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Season 2: Episode 1 -A Kiss Before Dyeing- {part 2}

We were all still in the hospital waiting for Fred to get out of surgery and Tim seemed to be stopped. No one was talking and everyone seemed to have a fear of the so called killer. The sheriff soon walked into the room and we all stood up walking towards him.

"Sheriff." We all say.

"Hey. How is your dad doing, Archie?" Keller asks.

"Mr. Andrews is still in surgery." Betty says rubbing her hands together.

The sheriff sighs. "Archie, i know that this is a hell of a time for you." The sheriff says. "But perhaps we could go have a talk some-where, about what happened this morning."

"Is it cool that i tag along?" My boy-friend asks.

"Actually, if you don't mind-" the sheriff started but was soon cut of by Archie. "That would be great, Jug." And with that the three man walk off to talk.

The rest of us sit there in the waiting room hoping to hear some-thing about Mr. Andrews and his surgery.

then Veronica speaks up. "There are things that no one does better than Veronica lodge. Make-overs, party planning, dance-offs, dropping visage bon mots as if they were bon-bons." She says as we chuckle a bit. "But, conversely, there are some things that i am not so good at. Grif, bedside vigils, comforting boyfriends."

"That is the old veronica talking." Betty says cutting her off.

"Yeah, the old Veronica would have bolted and run away but now, the new veronica doesn't want to let Archie down." Veronica says looking down at her shoes.

"And you won't." I tell her. "Every thing is going to work out. You just hit a rough stop that you will have to work through."

"And speaking of..." veronica says as we look over to see Archie, Jug and the sheriff walking of of a room.

Jughead walked up to me and grabbed my arm pulling me out of th waiting room.

"Okay, spill. What is wrong now?" I ask as i crossed my arms.

"Archie, thinks a serpent did it, or had something to do with it." Jughead said sighing.

I looked at him confused the serpents have no grudges on the Andrews. "What? No, that doesn't sound right. They would have no reason to. Plus, i told them that the Andrews family was off limits." I say trying to relax.

"Okay, but Fred fired them the other day." Jughead said as we started to walk outside "Some of them could be pissed and go off on their own? Maybe gone Rogue and went against orders." Jughead said, giving suggestions.

"Pissed off enough to shoot a man? It doesn't sound right." I say. "We are not that stupid."

"But we dont know that, y/n/n." Jughead sighed. "I just want to talk to a coupe of the guys that gave me the jacket, to ask a coupe to questions. Please?"

"Are you sure?" I ask. "If I call there is no going back." Jug nodded. "Jug, i know that you are a serpent by blood but the serpents protect there own and you aren't a serpent." I tell him.

"Look, y/n/n, they said he had my back." Jughead said. "Please, just call them."

"Okay, i'll call them." I frown, knowing i couldn't talk him out of this. He smiled and kissed my forehead. I walk of a little and pulled out my phone and after a quick conversation they agreed to come by.

"They're coming." I say waking over to jug.

"They're?" Jughead asked confused.

"Yes, because we are on the Northside and they are serpents they dont come over here unless they have a couple friends. It is just for protection." i explain to him. Jughead nodded slowly and then looked to me again.

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