One day

By emz1172

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Layli Brennan is just a 16 year old girl trying to get on with her life after her father abandoned her and he... More

Chapter 1 ~ I swear I swooned ~
Chapter 2 ~Why don't we finish what we started?~
Chapter 3 ~The perfect hollywood couple~
Chapter 4 ~Just open it you pussy~
Chapter 5 ~s*x in my mouth~
Chapter 6 ~Just me and those abs~
Chapter 7 ~I'm like an emotional roller coaster~
Chapter 8 ~It looks like you're having a gang bang~
Chapter 9 ~Glare off~
Chapter 10 ~You're so hot when you're angry~
Chapter 11 ~Is she pregnant?~
Chapter 12 ~Like a fricken gymnast~
Chapter 13 ~Left them hot and turned on at home~
Chapter 14 ~I'm just going to become a crazy cat lady~
Chapter 15 ~That's what you get for messing with a kick boxer~
Chapter 16 ~They don't know how to keep it in their pants~
Chapter 17 ~with an enthusiastic smile and thumbs up~
Chapter 18- part 1 ~Whip out a gun and start murdering everyone~
Chapter 18 - Part 2 ~She can go run with scissors, trip and stab herself~
Chapter 19 ~I'm sorry I wet your shirt~
Chapter 20 ~Love, Layli~
Chapter 21 ~Did you really just quote Dora?~
Chapter 22 ~This guy could be Santa Claus~
Chapter 23 ~We're going to Hollywood baby~
Chapter 24 Part 1 ~Dress hunting time!~
Chapter 24 Part 2 ~Beauty Salons~
Chapter 25 ~Feel free to bow down to me~
Chapter 26 ~I'm a single pringle~
Chapter 27 ~ A dog hunting it's prey~
Chapter 28 ~Heart palpitations~
Chapter 30 ~drugs, alcohol, parties and girls~
Chapter 31 ~This is why I have trust issues~
Chapter 32 ~Way too clichΓ©~

Chapter 29 ~Harder than a Where's Wally book~

94 10 13
By emz1172

Dedicated to Natashamellark99 for helping me with this chapter greatly and also for getting me through my own torturous science lessons. Thank you xx
"Remember no one is allowed in the bedrooms and also if I find a mess when I get back you'll both be in trouble."

"Ok, bye." Kat says with a smile starting to push the front door closed.

"Hold on." John says putting his foot as a wedge between the door, stopping it from closing. Kat rolls her eyes and mutters to herself.

"Do not and I repeat do not let this get out of hand girls, we've trusted you with doing this and I do not want to get a call at 2 in the morning from the police." I instantly feel an odd sense of guilt. The tone he's using makes me feel like a child again being scolded for drawing on the walls, but this time nothing's even happened yet. Kat and I both nod in understanding and they smile once more before taking their overnight bags and Kate and Alisha to the waiting car. Kat shuts the front door blocking our view. She lets out a little squeal and runs up the stairs laughing. I shake my head smiling, excited butterflies becoming present in my stomach. I follow her up the stairs and head to my room to change out of my school uniform. I am pleased to see that the spawn of Satan himself has left for another month and that I no longer have to induce him stabbing me inside until blood starts dripping out. Ok maybe that's just me who thinks like that. I slip on a strapless red dress that dips into a sweetheart neckline showing a little cleavage. It has a thick band of the same soft material just above my hips before the dress flares out a little more underneath, stopping mid thigh. I curl my hair slightly so it has a wavy look about it and leave it down so it flows down my back and shoulders. Next I do my make up so it looks natural before adding a coat of red lipstick to match my dress. Looking at myself in the mirror I realise that I could be a little overdressed dressed for a high school party. I smoothen the soft dress down again with my hands and let out a breath.

Before I know it the people are almost done setting up and I have to admit it looks good. Outside fairy lights have been draped all over the trees out the back and down the driveway out the front. All the furniture has been pushed back in the large living room, becoming the perfect place to set up a dance area. The Dj has massive speakers everywhere with flashing lights and smoke machines near his decks, reminding me of primary school discos. A food table has been set up by waiters in white shirts with snacks and eskys of drinks are scattered throughout the kitchen. There's even some chairs and tables around the edges of the living room and the grass outside. As I take this all in I can't help but have a smile etched onto my lips. We've done good. Glancing at the clock it reads 7:30 and I smile to myself, my butterflies taking over. What am I supposed to do for the next half an hour? From inside there is suddenly a boom as the base begins to pump and the familiar pulse of freaks begins pounding through the speakers, and it's almost as if I can feel it pulsing through my body. Walking back inside I turn the decking lights on dim along with the kitchen and foyer. In the living room the lights are completely turned off so the lights can be seen shining around and occasionally flashing out into the foyer. I make sure the rope we put up across the stairway of the downstairs level is still up and that all the doors are closed. When that is successful I release another breath through my lips and run back up the stairs to my room so I put my shoes on. I double check that all the bedroom doors are shut on the second level as well and check my appearance again. Fiddling with the tape that's ensuring my dress doesn't slip down by accident I then turn around and see my bare back in the mirror, I am pleased when everything looks ok. Suddenly I hear the doorbell ring and I look at the clock wide eyed. It's not even 8 yet. Oh god, it's starting. I begin to hear voices downstairs and send a silent prayer that everything will go well tonight. Knowing my history with parties I am honestly worried for my life. Especially since I am meant to be running this thing.

