coffee breath | D.H

By GeorgiesRippedOffArm

824K 23.3K 14.7K

❝i will kill you painfully and slowly.❞ ❝i love you too. now gimme a kiss.❞ [ season 1 - 6 + movie ] [ derek... More



12.2K 399 538
By GeorgiesRippedOffArm

"sillie!" melissa exclaimed, jogging down the hall and toward the woman. "sillie, hey. i need you to go to the MRI room."

"why? what's up?" she asked.

melissa sighed. "you remember erica reyes?"

sillie frowned. "she's in for a seizure, isn't she?"

she nodded. "the doctor's gonna be there after a few minutes, but she was asking for you and for the doctor to wait."

"alright." sillie put down her things. "can you take my next-"

"i got him," melissa confirmed.

"thank you." sillie started walking to the MRI room. she knocked on the door. "hey, erica."

erica lifted her head. "hi, nurse stilinski."

sillie chuckled, walking over to her. "how many times do i have to tell you? just call me sillie, like you always do outside of the hospital."

"but i like calling you that." erica smiled. "it sounds formal and stuff."

sillie smiled, rubbing the teen's shoulder. "you feeling alright? do you want anything?"

erica shrugged sadly. "i guess. i was doing good, though. i thought i had it." her voice broke. "the meds were supposed to be working."

"and they were." sillie nodded, trying to comfort her. "they worked, but then something happened and we need to check if we have to change the prescription again. it's a normal thing that happens with everyone who takes meds."

erica pursed her lips, trying not to cry. "i'm so tried of these seizures," she whispered. "i just... i want them stop. i'd give anything just for them to stop and for me to be normal... did... did you know that i had one during class a little while ago?" she sighed, shaking her head. "everyone was recording me. and i ended up pissing my pants with everyone there and watching. it was so humiliating."

sillie frowned, squeezing erica's hand. "it sucks. kids are cruel. you didn't deserve that, erica. and i promise i'm gonna do everything i can to help you and stop these seizures."

erica tried to smile. "thanks." she knew it probably wouldn't work, but it was the thought that counted.

sillie checked the time. "i've got to go. the doctor'll be here any minute. but i'll come and check on you later, ok?"

she nodded. "ok. thanks again, nurse stilinski."

"of course." sillie left the room, stopping when derek's scent hit her nose. she scoffed. "no way, derek. absolutely not."

"you heard her," derek urged, turning the corner and standing in front of her now. "sillie, she'd give anything to stop the seizures. if i give her the bite, they'll stop."

sillie hesitated. she knew the poor girl's life would be ruined but he did have a small point. she sighed. "she's a kid."

"a teen, a teen who has epilepsy and hates it wants it to stop," derek corrected. "she'll be stronger, faster, everything good."

"and she'll be hunted by werewolf hunters," sillie spat. "she's already been through enough, she doesn't deserve that."

"the pros out-weigh the cons," derek stated.

sillie hesitated again. "you won't listen to me anyway - you'll offer her it no matter what i say."

he nodded.

"it's up to her." sillie gulped. "not you, or me. her. and i have to be there the whole time."

derek nodded again. "ok. that's fine with me."

sillie sighed, hesitating to walk back into the MRI room. but she did, and she pulled erica's gurney with her as derek grabbed her pill bottles, him leading the way to go.

erica opened her eyes, blinking and wincing at the lights on the ceiling. she lifted her head enough to see sillie. "nurse stilinski?"

"it's ok," sillie whispered. "just... it's ok. hold on."

derek ended up leading sillie to the fucking morgue.

"jesus christ," sillie whispered, hesitantly walking into the morgue. she leaned against the wall, holding her head in her hands. she shouldn't be doing this. this was an awful idea. everything was going to go wrong. she was a horrible person for this. if she wasn't already going to the lowest circles of hell, she definitely was now.

erica breathed heavily, slowly sitting up. "sillie? what's going on?"

she licked her lips nervously, playing with her fingers. "you'll see. it's ok, you're safe, though."

derek tapped the pill bottle. "side effects may include anxiety, waking, acne, ulcerative colitis. yeesh."

