Miraculous | Book 3(Old Versi...

Von ChanelPradaGirl

121K 3.4K 2.9K


Merci (Thank You)
Caméléonne (Chameleon: Part 1)
Caméléonne (Chameleon: Part 2)
Nouveau Programme (New Schedule)
Animaestro: Part 1
Animaestro: Part 2
Prêtresse (Priestess)
Réserver Semaines (Book Weeks)
Bakerix: Part 1
Bakerix: Part 2
Test de grossesse (Pregnancy Test)
Arrière (Backwarder)
Face Claim
Joueur 2.0 (Gamer 2.0: Part 1)
Joueur 2.0 (Gamer 2.0: Part 2)
Camp Amour et Drame (Camp Love & Drama)
Silencieux (Silencer)
Perdu au Japon ... avec Lila (Lost In Japan...With Lila)
Onii-Chan (Oni-chan: Part 1)
Onii-Chan (Oni-Chan: Part 2)
Onii-Chan (Oni-Chan: Part 3)
Effrayer (Scare)
Oblivio: Part 1
Oblivio: Part 2
Mme Sánchez (Ms. Sánchez)
Crasher Partie (Party Crasher)
Marionnettiste 2 (Puppeteer 2: Part 1)
Marionnettiste 2 (Puppeteer 2: Part 2)
S'il te plaît (Please)
Temps Orageux 2 (Stormy Weather 2)
Le navire a navigué! (The Ship Has Sailed!)
Le Banquet (Feast)
Reflekdoll (Part 1)
Reflekdoll (Part 2)
Ikari Gozen
Rivales (Rivals)
Desparada (Part 1)
Desperada (Part 2)
Un voeu (One Wish)
Timetagger: Part 1
Timetagger: Part 2
Lilas Roi (King Lilac: Part 1)
Lilas Roi (King Lilac: Part 2)
Chat Blanc (Cat Blanc: Part 1)
Chat Blanc (Cat Blanc: Part 2)
Plaisir et désir (Fun & Desire)
Félix: Part 1
Coccinelle (Ladybug: Part 1)
Coccinelle (Ladybug: Part 2)
Les jumeaux (The Twins. Short)
Chasseur de cœur (Heart Hunter; Battle Of The Miraculous: Part 1)
Reine Miracle (Miracle Queen; Battle Of The Miraculous: Part 2)
C'est fini... (It's Over...)
Ailette (Fin)

Félix: Part 2

1.5K 60 40
Von ChanelPradaGirl


"Adrien...?" Kalianna's eyes widened. "Hold on, i-if your there then," She looked at Félix and scooted away from him. "W-Who, who is-!"

"Kali, it's me, he's the imposter!" Félix accused, pointing at Adrien as he got up from the bed.

"No Ma Reine! He's lying! He's Félix!" Adrien yelled.

Kalianna scrambled off the bed, pulling on her underwear.

"Oh come on, I'm the one who was pleasuring her, I'm the real one and you know it!" Félix snapped.

"I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU'D DO THIS TO ME!" Enraged, Adrien punched Félix in the face, causing him to stumble back.


Adrien and Félix looked at Kalianna.

"I know it's you Félix," The noirette hissed. "I had a feeling you weren't Adrien but I ignored the signs."

Félix sighed. "Guess you caught me." He said, speaking in his actual voice.

"Your disgusting." Kalianna spat.

"Why? Why would you do this?!" Adrien shouted at his cousin.

"Because you don't deserve her!" Félix retorted. "You're a complete idiot who'll just toss her aside for another girl!"


Félix scoffed. "Yeah right."

Just then Nathalie angrily bursts into Adrien's room. "Come along, Adrien. You have a last-minute photoshoot."

"Not now." Adrien told the woman and then glared at Félix. "I have a bone to pick."

Nathalie confusedly looks between the two, confused with both lookalikes of Adrien. She then shook her head.

"That can wait. Let's hurry." Nathalie insisted.

Adrien's phone beeps inside of Félix's pocket. He takes it out and throws it away as The Punishers Trio appears.

"Oh no..." Kalianna muttered.

"It's time for your punishment, you naughty - Oh!" Reflekta sees the identical Adrien and Félix standing in front of her, their arms up.

"Boys?" The Punishers' Trio said in unison.

"It all makes sense now!" Lady Wifi realized. "There were two Adriens."

"That explains why our super nice video was answered by the super mean one!" Princess Fragrance concluded.

Adrien angrily looks over at Félix.

"Which one of you is a cruel and inferior copy of the original?" Reflekta asked.

While she was saying this, Kali had slyly moved towards the door and ran out.

"What video is she talking about?" Adrien asked his cousin in a rude tone.

"Hey, I have no idea what they're going on about," Félix replied.

