not."

I nod hearing that. I went to my gaming chair and switch on my gaming computer to play some game while chatting with her.

"So.. why did you call?"

"Meh. Nothing much. Just wanted to ask if you're ok."

"Ara ara~ so you do care. Giggle"

"Not really. I just found it annoying if you suddenly call me just to hear your voice become dejected."

"Now that's harsh. Giggle"

Damn this girl sure does love giggling.

"Anyway, back to business." I say seriously.


She's probably shocked. Although most of the time I'm serious, this is the first time she hear me much more serious than before. She definitely get the idea that I'm being super serious right now. Well not that serious but you get what I meant.

"Do you think we will get 100,000 points next month?"


Hanabira Sakura POV

"Do you think we will get 100,000 points next month?"


I unconsciously blurted out that word.

I mean, you can't blame me. He just dropped a bomb on me.

"Do you?" He ask again.

"T-to be honest, I don't really know." I answered with a dejected voice.

"Thought so. Considering how stupid you are"

Ok he just openly mocked me. Although it's already normal. And it's kinda funny because he just reassured me this afternoon and right now he's back to normal. Albeit a little serious than before.

"Ok. Then let me tell you what I think."

"Okay." I say, I won't say anything so he could continue his explaination.

"We won't be getting 100,000 points next month."

"WHAT!?!?!" I shouted. I mean who wouldn't. Good thing my friend already left since they don't want to disturb him when I told them he don't like girl.

"Geez. Calm down woman."


"Before I continue do you want to tell me something, considering you don't really know. You probably got some guess. To be honest, I don't really have a high hope. But you can try I guess."


Okay you can do this Sakura. Just show him who you are. You're not weak. You're not stupid. Show him. Mum and dad will be proud of you once you tell him your suspicion.

He definitely won't laugh at me. He didn't even laugh when he knew I was adopted. Well, here goes nothing.

"This is only my guess, but since I go hang out with my friend, I notice that the convenience store and the cafeteria got free stuff. It's kinda weird since we got 100,000. I thought there's some catch, but I don't know what. There's also the fact that the senpai didn't order expensive food at cafeteria. Most order the free set. Which make me think there's more to it."

'Am I right?'

"Well, looks like you're a little smarter than I think."

"Rude. Hmph." I pouted hearing that, but inside I was giggling.

'Looks like I'm right. Good job Sakura mum and dad will be proud of you.'

"Now shut up and listen." He say. No! He order. Not only that, the words he carry is so powerful that its automatically shut me up.


Am I a puppy?

"Alright. Listen up."

Time skip because my hand is tired and he say almost the same thing that Chabashira-sensei will say.

"Andddd. That's what will happen."

I was flabbergasted. How can he come to this conclusion? And why did he decided to tell me?

It become quite. The only thing I can hear is keyboard typing and mouse clicking.

After a while of processing what he say to me I decided to speak up.

"I see. It's really is weird that we will get 100,000 just because we pass the entrance exam."

"That's right. So you do have some brain."

Ah geez. He won't stop will he. Giggle

"Oh yeah. By the way, why did you tell me this. If your theory is correct than doesn't that mean that we are enemy."

"Not really. I don't really care about my class."

'Wait, he doesn't care about his class. Does that mean he didn't tell them about his theory?'

"And to answer your question it's because you trust me."

"W-what do you mean?"

"You trust me enough that you even tell me your secret."

"Oh. I see."

"I don't really like to share my secret unless I feel like it. So in exchange I decided to tell you about the school secret."

I see. So he doesn't fully trust me yet. I'll definitely try my best.

"I still got a question. Can I say it?"

"Go on." He say without hesitation. I can still hear the keyboard and the mouse. Is he writing something?

"Ok. You say you don't care about your class, correct?"

"Yes. I did say that." No hesitation eh. Looks like he doesn't have any friends in his class.

"Then... did you tell them about your theory?"


Seriously? How did he say that without hesitation? At least ask why I think that.

"Ok.... aren't you going to ask why I think that."

"No. I don't need a brain to know why you think I didn't tell 'em. I'm not as dumb as you."

Again. No hesitation.

"I see.... but why?"

"What do you mean?"

"What I meant is why didn't you tell them? Even though you are not friends with them, you're still their classmates, right? So why didn't you tell them?"