"who are you?" erica asked, gulping.

derek raised an eyebrow. "let's just say we have a few... mutual friends." he put the pill bottle down next to him on the sink he was leaning on. "you get a... warning right before you have a seizure."

"it's called an aura. it's... it's like a metallic taste in my mouth."

derek shook his head. "you don't have to lie, erica. what's it really taste like?"

sillie took a deep breath, hating herself more right now than she probably ever has. minus the times she killed a ton of innocent people.

"it tastes like blood."

derek nodded. "what if i told you... that all of this could go away?"

erica scoffed quietly. "i doubt that. i've been trying for years."

"erica," sillie spoke up. "i hate to say it, but he's right. and it's completely and totally up to you - no one else. just you."

derek nodded again. "it can go away. the side effects... the symptoms... all of it. and what if all those things not only went away... but everything else... got even better?"

erica inhaled deeply. "how?"

derek smiled. "why don't i show you?" his eyes glowed red.

sillie sighed, rubbing her forehead. "oh god, what have i done?"


"why do you keep turning teens?" sillie questioned, sitting on a bench that was in the hospital pit outside. "can't you just... get people that aren't in high school? get adults or something." 

"they have awful lives," derek said. "isaac and erica. i'm helping them."

"is that what you really believe?" sillie raised an eyebrow. she scoffed, shaking her head. "yeah, you might be helping them in the moment. but they could die because of the bite. erica's body could reject it. they both could get hunted down and killed in cold blood. and i know you know that, don't just wave me off with an 'i know'. but you aren't thinking it through."

"yeah, i am, sillie." derek nodded. "i'm thinking it very through. that they need someone. they deserve better lives."

she just shook her head. "i gotta get back to work." she stood, going to head through the doors.

"sillie, wait!" derek called.

she huffed. "what?"

"do you want to do something?"

sillie furrowed her eyebrows. "do what?"

"anything you want. wherever. together. us," derek explained.

sillie turned around, giving him a look. "are you asking me out on a date?"

he nodded. "yes."

she gawped before laughing in disbelief. "are-are you kidding me? you haven't made anything up to me yet. you haven't proven anything yet. all you've done is say sorry and that's it. what, you thought cause we got tortured together or whatever that everything's fine?"

derek tried to think of what to say.

"or- no. did you think because you're a-a-a big, bad alpha man now that i'd come running back to you without any thought?" sillie raised an eyebrow. "cause that's not how it works, derek. you have to work for us to even try anything after what you did."

"i have tried!" derek defended. "you just don't listen to a thing i say!"

"and why do you think that is?!" sillie raised her voice. "why do you think i don't like hearing your voice, why i don't like being near you, why i want nothing to do with you but have to tolerate you because of scott!"

"i know!" he insisted. "i know you hate me, sillie, and you have every right! but i'm trying, you just won't let me!"

"cause i needed you and you just left me!" she snapped, her voice breaking. "god, derek! why must you always start an argument when i'm just trying to be calm?! what happens if i let you try and then you just leave again, like everyone else!"

"i start the arguments?! all you do is yell at me all the time! and i'm not going to put your through that again!" 

"how am i supposed to know that after it's happened twice!"

"i don't know, ok?!"

there was a long moment of silence, the only noise being cars driving on the road.

"i don't know," derek repeated, this time more softly. "but i want to try. i just need you to let me try, sillie. to give this shit a chance. give me another chance and i promise you, you won't regret it. i'm not gonna hurt you again. i'm not going to leave."

sillie put her palms over her eyes, chuckling to hide her real feelings. she paused, taking a moment. "i'll... think about it." she checked her watch. "i have to go, derek." she walked away, leaving him there.

she went to the bathroom and leaned against the stall door, trying to hold back the tears. she took a shaky breath, crying quietly with her head in her hands.


"sillie!" stiles ran into the house. "i'm going on a date!"

she gaped, rushing out of her room and down the stairs. "you're what?!"

he made a face. "i mean, it's not really a date. scott and allison are going together and so are me and lydia. but it's technically a date. so. yay me!"

sillie smiled. "have fun. where are you guys going?"

"ice rink."

