My Fake Boyfriend

By authorX99

133K 4.3K 654

"Fine. Then Kiss" Julia snaps I stared her with wide eyes. Kiss? "We don't have to-" "Fine." Ben responded. M... More

Authors Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 6

4.4K 162 55
By authorX99


I woke up in someone warm arms. I was too tired to process where I was and who this was so I snuggled into there chest. The person chuckled and wrapped its arms around my waist tighter. Whoever this was, he had a very nice colon. After a few minutes I decided to see if I was in a bed with a murder. I stretched my arms out and shut my eyes tight while I did. This time the stranger laughed loudly at me. I smiled while my eyes were still closed. I recognized that laugh anywhere. When I finished my stretches I open my eyes to find Ben smiling down at me.

"Morning beauty." He joked.

"Morning beast" I smirked and he chuckled.

"Good answer." He laughed and ruffled my hair. I pouted when he did and he pinched my checks.

"You're so cute when you sleep." He said in a baby voice. I slapped his hands away and he laughed at me. I tried to not smile but failed miserably. Who couldn't feel little butterflies when he laughed? Hes laugh is just so perfect and makes you feel so happy inside even when your sad. I got up from the bed. Ben tried to grab my arm to pull me back in bed but I quickly got out of his reach. He waved his hands in the air lazily and made me laugh.

"Where are you goingggg?" He pouted. I shook my head at him.

"I'M GONNA GO EAT!" I screamed excitedly, knowing that everyone was awake so I could scream. I ran out the room and heard footsteps behind me. I squealed and tried to make my feet move faster. But come on, it's no point. I mean, who would win in a race, a fricken athlete or a book worm? THIS ISN'T FAIR GAME!

I sprinted down the hall and made a sharp turn when I reached the end of it. I ran for the stair but before I could get there, Ben wrapped his arms around my waist and spun me around like he did at the beach.

"BEN PUT ME DOWNNNNNN!" I laughed not sure if I really meant it. He laughed at me and turned me in his arms so that we were face to face. We were both panting from the run. I felt his chest move up and down against mine. His hazel eyes staring directly into mine. Before anything could go any forward I heard a voice calling Ben from somewhere. I turned towards the direction and Mrs.Scatt stood. Her eyes widen


"Uh, we weren't doing anything...." I said probably sounding so stupid. Ben rubbed the back of his neck nervously while Mrs.Scatt raised an eyebrow at us.

"Oh?" She question and we nodded. She smiled at us, obviously not believing us. But we weren't doing anything-I mean, it would't have lead into anything major... Right?

"Well, I'll leave you two to it. Please, proceed." She winked at Ben and his eyes widen while his face turned a bright shade of red, probably the same as mine.

"Uh- I'm hungry..." I said and walked to the stairs. I heard Mrs.Scatt whisper her last sorry to Ben and follow me down the stair.

By the time we got in the kitchen, we forgot about everything that had just happened, which I'm grateful of because that would have been just awkward. Mrs.Scatt made an amazing breakfast. She made bacon- which I absolutely LOVE- with scrambled eggs and waffles. I haven't eaten that much for breakfast in a long time. Teddy told us a dragon story and made Ben act with him which was the most adorable thing in the world. Ben would get down on his hands and knees and act like a dragon, and Teddy would grab a spoon and pretend to fight Ben eventually stabbing him in the heart and Ben would dramatically die. Then Teddy put his foot on top of Ben like he saw in the movie, and stand up straight and proud. Me and Mrs.Scatt started to applaud.

When Ben sat back in his seat, which was next to me, he intertwined our fingers together. His hands fit in mine like there made just for me ( a/n ANY OF YOU DIRECTIONERS GET IT?) and I could help but feel a little deflated knowing that we were just faking it. Why couldn't he just be my boyfriend? Oh yeah, because I'm due to die in a few mouths. I feel my stomach twist at the idea. It never did that before. The idea of dying never scared me before. Why now?

Now that I think of it... I don't want to die anymore. I have so much to live for. Now that I know what love could feel like- being in a fake relationship and all- I want to have that for myself, for real. I want to get married. I want to have kids. I want to grow old with my husband and see my grandchildren run around and call me 'grandma'. I want to die because of old age, not because of my symptom.

