Feel the adrenaline (Midoriya...

By MarieNoels

114K 3.3K 793

The first chapter is a little info about this book so I'm not gonna put that here lol. Just wanted to give my... More

Pussy boy
What the hell
You really are a kind person
Let's fucking do this
Midoriya isn't quirkless anymore
Welcome to your hero academia
What was that..?
Show em what you've got
I'll be by your side
Nice shoes shortstack
Bakugou vs Midoriya
Wake up
Emergency exit Iida
F in the chat for Iida
Do I like him?
Obstacle course
Cavalry Battle
Kira's new ability
Kira is very swag
Izuku vs Todoroki
Kira vs Tokoyami
authors note
First kiss
Kira vs Bakugou
Rivals and friendships
Internships pt.1
face reveal
Internships pt.2
Tears and messages
Monoma's an asshole lols
Final exams pt.2
Daddy issues?
Two heroes: pt.1
Two heroes: pt.2
I'm sick :(
Two heroes: pt.3
Two heroes: pt.4
Two heroes: pt.5
Pool day
I love her
author's note: PLEASE READ
Relentless training
Darkness takes over
League of Bastards
info on Kira
Class 1-A
Back on track
Provisional License pt.1
Provisional License pt.2
Provisional License pt.3
Author's note: new story!
House arrest
Deku vs Kira
author's note: PLEASE READ
The big three
Valentines Special
See you later, Midoriya
Calm down
The choice is yours
Author's note
Keep fighting
My favourite hero
Final decision

Final exams pt.1

1.2K 38 8
By MarieNoels


All of class 1-A was positioned in front of a group of their teachers at the training grounds in their hero costumes. All of their written exams were finished, so now, it was time for the practical exam. Some thought they were going to fight robots, some doubted that theory, Kira being one of those people. Her written exams went well and she would pass without a doubt. But for the practical, she didn't think they would be fighting robots like in the entrance exam. Why would they repeat something they already did? And why would all of their teachers show up? Just what in the hell would the staff have them do now...

"Now, we will begin the practical exam", spoke Aizawa, who stood in the centre of the group. "Of course, it is possible to fail this exam. If you want to go to the training camp, don't do anything stupid. I expect that you've all gathered information about this exam ahead of time and have some idea of what you will be doing." Kaminari perked up and made some dramatic hand gestures, wanting to share his ideas with the class. "We're gonna be fighting those robot warriors, right?!" Mina soon joined in on the excitement, agreeing with Kaminari.

"Too bad! For various reasons, the exam will be completely different this time!" Everyone looked confused at the sound of a high-pitched voice and... Aizawa's moving scarf?? Out of nowhere, none other than principal Nezu jumped out of Kira's tired teachers' scarf, excitedly raising his paws in the air. "Principal Nezu?!" shouted a few students in surprise. The principal climbed down from Aizawa's shoulder like a koala, silently making Kira awe at how cute it looked.

"From now on, we want to focus on person-to-person combat and hero work, and stress teaching that is closer to actual combat! So... We'll have you form teams of two, and one team of three to go up against your teachers!" Kira's eyes went wide as saucers at this information. Fighting one of the teachers?! How would that even work? These guys are no joke, they're already pro heroes and just like it says in that title, they're pros! Kira's classmates seemed to have similar thoughts as they too started to question this method.

"In addition, the pairs and the teachers who these pairs will be fighting have already been decided. These were determined at my discretion based on various factors. Including fighting style, grades and interpersonal relationships, so here they are", explained Aizawa. Kira silently gulped. They wouldn't get to choose who they teamed up with, which could prove to be an issue for some teams. She was anxious, yet there was still some confidence present. She could do this with the right strategies and help of her teammate or teammates. If they could form a plan, it could all work out.

Todoroki and Yaoyorozu were on team one and they would have to face Aizawa himself. That was for sure going to be a challenge. Kira was glad she wouldn't have to go up against her homeroom teacher. He could erase quirks and with the team that had to go up against him, passing would be difficult. Todoroki and Yaoyorozu both relied heavily on their quirks, so if Aizawa was to cancel them out, it would be a problem.

"Midoriya, Yamari and Bakugou will be the team of three people, and they will be going up against..." Kira's eyes widened in horror as a figure suddenly landed on the ground in front of them. Dust rose up and stirred around from the impact, but once it subsided, Kira couldn't help but gulp in fear. "I will be the one to face you!" shouted a determined All Might. Kira panicked. A team with Bakugou and Midoriya?! Against All Might?! How the hell was that supposed to work?! Those two couldn't even hold a proper conversation, let alone work out a battle plan to face the freaking number one hero!