I sit on my bed just staring at the wall for a while contemplating if this was a good decision. The voices downstairs are progressively getting louder and I know that once everyone's here it's going to be packed. The guest list had just over 300 hundred people. I honestly have no idea how we found that many people to invite. Slowly I stand up and make my way out of my bedroom slowly. it will only be a matter of time until someone wonders where I am. I walk out of my room and shut the door behind me before heading down the staircase managing not to fall over in my black heels. The music drastically increases as I descend as some random song I don't know blares over the speakers. Scanning my eyes over the crowd there appears to already be 50 or so people walking around and more are being let inside by 2 security guards every minute. I pause at the bottom of the stairs and look around for someone I know.

"Nice party." Some guy calls as he walks past me towards the kitchen. I nod and smile, distracted as my eyes continue to scan around. I begin to walk to the dance area but know I'll have no hope of finding anyone in these crowds. I make my way to the kitchen and my eyes widen at the bottles and bottles of alcohol all over the benches. What the fuck? If the cops come in here we'll be so busted. I try to shove my way over to them to clear some away when someone grabs my shoulders.

"It's about time!" One of Chelsea's minions grins in my face. I scrunch up my face confused and she makes an exaggerated gesture of rolling her eyes.

"With a house like this I'd be throwing parties every weekend!" She says way too enthusiastically. I only nod before pulling away, still on the hunt for my friends. Jesus this is harder than a Where's Wally book. I decide to leave the alcohol where it is. If people brought it I can't exactly just take it and keep it, not that I drink anyway.

"Happy holidays chica!" I turn around and let out a sigh of relief wrapping Hazel in a hug.

"We survived term 1." Bella grins hugging me also.

"Where the hell have you guys been?" I ask raising an eyebrow.

"Around, just checking the place out. Nice job by the way." Hazel says bumping my shoulder with her fist. I smile in thanks and take in their outfits. Bella is in a pretty white shift dress that has a dark blue aztec design on the shoulders and under the neckline, while Hazel has on simple maroon shorts and a lacy long sleeve black top that shows her bra underneath and the skin on her arms. I notice that none of the guys are with them and for the first time in ages I don't feel nervous to see Tom. Maybe I am finally getting over him. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. After a few minutes we begin to walk towards the dance area. A few people stop and tell me it's a good party and what not. Half of them I have no clue who they are so I just smile and nod. I thought the whole point of a guest list is that I'd actually know the people who are in my house, but I guess when that list is 300 people long it might be a little hard. Walking next to Hazel I notice that my heels have made me the same height has her and for some reason that gives me a slight sense of pleasure. I kind of feel bad for Bella though. She's one of those people who, no matter how tall anyone else gets, she just stays the same height. She's not tiny, by far means but she's not as tall as Hazel and I. We have faith that one day she'll have a growth spurt and finally become taller. But until then I guess she'll have to suffer. We reach the lounge room and the room is writhing with bodies. The darkness provides perfect opportunities for already drunk people to get frisky in the corners and I cringe as I remember this is my house. I just pray none of them decide to do the dirty in one of the bedrooms.

"Holy shit is that Chelsea?" Hazel tells in my ear nodding to my left. Bella and I turn our heads and I squint trying to see what's so weird about her until I see her lips. I start laughing.

"Is she trying to be bloody Kylie Jenner?"

"She needs to calm the fuck down with the lip injections obviously." Bella yells laughing. Just as she does the music track stops and there is a moment of silence as the next one begins to play. Everyone's gaze snaps over to us and my mouth forms an O shape before I cover my mouth and burst out laughing. Soon all 3 of us turn our backs to Chelsea and are leaning over, laughing our heads off.

"Oh my god she totally heard you." I gasp wiping my eyes.

"I know and I can't breathe." Bella also gasps still chuckling. We all sigh and take a deep breath before peaking in her direction and burst out laughing again. Hazel begins pushing her way out of the dance room and back towards my kitchen. Bella and I follow and she stops at the kitchen bench with all the alcohol on it. I cringe at the sight of her pouring herself a cup of something.

"Want some?" She asks Bella and I.

