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"i'm so sorry," stiles whispered

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"i'm so sorry," stiles whispered. 

sillie rubbed the sore spot on her head along with her throat. "it's ok, little man."

"it's not," he insisted. "it's not ok. i hurt you. i hurt scott. i hurt kira. i killed deputies-"

"you didn't do anything wrong," she told him. "the nogitsune inside of you did. two different things. it's ok, stiles."

"it's not ok," he repeated. "i'm not ok." he took a deep breath. "which is why i'm going into eichen house."

sillie's head snapped up. "what did you just say?"

stiles sighed, holding his face in his hands. "i'm having dad put me in there. it's for everyone's safety."

"everyone's safety?!" she echoed. "stiles, going into eichen won't keep you safe! you know how bad it is in there!"

"i don't care about me," he retorted. "i care about everyone else. i care about you! i'm trying to keep you guys safe from me!"

"fuck that!" she exclaimed. "we don't need to be safe from you, you'd never hurt us, it's the nogitsune-"

"he's in me," stiles snapped. "the nogitsune's in me. he made me hurt you guys. i'm going in there and there's nothing you can do to stop me."

sillie shook her head, walking out of the room. "that's bullshit, stiles. dad! tell him it's bullshit that he's trying to get into eichen house!"

noah stayed quiet.

stiles followed sillie down the stairs, stopping on the last one.

sillie paused. "dad? dad, tell him! you're not considering it, are you?"

noah hesitated. "it's not my choice."

"the hell it's not!" sillie gawped. "he's a minor, you can decide he doesn't!"

"it's not my choice," he repeated. "i'm sorry, sillie."

she looked between them. "no. no! i d- i don't support this decision! you're wrong!"

"look, it's just seventy-two hours," stiles spoke up. "i'll be out in no time. it's just to keep everyone safe and give you guys time on how to fix me."

"we can figure that out without you in a psych ward!" sillie raised her voice.

"i need to go," stiles stated. "it's not your choice to make. it's mine. and i chose to go."

sillie scoffed. "you've gotta be kidding me."

he shook his head.


sillie sighed as the three stilinski's stood outside of the eichen house doors.

then scott's motorcycle approached.

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