Kira glanced to her left, making eye contact with a freaked out Midoriya and a furious Bakugou. She gulped as she looked forward again, letting out a stressed breath of air. 'Shit. I am so gonna fail', thought Kira to herself. It's not that she didn't trust in her teammates' strength because hell, they had a pretty strong team. She'd seen Midoriya's improvement with his quirk since he can control One for All to a certain level without breaking his bones and she'd experienced Bakugou's strength firsthand. It was the communication and opponent that bothered her, seeing as the two childhood friends weren't really capable of talking to each other.

That's probably why they added her to the team. Kira was close with Midoriya and communicated well with him and she had managed to get on an equal level with Bakugou, so Kira was sure the teachers had put her in this team as some sort of support. All Might's booming voice pulled her out of her thoughts as she looked up towards the tall male. "Work together to beat me you three!" Kira glanced at her teammates again, seeing that they were already having a stare-off full of doubt and hatred.

Oh god...

"Now, we'll announce the teams and who they're up against in order!" informed Nezu.

First match: Kirishima and Sato vs Cementos

Second match: Tsuyu and Tokoyami vs Ectoplasm

Third match: Ojiro and Iida vs Power Loader

Fourth match: Todoroki and Yaoyorozu vs Eraserhead

Fifth match: Uraraka and Aoyama vs Thirteen

Sixth match: Kaminari and Mina vs Nezu

Seventh match: Jirou and Koda vs Present Mic

Eighth match: Shoji and Hagakure vs Snipe

Ninth match: Mineta and Hero vs Midnight

Tenth match: Midoriya, Kira and Bakugou vs All Might

"The time limit for these exams will be thirty minutes! Your objective is to either put these handcuffs on your opponent or have at least one of you escape through the exit." The teachers went on to explain how this exam would have to be viewed as actual combat. The students were the heroes and the teachers were the villains. It was meant to be treated as an actual ambush, so collateral damage was something to pay attention to as well. The teachers would be wearing weights around their wrists to slightly power down their strength so the students could have an actual chance.

It was either fight and win or run and win. So fast thinking would be important in this exam. Kira was sure she'd get a chance to plan something out with Midoriya, but Bakugou was an entirely different story. She'd take this seriously and win, there was no way she would lose. So the first option that came to mind, was run and win. Fighting against All Might would be a bad idea since they would probably not even stand a chance. But Kira knew Bakugou would want to charge in head on. If she could talk to him about this, maybe it could work out.

Obviously All Might wasn't going to let them off the hook that easily, so there'd have to be lots of defence. If they can hold All Might back and get one of them through the exit, they would pass. That was Kira's plan, work together to hold their opponent off and run.


Well her plan didn't work.

Kira had tried to convince Bakugou to form a strategy before their match for the past 20 minutes, but all she got in return were a lot of insults and a big fat middle finger. She rubbed her temples in clear annoyance as she walked into the monitor room. If she couldn't talk to Bakugou, she could at least watch the other matches and get some inspiration.

The automatic sliding doors to the monitor room opened up, revealing Kira with her arms outstretched above her head and her eyes closed. She whined to herself as she threw her head back. "Man, stupid Bakugou... I really need some food right now.." A bit of shuffling in front of her alerted her to another presence in the room. Kira looked forward again, only opening one eye to see who was also watching the first match.

"Kira! D-did you talk to Kacchan or..?" asked Midoriya hesitantly. He seemed to be the only one in the room, but after Kira looked a bit closer, she noticed Recovery Girl sitting on a chair next to him. Kira sighed as she stopped right beside him, placing her arms behind her head while watching the screens. "Well, let's just say it's clear that his middle finger is his favourite", mumbled the girl tiredly. Recovery Girl laughed while Midoriya nervously chuckled before turning his attention back on the screen.

"Wait, is Eijirou's match over already?" asked Kira when she noticed Tsuyu and Tokoyami's match was being presented. Midoriya nodded solemnly, crossing his arms over his chest. "Yeah, they both went in a little too hard and ended up passing out." Kira clicked her tongue as she frowned. "Aw man.. so they didn't pass?" Midoriya shook his head, making Kira sigh. Recovery Girl from beside them decided to add her own comment.