"bring an extra hoodie or something, you might get cold. or lydia." sillie gave him a smirk.

stiles' cheeks flushed. "can you grab by orange one while i stuff my bag with candy?"

she nodded, heading to stiles' room. she looked around before grabbing the orange hoodie and going back downstairs. she tossed stiles it, making him drop the piles of candy he was holding on the floor. 

"ha, i caught it!" he cheered. his face fell when he saw the candy. "dammit."

"i got it," sillie offered, picking them up and dropping them into his backpack.

"thanks- hey." stiles furrowed his eyebrows, frowning softly. "why're your eyes red? were you crying? are you ok?"

sillie glanced down, shaking her head. "i'm fine. go, you don't wanna be late, do you?"

"i can stay home," stiles decided. "scott'll understand and get another ride."

"no, you should go." sillie chuckled. "i'm fine, little man. spend some time with lydia, you know, the girl you've been pinning over since first grade."

"third," stiles muttered. "are you sure? i'm fine with staying here with you."

"go," she urged. "and, hey, who knows? if lydia gets cold and she's wearing blue and you give her the hoodie, she'll be wearing the mets colors. your favorite combination: the mets and lydia."

stiles smiled at the thought but it dropped when he remembered the subject. "you're positive?"

"no, i'm not pregnant, stiles. but i am sure that you should go have fun with your friends and crush. be a teenager, live life."

he sighed. "alright. call me if you need me, though. i love you."

"i love you too, little man."


sillie walked through the ER with a chart, placing it on the counter with the others. she glanced over when she thought she saw someone she knew, doing a double take. 

victoria fucking argent was there with a bandage on her arm, with melissa with her.

she quickly walked over, having a bad feeling. "hey!" she faked smile. "fancy seeing you here. how are you, victoria?" she spat her name out with a harsh voice, which melissa picked up on and looked away.

"just fine." victoria was clearly not happy seeing sillie. she was bummed that she couldn't kill her in front of everyone in all honesty. 

melissa inhaled sharply, feeling the angry tension that was very uncomfortable. "well, uh, sillie, don't we have that, um, that patient we need to take care of?"

sillie caught on, nodding. "yeah." she pulled melissa with her as she walked away, leaving victoria there.

"what was that about?" melissa muttered.

"i hate her," sillie deadpanned.

melissa nodded. "right."


sillie answered the call. "why can't you guys just text me?"

"sil-sillie," scott coughed in pain.

she tensed. "scott? scott, where are you? what's wrong?"

"i'm..." he groaned. "ice rink. derek bit boyd. i fought... i fought isaac and erica. then derek-" he paused, grunting. "-broke my ribs after kicking my ass somehow. i don't know if they're healing."

"i'll be right there, hang on." 

sillie was going to kill derek.


"scott!" sillie ran in, rushing over to him and dropping her bag that had some food and water. 

he was sat against the machine thing, taking pained, deep breaths.

"hey, hey. you're ok. hold on." sillie carefully placed her hands on his chest, feeling around.

scott groaned when she touched a certain part. "ow! sils!"

"sorry," she apologized. "ok... you're healing, just slowly because derek's an alpha." she rummaged through her bag, handing him some water. "you're gonna be ok."

scott grunted. "what about this one?" he lifted his shirt, showing the cut on his side. 

"cause it's from an alpha," sillie explained. "just like your broken ribs. let's get you to deaton."

"deaton?" scott asked. "why deaton?"

"i'll let him explain. but he can patch you up better right now cause he has the things that're needed and i don't."


"deaton!" sillie called, bringing scott to the backroom. she grimaced at the sight of the dead body on the table. "jesus. uh, can you bandage him up?"

deaton turned to the two, seeing scott's expression. "yeah. and i think we better have that talk now."

"you guys do that, i'm gonna go kill derek." sillie started to walk away.

"don't kill him! just really hurt him!" scott called.

"no promises!"

sillie rushed to her car, driving quickly. "siri, call derek."

"calling derek."

the line rang for a long moment.

"hello?" derek finally answered.

"hey, derek," sillie greeted, faking a tone that made him think this was a good type of call. "um, i wanted to talk to you... can you meet me at my house?"

"oh... uh, yeah. totally. i'll be there soon."

"great." sillie nodded. "see ya." she hung up, her hands gripping the steering wheel harshly.