"Simple. Because I don't think there's any benefits in me doing it."


"If I tell them, they definitely won't listen to me. That's who they are. A bunch of prideful defects. So I will just let them fall down."

"Isn't that harsh?" I ask. My voice is shaking. He doesn't even care about his class, to the point that he want to destroy his own class.

Sigh "Not at all. They need to learn from a hard way. If not, they won't survive."

"I see."


There's some awkward silence until I decided to speak up considering he's still using his computer. He's probably concentrating and waiting for my question.

"Ano ne sa Ryuvolt-kun. You say there's no benefits if you help them."

"Yes. I did say that."

"Then, what about your point. Surely you will lose all of it."

"I won't." Typical Ryuvolt-kun, always give a quick answer.

"What are you talking about?"

"I already got my way to get points. And for your information, it's a legal way."

"I see." I wonder what way he's talking about.

"Also, Ryuvolt-kun."


"What will you do if I tell my classmates about this?"

"Do what you want. I don't care. As long as you didn't tell them my name."


"Good. I'm hanging up."

Wait. Already?

"Wait!" I half yell.

"Geez. Don't tell me your favourite word is 'wait'. I won't be surprised if it is."

"Its not."

"Now that's surprising. So, what do you want? I'm almost winning right now."

Winning? Don't tell me he's playing game and not writing essays or something. I feel so stupid. I'll leave that behind.

"It's not fair that you tell me all this but you didn't ask for anything."

"I don't want anything. The only reason I tell you this is because you tell me you secret. That's all."

"No. I'll give you something."

"No! I don't want it."

This continue for 15 minutes.

"If you don't ask for anything, than I'll tell my friends that you're the one that tell me all of this theory."

I don't want to say that but if I don't do it, I wonder what he will do.

"Ughhhh. You're so annoying. Fine."


"So? What do you want to give me?"

".... I don't know."

"Are you fucking kidding me."

"Then. How about I owe you a favour."

"What favour?"

"You can ask me for help with anything. As long as it's not something shameful."

"I see. Ok. I'll go with that."

Fuh. He agree. He probably won't ask for my body. He sounds like a reasonable guy.



"You got anything more to say?"

"Well....yes.... I guess."

"What is it?"

This is probably something that he will refuse.

"Can I go out with you?"

"...... What kind of spirit just possessed you?"

"None!" I shouted. How did he even come with that conclusion?

"Are you asking for a date?"

Oh my god. He just say that like date is a normal thing.

"Y-yo-you could say that."

"Sigh Why do you want to go to date with me?"

" see.... it's just that.....I want to........ spend time with you.... Please?"

".......... I'll go....."

"Really?" Now that's rare.

"Only if you owe me one more favour."

"Okay." I answered without hesitation. Did I become like him?

"Also, I will pick the time and place."

"Ok. I'll try my best to be free."

Then he hang up.

"Bye." I say weakly. I don't even know if he's good person or not.

After 10 minutes, my phone ring. I look at it and it's a message about went we will go on a date together.

It read.

We will go on 2nd May at 9:30 a.m., the meeting place is at Keyaki Mall main entrance. Don't be late.

I giggle. I can't wait.

Raion POV

After sending the message, I decided to went to sleep. The reason why I pick 2nd May is because I'll be busy relaxing this month. May first is out of question. I'll be laughing so hard that I might die. So, the date has been set to May 2nd.

Also I kinda have a gaming tournaments this month. I ain't missing it for some stupid stuff like date. Although gaming is probably stupid. I like gaming more.

'Hanabira Sakura. I don't think she's from this world considering I don't remember her from the light novel Pin gave me. Or maybe she's just an insignificant side character. I wonder what Pin is doing right now. 

I went to my bad and lay down. I close my eyes. After a few minutes I finally fell asleep.

Time skip for a few hours

I wake up. I don't know why? But I suddenly feel like waking up. I try to open my eyes. It's kinda hard to open it for some reason.

When I open my eyes....I see....pure white and golden void.

'What the fuck.'


My hand hurts and my head is spinning from all those thinking.

Comments what do you think about this chapter. If it something good it will make me happy. If it something bad than I'll try to improve.


Sorry for bad grammar and writing.


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