dreamnotfound oneshots (and o...

By feistylilianna

1.4K 21 18

hi there will be smut, fluff and a bunch of swearing from everyone besides badboyhalo who is in this and or c... More

just a little (corpsekkuno smut!)
apologies (pls read)
mask (dream not found fluff)
laser tag (fluff dreamnotfound)
swimming (smut dnf)
snapchat (dnf lemon)
punishment (dnf fluff)
sleeping (fluff tubboxtommy)
ignoring (dnf fluff)
opposite teams (angst karlnap)
at the park (readerxwilbursoot fluff)
arguments (multiple ships angst then fluff)
detention (skephalo angsty fluff)
Hunter vs hunted (multiple ships)
highschool (fluff)
endgame (idk)
song i dont know (fluffy angst)
grumpy (fluffy angst dnf)
have i fucked up? (angst, fluff)
im sorry (part 2 of have i fucked up?)
im changing this book (still staying as mcyt!)
pov: different mcyts reacting to you crying (fluffy angst)
me or the discs (angsty fluff) (tommyxtubbo)
#technosupport :(
ive reached an all time low (feret angst)
angry (smut dnf)
why are you being so mean? (skephalo fluff)
ignoring 2.0 (karlnap fluff)
Tommy's funeral (angst)
hey there karl (angst fluffy, karlnap)
cock cage ;) (karlnap, smut)
home is where the heart is (angst, fluff reader x sleepy bois)
it was a mistake (reader x Wilbur soot angst fluff)
don't hurt me... (readerxranboo, angst,fluff)
new school (fluff, tubbo x reader)
show me (slimebur lime)
my theory for Wilbur's new arg. turning this into a oneshot!
George (dnfxdreamxd angst fluff)
stop going out! (dnf fluff, smut and ig angst)
Bow for me (technoxy/n fluff)
Please read this will explain.

hes gone crazy (angst) (all the manhunt people)

9 0 0
By feistylilianna

so this is where dream goes crazy one morning when him and the man hunt people (bad, George, sapnap, Sam, ant and I'm adding tommy and skeppy as well) they were all meeting up.

 its also set in Minecraft so all the people are in Minecraft. also dream and George, bad and skeppy are dating. don't ask why but I've made Sam and ant a couple as well.

didn't prove read this btw mostly because i cant be asked. 

George's pov

"morning George" skeppy says as he starts to bake some cookies. something he would usually do in the mornings with bad, but he was still asleep.

 "yea hi skep uh do you know where dream or tommy is?" i was wondering where they were as they never told us they were going any where. 

"Tommy's out with sapnap and tubbo and i don't know where dream is, Sam and ant are still asleep like bad" he muttered, he sounded upset. 

"are you ok?" i ask standing up and walking to him. "yea I'm fine just didn't get much sleep" he sighed slightly smiling.

 i smile back and pat him on the back before walking to mine and dreams bedroom- what. what in the actually fuck.

 oh my god. oh my god. OH MY GOD! "SKEPPY!" i screech hearing fast footsteps. "what is it?" he asked freezing as he stared at what i saw. 

we both scream waking up the others. "guys why are you screaming!" Sam shouted walking out his bedroom door. "what the fuck" he says as he stared at what me and skeppy saw.

 what we saw was blood splattered all around the walls. a small boy laying his face down on the floor. multiple stab wounds with a smiley face carved into the side of his neck. 

the boy had brown hair and was very short. shorter than me. he wore a green t-shirt with some denim jeans and Nikes. 

some small bee clips tangled messily in his hair. "that tubbo" bad muttered clinging to skeppy with all his might. i felt tears sting my eyes. 

tubbo... he was 17! and hes dead! by who I'm assuming is. "dream" ant states walking towards tubbos body.

 "how can you be so sure?" i ask walking slowly towards tubbos body. "see? dreams signature smiley face, and look what it says on the window" we all glance up at the window seeing "YouR nEXt" written in tubbos blood. 

some letters written in thick blood others in thin blood. this really was dream. just as we were about to warn sapnap and tommy we hear a blood curdling scream from tommy.

 it was getting closer. he was coming towards the house. "go away dream!" sapnap calls out. Sam and skeppy run to the front door opening it as tommy and sapnap dived in through the door. 

"hes fucking crazy!" tommy screeched scrambling backwards until his head hit the wall even then he still tried moving back wards.

 "he killed tubbo!" sapnap shouted clinging to the first person he saw which was ant. we all jump at the sight of a sword slicing through the door.

 "COME OUT GUYS!" dream laughs manically kicking the door down. there he stood, covered head to toe in blood. tubbos blood. 

"OMG GUYS RUN!"  squeal dashing out the back door. everyone else following. bad being the slowest was picked up by skeppy.

 but that didn't end well. we ran. faster than any of us thought we could. i was behind with bad and skeppy. 

tommy, Sam, ant and sapnap in front. that was when we hear another scream. followed by another. from bad and skeppy. 

we all spin our heads around seeing bad with a sword lodged down his throat and skeppys neck in his hand.

 lifted of the ground. soon there breathing slowed and there eyes closed. "BAD SKEPPY!!" screamed sapnap running towards them but being held back by tommy. 