"One of you two guys tried to make Adrien look like a monster." Lady Wifi informed.

"It was him!" Adrien points at Félix. "He's Félix! My cousin!"

Félix gasps in shock, then furiously looks at his cousin for ratting him out.

Princess Fragrance points her perfume gun at Adrien. "Only a real meanie would tell on his cousin! You must be Félix."

Nathalie quickly takes a protective stance in front of Adrien. "What are you doing, Adrien?"

"Adrien?" Lady Wifi was confused. "Is that Félix or not?"

"What do you think?" Adrien laughs maniacally and runs off.

"That's him! He's the real Félix!" Reflekta guessed incorrectly.

The villains attempted to run after Adrien.

"Don't touch him!" Nathalie hurls Princess Fragance into a wall.

Lady Wifi and Reflekta both fired at her but she dodges and foot sweeps both of them. Reflekta falls down but Lady Wifi avoids the sweep. Nathalie then kicked the villain's tablet onto the balcony of the room.

The woman impressively fights and dodges the Trio for a while, before being ganged up on by them, and consequently turned into a Reflekta copy.

Scene: Hawk Moth's Lair.

"You're being tricked, you fools!" Hawk Moth told the villains.

Scene: Adrien's Room.

Lady Wifi shoots Nathalie with a pause icon.

"Adrien has sacrificed himself for his cousin!" Hawk Moth said to the trio.

Reflekta glares at Félix.

"Hey, girls, wait- I didn't do anything!" Félix lied, mimicing Adrien's voice.

"He's the true culprit." Hawk Moth insisted.

"But..." Lady Wifi wasn't sure.

"Oh well, it's too easy." Félix drops his act. "Where's the fun? You want real? I'll show you real." He puts up his hands in a typical karate stance.

"It's time for punishment, naughty boy," Reflekta smirked.

"Be careful what you wish for, naughty girls."

(Sukura41: Ummm... that sounds... wrong...)

The Trio all shoot their various weapons at Félix, but he dodges them all, before landing a kick on Reflekta.

Scene: Garden.

Adrien hides behind a wall.

"Would you mind explaining to me why you're saving this cheese-murderer, who not only copied you, BUT PRACTICALLY ABUSED YOUR GIRLFRIEND WITHOUT HER CONSENT?!" Plagg screamed.

"I'm not saving him, I only did that because I needed to find a place to transform." Adrien scowled. "Plagg, claws out!"

Scene: Adrien's Room.

Félix is still dodging the Trio's attacks. Leopardess grabs him with her yo-yo and proceeds to carry him as she runs across a nearby roof.

Scene: Le Grand Paris.

"Don't worry, Adrien, I'll deal with them later. I'll put you out of harm's way first!" Leopardess leaps onto the roof of Le Grand Paris, letting Félix down. "You'll be safe here." She patted his shoulder and was about to swing away but Félix grabbed her shoulder.

"Wait! What about my girlfriend Kalianna?" The boy asked, mimicking Adrien's voice.

"Girlfriend?" Leopardess raised an eyebrow.

"Er, secret girlfriend." Félix rubbed the back of his neck. "Please don't tell anyone!"

"Uh, I won't. Anyway, she's ah.. hiding downstairs! Want me to send her up?" Leopardess asked.

"Yes!" Félix replied, his eyes brightening.

"Okay then," Leopardess took the way to the stairs. "Sunny, slow down."

She detransformed and fed Sunny a cookie from her purse.

"Are you sure he's Adrien? What if it's that no-good Félix?"

"No way, Félix doesn't even know about me and Adrien's relationship." Kalianna rolled her eyes. "Now hide Sunny,"

Sunny hid in her owner's purse as the noirette went back upstairs.

"Princess!" Félix smiled.

"Adrien!" Kalianna ran towards him and hugged him tightly. "I'm so glad you're safe!"

"Me too," Félix mumbled, resting his hands on her hips.

Kalianna's eyes snapped open when he lightly forced her against the wall behind them.


⚠WARNING!⚠: Bit of a triggering scene! Skip if you experienced r*pe or near r*pe.

"Shhh," Félix pinned her hands above her head with one hand and began roughly kissing her neck.

"Stop!" Kalianna demanded as she tried to wriggle out of his hold.

"Quiet," Félix snapped, his free hand began to slowly roam up her dress...

Scene Over.

"WHAT PART OF STOP DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND?!" Kali delivers Félix a swift kick to the groin and a sucker punch to the ground.

Félix groaned, holding his family jewels.

"Ugh, gross!" Kalianna furiously wiped at her neck. "I'm taking a shower as soon as I get home." She glared at Félix. "I can't believe you Félix. First, you impersonate Adrien and try to sleep with me," She kicked him in the stomach, causing him to grunt. "Then you attempt to assault me!" She kicked him again. "Your the worst," She hissed at him.