"No thanks, you can go ahead and kill your brain cells but I'd rather keep mine intact." Bella says leaning against the bench. Hazel rolls her eyes and looks at me, but I only shake my head. Last time didn't go so well. But I guess I did wake up in Ashley's bed. I can't help but smile at the thought. I wonder if he's here yet. I haven't seen Cam so maybe not. I wonder where they could be.

"Why did you even invite her anyway?" Hazel asks taking a sip from her cup. The 3 of us begin to walk towards the doors that lead to the deck and I shrug.

"Honestly I didn't want to, but Kat did. And then I thought, if I don't invite her it will just give her a reason to hate me even more, so I just invited her and her little clique."

"Did you ever think this would be the perfect opportunity for her to humiliate you?" Bella raises an eyebrow and I frown.

"Didn't really think of that one. But hey the security guys can throw her out." I smile. Outside on the deck there's not as many people but it's refreshing with the cool breeze and the music isn't too loud. I suddenly feel arms wrap around my waist and a head lean on my back. I turn my head in surprise and see it's Cam. Well that's no surprise really, who else would do that?

"Hey! Where have you been?" I ask pulling him off me. I know Bella still has feelings for him and I don't want to be one of those people who comes In between a friend and their crush.

"Long story." He sighs looking tired. We all look at him with concerned expressions. It's not like Cam to be this down at a party, they're practically his kingdom.

"Basically someone broke into our house." We gasp.

"What!" Hazel exclaims. Things like this are very rare in our suburb so this is very strange.

"Yea." He nods. "We come home from school and there's glass everywhere in the kitchen. Someone had smashed the kitchen window in." Kitchen window, why does that sound so familiar? Holy shit, kitchen window. Last night there was a man standing there. My blood runs cold and I find myself rubbing the goosebumps on my arms.

"So our first thought was, he's still in the house, and Ash grabs a bat and begins walking around."

"What!" I blurt out angry. "Is he stupid? What if the person had a fucking gun or something!"

"Yea that's what I was thinking. So I call the cops and then mum and dad. Coppers did a search, no one was to be found. Mum went mental, barley let us come to this thing."

"So everyone was ok?" Hazel asks finishing off her cup.

"Yea, yea everyone was just on edge you know, like what are the chances that happens to someone around here."

"The weirdest part is though that whoever it was didn't even take anything valuable. The only thing that we noticed was missing is the photo of us three from year 7 graduation." He says gesturing to Hazel and I. At this I almost choke on my own spit. What if they were looking for me?

"Weird." Bella mutters frowning.

"Yea weird." I say thinking this can't be a coincidence.

It's surprising how fast time flies, before I know it it's past 11 o'clock and the house is almost bulging with people. There's hundreds of sweaty bodies squashed together in the dance room, people emptying bottle after bottle in the kitchen, people talking out the back and still even at this time it doesn't seem to be getting any emptier. On the plus side there hasn't been to much drama so far.

"Do you know where the bathroom is?" A short girl with long black hair slurs, bumping into me.

"Yea, I'll take you." I smile kindly, holding onto the girl so she doesn't fall while I lead her to the downstairs bathroom.

"Here you go" I smile stopping outside the unoccupied room. She gives me a lopsided smile before stumbling in, shutting the door behind her. I begin to walk back to my friends when I realise I shouldn't leave her in this state. What if someone does something to her? I've seen the movies. Sighing I leaning against the opposite wall, my bare back resting against the cool surface. I see movement out of the corner of my eye and catch a glimpse of a face at the end of the hallway. Wide eyed I snap my head around, giving myself whiplash. Heart pounding I see a security guard continue walking and into a room.

"Are you ok?" I look over and see the small girl looking much more sober and cringe to think of the mess that might be in there.

"Yea, I just thought I saw someone." I mutter, turning to look one last time as we walk back to the party. I shake my head. Now I'm seeing things, great.
The girl thanks me before going off to find her friends and I mine. We all dance for a little longer and I soon forget about the image in the hallway, all I can only focus on are my poor feet, who feel like they're broken. Maybe wearing heels wasn't such a good idea. Dancing I feel so free, like it's just the rhythm of the song pounding through my body. I can see why Bella does it. Jumping around, soon Hazel and I are lost in the crowd, separated from Bella and Cameron. Grabbing my arm she drags me over to the drinks and pours herself another cup. She's a little tipsy now but she's far from drunk, a happy in between by the looks of it. As we head back to the dance floor she suddenly grabs my arm and gasps in my ear, pointing to a wall near the stairs in the foyer. I follow her finger and see Cameron has Bella pinned against the wall and they're passionately making out. I let out a little squeal and Hazel joins me holding my hands we do a little dance. Laughing we break apart and continue on our path back to where the DJ is. I suddenly hear yelling and a voice that I instantly recognise as Kats. Spinning around I grab Hazel's arm and quickly drag her to where the voices are coming from. Outside on the grass there appears to be a fight and Kat is standing there screaming for them to stop, but she appears to be held back by someone. Letting go of Hazel I run down the stairs and onto the grass to see what's going on. There appears to be a small crowd gathered around the pair who are still grunting and rolling around, but the majority of people are thankfully inside. On closer inspection I see Ashley ontop of someone throwing punches into his bleeding face.

