Hidden Secrets {season 2}

By f0reverAlways

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You are a young girl very popular with very dark secrets, but what happens when those secrets start to become... More



364 8 2
By f0reverAlways

Season 2, Episode 5 -When A Stranger Calls- {part 2}

Jughead and I had been peacefully asleep, but something had to wake him and i up. When he woke up startled and almost screamed at the sight of a group of people standing over his bed with Serpent masks on. I rolled over wrapping myself in blankets trying to get some sleep.

"Could you have not done this later or when i was sleeping at my house?" I say tiredly. I knew they wouldn't care.

"Your initiation begins now." Toni said under the mask.

"With you assuming guardianship of the beast." Sweet pea, whistled and hot-dog jumped onto the bed.

"You have to be joking." Jughead muttered to himself. Then rest of the serpents left. I rubbed my eyes getting used to the light.

"What do you think of 'The Beast'?" I said laughing. Jughead looked down at me with a smirk on his face.

"It's hotdog, i can't believe this is the initiation." Jughead said laughing and petting the dog.

"Only step one Juggie." I said, scratching the top of hot-dogs head. "It is only going to get worse." I said with a small smirk, laying backdown. Hotdog followed my actions and laid his head on my stomach.

"And the dogs taking my spot." He said chuckling, i turned my head to Jughead and rolled my eyes.

"Don't be jealous." I said yawning a little. "Come lets get some sleep." I say moving my head on top of Jughead's chest as his hands wrapped around my waist holding me close. He gave a small kiss on the top of the head and we both drifted of back to sleep.

"So what do you think of the beast?" Toni laughed, sitting next to me in Jughead's trailer going over some serpent stuff. Hotdog had his head in my lap as i gently stroked his fur, smiling down.

"He stinks, and barks all the time, and he is a girlfriend stealer." Jughead said with a playful glare, looking over at me and the dog. I rolled my eyes and shook my head, laughing a little at jug's comment.

"He is a dog, Jug." I say laughing.

"Doesn't matter." He said with a small smirk. "He is taking all of your love."

"Sorry, but every new recruit has to take care of him. It's tradition." Toni says shrugging. "I remember when y/n/n had to take him. She wouldn't let him go"

"Best three days of my life." I said laughing.

"But this isn't the same hotdog." Toni said and i shrugged. "This is the third one."

"Hotdog the third? This is getting borderline ridiculous." Jughead said chuckling.

"And you're one to talk? Mr. Forsyth something Jones the third." I said playfully as hot-dog barked in agreement. "See, even the dog agrees with me."

"Okay. Ready to get back to it?" Toni asked taking Hot-dog away from me.

"Yeah, i guess." Jughead huffed. "A serpent never shows cowardice. If a serpent is imprisoned or killed, their family will be taken care of." Toni and I nodded and Jughead started to play with his hands trying to think.

"A serpent... a serpent uh...." He stuttered.

"Come on, focus." Toni said trying to encourage him.

"No serpent left for dead, a serpent never betrays his own and in unity there is strength." I finished for him with a small frown.

"Okay, you've been at this a lot longer than i have." Jughead said trying to relax his brain.

"Jughead, it's simple rules, come on, please you have to focus." I say, rubbing my hands together.

"You need to take this seriously." Toni added.

"Okay i am, Toni. I swear i am." He said rubbing his hands over his face, "It's just..."

"Just what?" I ask, quirking an eyebrow at the boy.

"First the beast, and now the laws?" He said shaking his head.

"Like y/n/n told you, it gets harder, this is... this is easy." Toni stated.

"Are you sure your in this? Why the change of heart anyway? Why go from a conscientious objector to being a full-fledged member?" Toni asked, voicing what i had been thinking myself.

"It's because of what you all said." Jughead explained, "My dad and y/n were the only people keeping people like Sweet Pea in line, and i don't want you too stressed with it, on your own, I want to help. I am taking this seriously."

"So, from the top." I ask with a small smile.

"What is the fourth law?!" Tall Boy asked, yelling in Jughead's face.

"No Serpent left for dead!" Jughead yelled right back. I held my hands together playing around with the rings that sat on my fingers hoping Jughead would make it through.