Just then Ladybug arrived. "What happened here?" She rushed over to Kalianna. "Are you okay?" She gasped when she saw Félix on the ground. "Why's Adrien on the floor?!" She went to help him but Kalianna grabbed her shoulder.

"Uh-uh, he may look like Adrien, but he's not."

"What?" Ladybug was confused.

Cat Noir arrived just then. "That's Félix! Adrien's cousin. I just ran into the real Adrien and he told me everything. You made a lot of enemies in one day," He told Félix as he crossed his arms. "Bet you don't have a lot of friends, acting the way you do. Am I wrong?" 

Félix looks down sadly.

Ladybug sees the Trio incoming. "Cut it out! There's no time for bickering, they're coming! Kalianna, I need you to take cover." 

"You got it Ladybug!" Kalianna ran away towards the stairs.

"Lucky Charm!" A note appears in Ladybug's hand. "Don't worry, your leopard-in-shining will appear at the right time." She sighed. "Let's hope so."

Reflekta landed on the roof. "You really think a note will save you from being punished, Ladybug?" She points her mirror at her.

Princess Fragrance lands beside Reflekta. "Do you wanna smell like fish for the rest of your life, kitty?" She points her gun at Cat Noir.

Lady Wifi lands behind Ladybug and Cat Noir. "Do anything and I'll pause you for good!" She threatened, her tablet at the ready.

"You spend way too much time on your phone, you know that?" Cat Noir retorted.

It's a standstill, until Félix kicks the tablet out of Lady Wifi's hands, and takes it.

"Félix, smash it in half, and this nightmare will be over!" Ladybug informed.

"What makes you think I want it to be over?" The boy asked maliciously. "Hawk Moth!" He called out to the villain. "Can you hear me, Hawk Moth? You want Ladybug and Cat Noir's Miraculous, don't you?" 

Ladybug and Cat Noir glare at Félix in shock, believing he betrayed them. Hawk Moth's telepathic purple mask appears on Lady Wifi's face, then Reflekta, then Princess Fragrance, as they speak for him.

"And what do you want?" Lady Wifi asked Félix.

"I'm after a piece of jewelry, too. How about we make a little exchange?"

"Get hold of the Miraculous first," Reflekta told him. 

"We'll discuss the rest later." Princess Fragrance concluded.

"You've got yourself a deal. Now I think it's high time Ladybug and Cat Noir were punished." Félix holds out the tablet to Lady Wifi.

Lady Wifi jumps down from the railing, charging at Ladybug.

Suddenly, Leopardess landed in front of the bug hero and sprayed glitter in Lady Wifi's eyes.

The villain's hands flew up to her eyes as she tried to get the glitter out, Leopardess pulled Ladybug out of the way so Lady Wifi could trip into Reflekta, who shoots Princess Fragrance into the second Reflekta. Cat Noir extends his stick to block Princess Fragrance's perfume bullet and knocks Félix off the roof in the same move. 

Ladybug catches him with her yo-yo, and the tablet crashes onto the ground, releasing the akuma. The girls are deakumatized, and Ladybug, Leopardess, and Cat Noir look down at Félix as he hangs from the roof.

"I hope you've learned your lesson." Cat Noir smirked.

Félix nods fearfully, and Ladybug pulls him back up.

"Pound it!" The heroes fist-bumped.

Ladybug opens her yo-yo. "No more evil-doing for you, little Akuma. Time to de-evillize!" She captures the akuma. "Gotcha!" She releases the pure butterfly. "Bye bye, little butterfly." She then throws up the note. "Miraculous Ladybug!" 

The Miraculous cure turns Kim, Max, Nino, Ronnie, and Nathalie all turn back to normal.

Scene: Agreste's Foyer.

The Agrestes, Kalianna, and Graham de Vanily's are gathered in the foyer.

"That video you sent to my friends... Unforgivable, Félix. Your unforgivable." Adrien scowled at his cousin. 

Félix doesn't look him in the eye, only looks down, upset and ashamed.

"Now that his father isn't here to stop him from getting into mischief-" 

Félix stops his mother from defending him.

"I don't deserve to be forgiven, mom. I put my cousin and Kalianna in danger. He's right. No apology can ever be enough." Félix holds his hand out for Adrien to shake. "Even though we have our differences, I'm very sorry."

Adrien scowled at his hand and turned away from Félix, storming up to his room.

Gabriel, feeling a bit remorseful that his son didn't shake his cousin's hand, shook it instead.

"Goodbye, Félix." 

"Before I go, Kalianna." Félix turned to the noirette. "Can I speak with you outside?" 

Kalianna pursed her lips and nodded before she followed Félix outside, closing the door behind them.