"I want to live." I whispered to myself to make myself more confident. Ben towards me and looked at me strangely.

"What?" He asked and I stared at him wide eyes. I swam trough my head to try to find an excuse. "Did you just say you wanted to live?"

"No I didn't" I said a little to quickly. I sighed. "Never mind." I told him. He still looked at me at me still weirdly but focus his attention to his mom after a while, who was talking about god knows what. I don't want to die. I want to live... But how?

There was only one answer.

I had to get my treatment.

I sat up quickly and everyone looked over to me. THAT'S IT! Doctor Pulman said when I saw her a week ago if I was sure I didn't want my treatment. It's probably not to late to ask for it. I probably looked like I just thought of how to cure world hunger.

"Honey, are you ok? Whats wrong?" Mrs.Scatt asked me. I smiled brightly at her.

"I'm gonna li- I mean, I uh... Can I go make a call?" I asked her. She nodded her head. I grinned from ear to ear. "I'll be right back!" I said a little to excited.
I kissed Ben's cheek and saw his face a little dazed. I ran for the stairs. I sprinted up the stairs and almost tripped over the last step. I was running as if I called the hospital a second later they wouldn't let me get it. I sprinted for Ben's room. I scanned my room searching for my phone.


"ITS IN THE LIVING ROOM!" I heard Ben call back and I took off for the stair again. This time, I did tripped over the last step but luckily Ben caught me. "Whoa." He said, helping me gain my balance again. "What's up with you?" He said, scanning my face to see if the answers were there. I know what he saw on my face,


"What? Oh uh nothing. I just got to make an important call." I said and ran passed him towards the living room. I saw my phone on the coach and practically threw myself on it. I sat up quickly on the coach and scrolled throw my contact quickly. "Come on, come on" I whispered to myself. I finally found the contact I was looking for.

Seattle Grace Hospital

(A.N. I took it from Greys Anatomy ;) )

I quickly click on the contact and pushed the phone to my ear. I pushed my hair out of my face while it rung and tried to catch my breath. The ringing stopped and a female voice appeared.

"Seattle Grace Hospital how may I help you?" She asked.

"Um yes hi my name is Sophie Evans and I'm calling for Doctor Pulman please." I told her.

"Ok, please hold for a moment." She told me and I heard some clicking of a keyboard on the other end. "Whats your name again honey?"

"Sophie Evans, I am diagnosed with cancer and I want to ask her if she can treat me?" I asked and she typed away.

"One moment while I connect you with Doctor Pulman." I thanked her and music started to play. After a few seconds of music it stopped.

"Doctor Pulman speaking." I heard a familiar voice say.

"DOCTOR PULMAN!" I screamed in relief.

"Sophie? Are you ok? What's wrong?" She asked.

"No no, I'm fine. Actually I'm better than fine." I took a deep breath before continuing. "I want to get my treatment. Is it too late?" I asked and crossed my figures. I heard a sign of relief from the other end.

"THANK GOD! Of course it isn't too late! Oh, I'm so happy you asked. I really didn't want to see you pass away this young!" I smiled at her words. Doctor Pulman has been my doctor for 5 years now, so we know each other pretty well. I'm glad that she is my doctor. She is so kind all the time."I will call your mom and let her know about your decision. May I ask why the sudden change of heart? Not that its a bad thing, I'm just curious." I sat back in the couch and relaxed.

"Well... I just thought hard about it, and I released that I want to have a future. A good one. I want to go to college, maybe get married and have kids. You know, all that stuff. I just released that I'm too young to die and I want my treatment." I told her sincerely, not mentioning Ben. Now that I'm having my treatment, I can get attached to people. My treatment is 100% guaranteed to work (A.N- I just made that up) so I can finally be a teen again.

"Well I'm glad you did" Doctor Pulman said. "I'll talk to your mom about the rest. I'm glad you called Sophie."

I smiled. "I'm glad I did too."

"I'll see you soon. Have a good day now." She said and hung up. I was too happy to move for a few seconds. I'm going to live.

"Sophie? I turned around to see Mrs.Scatt in tears. She did hear me did she...

"Your going to die?"



Hoped you guys liked it! sorry it was short!



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