"What is the fifth law!"

"A serpent never betrays his own!"

"What is the six law!"

"In unity there is strength!" Jughead yelled, i raised her hands.

"In unity there is strength!" Everyone shouted together one more time.

"You know the laws. Time for your next trial." I announce. Sweet Pea and i moved to the side, revealing a tank with a rattle snake in it. I pulled out my switch blade, flicking the blade open.

"Grab the knife." I say, dropping it in the tank, as the snake starts spiralling around it. Jughead looked to me and huffed, he knew i wouldn't put him in harms way. He moved forward until he was right in front of it. He looked to me again and i gave him a small nod telling him that it was okay.

He took a deep breath and then stuck his hand in the tank. He wrapped his hand around the knife as the snake lunged forward biting him, i flinched slightly, the snake let go and Jughead pulled his hand out and handed the knife back to me. I smiled at him, closing the knife and sticking it back into my back pocket.

I sat down in front of Jughead with a small smile, "You okay?" I asked, he quirked an eyebrow and then looked down to his hand.

"A rattlesnake, y/n/n. A rattlesnake bit me and drew blood, I could of died." He says as i laugh. I grab a towel with some disinfected and help him clean the wound.

"You wouldn't have died. The snakes venom glands were removed." Toni says walking over to us, he flinched slightly at the sting of the liquid.

"Stop moving. It will hurt less." I say going back to cleaning his hand.

"Sorry." He mumbled.

"Look, the important thing is, is that you did it. You showed no fear, you got the knife and you remembered the laws." Toni said as she handed me the bandages. Wrapping the bandage around his hand and then kissing the bandage. He smiled slightly.

"You're one step closer to being a serpent. You have one last trial, which will be the worst." I say mumbling the last part under my breath.

Jughead and i walked back to his trailer and sat on the couch trying to relax. "Are you sure you want to go though with this? You can go back now." I say looking up at jughead.

"Yeah, i am sure. Why wouldn't i be?" He asked confused.

"Because the Gauntlet, it's a whole new level, nothing close to the beast or the laws or the tank. This will be your life, and i don't want it to be because of me. It should be your chose and you should feel the pressure because of me."

"It's not, i want this, i want this as much as i want you. I'll be fine, it's whatever." He says.

"No, no it isn't whatever." I said taking his hands lightly, "If you join, you lay everything on the line, you'd have to be willing to die for us, because we'll die for you. And Betty, Archie, Veronica, once your in this, they'll look at you differently. I dont want you doing this if you dont want to. You can always turn back now."

"As long as i have you, and you dont look at me differently, then i will be fine."

The next day i was on edge more than that. Tonight was the gauntlet and Jughead would be put in serious danger. I watched as Jughead sat there, nervous as well as me. Like normal i was playing around with my rings trying to clear my mine.

"You don't have to do this. Jug. You can back out now." I tried, one last time.

"I know, but i want to. If i want things to change, i have to be on the inside looking out." He said, walking over to me and taking my hands.

"I don't know if i can watch them hurting your gorgeous face." I say bring my hand up t his face. He laughed slightly, shaking his head and kissing my hand.

"I love you." Jug says.

"Who wouldn't love me?" I joke, "I love you too. Are you ready?"

"As ready as i can be." He sighed. The two of us walked out of the trailer and towards the side. When we rounded the corner, Archie was standing right there in front of us.

"Archie?" We both ask in confusion.

"We have to talk." Archie says. Jughead looked to me and then moved forward,looking behind him.

"Now isn't a good time, come back tonight." Jughead said, trying to get Archie to leave. I looked behind myself again, looking for the serpents.

"Archie, you really have to leave, like right now." I say putting on a fake smile. Archie looked to me with narrowed eyes.

"You're different... You weren't like this when you went to Riverdale." Archie says.

"Maybe, but, i am rich and i am pretty, so, it doesn't really matter." I say flashing Archie my biggest fake smile.

"Neither of you were like this. Why do i have to go?" Archie asked.

"Because i said s-"

"Well what in the hell do we have hear?" Sweet Pea asked from behind me, slinging an arm over my shoulders.

