You Want My W-What? |3rd seri...

By kaykay_mindless

1.3M 18.3K 6.3K

The First Chapter Is The Intro/ Description!! More

You Want My W-What? |3rd series to My friends BF is my F*ck Buddy|
(Chuckle) Hold up. You want my What?
A sleep over? (smirk)
We Ditching, but Don't Worry
You're Fucked Little Sister! Fucked!
I Got This!
He Hurt My Fucking Neck!
ANGEL! This is serious...
Sleep Over ;) pt.1
Sleep Over ;) pt.3
They're Growing Up On Us : /
As a Father, Im Just Worried
You're dead? NO Im DEAD!
I Need to Talk to You
You always gotta fuck shit up for me!
I Just Wanna Keep it Between Us
The Massage
But What If ?
I Really Love You <3
Dad...You're Embarrassing
Thats...My Brother o_o
Im Scared
Not By Me You're Not
Good News..and Bad News
Make Up Treat ;)
I Should've Left You Sleep -_-
In Trouble...Again
You're Annoying
That's My Other Half
Open your mouth and say something!
Just Laying There?
Lets See How she Like That Shit
First Game!
Everything was good Until
He Never Will...
Not Love , but SWEET Love
You Came Here For More Than That ;)
Ima Find Them
Why Corahn?? -_-
I Just Wanna Talk
Stay faithful Jake!
Its What You Asked For
I Want Some One Who Loves ME!
Since We Have A Lil Thing Going On.........
Im Not Happy
You Were My First What!?
I Just Want You To Be There
You Make Me Feel Loved <3
Your Choice
Fuck What I Said!
Homecoming pt.1
I Told Him It Wasnt Over/ HC pt.2
Where's Shanelle?
He Doesn't Care. </3
I Do Care ♥
It'll Show : /
Just Curious
Yall Some Freaky Ass Girls!
Im Trying To Help Youuuuu!
Let's Keep Our Promise
Fuck and Wash :o
Lesson Learned
Full Of Lust
So Much For Keeping It
Did You Delete Them?
Sicker Than Usual
What Did You Hear?
She Said She Loved You?
Can't Tell Them
I Want Her To Myself
Not Up For Lying
MUST Get It Straightened
Once Rings Are Removed,Promises Are Broken..Maybe.
Cheating On Each Other....
Fighting For Love.
The Name I Never Wanted For Myself
I Need Time To Think
The Time Is Soon To Come
Friday Night
The Choice :/
Drama Over The Pictures
A Little S*xing, A Little Arguing
Why Do I Get The Hate?
Nope, Im Not Mad
Meeting Janee
Taking Rachel To Meet My Mom
I Have A Daughter....
Let The Summer Begin!
'This Is It' ~Last Chap~

It's Party Time!

11.1K 172 53
By kaykay_mindless






💁P e r f! Dress👗


🚌limo👌  (bus lmao)

👣got my moves. ┏(-_-)┛┗(-_- )┓┗(-_-)┛┏(-_-)┓🙅

✨most of all im shining🌟💎

Its Party Time!

Im waiting for everyone to get here. I invited Andrew cause you cant turn on friends like that. Well we're so called friends, hes pretty cool. Everyone is leaving from my house, only my VIP people which will have either my VIP bracelet for the girls and a clip on button for the guys suits!. You know who they are!

 I love limos so we're gonna have one limo. The boys are our escorts. Andrew.. I dont know what hes doing but Im not gonna leave him by him self since he knows no one. Im pretty sure he could make friends if he wanted to, but no one wants to be in a crowd of people that they dont no! 

Olivia's mom is just about a pro at doing make up so her and Mariah came a little early! She got me looking gorgeous! Im not trying to look better than anyone honestly.. all my friends are gorgeous! But you know it is my party so I would like to stand out :/ . They understand that. 

WAIT! ANDREW CAN ESCORT MARIAH! Anyway, Olivia just finished with a little bit of foundation and blush. I love it!!!!!!!!!!! 

"We can do a little shadowing with the eye shadow" 

"ok, you pick what colors"

"Im thinking a like burgundy.. and some black but not to much. I'll do it" 


I sat there in my robe.. Everything else is ready! My shoes! My hair! Nails! I cant wait to see all my friends choices on dresses! they have good style so I know there gonna looked cute! 


._. "Jake" i peeked in his room watching him tie his tie.

"wassup" he didnt even look at me. 

"can i come in"

he adjusted his tie "yea"

I walked in pushing the door up behind me. He looked at me threw the mirror then looked away. "You look nice"

"Thanks, so do you"

"Thank you"

"your welcome. Your not still mad at me are you?"

"Naw, i got my baby back. Thats all that matters" he decided to turn to face me but we kept our distance across the room.

"yea, Im really sorry. It all just happened"

"What other excuses do you have?"