"hey," derek spoke, his hands in his pockets as he stood in front of sillie, her sitting on her bed as he was at the door.

"hi." sillie nodded, standing up. 

"so, what did you want to talk about?" derek asked, walking closer. "it's the date thing, right?"

"oh, no. that's not it." sillie forced a laugh. she played with her fingers before punching him across the face. "let's talk about how you broke scott's ribs."

derek groaned, standing up. "sillie-"

"no, what the fuck is wrong with you?!" she kicked him in the dick, sending him on his knees. "first you wanna make everything up to me and take me out on a date and all that shit. then you have your little bullshit guard dogs fight scott and when they loose, you beat the shit out of him!" she punched him in the neck. "when i said i wanted you to win a fight, i didn't mean against scott!"

derek breathed heavily, not bothering fighting back. "sillie, just listen to me-"

"no, you listen to me!" she snapped, wrapping her hand around his throat and squeezing, her claws threatening to come out and dig into his skin. "you ever lay a hand on him again... you ever have isaac or erica or boyd fight him... you ever put him in any fucking danger..." she scoffed. "i'll kill you myself. i don't care if your my ex or whatever, he will always come before you."

derek huffed before yanking sillie's hand off, standing up. "i had to prove a point, ok?"

"fuck you and fuck your stupid ass point!" sillie shouted. "did i make the message clear?! don't touch my brother! i don't care if it's to show you're an alpha who's not afraid to fight someone. let me remind you, you're a grown man who just broke a high schooler's ribs to show his betas that he isn't a little bitch!"

derek's eyes glowed red as he stepped forward, which made sillie growl at him and shine hers back in warning. 

"i don't give a shit what our werewolf status' are," she deadpanned. "i will fight you right here, right now, and beat your ass into the next fucking decade."

"watch it, sillie," derek stated.

"you watch it," sillie spoke threateningly and lowly, stepping closer to him with a glare. 

there was a long moment of tense silence.

derek clenched his jaw, his eyes glancing down at her lips before stepping back. "...i'm sorry."

"don't apologize to me. apologize to scott." sillie rolled her eyes. her chest heaved, the two standing in another moment of silence.

they stared at each other, the tension rising again.

"fuck it," derek whispered, grabbing her face and pulling her into a kiss.

sillie paused for a moment, her head reeling. then she found herself kissing back just as hard as he was, not able to think about anything. not able to think about how she was so going to regret this later. not able to think about what stiles and scott would think when they found out. not able to think about how'd she feel after. not able to think about any of the consequences. 

and then things started going further.


after stuff happened, sillie's phone rang.

perfect timing. seriously.

sillie pushed derek away from her slightly, grabbing her phone from the bedside table. she refused to look up or even glance at him. she held the phone to her ear. "hey, little man."

stiles took a deep breath. "si-sille. um, can you or scott pick me up? from the-the mechanic place. um, something happened and i almost died and was paralyzed while watching the mechanic guy get killed by a monstrous lizard, so..."

"what?" sillie started grabbing her clothes quickly, throwing her bra and shirt on just as fast. "are-"

"just get here, please," stiles urged before hanging up.

"wait- shit!" sillie exclaimed. she pulled up her underwear and pants, stumbling to get her shoes on. 

derek was almost dressed, pulling his shirt over his head. "we need to talk about this later."

sillie still didn't look at him. "what i need to do is get my brother." she walked out of the house and got in reign, dialing scott's number. 

"hello?" scott asked, leaves crunching under his footsteps.

"hey, where are you?" sillie pulled out of the driveway.

"leaving the woods, why?"

"something happened with stiles. i'm picking you up then we're going to him."


scott got in the car. "where is he? is he ok?"

sillie sighed. "he's at the mechanics. and i don't know."

he nodded before sniffing. "what is that- oh, sillie!"

she sighed again, shutting her eyes before opening them so she could drive. "shut up."

"tell me you didn't," he begged.

"you want me to lie?" she groaned. "don't- don't fucking say anything. alright? it... it was a mistake. i shouldn't have done it. i should've told him fuck off. it didn't mean anything. it was nothing."

he exhaled. "but... derek? him?"



alex speaking,.
i dont have anything to say lmao

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