"He was just leaving." I say though my gritting teeth, glaring at Archie slightly.

"Wait you're friends with these thugs?" Archie asked Jughead.

"Hey, careful what you say carrot top, you're friends one of us." Sweet-pea stated, looking down to me. "And call us thugs, one more time."

"you are joining the serpents?" Archie asked.

"If he survives." Fangs added. Toni slapped the boys shoulder making Fangs back up.

"These are the guys who attacked me. Who attacked Reggie, Veronica, Dilton, your friends." Archie stated, trying to guilt trip Jughead and i.

"From our understanding, it was you who put a gun in their face." I stated, "And is that why your here? To warn him?"

"No, i came here for Betty, she doesn't want to be friends with you, either of you." Archie stated. I moved away from Sweet Pea.

"What? No, Betty isn't like that." Jughead says defending. "She wouldn't say that. If she did she would say it to our faces."

"She did! She doesn't like what you two have become, especially now that you're going the serpents, and you're sticking up for them."

"We got the message." I glared, "Now go on. Get off of our territory." I said, shooing him off. Archie gave us all one last look before walking off. Jughead turned around looking to the Serpents.

"What?" He asked, throwing his arms up. "Did you get the show you wanted?"

"The show hasn't even begun." I stated, the rest of the serpents following me as i walked out.

Only an hour later, night had fallen over Riverdale. The teen serpents were all lined up in two lines, Jughead stood in between the lines as i stood off the side, slightly worried. The boys puffed up their jackets, and cracked there knuckles, waiting for my word.

Jughead looked over to me and nodded and i sighed. I looked to the teenage serpents and nodded, Jughead started to walk forward and one guy swung a punch at his stomach.

I held onto Toni's arm, my foot tapping on the ground. Another went to his stomach and another until one guy, took a swing to his face. I gasped, wanting to run forward and help but Toni held me back making sure that I couldn't go anywhere.

"He's gonna make it." Toni whispered to me, trying to calm my down.

The one punch to the face triggered many more and i was growing more worried by the second, but i was also proud that Jughead was making it through. Most of the younger kids tap out around there fifth punch. Soon Jughead came to the end of the line, meaning he came to Sweet Pea.

Sweet Pea cracked his knuckle with his brass knuckles were on and i frowned covering my face from the horror.

"Is that all you got?" Jughead mumbled. I smirked slightly at Jugheads words, but the smirk soon fell when Sweet Pea hit him and Jughead fell to the floor. I really should have kept my eyes covered.

He then had thirty seconds to get up, or he'd have to do the trials all over again.

"Come on Jug, get up.'" I muttered to myself hoping that it would do some thing. And as if he heard me, he started to stand up, blood dripping from his mouth. I smiled as Sweet Pea and Jughead shook hands, he was a serpent now.

Toni handed me his serpent jacket and i walked up with a small smile, handing it to him. He took the jacket proudly, and smiled.

"Welcome to the Serpents, jones." I say grinning.

Jughead and i sat together in his trailer after the Gauntlet. I had an ice pack pressed against his side, and one against his jaw.

"You know, that was pretty hot, watching take all those punches." I say helping clean some of the bruises as jughead laughed.

"Only you, y/n/n, only you." he laughed shakily. I looked at his face, assessing the real damage and then frowned.

"I'm sorry." I said quietly.

"For what? You didn't do anything wrong."

"I dragged you into this." I said looking down.

"I want this, i wanted this." He said, taking my hand. "None of this is your fault." Jug said taking my hand and kissing it.

"What now?" I ask leaning my head on his shoulder.

"Nothing, now we just have matching tattoos." Jug said smiling down at me as i laughed. "I wanna see it."

"You've seen it before." I say. "You have seen it plenty of times.

"It's different now." I rolled my eyes playfully then stood up, pulling down the the side of my jeans low enough to see the snake with a crown on my hip. He grinned at the sight, pulling me down so i was straddling. "God, i love you." He whispered, kissing me.

"I love you too, Jones."


Sorry for not updating
That past two weeks have been filled wth softball
I had districts and provincials
And my team ended placing 5th
just thought i would let you know
I hope to start updating more often

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