Remain Nameless | Bts x reader

By taesty95

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The night held them in a loving embraced. They were the darkness and all the life it held. Feared and forgott... More

Prologue (The travellers)
Into shadows
King of the forest
And so it begins
Last breath of her
Sun streams
Compassions of nightmares
A place called hope
Chained arms and cold floors
Keep Looking
Comfort in strangers
New girl
Blood and gold
Faded off-white and overripe peach
The Abbots fall
Choice pt 1
Choice pt2
Mirrorball Moon
Rabbit heart
SecretοΏΌ Ceremonials
Property of a Lord
The need to control
Gift an inch more of night
Lord and soldiers
The Cloud, the Island and the Sea
Remain nameless: As the world falls down
How and owl can cause a tantrum
Bigger than us
Blue pulled over
No Now, All future
Brambles grow
Half shadows
Small pleasures
No more wrong words
Glass beading on skin
Inked the words away
Great and holy plans
Perfect storm
Grassland birds
Come down
Does it glisten, the blood?
Belly of the beast
Fruit of all mankind
What am I without you?
Hares on the mountain


816 80 12
By taesty95

The light breeze from the entrance brushed against (y/n)s exposed skin. A few goosebumps ran over her bare arms and down her back. The top half of her clothes had been discarded and sat in a messy pile next to her head. Her eyes were fixed to the open door as she laid belly down on one of the boy's beds. She watched the long grass that had grown wild through the spring and into summer just outside the front garden. The blades swayed back and forth, the rhythm bringing a lethargy to her breath. Her lull was broken by the gentle hands dancing across her skin, bringing her back to reality.

(y/n) flinched when the cold metal from a pair of small medical scissors touched her skin. She heard Yoongi apologise before going back to cutting the sutures out of a rather large cut that had started at her shoulder blade and followed all the way down to her waist. There was a painless tug as the last thread of that wound was pulled out of her skin - it was a short-lived moment free from pain as Jin proceeded to wipe the antiseptic over the scar. That part wasn't painless. It stung quite a bit.  (y/n) zoned out in and out as Yoongi and Jin worked together to remove all the stitches left in her back. Her mind drifting to the summer air outside.

One positive about Yoongis childhood was the medical knowledge he, Namjoon and Jungkook had picked up from their time posing as travel doctors. It came in handy when practice got a little too aggressive and in treating (y/n). It was a perk he never thought he would have needed as much as he did. Between the two, it didn't take too long. The boys had devised a plan. Yoongi removed the stitches, and Jin keeping the skin clean and free from infection.

After the initial removal was done, Jin was called out by Shiro,  leaving Yoongi alone with the dozy girl. His fingers moved on their own to trace along with the shapes of the scars. Everything had closed up nicely.

He outlined along the biggest scars. He studied the net of healed skin. He picked out the oldest ones and the newest ones, dreading the story behind them. He watched (y/n) turn her head back to give him an absently mind smile before burning her head back into her arms.

"You had it rough, didn't you?"

It was an obvious question, and he expected no answer, but she did nod slightly.  His face dropped. He still had no idea what went on in those walls and going of her back and the encounters he had when he was a little boy - he knew it wasn't nice. Though he decided that he didn't want to know. He'd rather stay in ignorant bliss, if she ever wanted to talk about it, he would listen with open ears, but for now, Yoongi was happy staying in the dark.

"Get dressed. I'll wait for you outside. I think you'll be ok to start training again," 

Yoongi gave (y/n)s shoulder a squeeze, his touch lingering a little too long before he left the hut to wait outside.


"This isn't fair. You've all ganged up on me." (y/n) whined as her back came in contact with the hard ground once again. The wind was knocked out of her lungs for the fourth time that day. Seven boys formed a circle around her and looked down, all with an amused expression.

Yoongi gave a gummy as he reached a hand out to help the girl up off the floor.

"You need to catch up. You've been out of the game for a while now." Which was true, but she had spent the past three weeks training nonstop. She knew training was to be more intense since she had the talk with Shiro, but it felt like since the laid-back attitude to her training from the monastery, (y/n) had lost the stamina and skill she used to have. It had only just started to come back with Doeksu but, even then, she had a long way to go.

"Not my fault," (y/n) huffed out as she readied herself in a fighting stance.

Jungkook was the first to move, charging forward, his wooden sword ready to strike. (y/n) blocked the cut and another and another. One by one, each boy join in, adding to the number of blows. One false move, or if she was a hair out of time, her defence would be broken, and she would lose.

