Splinter's Bestie

By Hydranga2

58.2K 1.3K 612

So you know the story of tmnt 2012 right. But what if half of the events never occurred. What if Splinter had... More

The Characters
The Beginning
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Training Nova
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Christmas Special
Great News
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
I was Bored and this happened...
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Very Important
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Incorrect Quotes
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Nova and the Family
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Please Read Very Important
Last Chapter

Chapter 25

679 22 5
By Hydranga2

Season 2, Episode 2: Invasion of the Squirreldroids
Chapter is a bit short, didn't really know which direction to go into with this episode.

Ruby and Splinter glare down at Leo.

"Mom, Master Splinter, I can explain-" Leo says panicking.

"Yes, please do explain why you invited a complete stranger into our hidden secret lair!" Splinter demands coldly.

"Aw, you'll laugh your whiskers off when you hear this one." Leo chuckles nervously while Ruby walks past him to the homeless man the boys brought home.

Ruby takes Donnie's staff and begins poking the homeless man with the staff.

The boys all laugh nervously with him until Splinter slams his cane down on the floor causing them to halt into attention.

Splinter and Ruby glare at the boys with stern eyes.

"If this all goes down in flames it is all of our fault." Ruby states shaking her head as Donnie, Raph and Mikey place the homeless man in the lab.


Splinter and Ruby meditate in the dojo and both hear Donnie, Leo and the squirrel but neither make any signs that they could hear them.

Ruby could sense the squirrel in the tree and could sense it nearly land on Splinter but Leo had caught it and flipped across the room landing on his plastron.

The Squirrel seeing it's captured screams at the top of it's lungs waking Splinter from his meditation, "What is going on here?" Splinter yells out in demand.

"I was in a deep meditative trance, trying to block out your constant noise and-" Splinter complains before noticing the squirrel.

"Is that a chipmunk?" Splinter asks eyeing the squirrel

"Splinter, you dumb boy, that's obviously a squirrel, chipmunks have stripes and a shorter tail." Ruby says calmly, unlike Splinter, she could go in a meditative trance so powerful she could see around her with her eyes closed.

"It's um, a squirrel, sensei." Leo says awkwardly, "A dangerous mutant squirrel that reproduces inside human stomachs..." 

Ruby blinks in surprise at that, "Say what now?" 

"Thank goodness Nova is at a sleepover then." Splinter said rubbing his chin.

The squirrel escapes Leo's hands and him and Donnie struggle to catch it.

"Should have been in a deeper trance." Splinter mutters annoyed.

Ruby walks past them all grabs a crate and easily traps the squirrel with it.

Splinter walks to stand next to Ruby, "You will safe here for a short time, my distant cousin. until we can find out more about you." Splinter tells the squirrel who tries to find a way out.

Ruby hears Mikey scream out to Raph and immediately runs out the dojo and into Mikey's room.

She sees Mikey's messy room, and mentally gags before taking note Mikey holding Raphael with a scared look on his face.


The boys and Ruby are now in the lab with Raph chained to the table.

 Raph panics about the squirrel in his stomach.

"Just as I thought, we need to preform surgery. Nurse?" Donnie says gravely before turning to Mikey.

Mikey pulls up a hand made saw and holds it to Raph. 

"Get me out of here!" Raph yells in panic as Mikey brings it close to his plastron before pulling it away.

Donnie, Mikey and Leo all laugh at their prank. Before Raph could berate them Raph suddenly pukes up 2 squirrels.

They all stare at the two squirrels who hiss at them causing the lights to flicker.

"Uh, Donnie, some sciencey stuff would be great right now." Leo says as the squirrels begin to glow.

"Glowing is bad, glowing is real bad." Mikey told them holding his comic book.

Splinter opens the slide doors of the lab and spots the glowing squirrels, "It is happening here as well." He says.

"These things are giving off a huge energy signal. It's messing with my analyzer." Donnie informs them as they follow the glowing squirrels out the lab.

"We're doomed, doomed I tell you." Mikey panics.

The group stand in the middle of the living room, "Split up and search each room." Splinter says.

"Split up? Clearly you don't read comics either, sensei. Splitting up is the-" Mikey says only to be interrupted by the annoyed Splinter.

"Silence, we are trained warriors we will find these creatures. Now." Splinter states before heading off.


Ruby opens her eyes, her eyes all glowing red, and walks into the living room in the direction of the bedrooms upon hearing Raph and Mikey's scream.

Leo unintentionally bumps into her causing her to turn to him, scaring him with her all red eyes, "AH! THEY DID SOMETHING TO MOM!" Leo panics causing Ruby to raise an eyebrow.

Suddenly Donnie exits the lab next to them, "Oh no, Leo, their here-" Donnie is tackle by the new Squirrel mutant.

The boys terrified end up gathering and hold each other in fear, and just as the Squirreldroids goes to attack them Ruby and Splinter each take one on until they run away in fear.

