Wrecked | Minsung

By j-onesunshine

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Jisung has a very unfortunate crush on a boy named Lee Minho. Especially when you take into consideration tha... More



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By j-onesunshine

That night of their first meeting, Jisung had spend his time in bed sniffling quietly to himself. It wasn't because he was upset, quite the contrary. He felt relieved. Minho's words might not have been anything grand or special to anyone else, but it was something that the boy had needed to hear without even knowing it.
It was true that he could do and be what he wanted. The shackles that he'd bound himself with had fallen off his anckles and for the first time in years, he was ready to push the door at the other side of the room open. He finally dared to step foot outside of his house's parameter and be an active part of society again. Sure, he still had anxiety and it caused him to find places with big crowds terrifying, but he knew he could rely on his friends. They'd never left him through anything and he was sure they'd continue to be there for him now.

The tears rolled towards his ears as he lay on his back, staring up at his ceiling mindlessly. He couldn't believe that he was rethinking all of his life up until that very moment, all because of one simple sentence. Suddenly he wasn't sure if he truly wanted to so something business related, which opened a whole nother can of worms. His parents expected it from him by this point, right? Would they still support him if he told them it wasn't what he wanted to do? Would they be happy for him?

He had so many thoughts and questions, yet every time he thought he'd find an answer it would only lead to more confusion. His mind slowly became exhausted from all the thinking, so he felt it was best to go to sleep. He decided that he had cried enough in the past month. Starting the following day, it would be the start of his new life. Until then however, he'd be dreaming of the brown haired boy that had yet again managed to capture his heart and had simultaneously thrown his world upside down.

The following morning, Jisung was awoken by the sound of his phone. He pushed the off button on his alarm before rubbing his eyes. The good energy and mindset from the day before had carried through his sleep as it didn't take him long to swing his feet out of bed. Deciding on a quick shower, the boy grabbed his phone and necessary change of clothes before he headed into his bathroom. Stripping off his clothes, he took a quick peak at his phone as he waited for the water to heat up.

(3) unread messages

Unknown number

Thanks for hanging out today
Hope I didnt dissapoint 😜
11.22 pm

All other messages could wait, because the first message he opened was from non other than Lee Minho himself. His heartbeat sped up without him noticing, as he pondered on what to reply. Maybe a simple 'I had fun' or 'thank you as well!' would be sufficient enough? But he wanted to make it a little more special than that. Jisung groaned at himself in frustration, reminding himself that he isn't supposed to treat Minho differently, because they're just friends.

Han Jisung


Thank you very much for hanging out with me too

I really appreciate it a lot

Oh and you certainly didn't dissapoint, no worries!!!

9.42 am

Jisung had already sent out his replies, now overthinking whether or not the 'certainly' was too much. He sighed to himself as he once again realised that he is just as awkward over text as he is in person. Still, the subconcious smile on his lips could tell anyone that looked at him that he was in a good mood. He happily went down the stairs to be met by an empty livingroom, smile dissapearing as he realised no one was home, apart from Mrs. Kwon probably. The thoughts from last night still plagued his mind and he really wished he could talk to his mother in that moment. Over the phone just wasn't the same as in person.

He made himself a simple breakfast, throwing some rice into the ricecooker as he pondered over what he would do today. Play the piano again? Or maybe call one of his friends to see if they want to hang out. They'd probably want to know how it went yesterday anyway.
He pulled his phone from his pocket as he dialled Seungmin's number, knowing the boy kept it on night mode if he would still be asleep so he wouldn't disturb him if that was the case. The phone rang three times, Jisung already suspecting Seungmin must probably still be asleep, when the other side picked up.

"Good morning Jisungie." Hyunjin whispered, which confused the younger. Surely he had dialled Seungmin's number right? "Seungmin is still asleep, wait let me move out of the room first."