She doing well till Jimin decided to use his trick. (y/n) sensed it first. Behind her back, eight different cuts, all from the same sword, hurtling towards her. She didn't have enough time to try and find the true cut. There was no chance of dodging them all, and her exits were blocked by her friends. She had no choice but to take the hit.

(y/n) braced herself. The wooden blade crashed into her stomach with enough force to send her rushing back and landing on her butt. "JIMIN!" she shouted, "STOP DOING THAT!"

"No chance," he laughed back.

"That will do for today," Shiro said, startling everyone. He was sat leaning on a far tree. He had been meditating while keeping a watchful eye on his students.

"Think I'll stay a little longer." Everyone filed out of the clearing leaving Teahyung and herself, who decided to stay and help.

"Ready." (y/n) nodded.

The sword sliced through the air aimed for her neck. (y/n) leaned back, letting it pass harmlessly in front. Seeing a chance, she moved forward into the opening, trying a quick cut upwards. She was fast, but her opponent hadn't stopped moving. He rotated and stuck downward, forcing her to move backwards.

Two more passes. (y/n) still didn't make contact, but she was getting closer. Each pass brought her a hairs width closer than the last it wouldn't be long now till one would make a mistake, and they both knew it.

(y/n) was getting overconfident and lost her focus, just for a moment. It was less than a heartbeat, but Taehyung recognised it. He redoubled his assault, strikes blurred in succession. (y/n) avoided or blocked each of them but lost her balance on a tree root. Stumbling backwards as her opponent seized the opening. He raced forward an eager, childish glint of victory in his eyes.

(y/n) surrendered herself to the pain of the hit. There was no way she could block him in time. But then (y/n)'s mind snapped. She couldn't describe it any other way. One moment she was, in reality. The next,  everything around her was moving slowly, like she was in water, not air. Not only did she know where he would strike - despite Taehyung having the ability to hide his sense - she knew exactly how to win.

(y/n) let herself fall to the ground swiping her opponent's sword as she tucked into a roll. She came back to her feet, and in three moves, she had Taehyung pressed against a tree with a sword at his neck. Her face was so close to his she could smell the fresh sweat on his skin. They both breathed heavily from the exertion of the combat.

Slowly and very carefully, Taehyung pushed the sword down away from his throat. He let out a deep sigh - (y/n) forehead fell against his chest. She closed her eyes.

"What was that?" He says in barely more than a whisper.

"I still don't know." She spoke, her voice muffled by his dark robes.Taehyungs hand moved to her head. He let his fingers brush through the (h/c) tangles. They stayed still for a few minutes till they had caught the air back into their lungs from the duel.

"Look at me," Teahyung said, his voice still breathy.

(y/n) did so, her face was still lace in worry over snaping. Taehyung frowned at this before he held his empty hand up in surrender. She cocked her head, watching vigilantly.  His right hand then darted behind her ear, brushing it slightly.

He produced one orange persimmons fruit. The fruit was peeled and coated in sugar.

Shiro had placed a ban on the sweets saying that to wait for a special occasion.  Yet, here one was in Taehyungs hand, being held right in front of her face.

"Where did you get that?"

"Wants some?"

"Shiro will tell us off."

"Fine more for me,"

(y/n) shook her head, and he brought the orange fruit up to her lips. She took a bite, and the sweet honey flavour invaded. Teahyung then produced to bite into the fruit.

(y/n) watched until he had finished eating before reaching up and brushing the sugar cycles of his lip with the colour of her sleeve.

"Can't leave any evidence of your crime,"

"Our crime, you ate some,"

The two walked back to the hut stopping every now and then to point out a cute animal or flower. When the two had finally reached home, dinner was ready and waiting.

Everyone ate in comfortable silence. When the meals had disappeared into their bellies, Shiro spoke up. "Get packing. Only take what you can carry."

"Why? where are we going?" Namjoon asked.

"Dove port, I would like to take all you there like I did when some of you were little as we have grown in numbers."

"When are we leaving?"

"In an hour."

The hut exploded into chaos. Everybody flew into motion, stuffing clothes and food and weapons into bags. The hardest part was trying to attach their mats as they would be spending a few nights on the road. Fifty-six minutes, three broken bowls and a possible black eye later, everybody was ready to go.


The fire licked at the dark.

Jin sat watching the flames. The glowing embers vaulted and spun in a blazing dance. Everyone was tired from the hard day of travel. The younger boys had curled up in a hurdle much like a bundle of rabbits and were a warm drink away from eternal slumber. Namjoon, talking quietly with Hoseok and Shiro about the best route for tomorrow, while Yoongi had passed out completely. Which left (y/n) and himself.

