Remain Nameless | Bts x reader

By taesty95

59.7K 4.2K 707

The night held them in a loving embraced. They were the darkness and all the life it held. Feared and forgott... More

Prologue (The travellers)
Into shadows
King of the forest
And so it begins
Last breath of her
Sun streams
Compassions of nightmares
A place called hope
Chained arms and cold floors
Keep Looking
Comfort in strangers
New girl
Blood and gold
Faded off-white and overripe peach
The Abbots fall
Choice pt 1
Choice pt2
Rabbit heart
SecretοΏΌ Ceremonials
Property of a Lord
The need to control
Gift an inch more of night
Lord and soldiers
The Cloud, the Island and the Sea
Remain nameless: As the world falls down
How and owl can cause a tantrum
Bigger than us
Blue pulled over
No Now, All future
Brambles grow
Half shadows
Small pleasures
No more wrong words
Glass beading on skin
Inked the words away
Great and holy plans
Perfect storm
Grassland birds
Come down
Does it glisten, the blood?
Belly of the beast
Fruit of all mankind
What am I without you?
Hares on the mountain

Mirrorball Moon

622 69 11
By taesty95

(y/n) woke to see Jimin hovering above her surprisingly close. He was fully dressed and holding a lamp to his face. "Come with me," we whispered through a smile.

(Y/n) blink a few times, still not fully awake "Why?" She grumbled.

"Just come. It will be fun, promises."

Reluctantly (y/n) got out of bed and pulled on her shoes. Jimin led her out of the inn and down the empty streets. It felt like the place was abandoned. There wasn't even a stray animal insight.

She didn't know what was going on, sleep still making everything cloudy. Yet, she still let Jimin pull her along.

They approached the ocean. Waves of dark blue climbed up to the rocks. The pair kept walking till they reached a cliff. It was a 98-degree drop. half the rock face was hidden in the night.

Jimin carefully picked a path for both of them down the cliff to a ledge.

The ledge was more like a rocky outcrop. The platform should have been full of seagulls peering down, looking for dropped fragments of food. But in the dead of night, the stand was empty.

"What are we doing?" (y/n) shouted over the waves. The confusion from being dragged out of bed in the middle of the night was evident.

"Going for a swim," he said, his smile light by the moon. (y/n) peeked over the edge of the cliff to see the inky water lap up the rock face. They looked so high up.

"Are you mad! We just got off one death trap, and you to jump into another. What if rocks are down there?" (y/n) exclaimed.

"No rocks, did it yesterday," He simply replied as he crept closer to the edge.

"If I die from this, I will haunt you,"

"Youll be fine, trust me,"

She did trust him. With a nod and a grip of the hand, they flung themselves off the ledge.Air rushed past her ears. In moments the sea was spitting in her face, then she was submerged, her hand slipped out of Jimins as she began to sink. It was too quick to process what the hell she was doing.

The fractured moonlight on the sea bed glowed. The arms of the ocean pulled her deeper and deeper. The became cliff silhouetted in the dim as she floated down what felt like a hundred miles, down till her head rested on a bed of sand. She could see the waves break above her head, but it was kind of peaceful. (y/n) wanted to stay down there for hours, but she couldn't hold her breath for forever.

She pushed off the floor and floated up - a trail of bubbles and disturbed sand followed after her. Jimin was floating aimlessly on his back. He would rise and fall with each new forming wave. (y/n) swam over and joined in on the floating.

"Finally decided to join me," He said, sinking his feet in to tread water.

"It's pretty down there." She said, still out of breath.

"Show me."

(y/n) grasped his arm and pulled them both down, their feet sunk into the sand. She gestured for him to look up, he did. The moon and the stars reflect on the waves, shattering the light all around them. It was beautiful.

(Y/n) watched Jimin admire the scenery. His lips plum lips were pressed tightly together, only letting the odd bubble of carbon dioxide out. His wide-eyed expression held so much awe and wonder. His dark hair floated and framed his perfect face. He was a sight for sore eyes, to say the least.

She swam closer, so her body collied with his. He held on to her as they both floated up again, laughing as they broke the surface. She felt the world move in slow motion. The happiness went straight to her head in a rush.

They walked back to the shore, a soggy mess and made their way back to the inn. The road sang with each step as they danced about in fits of giggles.

"Who did you come here with last night?" (y/n) asked as she hopped up on an empty bench.

Jimin strolled aimlessly along behind her, watching with a glimmer of playfulness in his eyes.

"Oh, just someone I met in the market yesterday,"

"Who?"  (y/n) said, jumping higher, so she balanced on the backrest. She tight roped along the thin beam, half concentrating on her footing half on Jimins answer.

"Just this girl, very pretty, bit taller than you, think she's a bit older than me."  He began to list different attributes, turning away do (y/n) couldn't see the Cheshire grin building on his face.

