Hell's Personal Assassin: Boo...

By Forevermore2013

524K 22.1K 5.3K

She just wanted a more interesting life. That's it. For her, the daily routine was simple: wake up, school... More

Hell's Purge (intro/prologue/flash-forward)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
okay, fine, here it is...
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32- Part a
Wow... Just wow
Chapter 32- Part b
Please read
Chapter 32- part c
Life update
Chapter 33
Chapter 33 (continued)
Help me out!
Chapter 34
While i figure out the sequel
I made her red eye!!!!
I made her blue eye!!
Here it is
Please Read!!

Chapter 5

12.1K 561 67
By Forevermore2013

P.s. Not edited


I reluctantly woke up to the sound of my phone ringing like crazy, making my head throb like mad. After tossing and turning for five minutes straight, hoping that the ringing would stop, I gave up and with an agonizing sounding groan answered the phone.

"Hello?" I answered in a croaky voice, not even bothering to see the caller ID before picking up.

"WHERE ARE YOU?" I heard Breanna scream in a panicked voice, making me wince and quickly move my hand away from my head as fast as possible.

"What do you mean, where am I?" I asked in my weird morning voice, scratching the back of my head.

"I CAN'T FIND YOU ANYWHERE IN THE FRATERNITY HOUSE!" Breanna yelled, making me move the phone further away and scrunch my eyebrows in confusion.

What the hell was she talking about?

"What are you talking about? I'm at home," I stated, stifling a yawn. "I just woke up."

"You just wok- WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?" she asked in a shocked voice, but then all of a sudden a loud crash sounded in the background and the line cut.

"What the fuck?" I asked in confusion as I stared at the phone for a good ten minutes. "What fraternity?" I asked the phone with furrowed eyebrows, hoping it would somehow give me an answer. I sighed after a couple minutes, not getting an answer, and looked over to the clock by my night stand.

5:00 am

'Fraternity. Loss of memory. Five in the morning,' I said to myself, trying to piece together as much things as I could. Sadly, everything I pieced together wasn't necessarily helping me at all. If anything, it was just confusing me and sending me waves of headaches.

"What am I supposed to do now?" I muttered to myself as I stared at the clock. It's too late to go to sleep since in two hours I have to leave and I can't guarantee I'll wake up for a second time. Going for a jog to wake myself up isn't an option, considering my horrible headache and numb body.

'I could just make coffee and go on the Internet,' I said in my head suggestively, making me scratch my head and think over the idea.

After spending five minutes reluctantly getting out of bed and feeling twenty times colder then I was under my covers, I went into the bathroom and started doing my makeup- dabbing a little bit of concealer under my eyes and where the couple red spots were- and brushed my teeth.

After that I felt more awake and decided to actually take a good look in my appearance this morning.

What I saw shocked me.

Before even with the concealer you could still see the bags under my eyes and the little red spots, but this morning it looked like I didn't even need any of it. All of my red spots and couple zits were completely gone, and my skin looked absolutely flawless.

Something was wrong.

Immediately I ran into my room and grabbed a random, small, towel that I found on my bedroom floor, running back into my bathroom and drenching the towel in water. As soon as it was saturated in water I slapped the towel on my face and ran it up and down my face, rubbing harshly to make sure the makeup was off.

After I was completely sure the concealer was off I threw the towel away, turned on my lights, and put my face inches away from the mirror in my bathroom, on top of my sink.

Flawless, perfect, even toned, clear skin was all I saw when I looked into the bathroom mirror.

"What the hell?" I blurted out in shock as I looked at my face, touching it to see if it was just a foggy mirror trick. How could all of my bags, zits, and marks go away in the span of eight hours?

Trying to get my mind off of it, I shook my head and went into my room to change clothes.

I took the baggy, ripped, oversized shirt that I've had for years off and threw it into the corner of my room, doing the same with my black running shorts.

As I was walking towards the closet I caught my reflection in the only mirror in my room, and froze in shock after double checking to see if I needed glasses.

My body.

It looked like I've been working out for years.

All the little pieces of belly fat that I had literally yesterday was gone and in its place was toned abs, defined legs, and a curvy body.

What surprised me the most was what I looked like as a whole.

From a good distance I could in detail see every little detail of my body. My eyebrows were curved in an arch and shaped to perfection, my dark brown eyes slightly darker than they used to be, and my body shape looked alluring, but also threatening at the same time.

I felt like I looked like a... Killer.

I started to blink rapidly and shake my head, trying to get the thought out of my head.

'You don't look like a killer, stop being so over-dramatic,' I said to myself in my head as I started to walk to my closet.

I tried to distract my mind by actually trying to choose something nice to where today besides a hoodie, but my head kept going to my new appearance.

What happened yesterday? Did I do a hard core exercise? What about that party? Was there a place where girls were doing a spa there or something?

"Wake up!" I heard my mom yell, making me jump out of my thoughts. "Up, up, up! It's 6:00! Move your butts before I stab them!"

"Six o'clock?" I repeated in disbelief. "How did time go bye so fast?"

