Por latenight-writes

668K 14.7K 7.1K

Meet Angela Santiago, the daughter of the most feared mafia boss in Spain and the sister of three overprotect... Más

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
PART TWO: The Letter
Author's note

Chapter 10

19.3K 430 94
Por latenight-writes

Angela's pov

Running through the garden, full of pretty flowers, butterflies and cute ladybugs, I felt so free. The sun was shining bright in sky, making everything more beautiful.

"Angela!" I heard a voice calling me from afar. I narrowed my eyes trying to see who it was. I heard them call my name again, but I didn't recognize the voice.

Who's calling me?

"Angela, come on!" I heard from behind me this time. I turned around but saw no one. What was happening?

Something caught my eye on the other side of me and I turned towards the shadow near the tree. I walked to the tree when I heard the voice call me again.

When I reached the tree I still couldn't see the person standing there.

"Hello?" I said quietly. "Is someone there?"

"Angela, don't you remember me?" I heard the voice again, but no one was standing by the tree. I turned around, looking everywhere. Where was the voice coming from?

"You have to remember me." it said again. It sounded like a boy.

I looked around confused. "And why do I have to remember you?"

"Beacuse you made a promise, and you wouldn't be able to keep that promise if you have forgotten about me."

"What are you talking about?" I asked. My head started to hurt and my vision blurred.

"Angela, please don't forget me."

"What-" I was cut off by the clouds suddenly turning dark and rain started to pour down. I looked around me, ready to run towards my house, but it wasn't there.

Everything was gone. The garden, the house, everything.

"Hello?!" I shouted,starting to panic. I looked around me but it was dark and the rain started to pour down harder and harder.

"Don't forget Angela!" I heard the voice again.

"Don't forget me!"


I shot up from the bed, breathing fast while being covered in sweat. What the hell was that?

A dream? Memory? No, maybe it was my conscious trying to tell me something. I'm so confused.

As my breathing started to slow down, I got of the bed and noticed that it was still dark outside. I walked towards the door and tried to open it but it didn't budge.

A few seconds later I heard the lock and the door opened to reveal Marco. I looked at him surprised that he was outside the door.

He gave me a small smile. "I have to stand guard by your door." And he showed me the keys. "Is there something you need? Why are you still awake?" he asked.

"I just woke up, and I couldn't sleep." I said and looked into the hallway seeing another guard standing on the opposite side of the hallway. "Can I use the bathroom?"

He gave me a nod and walked out of the room.He told the guard something in Russian and walked down the hallway as I followed him.We stopped infront of a white door, not to far from the room I was staying in.

I opened the door and walked in as he waited outside the door. I closed the door and looked around the bathroom. It wasn't big but wasn't small either. Walking towards the mirror I finally looked at myself and gasped.

My hair was messy and looked like a bird's nest. My eyes were still sore and red from crying earlier. I was really tempted to take a shower, but decided to wait until later. I was still tired anyways.

I splashed my face with water and tried to fix my hair. I did my other business and left the bathroom. Marco looked up from his phone, with a frown on his face.

"Is something wrong?" I asked.

"Just work stuff, don't worry."He replied while waving it off. I nodded and we went back to the room.

"Where's Martin?" I asked when we reached the door.

"He had to go take care of some things the boss send him to do." He said.

"What kind of things?"

"You're nosy."He said with a smirk and I faked a  gasped while holding my hand over my heart.

"I'm not nosy, just curious." I shrugged.

"Haven't you ever heard of 'curiosity kills the cat'." he said with an eyebrow raised.

I rolled my eyes and walked into the room, knowing that I'm not going to get an answers from him.

He smirked again, "Sweet dreams, princess." he said and closed the door,locking it.

Releasing a long breath, I walked to the bed and plopped down while looking up at the ceiling.

I wonder who that boy was in my dream? And why he was telling me not to forget him. Maybe it didn't mean anything and was just overthinking things.

But it felt kind of real.

I groaned and tried to fall asleep again. As the darkness slowly crept in again, all I could think about was the dream I had.


"Get up princess, you've slept long enough." I heard Marco's voice as he gently shook me.

I groaned and turned over seeing him standing there with a small smile. I got off the bed and he lead me to bathroom again to clean up. He brought me clean clothes before I went in.

When I was done, he lead me towards a dinning room. It was big and spacious and many men surrounded the table, eating breakfast.

I followed Marco as he lead me to the table and I sat down next to him. I looked up and saw Nikolai, sitting at the head of the table, staring at me.

I looked down, not wanting to face him, after what happened yesterday. I was scared, and I hated that I was scared.

Sometimes I wish, I wasn't so soft or naive. I want to be strong and confident. I want to be able to stand up for myself, without the help of a man. But that wil be hard to do, because my brothers and father never gave me that. They never let me do things for myself. They were always there, constantly hovering over me.

Looking back up, I noticed that the seat on his left was empty. I wonder who sat there.

The chatter around the room continued as we ate, while some of the men was staring at me or were whispering things under their breath, making me uncomfortable.

The doors to the dinning room suddenly opened and a women walked in. She had her head bowed down as she walked towards Nikolai.

