By TheWalnutTree

1.5M 39.1K 29.8K

Raised in the Mafia, I have known no other life other than cold calculated violence and discipline. A life wh... More

Authors note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36 part 1
Chapter 36 part 2
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Authors note

Chapter 54

11.2K 379 204
By TheWalnutTree


Lira drove me home. There was nothing more I could do. I couldn't find Isabella, I couldn't protect Raf and I bowed down before that fucking man. He must have found it hysterical.

I felt like a complete and utter failure.

"I'm going to call around, see if anyone's heard anything." Lira spoke not looking up from her phone. I noticed that her eyes and body longed to just rest but she was on edge just like I was. She sat down onto the sofa with a heavy exhausted sigh. She rubbed her eyes and yawned. I didn't even acknowledge her, I couldn't think.

I walked off, away from her and upstairs to my room so I was alone. My lips couldn't bother to smile, my eyes couldn't look up from the floor. I was a mess and that was nothing compared to what Isabella and Raf were going through. My heart kept pounding away in my chest.

I felt a sickness in the pit of my stomach. Guilt. I was a fucking Mafia boss yet I had let that bastard overpower me. I didn't see it coming. Well why would I have. Uncle Kaden renounced  the Mafia lifestyle but he was still able enough to protect his family. I don't know what the fuck happened.

I sniffed and rubbed my face. I know what could help. I opened the door to my parents empty bedroom. It was large and decorated minimally. Walking over to my moms bed side table, I contemplated many things in my head. But nothing. If only I knew where Isabella was being kept. Fuck. I fucked it up. Me and my petty disagreements with James fucking Cain. I should have just murdered the man. I wouldn't have lost any sleep over it.

I rifled through my moms drawer and it was on the very top. I picked up the little bag of white powder and held it between my finger tips. I blew out a breath and sat down on the bed, looking down at the bag.

"Enzo...." Lira's voice trailed off. I didn't look up. She sighed and I heard her walk over to me. The bed dipped slightly as she sat down beside me. She sighed. "I don't want you to do that." She said quietly. "Please don' might seem like it'll help but it won't. You'll take it, forget everything but then you'll become sober and it'll hurt more." She continued. She reached with her hand and gently grabbed the bag of cocaine off me.

"Let's go down." She stood up and held out her hand for me. I exhaled and stopped tears from forming. I went down with her into the kitchen. It was quiet and cold. Perhaps I was just cold. The maid put on some fresh coffee and made a sandwich for us both. I looked down at the sandwich. I was hungry but the guilt prevailed. "Just eat some. We need to think of a plan." Lira tilted her head at me.

"Fuck it. What's the point. I can't find her." I growled with my fists clenched. I'm ashamed of myself. "Fucking stop it. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and let's make a fucking plan." Lira said loudly. I looked up at her. "Fuck off." I swore.

She scoffed and took a bite of her sandwich. Then she sipped her coffee. She looked at me and licked her lips. "The Enzo I know and love would not be acting like this, so let's make a fucking plan and save them." She smiled gently.

I sighed and pulled out a cigarette, lighting it, I breathed it in. Perhaps the nicotine would knock some sense into me. "You're right." I exhaled sharply. "I just don't know how." I added as I continued to smoke to avoid eating. Lira sipped her coffee. "When he came close to me, I saw something white like chalk on his shoes." She said.

"Chalk?...perhaps limestone..he's got them in a quarry. Shit. There's almost three hundred quarries that produce limestone." I pulled out my phone and called a contact. When I replaced the phone down I looked at Lira with a smile. "I'm sorry for swearing at you. I didn't mean it."

She yawned and sipped the last of her coffee. "Swearing is kind of our thing." She chuckled lightly. I reached out for her hand and she interlaced her fingers with mine. "I love you..I got it narrowed down to three quarries in the south where we are supposed to be looking. I beli-" I stopped when I heard Lira's phone ring. She quickly grabbed it and furrowed her brows when she looked at the screen. She answered. "Hello Fabi...what? How? Wait let me put you on speaker, Enzo is with me." She placed her phone down. What the fuck was Fabi the Russian mafia doing calling her.

"Vicenzo, I know where your cousin Isabella is. And I also know where Raphael is." He spoke with his Russian laced accent. "How do you know and might I ask why you're telling me?" I asked. Why the fuck would he tell me. We did part on good terms but we weren't friends. Did he have a hidden agenda. "I know because I have contacts and they have seen a group of British bastards with a little girl, so they've informed me. I connected the dots when I heard about your predicament. And I am informing you because James is a  liability...I've seen the length he went to get your attention and I don't need the trouble if he decides to play with me. So I'm simply doing you a favor. What do you say?" Fabi spoke confidently. Fuck, using me to get rid of a potential threat. He was good.

"I would thank you if the information you give me leads me to them...a favor is that all you want?" I asked him with uncertainty. "Fabi just tell us. I'll also owe you." Lira rushed out. Fabi chuckled lightly. "Forgive me for laughing. This is a serious matter...all right two favors and please, when you see James Cain, kill the man." He said. "No need to worry about that. He's as good as dead." I growled.

Fabi gave us the details to the quarry James was at. He also gave us intel. How many men there were. The set up. How much ammunition they had. Lira did like the man and I suppose he wasn't all too bad.