She was wrapped in a blanket, her head resting on his broad shoulder, her gaze set on the orange and yellow flames. She looked up for a second before going back to flame watching. "You alright?"

"Yeah," she said with a small smile. "Are you?"

"No, I'm half left." A little piece of everyone's soul died a bit at his joke before a steady past of laughs emitted from the older male.

He soon calmed again, and the peaceful atmosphere returned. (y/n) snuggle deeper into Jin's side as a cool summer breeze swept through the forest. He wrapped his arms around her a little more, keeping the cold wind away.

When he first met (y/n), Jin didn't know whether she would be an enemy or an ally. He was glad it was the latter. He was proud to call her part of his handmade family.

"Shiro, I have a question," (y/n) spoke up, her words slow and lethargic.

"The clothes we have arent from the third kingdom, are they? And I'm guessing your not."Shiro paused, unsure of where to begin. He had spent so long hoping not to tell this story that he had forgotten how to do it. "When the great war happened, and the nightblades were blamed, they either gave in or died. But there was a third party who believed there was a middle ground.

They fled to an island of the gall buff coast up in the first kingdom where they hoped they could one day return. I was born there along with an old friend Deosku."

This sparked Jin's interest. He had always thought his teacher had a life similar to his in the monastery.

"I'm from this island hidden far out at sea. People are too afraid to venture through the rocks and cliffs. Both my parents were gifted with the sense and hoped for me to follow in their footsteps. Like all children on the island, I was trained in the sense from a young age. It was just as important as learning to walk."

"When I was ten, I became friends with a girl Areum. She was kind and could find the bright side in everything. She was two cycles older than me, and I was somewhat intimidated by her. We became attached at the hip. Then we meet Deosku. He was only five, and he had already caused quite the commotion by being able to hide his sense. He was the first-ever to do that on the island. We adopted him into our small group, and despite the age difference, we became like brothers."

"As the cycles passed, I had started to develop a feeling for Areum, I was around your age. I was still young and didn't know how to express myself. Deosku picked up on it and started to make fun of me. Areum never returned the same feeling. Though she didn't push me away, she didn't let me get too close either. I didn't know this at the time, but I had competition from Deosku. He was still much younger than us, and it angered him."

"At night, he would often sneak out. I got curious and decided to track him. It was hard, but after a month, I had managed to do it. He had been going to Areum's room. I was angry, but I didn't confront him until the next day when we had some free time. I threatened him by saying I would tell the masters if he did it again."

"He was crestfallen, but not with the consequence of his actions on our friendship. But with the fact, he had been caught. I knew he was a good person, and I loved him, so I was glad when he stopped. Soon enough, we both began sleeping at night, and I began to trust him again. One night I caught him sneaking out. I when straight to the girl's dorms, ready to stop him. I waited a long time and felt like Deosku was by the barns, so I went to find him. Then I felt his presence inside the dorm. He normally kept his sense hidden, so I knew he showed me where he was just to prove that he had won. It was just a game to him."

Shiro let out a tender breath. He was flourished in life with such a young heart back then, he only had room for one feeling at a time, and in Shiro's hunters' eyes, it was clear he regretted everything.

"I ran in there with my sword drawn and started to duel. For him, it was just for fun, but I was in it to kill. When I felt my sword enter flesh, I was so happy till I looked. I had cut deep into Areum's chest. The worst part was she was smiling. Deosku managed to slip away, but I was punished for murder."

"They hung me up from my arms. By the second day, I was ready to give in to death, but Deosku came and let me down. We both took a boat and broke the others so we wouldn't be followed. We got to the coast. He swore that he would hunt me down and take revenge. He let me go with the promise of death."

"I ran into him a few moons ago, but I had just lost my student had he had just gained one. We both agreed to put off the dual a little long."

(y/n) let out a small sigh. Everyone let it sink in. It was strange to see the old man as part of a group of friends or someone sworn enemy. To Jin, he was a lonely old man who took in a bunch of teens and helped them train. But he guesses it made sense that the man would have had a life before. It was hard to picture him as a killer, but he had never seen him fight, and if he was supposedly at Deosku skill level, he would be a dangerous appointed.

Decided it was time to sleep after the heavy story, he opened up his roll mat. (Y/n) was next to him, still watching the fire that was almost out. The embers cracked along to the wind, which had picked up even more. He pulled her into his chest. The warmth of being with another human being held the cold back.

At some point, both had fallen asleep to the sound of their own slow breaths. Their tangled legs and shared blanket kept them warm through the chilly night.

Thank you for reading XXX

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