"No for real... This boy has been fighting for me for years. I never really payed him attention so I was talking to you and your really a nice guy but then its like he just poured his heart out and i dont know what happen but mine changed" 


"So I came  to say I really wasnt trying to hurt you. I dont want you holding a grudge against me"

"Im over it" he chuckled "and you"

I nodded my head.. "well than.." The way he just plain out said that to me.  

"You may exit my room now"

"So this is it?"

"I mean, we can be something like friends but im staying with and loving Briana with all my heart til the day I die! I'll never hurt her again. The love i have for that girl is strong man, you dont understand"

"I do understand. Love is a powerful thing"

"It is, thats why I was torn when you ditched me like that, like I said. Its over! I have my boo back. Im felling great right now so ima go turn up with my little sister tonight. No one can change my mood! And when she gets here I dont wanna see you talking to her. No offense but i hate when 2 girls i know that i had something for talk... you know where im coming from?"

._. "yea... bye Jake"

"did i hurt your feelings?"

"nah, im good" i opened the door.

"Wait! i wasnt trying to hurt you"

I see what he did. Karma is a bitch! He asked did he hurt me like i did him, then told me he wasnt trying to hurt me.. just like i did him. But its ok, I have Trey and i love him deary!

As i walked out the door a chick was standing there about to knock. 

"Who are you?" she asked

"Dont worry about who I am" i walked off going to watch my mom do Shanelle's make up.

Jake was a little harsh in my opinion, but im ok..


"there she is" i smiled watching Briana walk in my room

"Here i am :)" 

I walked over to hug her tight "i missed your short ass"

"I missed you to"

"Dam you look sexy"

"you look sexy your self!"

"Have you seen Shanelle yet? she looks beautiful.. you know..  as in a sisterly way"

"I know what you mean, but no I havent"

"You came to see me first? dam thats sweet"

"of course. But i gotta go tell her happy birthday and hug her really quick"

"dont keep me waiting to long!"

"ok" She walked out.. Me and her are gonna have fun tonight, not like your thinking though. I just got her back so we're gonna chill til next month THEN we can start back up our sex life. 





She laughed "Thank you so much!"

"Anytime! Your hair is cute, and the make up so far! Wheres your dress?!"

"Thank you. and its put away, you cant see it yet!"

"Ok, well I'll talk to you more when your make up is finished"


"SHANELLE! stop blinking!" The lady beside her said

"aha, oops" O_O "there"

I laughed and shook my head.. Only her. I still would like to know who this girl is! 

I got back to Jakes room to find him laying across the bed. "If i wasnt in this dress I'd jump on you"

He laughed "I know"

"You ok?" i sat beside him


"whats wrong baby"

"my head is trying to hurt"

"I can go get you some pills"

"You want me to die? Im only suppose to take one"

I laughed "I wouldnt overdose you"

"I know, im just playing.. but yea could you please??"


"best girl in the world!"

"MOMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!" i yelled

"Dam your loud ass!" her dad said

"._. sorry, wheres Shanelles mom"

"getting dressed what do you need? WAIT! You and Jake back together?"


"finally damit! but yea what do you need?"

"Jakes head is hurting so i wanted to get him 'a pill' and water"

"i'll do it"

"oh.. thank you" i smiled going back to Jakes room. "IM BACCKKK"

"without my shit"

"Your dad is gonna do it. But until he gets here" I kissed him on the forehead "that should help" 

"it did. thank you. But is there lipstick on my head?"


"iight then your good to kiss these lips now"

I kissed his lips right when his dad walked in. 

"Well I guess your head doesnt hurt anymore.. i'll sit it here" He walked over sitting the glass on the night stand along with the pill while we still kissed.. "I swear i didnt teach you or Shanelle to kiss good but yall some dam pros at that shit" 

"Dad. Thank you. Leave"

"IM TIRED OF YOU AND YOUR SISTER KICKING ME OUT! Ahaha im just kidding, have fun" 


I got to the address Shanelle gave me and got out the car. Her ass better come to the door cause im not trynna get jumped by her dad or nothing! I rung the door bell but this other beautiful girl showed up.


"Hey, Shanelle here?"


"good.." i walked in "and you are?"

"her friend, who are you?"

"Her friend"

"oh, well follow me"

I followed the girl up the stairs and into a bed room where Shanelle stood there by her self looking in the mirror. The girl that led me up here left.. 


She turned around "oh shit... Hi"

"wassup. Happy birthday ma"

"Thank you"

"Why are you alone this time?"

"I kicked everyone out so I could get dressed.. They're chilling in the basement"

"Well I can leave"

"You can stay for a minute"

"iight.. Are you excited?"

"yes! I want a car"

"Im pretty sure you have one"

"yea. I have a job for you. You no that girl that just left from in here? her name is Mariah and i need you to escort her"

"iight.. wheres your boyfriend?"