In a rush I started to find clothes for today, deciding on some new, ripped jeans and a grey cut off shirt, with a black sports bra under it.

Seemed appropriate for me to wear for some reason today.

And it wasn't like the cut off was bad to the point where you could see inside my shirt. it only went down three or four inches from my armpit.

I looked in the mirror one more time and looked at myself with a sigh. I couldn't remember any of my birthday yesterday. I remember most of my relatives coming, but I can't remember any certain names. I remember the gifts I got- most of it being cash-, but besides that... Nothing.

I glared at the mirror, my mood turning sour. Something was off. Something happened yesterday. This is way to much change to happen in one day.

"Hon-" I heard my dad start to say as he opened my door, making me snap my head in his direction faster then I thought I could without getting whiplash.

"Yes?" I asked, not giving him time to finish his word. By the time he opened the door my whole body was facing in his direction, listening intently.

"You okay in here?" he asked cautiously, making my eyebrows furrow.

"What do you mean?" I asked slowly, not sure of why he was asking me this.

"Your sisters and brother are already downstairs," he started, crossing his arms across his chest. "It's been ten minutes since they came down and you haven't come yet."

"Oh," I said in a distant voice, my eyes starting to wonder around without my control. "I apologize."

"You apolo- you don't have a fever, do you?" he asked sarcastically, making my attention snap back to him.

"Hey, now," I said in a defensive way, putting my muscular arms up slightly. "No need for the sarcasm. I apologize a lot!"

"Out of the eighteen years you've been alive," he chuckled out "this is the third time I've ever heard you apologize to someone. The first time was when you were two and you were sounding it out because your mother said it to me. The second time was when you burned your brother's clothes. And even then, it was sarcastic and only because I forced you to."

I looked at the ground and scratched my head, not knowing what to say to that. "Well, I mean..." I trailed off, trying to form words.

"Look, I just came to check up on you sweetheart. Come downstairs and eat when you're ready," he said with a smile before throwing his hand up slightly in a salute before walking out of my room and closing the door.

"Bye," I whispered a couple seconds after his footsteps were no longer heard by my ears.

I looked back over to the mirror, observing myself in it closely, trying to see if I could find any weak or flawed looking place. The shapes of my lips were even, which they weren't before. Before my right was slightly thinner than the left side of my mouth. None of my teeth were crooked or chipped, my jaw and face shape was more defined and beautiful looking, and my hair looked less frizzy- more healthier than before.

I took one last look before running down the stairs. Looking at a mirror for the rest of my life won't solve any problems, and right now the more problems I could solve the better.

"Look who decided to- what the hell?" Dayna said as she heard my footsteps, adding in the last part when she actually saw me.

"What are you wearing?" My mother said in shock, looking at my outfit in absolute confusion.

"Why do you actually look decent for once?" Dayna asked as she took a bite out of a granola bar.

"How are you fit?" Zach said, looking at me in shock with furrowed eyebrows.

"You look like a cool kid!" Tiffany yelled out in a giggle as she ran over and hugged me, making me laugh and hug her back gently.

I don't know why, but I felt like if I hugged her like how I normally would I would squeeze the life out of her.


"Thanks, kiddo," I said as I ruffled her hair, making her giggle again. "And to answer your questions..." I drawled, looking around at the rest of them.

'I. Have. No. Fucking. Clue,' I wanted to say as I stood their with them waiting impatiently for an answer.

'LIE!' a voice in my head said quickly, stopping me from saying that. I would sound weird if I said that anyway, and they most likely would keep bothering me about it if I said that, considering this is my family and they wouldn't take that as an answer.

"I'm dressed like this because I felt like it," I said to my mom. "I look decent because it's not illegal for me to look good," I growled at Dayna, an actual animalistic growl almost slipping from my throat- catching me by surprise. "And I look fit because I am fit," I finished, looking blankly at Zach.

"Since when?" Zach questioned, making our dad slap him on the back of the head with a big wad of newspaper.

"Please do use your manners, Zachary," our mother scolded sternly, making him roll his eyes. "And give her your jacket."

Then he froze.

I looked over his outfit today and smirked. He had on a pair of black pants that were slightly sagging, with a navy blue long sleeved shirt and his signature leather jacket. The jacket he never gave out to anyone.

"What?" he asked, sounding like someone just told him they were planning to burn him alive.

Why does that sound so appealing to me now?

"Give it to her. She'll get in trouble if she goes into school like that," our mom said to him slowly, as if talking to a three year old child.

"B-But why can't you just tell her to change?" He countered, making my mom glare at him.

"Because I know she won't, and this is your punishment, not Michelle's," she stated in a final tone, staring at him with an intense look on her face.

"You know what! Fine!" he yelled out angrily, ripping the jacket off himself and throwing it at me. When he threw it I wasn't looking anywhere in his direction so I didn't know that he threw it at me, but somehow my left was able to respond to the throw and caught it swiftly and with ease before it could hit me.

I still didn't know that he threw it at me.

"Damn, Michelle," Dayna blurted out, making my focus snap back to the people in front of me. "How'd you catch that? You weren't even paying attention."