"I know it was you! You sick shit!" He yells and I gasp when I see the man Ash has pinned down is in a security guard uniform. What could he have done to Ashley?

"Ashley!" I scream. "Stop!" I shove through the crowd and hear Kat mutter finally. Ignoring her I focus on the situation at hand and continue yelling at him to stop.

"Ash!" He snaps his head towards me eyes blazing, chest heaving and he looks down before looking back up to me again. Stepping off the man he kicks him swiftly in the side before wiping a drop of blood from his mouth with the bottom of his shir and shoving past me and through the crowd. The man stands up into the light and I gasp my body freezing. He spits a mouthful of blood out onto the grass before smiling at me with bloody teeth. Oh my god, it's him. I wasn't seeing things. He's really here. The creepy science teacher is in my backyard, in a security uniform. I stand there frozen, my mouth dry as I try to choke out some sort of word. How? How did he get in here? Why is he wearing that? I'm sure we never hired him. Oh god. My lip trembles and I hear Hazel gasp from next to me. My body is paralysed with fear but I can't take my eyes away.

"Security! Someone call security!" I am vaguely aware of Hazel yelling but everything seems to be somehow quietening, it's like the world around me understands my thoughts and is letting me have time to myself. I jump as someone shoves me and tackles the man in front of me. This time a real security guard is yelling orders and pinning Mr - no it feels wrong to call him by his name. What did Ashley refer to him as? Oh yes - the sick shit to the floor and handcuffing his hands behind his back. The two men are ushered away by another man and I stand there waiting for the sirens. But they never come. Following the crowd I end up back inside in the foyer and I notice a few people are beginning to leave. Don't worry, I'd want to leave too if that happened.

"Here drink this. You need a chill pill." From next to my sister Mark hands me a cup and I notice my trembling hand as I go to take it. Here goes a sober night.

"Thanks." I give him a small smile as I take a sip. He opens his mouth to say something but a large burly security guy steps into my line of vision.

"Layli Brennan?" He asks and I nod. "The man we handcuffed tonight was named Seymour Vincent. This man some how broke into your house unknown, gave one of the guards a drug that put him to sleep before stealing his uniform and acting as him all night. Walking his patrols and reporting back any information." I nod feeling sick in my stomach. I take another gulp of my cup and continue listening.

"We are inclined to believe that Ashley Thompson first noticed him when he was doing a perimeter patrol in your back garden miss. He then launched an attack, alerting us of his presence. At the moment he is being treated for wounds to the face at the local hospital, he will then be taken to the police station where he will be arrested for breaking and entering of private premises." My vision of this man blurs slightly and I blink trying to clear it.

"So why we're no police called?" I manage to ask while blinking. My eyes suddenly feel like they're drooping and I'm fighting to keep them open.

"Most of the security team are ex army officers or police officers miss, we have approval from your parents to go ahead with procedures we see fit." He explains and I nod blinking my eyes.

"If that will be all?" He asks and I nod again. He leaves and I put my hand on my head as a slight headache begins. What the fuck did Mark give me? I try to walk over to him and Kat but stumble slightly, my legs feeling weak. I use the wall to move over to them.

"Mark what did you give me to drink?" I ask my throat feeling raw. he frowns slightly before shrugging.

"Not sure that guy told me to give it to you." He says gesturing over to a figure near the staircase before turning back to his friends. I stumble over and blink my vision unfocused until I can make out a face. I try to move back but fail miserably, tripping over my own feet. Colin catches me with a smile.

"Well, well what do we have here? Had a little too much to drink?" He asks wrapping his arm around my waist. No you drugged me you stupid ass. It comes out more like a slur of some non understandable words and I move my hand to my head again as the thump of the base makes my head spin. He begins moving me up the stairs and I try to call for help but no words will come out of my mouth. I begin to panic over my slowly fading vision and therefore trip over the stairs. Colin easily scoops my body into his arms with a small grunt and carries me down the hall towards my bedroom.

"What a lovely dress this is. What fun we can have." He murmurs against my ear while running a finger up to my thigh. I shiver and feel a tear slip from the corner of my eye before everything goes black.

So it's past 11:30pm and I am literally half asleep. I really wanted to get this update up because I know I am late (again). But on the bright side I only have 2 more weeks of school left until holidays so they might actually be on time.
Hope you liked this chapter actually added some drama (yay) and I noticed we're not far off from 3K i swear when we get there I'll probably scream.
I've noticed heaps of you are from different counties and that is so cool! Comment what country you're from.
Anyway have a good one guys, im going to bed xx

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