"I dont know"

"dam.. some boyfriend he is! But i got you a gift"

"aww you didnt have to"

I laughed "but i did.. even though we just met.."

"thank you!" 

"want it now?"


I reached in my pocket pulling out the black box "here"

"jewelry!" She snatched it and hugged me.. 

"We hugging now?" i returned a warm hug

"yea.. friends hug.. right"


She opened the box and there was a shiny necklace that has a heart with diamonds on it. 


"Glad you like it"


"your welcome your welcome your welcome" i laughed

"I wanna wear it tonight"

"I feel special now"

"its just so beautiful"

I stood behind her closing it for her "your beautiful...friend"

She laughed "thanks...friend"

"I'll leave so you can get dressed now.. dont want you to be late. Ima go holla at the girl you want me to escort"

"ok. thanks again"

"no problem.."


I smiled big looking at this necklace! Andrew doesnt seem like other boys! What other boy do you know that would spend money on a girl he just met.. unless he wants sex. But Andrew isnt showing that. he hasnt tried anything slick! For real! He just came out a room with me! No one else! not once did he get to close! I might, just might be able to trust this boy. But my mom always told me not to accept certain gifts from boys cause they'll come back wanting something in return. You know what that is..

Anyway lemme put this dress on.  I sled my robe off throwing it to the bed, popped my bra off and threw it to the bed as well but my door open so i shielded myself. 

"just in time" Brandon smirked "happy birthday to the best girlfriend in the world! I love you!" 

I un-shielded my self smiling "thank you"

"your welcome. You look beyond sexy by the way"

"thanks" i slightly smiled

"you iight though?"

"yea" i grabbed the dress out my closet

"you sure? Why arent you happy?"

"I am happy"

"Your not acting like it"


"baby, whats wrong"

"im ok"

"no, just tell me whats wrong. I can help you"

"Brandon.. im ok"

"iight. Where'd you get that necklace?"

"birthday present"


"mhm" i fixed my boobs in the dress perfectly "im ready"

"Lemme see you"

I faced him so he could see how beautiful i looked. 


I laughed "i take it that you like?"

"Hell yea. Your gorgeous"

"Thank you"

He got up to kiss me.

"Wheres my gift?" 

"I cant give it to you now" he sighed "We have to talk first" 

"Im listening"

"I rather wait to tell you after the party"

"Why? What is it"

He looked down. "I'll talk after"

"But i wanna know now!"

"No, come on. Lets go"

She was looking at me with her arms crossed. "What are you hiding?"

"Baby.. I'll explain every little thing after the party. I dont wanna kill your vibe! 



I decided to just tell her! She told me about her and Jaden and i understood! I hope she understands! But im happy she doesnt Gabriel-- my ex. The gift i have is a ring. What since does it make to cheat on her, give her a ring, then tell her i did it? So ill tell her i did it then offer the ring. If she doesnt want it thats ok.😔 but its better than seeing her slide the ring off her finger and throwing it at me.😔.


Me, Vonte, Tryone, Xavior, Jaden, Isaish, DeShawn and Danny knocked on Shanelles door like a pack of wild animals.


We laughed "can we come in?"


I opened the door seeing her glaring at Brandon but its her birthday and she needs to be happy! 

"Happy birthday little sister" i hugged her tight

She cracked a smile "thanks!"

Everyone else said happy birthday one after another like going down a line counting off, 

"You guys are silly! Thank you!" she hugged them all.

"again bruh?" i asked Brandon


Shanelle walked back over so we shutup. 

"Party starts in 30 minutes. Lets go!" 

we made our way down the stairs, and in the basement. 

I watched all the girls give her compliments, she gave them some,They hugged all that. we got our VIP buttons! Im a Very Important Person :D  But theres a random dude on the couch! o_o 


"My head feels better"

"Good. We have to go"

"Wait.. Come here... Closer!.... A lil closer!" 

"I cant get any closer"

I got close to her ear. "I just wanna say you look really sexy. You make me wanna do something inapporiate to you. When we get older and married ima fuck you like its about to be  the end of the world" i whispered

"And they're depending on us to make earth shaking love?"

I laughed "Yea. And we're gonna have 20 kids"


"Whatever. But can you imagine a honeymoon with me?"


"You WILL be devoured"

I saw her bite her lip and I smiled. "I'll prove it if you promise to stay with me for ever"

"I promise!"

"Get ready! We're getting married at 20"

"about 4?3? Years"


"Cant wait" 😏

"I can already see it! In and out in and out" i whispered

"Not before the party!"😫

"iight. But when we get back....😏!"


I HATE when people hide stuff from me! Its obvious he is but im not about to let him change my mood! But... Why did Andrew give me a 'heart' I know we just met and probably doesnt mean anything but those are the kind of things I think about... 

10+comments! What are your thoughts ?? btw Ethan isnt there.. unless he can sneak in.. aha. 

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