"Those boys were way too reckless! Not even coming up with a plan. It was clear they wouldn't make it from the start." Kira only glanced at the older female beside her before taking another deep breath and turning towards Midoriya. "Izuku, shouldn't we at least discuss something for our match? I mean, this is freaking All Might we're up against." Midoriya turned towards her, placing a hand to his chin in thought. "Yeah, it definitely won't be easy, so I guess we should strategise."

Kira nodded and began to explain her thoughts. "Okay so, I think the teachers chose us as a group for a reason. We all know you and Bakugou have trouble with communicating together, so it was my guess that they put me in here as support." Midoriya blushed in embarrassment before humming and nodding in agreement. "Y-yeah.. Kacchan really can't stand me and he doesn't listen to me, so it does make sense they would put us together to try and solve that. But what about All Might?" Kira looked up in thought, glancing over her shoulder to look at Recovery Girl.

"Well, the teachers probably noticed how you have a close relationship with All Might. Plus, the fact that you and Bakugou both admire him so much could lead to problems. They're trying to make it difficult for us." Midoriya agreed yet again, this time explaining his plan to Kira. "We both know Kacchan is gonna try and charge in head first, but I don't think that's gonna work. I mean, we're up against the symbol of peace! There's no way we can beat him in a fight. So I say we run towards the exit and try to avoid him as much as possible using the small alleys."

Kira hummed in thought as she closed her eyes for a second. It wasn't a bad plan, it even resembled hers to a certain level. Yet Kira got the feeling that hiding in the alleys wasn't going to save them from All Might. She inhaled and opened her eyes, ready to explain her part of the plan. "I agree that running is the best option, but since Bakugou is gonna wanna fight All Might head on, we won't be able to get far through the alleys. I was thinking we try to push him back and get one of us through the exit. We obviously can't beat him and Bakugou is gonna be a problem too, so I honestly think this could be our best shot."

Midoriya nodded in agreement, pleasing Kira with his easy cooperation. He held up his fist with a shaky smile, obviously nervous about their upcoming match. "L-let's do our best Kira! So we can all go to the training camp together!" Kira giggled back and gave him a close-eyed smile, bumping her fist against his. "Let's go plus ultra, partner." Midoriya blushed at the pretty smile and gesture he received, quickly glancing away from her and back to the screens, Kira doing the same.


After a strangely long time of waiting, it was finally their turn. All of the matches had passed, most of Kira's classmates having made it through. Only Sato, Kirishima, Mina and Kaminari didn't pass, though Sero was a more confusing case. Technically they did pass, but it was all thanks to Mineta, much to everyone's surprise. Sero had been passed out the majority of the match because of Midnight's quirk, so Kira wasn't sure if he had passed as well.

But now, it was the match all of class 1-A was curious about. The three middle school 'friends' against the number one hero. It was sure to be a match worth watching. The three of them stood before the entrance, waiting for the moment they could start. Kira felt extremely uncomfortable with the tense atmosphere between Bakugou and Midoriya, anxiety gnawing at the back of her head like a parasite. She was extremely nervous, and of course, Midoriya noticed.

He too was very nervous, but seeing as his crush was literally shaking and glowing red beside him, he couldn't help but let his own insecurities almost get the best of him. Finally, the large doors opened and Bakugou didn't hesitate to stomp his way into the arena, his two teammates following close behind. The tension was high. Very high. Bakugou was obviously furious about his team of choice and it was affecting the other two greatly, more than they even realised.

Midoriya, who couldn't take it anymore, decided to cut through the heavy tension with his voice, making Kira look towards him as he spoke. "K-Kacchan! In this exam, the teacher is the villain and we're the heroes! So we need to keep in mind the villain's strength and the option to either run or fight. In our case, the villain is All Might, so fighting him is dangerous! It would be a really bad idea to fight him!" Bakugou continued to ignore him and sped up his pace, obviously growing more pissed with each word Midoriya spoke.

Kira sighed and jogged to catch up with both of them, walking to Bakugou's left and deciding to let Midoriya speak. They needed to learn how to communicate and she would only interfere when things got too bad. Midoriya jogged up to him as well, telling Bakugou to wait. "Stop following me! Both of you!" shouted Bakugou in return, his hair casting a shadow over his fierce eyes. Kira rolled her eyes and decided to respond. "We're your teammates, we're all going the same way", sassed the girl, causing the angry blonde to speed up again.

Midoriya caught up to him again, not letting his spirits down yet. "I-if we keep going straight, All Might will probably be waiting for us! We should take a detour-" "Why should we run away?! It'd definitely be better if we beat him up!" interrupted Bakugou. Kira internally groaned again. Bakugou was being childish now. Midoriya however, still didn't let up, making Kira silently applaud him for keeping it up. "W-we should avoid all combat if we can no matter what!"