Ah. That makes a lot more sense. Jisung heard some shuffling on the other end as Hyunjin left his boyfriend to continue sleeping peacefully.

"So, what's up?"

"Oh, I was wondering if you guys wanted to hang out today?"

"Ahh, we actually were planning to go on a date today, but I can ask Min i—"

"No, no! That's fine, don't cancel your date because of me. I'll ask Lix if he's available, don't worry Hyunjinnie."

"Hmm, you sure? We can always just reschedule the date. You know Seungmin won't mind right?"

"Positive. You two go have some alone time, I'll go bug Lix. Really, I'm going to hang up now. By—"

"Oh wait wait! How was your date with Minho hyung yesterday?" Jisung sighed loudly into the phone to make sure Hyunjin could hear it clearly.
"It was not a date first of all. Secondly, Changbin was there too, remember?! Third, it went pretty well. He's nice and he walked me home, even though I'm pretty sure he isn't from around this area."

"Aww, he's a keeper."


"Oops got to go, Minnie is waking up byeeee~"

And the line went dead. Jisung huffed in annoyance as he scrolled back up to Felix' contact. He started calling but received no answer, the boy probably still dead asleep after an all nighter filled with videogames and TikTok. He knew Lix' sleep schedule was pretty fucked, to put it simply. Which also ment, that Jisung was now officially bored.

He felt too awkward to call Changbin because he'd only seen him the day before, and he wasn't sure if Chan or Jeongin would find it weird to hang out with him alone.
The blond decided to text in the group chat that he was bored, and if anyone would be up to do anything that day.

Much to his dismay, all his friends had either procrastinated their homework or they had to go to work. Jisung solemnly got his rice, that was now done cooking, out of the little machine as he put it in a bowl. He added some soy bean paste and he also grabbed a smaller bowl, putting kimchi in it to eat alongside his rice. He liked simpler meals in the morning, that and he was too lazy to make anything more than that.

Slowly eating his breakfast, he decided today would be the day he'd think about his future whilst avoiding a possible existential crisis because of it. He needed to think about his hobbies, his passions and whatever more could be of use for his potential future career.
He quickly realised this would be a lot tougher than it sounded. He really only had one hobby, which was also his only passion. The piano. But was he good enough to become a professional piano player and make a living off of that? He wasn't sure. He did know that if he decided to become that and it turned out to he unsuccessful, his parents would probably still support him financially.

But he didn't want to be a leech.

Still, every time the boy thought of a career, his mind went back to the piano. He ultimately was left with three jobs that he'd find interesting enough to pursue; pianist, zoologist or a vet. The two latter options would cause a lot of studying new things, as Jisung had dropped biology and taken the economics route in high school. The basics he had learnt when he was around thirtheen, were like everything else from that time period, fuzzy memories at best.

Just as he took the final bite of his rice, his phone vibrated, a new message bubble also appearing on his lockscreen. He picked up the phone and his eyes widened a bit again. He really had to get used to Minho texting him.

Minho hyung 🐰

Good morning Jisung!
Changbin told me you were bored
So am i
If you want we can hang out together?
11.01 a.m

A heat rushed up to Jisung's cheeks, flushing them red as he thanked Changbin out loud. He quickly typed away a reply to let the older know he wouldn't mind... at all.

Han Jisung

Hey hyung :)
Lets hang out ㅇㅅㅇ
Is it okay if we chill at my place?
11.03 a.m

Jisung received a message back from Minho, telling the younger he could be there in an hour. The boy agreed and sent his address, just to make sure Minho wouldn't end up accidentally getting lost. He had walked Jisung home the day prior, but just in case he might forget the right directions.

And with that Jisung cleaned up the bowls and put them in the dishwasher, to then patiently wait for Minho to arrive.


Sorry it took a while, I gave myself major writers block with this chapter, hence why it's short and a filler and not that good! Next chapter will be fun though!! Time for the real minsung to bond, with just the two of them HEHEHEH

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