Félix sighed. "Listen, I'm-"

"Sorry?" Kalianna folded her arms before looking down. "You know, normally I wouldn't do this because you literally assaulted me... but... I forgive you."

Félix's eyes widened.

"I know you just lost your dad and that's what caused you to act out completely, though that still doesn't give you a reason to assault me. But, I'll keep my mouth shut, I won't say a word about this. Not to my parents, and not to Ms. Amelie." Kalianna played with her fingers. "But just because I forgive you doesn't mean I want to see you again anytime soon." She peered at him, frowning. "Goodbye Félix," She said in a cold tone before turning away.

Félix grabbed her wrist, his fingers curling around her pearl bracelet. "Kali, wait-"

"Save it!" Kalianna hissed, pulling out of his hold. "Goodbye Félix," She repeated in a more harsh tone before entering the foyer again as Amelie passed her.

Once the woman saw how upset her son looked, she sighed, but didn't say anything.

Scene: Adrien's Room.

"You forgave him?!" Adrien asked his girlfriend after she explained what happened.

Kalianna nodded. "It's no use holding a grudge against him. He's going back to London anyway."

Adrien crossed. "If it were up to me I would've filed a report."

"Adrien~, he's your cousin!"

"I don't care! He touched you without your permission!"

"Okay, can we just talk about something else? Like for example, did our friends send you any messages on this day?" Kalianna inquired.

"Yeah, they did, but I didn't get them," Adrien replied in a grumpy tone. 

"Stop being so grumpy and send them a nice message!" Kalianna pouted.

"Fine," Adrien huffed.

"And try to act happy, not mad because of Félix. Don't even think about him," Anna kissed her boyfriend's forehead, causing him to smile.

Scene: Various Places.

Back at Alya's room, Nino and Alya play Super Penguino on her tablet.

"Pew pew, pewpew!" The duo laughs, but then stops when they get a message on the tablet.

Back at the Couffaine Houseboat, Juleka, Ronnie, Rose, and Luka are hanging out, when Juleka's phone notifies them of a message.

Juleka picks up her phone and smiles. "Ah!"

"Aww, you're so cute when you smile," Ronnie poked her cheek, causing her to blush.

Rose gestures to Luka to come over and he obliged. 

Meanwhile, the rest of Adrien's friends were all watching the video, smiling.

"Hey, guys. I never got your messages, but I'm really touched just knowing you were thinking of me today. You're the best friends anyone could ever dream of. I love you, all of you." Adrien said through all their screens.

Back at Marinette's room, she replays the message over and over.

"I love you- I love you- I love you-"

"Ah, I love you too, Adrien." Marinette rests her head on her desk to rewatch the video, all the while Tikki stares at her.

"I love you-"

Scene: Agreste Mansion's Atelier.

Gabriel is in his atelier, at his computer. He zooms in on one of his designs and is startled to find his wedding band missing.

Scene: Adrien's Room.

Kalianna and Adrien were now cuddling together. Suddenly, Adrien noticed something.

"Baby," The blonde grabbed her wrist. "Where's your bracelet?"

"Hm?" Kalianna looked at her wrist and gasped when she saw that her bracelet was missing.

Scene: Inside The Startrain.

Amelie sits down next to her son on the Startrain back to London.

"I've got a surprise for you, mom." Félix reaches behind her ear and pulls out Gabriel's ring.

Amelie gasps. "But Gabriel refused to hand it over to me! And after everything that happened-She reaches out and cups his face. "My little magician. I can never understand how you always manage to get what you want." She closes her hand over his. "Keep it. It's yours now."

"But... you wanted it so much."

"Only to give it to you. You've always been so fascinated by them. How many times have you asked me to tell you the story of the Graham de Vanily twin rings, huh?" Amelie kisses Félix's forehead. "I'm glad it's back in the family where it truly belongs." She winks at him and then rests her eyes. 

Félix smirks deviously as he looked down at the pearl bracelet in his other hand.

Scene: In the Agreste Basement.

Gabriel takes Emilie's ring off of her hand and places it onto his. He balls his fist and growls in frustration as he leaves, angered by his nephew's thievery. 

Scene: Adrien's Room.

"I'M GOING TO KILL HIM!" Adrien was furious at his cousin for stealing his girlfriend's bracelet. 

"No my love, it's fine." Kalianna clung to him. "It's just a bracelet! And besides," She smirked up at him, tapping his nose. "When our anniversary comes, the surprise I have for you will be bigger than just a few pearls on strings."

Adrien smirked and lifted her up, making her wrap her legs around him as she giggled.

"I certainly hope so~."

With that, Adrien her carried her back to his bed.

Word Count: 2,794


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Just two lovestruck teens , but what's after P.s- no pictures used are mine own, no characters are real....only for fun☺️
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