Bakugou didn't leave a single second for Midoriya to keep talking, the two of them not even paying attention to Kira anymore, who was growing worried. "We'll toy with him until it's almost over! And once he's tired out, I'll beat him up!" Midoriya stood still after that, a worried frown on his features. Kira passed by him, still following Bakugou and finally deciding to butt in the argument. "Listen Bakugou, fighting really isn't a good idea. I say we hold him off and give one of us the opportunity to escape, but a full on battle is not smart. Stop being childish and-"

Kira was cut off by Bakugou, who didn't glance at her as he spoke. "Stop talking shit! I don't care what you do but I know I'll beat him up to the point of our victory!" Kira groaned loudly as she threw her hands up in defeat. He was really pissing her off. Not only him though, since Midoriya seemingly still stuck with his own plan of using the alleys to run away. Yes, Midoriya was pushing her buttons too, for once.

Speaking of which, Midoriya caught up to Bakugou once again, both of them completely ignoring Kira's presence. "Who do you think All Might is?! Even with the handicap, you can't win against him!" Kira joined in again, sensing the rising anger from the angry blonde. "Guys-" Kira was cut off again by Bakugou slamming his gauntlet right into Midoriya's nose, making him fall over. Kira gasped and jogged over to Midoriya to check if he was bleeding. Meanwhile, Bakugou continued his stubborn arguing, pretending Kira wasn't even there.

"Don't say another word.. Just because things are going better for you doesn't mean you can tell me what the fuck I should do. It's pissing me off!" Bakugou turned around again to keep walking, causing Kira to call out to him. "Bakugou-" Kira was getting tired of being cut off mid-sentence, so when Midoriya did, she decided he wasn't in need of her help and stood up, leaving Midoriya to talk. "Wait Kacchan! I'm saying this so we can pass the test! Listen to me Kacchan!"

Bakugou was having none of it though, seeing as he turned around with a fierce glare. "I told you we don't need your dumb power to pass, I can win it all by myself!" Kira tried to intervene, sensing a strong sense of danger coming from the long road ahead. "Guys.." Midoriya stood up again, now beginning to shout at the blonde. "Would you stop yelling?! This is why we never have real conversations!"

"Guys shut the fuck up and watch out!" shouted Kira, watching the approaching gust of wind with wide eyes. Her other teammates seemed to have finally noticed her presence and looked towards the dangerous attack, trying to protect themselves by putting their arms in front of their faces. Kira created a shield, hiding behind it to prevent her from being blown away. Her partners, if you could even call them that, didn't have luck on their side it seemed, since they were harshly thrown back by the force of the wind.

Kira grunted as she struggled to keep her barrier up, the harsh blow making rubble knock against her shield. Once the wind died down a bit, Kira lowered her barrier, maximising all of her senses to keep tabs on All Might's presence. Hearing footsteps from in front of her, she quickly got into an offensive stance, trying to prepare herself for All Might's assault. It didn't help much though, since All Might appeared right behind the girl in the blink of an eye.

Kira gasped and turned around, but All Might was faster, grabbing her face and throwing her in the direction of her teammates. The two boys panicked when they saw Kira basically flying towards them and crashing on the ground and tumbling around until she was right in front of them. Kira struggled to get up again, her body aching from the harsh fall. Midoriya's eyes grew wide as he immediately stood by her side, wanting to help her get up. Kira slapped his hand away though, making Midoriya step back.

"Don't help me up and pay attention", ordered the female roughly, making Midoriya recoil. She was mad and that scared him. A lot. Their attention was drawn back by All Might's loud voice, forcing them into a fighting stance. "Who gives a damn about damaging the city?" The sense of intimidation coming from All Might was destructive, causing Kira's knees to shake beneath her in fear. He was acing this villainous role.

All Might took another loud step onto the ground, making wind blow in their direction. All three of them covered their eyes, making sure dust wouldn't compromise their vision. "If you think of this as an exam, you'll be sorry! I am a villain, heroes! Come at me with everything you've got!" Kira gulped in fear, realising how much trouble they were actually in. But even despite the circumstances, she knew what she had to do. She was in this team as support, so that's exactly what she would try to do. She would protect and support Bakugou and Midoriya as much as she could. She would pass this final exam.


Ayyyy I'm looking forward to writing the actual fighting scenes! I'm already working on the next chapter so it'll be posted soon :)

Thanks for reading!

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