I couldn't see her face though because her long thin black hair was covering her as she looked down. She was skinny and I saw some of her bones poking out, because of the skimpy dress she wore. Her breaths was shallow and her steps were slow.

Who was she?

Looking over at Nikolai, I saw that he was flexing his jaw and he was a bit stiff. The woman bend down towards his ear and whispered something to him, that I couldn't quite make out.

He clenched his fist, looking a bit angry as he suddenly stood up. He nodded towards Martin, who was sitting across from me and gestured towards me. Martin nodded in reply.

"I want everyone in the meeting room, in five minutes."Nikolai ordered. He then grabbed the woman by the arm and left the room in a rush.

I sat there confused on what was happening, as all the men started getting up and rushing to get to the meeting room, I assume.

Martin came around the table and took my hand. He lead me out of the dining room and down towards the dark hallway, we came from yesterday.

Where is he taking me? I noticed that we were going back the way we came from the basement.

No. I don't want to go back to that cell. Its cold and dark. And I'm alone.

I started struggling against Martin, wanting him to let go of my hand but he tightened his hold.

"Martin, please don't take me back there." I begged him as I tried pulling away. "I promise I'll be quiet in the room I slept in last night."

"I cant do-" Martin was cut off by a loud alarm going off throughout the house. His eyes went wide and he pulled me towards the stairs, dragging me with him.

When we reached the cell he opened it and pushed me inside the dark room. I slightly stumbled, catching myself before I fell on my face.

I turned around, just before he could close the door. "Wait Martin, what's going on." I asked.

"Nothing to worry about, just keep quiet."He gritted out. "Don't try to make a sound to alert anyone that you're down here. I'll come get you, or Marco will."

He closed the door, locking it from the outside.

"Can you at least turn on the light!" I shouted after him. Seconds later the small light bulb turned on and I was grateful for the bit of light it provided.

I sighed and laid down on the small bed, hearing it creak under my weight. The noise continued as men were shouting and running upstairs.

Suddenly the sound of gunshots going off, made me sit up.

Who was attacking them? Did my father find me? Was it Elijah?

A small hopeful smile covered my lips.

The noise continued until it suddenly stopped and it was quiet. Loud footsteps could be heard coming this way.

I walked towards the door, waiting to see one of my  brothers,father of even Elijah. I heard the lock click  and the door swung open.

My smile immediately fell, when I see Nikolai charging towards me, grabbing my arm and taking me out of the room.

Why are they just keep taking me from one place to another?

I guess no one came for me and I was going to be here for a while. I'm slowly starting to lose that bit of hope I had.

Maybe they'll never find me. I know that my family is looking for me but I don't think Elijah would put his mafia at risk going against the Russians. It's not like he cares about me.

We barely know each other.

Nikolai took me up the stairs and out the front doors of his mansion. I saw men getting into cars and driving off.

The place was a mess, some of them had blood covering them, some were wounded and limbing to get to a car. Who the hell attacked them?

I was shoved into a car as Nikolai got in the other side of me, in the back seat. He tapped the drivers seat and the car took off.

I looked back at the mansion, seeing everyone leaving, and following behind us. Where are we going now?

I was snapped out of my thoughts by Nikolai's cold voice talking over the phone. "I don't care! Make sure if everything was destroyed in the explosion, the ones in the basement as well."

An explosion?

"I can't afford losing more money. Get it done!" He shouted and hung up the phone. He exhaled a breath and leaned back into the seat.

He looked stressed and his brows were in a constant frown. My father always looked like that whenever he came home from a long day busy with work or the mafia.

Maybe his plans aren't working out as it should.

I turned and looked out of the window,seeing that we were on a dirt road. We were the only cars on the road,surrounded by endless fields and tall trees. It looked like we were in the woods. I'm not sure.

After a few more minutes we arrived at a huge house in the middle of nowhere. It looked hidden between the bushes and tress surrounding the house.

It kind of looked beautiful but before I could take a better look at the place my door was swung opened and I was yanked out.

Im just being tossed around as if I'm nothing.

I sighed, following after Nikolai. We entered the house and I looked back seeing the other men walking around the house, going somewhere else.

"Take her to one of the rooms and tie her up."He ordered one of the men,as he walked of. Probably going to meet the others and give out more orders.

The guy shoved me down the hall, and I rolled my eyes." You don't have to push me, you know." I said, looking at him. "It's not like I could run. Where would I go?" I asked with a raised brow.He ignored me and continue to shove me down the hallway.

When we reached the room at the end of the hall, he didn't waste any time to tie me to a chair.

Minutes after he left, another man entered the room with a sly smirk playing on his lips.

I tensed, suddenly feeling uncomfortable with his presence. He walked towards me bring his hand to my face. I flinched away from his touch but he gripped my chin, pulling my face back towards him.

He still had that smirk on his face and leaned down near my ear. "Night night darling."he whispered.

I was confused by his words before I suddenly felt a small pinch on the side of my neck. My eyes went wide as I feel him inject me with something.

He removed it and stepped back, looking at me as my vision started to blur and my mouth went dry. He still had that smirk on his stupid face and gave me a small wave before everything went dark.


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