"What are you talking about?" I asked, not noticing that my hand was still holding onto the jacket.

"The jacket," she replied slowly to me, pointing with her manicured finger to my left arm. "You weren't even looking in his direction."

I looked down to arm and lifted to to my face level, hiding the shock I was feeling as much as I could. "Oh," I said, my voice cracking slightly as I tried to remember when this got placed in my hand. "Cat-like reflexes or something, I guess."

"Sure..." she said slowly in disbelief, her eyes calculating.

"It's getting late. Let's go," Zach said carefully, catching my discomfort.

"Yeah, better get to school before the bell rings," I added, grabbing an apple the was in a bowl on the kitchen table and walking towards the front of the house with an apple in my mouth as I put on my brother's jacket.

"No bad grades!" our mother yelled as we scurried to get our shoes on.

"No problem!" I yelled back with the apple in my mouth as I stumbled with the shoes to put them on.

"No promises!" Zach yelled back with a snicker as he slid on his shoes with ease and watched me squirm.

"Too late!" Dayna yelled back quickly before slamming the front door shut behind her.

"Daniella Marie Antoinette!" my mother yelled as I heard stomping coming towards us.

"Hurry up!" Zach hissed to me urgently as I tried to tie the converse as quick as possible. "If she finds out Dayna left we're gonna be the ones gettin' a lecture!"

"I'm trying!" I hissed back in a panic, almost done with the second shoe. It was almost tied, but my fingers slipped and I ended up knotting it instead of tying it. "Shit," I mumbled as I stood up and looked over to Zach.

"Fix it in the car. I'll drive today," he demanded quickly, pushing me out of the house.

"When I get my hands on you three-"

"Run!" I screeched, interrupting my mom, making both of us bolt out of the house without closing the door.

As we ran our mother was stalking towards us in anger. She was like Michael Myers. You can run from her, but she would get you one way or another eventually.

My footsteps faltered when I turned around to see if our mother was chasing after us; that faltering ending up with me stepping on one of the untied shoes. To my surprise I lifted up the untied foot and ended up doing some weird skipping action.

'I'm gonna fall, and I'm gonna die,' I said in my head as I was just about to touch the ground again, my head already diving for the floor- trying to except my death-, but as soon as my foot hit the ground some other part of me took over the functions of my body and I ended up doing something I never thought I would learn or do.

Without thinking my foot pushed off the ground and and pounced up yet again, my body going over and doing a round off, and landing only to continue and do a backhand spring into a back flip.

When I landed I froze, as did everyone else. My eyes were widened in shock as I tried to understand what I just did. My mom and Zach were staring at me with dropped jaws, looking like they were even breathing.

Even the world around me. Everything around me looked motionless.

"What the- how did- you never-... What-..." my mom stuttered after what felt like hours of them staring at me. I looked around for Dayna, but I saw after a couple seconds that she was nowhere in sight.

Her new hookup must've come to pick her up.

"Since when could you do that?" Zach asked me in shock, making me smile at him nervously.

"My friends would teach me it during recess in elementary school and during the study halls in middle and high school," I lied easily, both of them surprisingly believing me after I said that.

That's right. Even though I looked just as shocked and amazed. Just believe me and don't ask questions. Good family.

"So, uh..." I mumbled, looking at Zach with an intense look, making his eyes widen and nod his head, the message I was trying to send him- that we were supposed to be running away right now- reaching him thankfully.

"Bye," Zach and I both said to our mom at the same time before running towards the big car- a Cadillac Escalade, if I'm trusting my brother's car knowledge- and pulling out quicker then I could blink.

The first half of the car ride was silent, mostly consisting of him driving with an abnormal focus on the road and me trying to untie and retie my shoe while smelling the car's leathered inside: my obsession with the smell of new cars overpowering my common sense.

"We need to talk," Zach said suddenly, after twenty minutes of us driving. "Right now," he said firmly as he pulled into the school.

"But we're about to go into the school, Zach, how about w-"

"Shut up, I need answers now. You know I'm impatient like you, Michelle," he growled, making me glare at the window to my right.

'He disrespected me,' a strange voice that sounded a little like mine said in my head. 'He must pay. He has no right to disrespect you. Kill him,' it hissed, the voice sounding like it was whispering into my right ear; my fists shockingly clenching in agreement to the voice's suggestion.

"What's up with you? You've been acting and.. Looking strange all morning. Something's up and I want to know what it is. You can trust me, Michelle," he said softly to me, making my fists slightly unclench.

'NO! Stay angry!' it hissed in my ear, making my eye twitch just as he parked the car.

What is going on with me?

"Michelle?" Zach whispered, slowly going over to me to touch my shoulder. All the while I just stared straight ahead, but as soon as his hand touched my shoulder my hand sprung up at rocket-speed and grabbed his wrist.

"What?" I asked, accidentally sounding harsh.

"Nothing," he muttered with a shake of his head, slowly slipping his arm out of my grip. "Forget it," he said as he took the key out of the ignition and got out of the car.

"Zach," I said softly to him looking in guilt at him as he walked away. "I'm sorry," I said quietly, finally gaining my senses.

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