"don't be a fucking idiot sapnap!" tommy half shouted holding sapnap back by his shoulders. "we can't keep waiting around, we need to go!" ant dashed of as soon as those words left his mouth.

 all of us following after. "AWW COME ON GUYS I ONLY WANNA PLAY!" he shouts, manic laughter following with an insane smile. 

as if he hasn't already killed 3 of his friends. "what the fuck!" Sam shouts glancing behind himself.

 regretting his decision to do so as dream was right behind him. "SAM! STOP TRYING TO RUN!" Sam ran faster than any of us thought he could.

 we all follow him without thinking twice or looking back. "guys we have to find somewhere to stay for a bit!" i squeal as i felt a hand grab mine. 

i look up slightly seeing Tommy's hand in mine. "you were going so slowly now lets go!" he sprinted of dragging me with him.

 forcing me to go at his speed. "guys i think we lost him" ant muttered peeping around the corner of his shoulder.

 it was true, dream was gone. we all stop running conveniently out side of a cave. we walk inside and sit down panting and out of breath.

 blocks away from home. "i need to lie down or something" sapnap whispered placing a hand on his forehead.

 "we cant, if dream finds us while were sleeping then were fucked" tommy sighed tears coming to his eyes.

 either from the wind or the though of tubbo. probably both. "hey tommy don't cry it'll be ok" i reassure trying to be like bad, the one who always tried to brighten the mood.

 "we're going to be ok, i think" ant sighed leaning against Sam who was half asleep. "wait no guys don't fall asleep! Sam stay awake were gonna have to start moving soon" as if on cue we hear manic laughter ring through the cave snapping Sam and ant awake. 

"shit we need to move!" sapnap exclaims. we all stand up and run out the room when once again a scream erupted from someone's throat.

 we all look over and see ant lifted of the ground with a hook through his jaw. a fishing hook. "ANT NO DREAM YOU FUCKED UP SON OF A BITCH!!" Sam screams about to charge after him until sapnap held him back.

 "don't! we cant risk you dying to!" we all agree and start running again. i was on the verge of collapsing when i feel warm breath against my ear.

 "oh George~" was cooed followed by a low chuckle. i scream out loud and continue sprinting before having my torso grabbed.

 "AH DREAM LET GO OF ME!" i scream kicking and trying to rip dreams arms from my body. the presents from behind me was torn away as Sam was on top of dream beating the shit out of dream.

 "SAM GET OF HIM RUN YOU DUMB ASS!!" tommy screamed while i was sat on the floor after being torn away from dream. 

Sam was about to stand until he was impaled by a sword through the stomach. all the way through that dreams hand was basically in Sam's body. 

"we have no time to panic we need to go, he sacrificed him self for George!" sapnap took mine and Tommy's hand and started running. he was desperate to keep us alive at this point.

 "GUYS COME ON!! A LITTLE BLOOD NEVER HURT ANYBODY!!!" i glance behind seeing dream sprinting towards tommy especially with blood coating him. 

"GET AWAY FROM ME I HATE YOU DICK HEA-" tommy was ripped from sapnaps grip and was now being held by dream. 

"TOMMY NO!!" i shout stopping my sprinting. "I'm going to make you suffer the most painful death of all" dream smirked holding tommy by his hair lifting him of the floor. 

"NO NO DREAM! TAKE ME INSTEAD OF TOMMY! HES A CHILD!" i didn't think and just shout it out loud not wanting tommy hurt.

 like how tubbos was and he was also a child. "oh really George?" he glanced at me and dropped tommy sapnap catching him in the process. 

dream approached me slowly as i recoiled scared for what every pain was going to be inflicted on me. but it never came.

 instead a small kiss was planted on my forehead. then everything went black. i glance around until the words 'you won' in bright neon green lights appeared.

 i heard cheering and laughter when something was removed from my head. a vr head set. "what the fuck?" i mutter, rubbing my head as i sat up.

 i was led on a bed with more beds next to me. my friends on them. the once part of what i just experienced.

 "do any of you know what that was?" tubbo asked swinging his legs over the edge of the bed he was on. "dream?" i say in question glancing around the room. 

he was stood leaning against the door with a wide smirk. "did you guys like that?" the moment tommy saw dream was the moment he snapped.


"tommy calm down, look I'm still alive! so is bad, skeppy and the others! were fine it was just a vr experience" tommy nodded but glared at dream.

 "ok then how about you two" dream pointe towards me and sapnap. "it was cool, didn't really like the fact that you killed tubbo of first especially saying hes a child" i huff and folded my arms.

 "aww! does litwle georgy worgy care about litwle tubwo wubbo" sapnap teased but i ignored it. "yea probably should of killed of ant or sapnap first" dream chuckled. 

"why did we do that anyway, i didn't even remember agreeing to do something like this" bad chuckled now being cradled in skeppys arms. 

"you did, it was just when all of you were drunk" all of us froze and turned our heads towards tommy and tubbo who went pail.

 dream burst into a fit of wheezes and fell to the floor. "NO! no! not tommy and tubbo just you lot!" he managed to get out between wheezes.

 "oh, right so why were they here, when did they agree?" Sam asks. "Wilbur made a deal with us that if dream told you to do a manhunt with him then he would say yes, if we did then he would give us a tener" tommy sighed the blood rushing back to his face.

 tubbo nodded as well. at this point dream had stopped laughing and was sat at the edge of my bed playing with my hair. 

"ok so what do we do know" skeppy questioned. "we go home i guess" dream smiled. and that's exactly what we did. 

didn't know how to end this so i know its shit but i kinda rushed.

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