"Go after them quickly. I will stay here to defend the lair and the boys." Splinter tells Ruby who nods her eyes still all red.

"W-what? But Mom-" Leo says as Ruby jumps into the water following the Squirreldroids.

Splinter holds an arm out stopping Leo, "Your mother will be fine, it's those Squirreldroids who should be afraid." Splinter states keeping a cautious eye out for the other 2.

"While your mother is after those two we will go to follow the ones still in the sewer." Splinter says.

"Who amongst you wants to prove you are the bravest, the strongest of will, the worthiest of ninjas." Splinter asks the boys who all look amongst themselves.


Metalhead is seen scoring the sewers and the boys and Splinter are safe in the lair with Donnie controlling him.

"Master Splinter, I'd say there's some kind of lesson here. Like, I don't know, brains over bravery or something." Donnie chirps with a smug smile.

"I'd say the something part, is most accurate." Splinter sass turning his head away from him causing Donnie to pout.

The Squirreldroid eats metalhead's head.

Ruby enters the lair her eyes still glowing all red.

Leo glances in her direction with unease, he didn't understand why Splinter wasn't weirded out by her all red eyes.

"I do not want to say I was right but... I was right." Splinter says smugly.

Suddenly they hear a screech behind them and they see a Squirreldroid jump out the dojo to attack Ruby only for Ruby to swiftly decapitate it without looking in its direction.

"You all stay here. Donnie you fix the lights, I'll return Metalhead to you, Mikey chill out with the comic books. Leo and Raph stop staring at me like I'll kill you. Splinter you keep an eye on the boys. Momma's going hunting." Ruby commands calmly before turning back to the sewers.

The boys all hide behind Splinter in fear upon seeing her glowing eyes, "Ruby, be careful." Splinter told her staring at her with longing worried marron eyes.

"It's me we're talking about Yoyo." Ruby chuckles giving him a playful smile before heading out.

The boys look to Splinter who turns to them confused, "WHy are you hiding behind me like that? It is just your mother." Splinter questions.

"Her eyes are all red!" Raph said panicked.

"Didn't you see it?" Leo asks afraid.

"What if the Squirreldroids did that to mom!" Donnie says scratching his wrist in fright.

"Just like in the comic, they go for the strongest first!" Mikey squeaks hugging his comic book.

"Boys, that is a natural occurrence that happens throughout Ruby's life. It just happens when she goes so deep in a meditative state that the red in her eyes enlarge because now she almost sees the world in slow motion." Splinter explains to them.

"Ohhh." They all says.

"Wait mom could see in slow motion right now. That's so cool!" Mikey gushes throwing his comic book in the air.

"I'll admit the first time I've seen it. I was also terrified, but I forgot that Ruby doesn't meditate to that point often around you all." Splinter says stroking his beard in thought.


The boys and Splinter has returned the lair back to its former glory by the time Ruby came back.

"Welcome home, Ruby." Splinter says as he finishes sweeping the floor.

"I'm home." Ruby states before stretching, her outer kimono was torn.

"Those Squirreldroids managed to rip my favorite kimono so I brutally mutilated them." Ruby said calmly as she heads to the bathroom.

The boys shiver while Splinter shakes his head, he had no doubt in his mind that Ruby destroyed those Squirreldroids but he also knew she was telling them all this in order to scare the boys.

Splinter chuckles under his breath, "Only Ruby..." Splinter knocks on the door of the bathroom while the boys busy themselves with their hobbies.

"Come in." Ruby's voice says from the other side, Splinter upon entering sees Ruby in a t-shirt and jean shorts.

"Can I help you Yoyo?" Ruby asks silently sewing the tear in her favorite outer layer of her kimono.

"Don't really need anything, just came to check on you." Splinter says sitting on the edge of the tub next to her.

"I might have to turn this into a cape, they ripped this thing badly." Ruby grumbles her eyes going back to normal.

Splinter gently grabs Ruby's chin and moves her face so she's facing him, he examines her eyes making sure no repercussions happened since she was in her trance for so long.

"I feel fine Yoyo. You don't need to worry." Ruby chuckles leaning into his hand that he had placed on her cheek.

"Doesn't hurt to check." Splinter told her.

The two stare into each other's eyes both getting lost in them. After a minute they both realized what they were doing and look away from each other.

"I'll uh get started on dinner..." Ruby says standing to her feet stroking her ponytail.

"Y-yeah I'll go finish my uh meditation." Splinter and Ruby both left the bathroom post haste.

"What do you think happened?" Donnie whispers to Leo and Raph.

"Whatever it was it had to have been embarrassing or romantic." Leo says as they watch Ruby and Splinter scramble to separate rooms.

"Whatever it is it must have been good. Hopefully they'll get together soon. But I kind of like this slow burn they've got going on." Raph said walking to his room.

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