"Oh, what's her name?" (Y/n) sounded a little downcast though she did her best to cover it. Jimin felt a twinge of guilt at this. He was glad he wasn't facing her, knowing that the sad face she was no doubt sporting would ruin him.

"Don't worry. I was with Tae and Kook. No need to be jealous," He said as he walked round to the edge of the bench where (y/n) had stopped. He didn't miss the relief in her face as she looked down, her elbows rested on his shoulders and her fingers locked behind his neck. He snaked his arms around her waist, holding her steady as she tipped off the bench to lean over him. A few dripped of water from her wet hair landed on his skin.

"I'm not jealous," She said in a strong tone, completely in denial.

"You are don't try and lie to me. I can see right through you," Jimin stated matter-of-factly. He looked up at her no longer with mischief but rather pure joy and confidence. He wholeheartedly believed every word he said.

"Oh yeah?" (y/n) challendged. 

"Yeah," he said as he pulled the girl of the edge and set her down back on the ground. He didn't let go, just pulled her closer, so she rested on his damp chest.

"What am I think then?" she pushed away and began dancing up the street once more.

"How deeply you are in love with me," This stopped her in her tracks, and she turned back around, a wine red on her cheeks.

"Wrong. I'm not in love with anyone!" She shouted back, her voice slightly higher.

"You are." Jimin laughed before running up and pulling her in once again. His hands came to cup her face forcing her to look up at him. "But you don't know it yet. I can tell it in the eyes,"

He leaned closer, enjoying the way her skin warmed under his touch. He brushed the wet hair that had cemented itself to her face. He quickly let go as he noticed the quickening pace of the drum in his chest, not wanting (y/n) to hear. Jimin enjoyed the heart song she made within him and the light, airy feeling it brought.  He began walking with (y/n) in tow toward the inn, glad he had dragged her out.


It was midday, and everyone drunk in all the colours, the perfumes and the aroma like a potion. The people thrived on interacting with the stallholders, each one almost a caricature of bubbly friendliness. The group of nine weaved through the crowds, edging through the dense flow of people with full bags. The air was stained with produce, the ground was gritty stone and the sky an empty blue.

Jin and (y/n) walked around with their arms links as not to lose each other within the heavy stream of people. It was their last day in Doveport before they had to take the long journey back home, back to hut and back to their normal lives. Everyone had spent the morning packing already, they decided to spend their last hours in the market. But due to the heavy bustle of the market, their group had splinted off. There were just so many people that it was overwelling on their senses. So there was no use trying to find each other. It was easier to enjoy the free time while they had it.

The pair hopped from stall to stall,  looking at the different gifts. Nothing stood out, it was manly hairpieces and necklaces heaped with fake glass jewels and gemstone, something (y/n) had no need for anymore.

An old lady sat behind the stand with grey hair and a plastic smile kept nicely n her face. The lady had been fighting for the sale of her products relentlessly. (y/n), politely as she could keep declining as she looked.

"I understand if you don't want anything, but business is low. I would appreciate it if you would buy something," The old lady pleaded again.

(y/n) couldn't help but feel a little bothered by this. Sure, the old lady was struggling, but too beg, there was no pride in that. She assumed her late-night win Jimin had made her fuse a little too short to be around so many people. Jin, on the other hand, was more understanding towards the lady. He gently took (y/n) hand in his, calming her down as he browsed through the jewellery. His eyes scanned and scanned till a hairpiece caught his attention.

It was a ruby-encrusted, gold hair clip stacked with mountains upon mountains of red diamonds. Delicate handmade flowers and other decorative items were scattered amongst them. It would be impressive if anyone could wear it without their neck-breaking. "How much for this?" He said, pointing at it.

"All hair accessories are five gold pieces." Th lady said, hope in her eyes.

"No, how much would it be for this?" He said again as he pointed directly to a red silk tassel that hung of the slid. "Also, how much would some thread be."

Her eyebrows raised and creased all at one in confusion and curiosity.

"Three silvers... maybe?"

"Deal," he simply stated, handing over three silver coins. The old lady carefully ripped the tassels of the hairpin before ducking below the stale. She rummaged around some boxes and reappeared with a gold silk cord.

Jin thanked the lady, and the pair carried on walking down the busy street. They eventually reached the small inn they were staying at.

Without a word, they entered the room. (y/n)s bag was ready and packed on the bed next to her sheathed sword. He pulled the sword out of its home. The light reflected off the blade and into (y/n)s eyes, blinding her for a second. Next, he took the gold string and the red tassel from his pocket and carefully tied them to the hilt of the sword.

The Crimson stood out against the black of her clothes and scabbard. It was a simple gesture, but it was perfect for her. 

A pair of arms reached around her from behind, and a head came to press close to her ear. "Promise you'll keep it forever and ever,"

How could she ever say no?

Thank you for reading xxx

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