Lira was now dressed in black as was I. It was almost night and we wanted to take them by surprise. I watched her as she strapped guns to her belt as well as knives. I also took an extra gun and clips. I strapped everything to my belt. Lira held up a gernade and grinned at me. "Take it." I nodded. I didn't care, we were going to blow them to absolute shit. I didn't care who died as long as Isabella and Raf were safe. She happily placed it onto her belt and we walked out of the weapon room. I didn't have time to explain to my parents.

I stood before forty odd men. Snipers. Hitmen. Mercenaries. The best of the best. The darkness of the night only captured the severity of the situation even more. I looked at Sergio who was equipped and ready. He had organised everything and I just hoped everything went to plan.

I patted his back and looked at the men. "As you all know. James Cain has taken my cousins. He has taken my family. In the Mafia it's family above all. And you men, there's not a single one of you I would not avenge. I have your backs so I need you to have mine today." I said loudly as I looked at everyone.

"I need snipers on every vantage point. Half of you will surround the place. The other half will go in with me. Sergio will instruct you." I continued. "Boss, how would you like it to go down?" A man spoke up. I looked at him. "Kill everyone but Cain is mine." I said stone cold. He nodded and everyone started to murmur. "All right head out." Sergio yelled and all the men climbed into SUV's.

Lira and I were in an SUV with Sergio. She pulled out a cigarette and smoked it with a heavy sigh. "Ah fuck." She muttered. She pressed a button and tossed the cigarette out of the open window. Sergio and I looked at her as she rubbed her face. "Are you all right? You can sit this out if you want." I rubbed her leg softly. She yawned and looked at me through droopy eyes. "I'm's the jet lag catching up with me. But as soon as we do this, as soon as that bastard is dead, I'll rest." She smiled before she leaned into me, resting her head on my shoulder. I placed my arm around her. We had a while to go to get to the quarry.

"Dad." I spoke into my phone. "I know where Isabella is. I'm on my way to get her..yes I've taken men with me...I'll tell you how I knew later..James Cain." I sighed heavily. I texted him the address and he passed it onto everyone. So soon, everyone would be here after that fucker but not before I had him in my hands.

"Lira..Lira wake up." I shook her awake slowly. We were a couple of minutes out and we would walk the rest so that none of James' men would be alerted to us. She groaned and rubbed her eyes. "Are we here?" She asked to which I nodded at. Sergio got out of the car and began to instruct the men. I was about to step out but I felt Lira's hand grip my wrist. I looked back at her.

"I don't want you to think I'm not taking this seriously. I'm just tired but there's nothing I wouldn't do for Isabella. I want you to know that." She spoke as she looked into my eyes. I knew she was being serious and I have never once doubted her. And I knew she was tired but I couldn't ever tell her not to come. "I know." I smiled at her.

We both stepped out of the car and met up with the men. From then we walked to the quarry to see it eerily silent. I knelt behind a bush and held up my arm to signal the men to stop. I looked at Sergio and nodded. He whispered into his earpiece to get the snipers and men into position.

"I don't like this. It's too quiet...he knows we're coming." Lira whispered as she crouched down beside me. I hummed in agreement. "He knows. Let's use it to our advantage." I looked at the moonlight reflecting off the only building in the middle of the dirt laden quarry. There were several trucks parked off to one side, SUV's on the other and footprints dotted the ground. The lights were turned on but only by the large building.

"You or me." Lira spoke up after a while. I listened to Sergio telling me the men had got into position. "Me." I said and was about to stand up but Lira pushed me down. "I have the grenade." The white light reflected off her teeth as she grinned. She walked off quickly before I could stop her.

"As soon as she throws the grenade. You have my permission to shoot." I spoke into the earpiece. "How do you know she'll throw it?" Sergio asked me as he now crouched down beside me. He had his gun held in his hand calmly. "She'll throw it. There's no fucking way she won't." I chuckled before I stopped myself. Sergio chuckled probably now remembering how reckless she was.

I watched as she walked down to the quarry. All alone and still she looked fierce. She stopped in the middle, a good twenty feet away from the building. "Where are you James fucking Cain?!" She mocked, using my nickname for him. We could all hear her on the earpieces.

Suddenly, a dozen men stepped out from behind the building. They pointed their guns at Lira and stood all in defensive stances. "Hiding behind untrained men. That's hardly impressive. Come out now and I won't cut your little sausage off." Lira spoke. I'm sure she was grinning. After a while of nothingness, she held up her hands. "The hard way it is."

She turned around and looked up my way and with a subtle nod, she effortlessly pulled out the pin from the grenade. Six seconds. Six seconds is all it will take for it to blow up everything. She turned around and held it in her hand like an apple. The men went ridged, their feet shuffled on the dirt ground. Lira didn't hesitate, she threw it directly at the men and then she ran.

Six seconds later, the grenade went off blowing up the men. The dirt flew wildly with the massive explosion. Blood and flying body parts were thrown around. The fire burned into the night. The sound would be heard for miles. Lira was tossed to the ground upon the impact of the explosion. Her body hit the ground hard and I heard her muffled groan in the earpiece.

James you piece of shit where are you?!
Time for some action, some explosions, some punch punch hit hit time 😅

Blood death body parts CACKLES LIKE A MANIAC fbi I swear I'm not a psycho

Please I like to create emotions that really make you feel what my characters feel. How happy they are, how vulnerable, how sad. To make you fall in love and not knowing that I could simply kill anyone I like whenever I want.

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