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Season 2, Episode 7 -Tales From The Darkside- {part 2}

Season 2, Episode 7 -Tales From The Darkside- {part 2}

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"Hey, dad. How is it going?" I ask wandering into the kitchen after getting home from pops with Betty.

"I am doing fine. Just going through some old work things. I am trying to see if i have the budget to help some more of the Southside. As we all know Miss Mayor McCoy won't do shit-"

"Language, Father." I call out walking off to grab an apple.

"I know, the Mayor us pisses me off. Anyways, as i was saying. I want to see if i or we have enough extra money to help help the Southside." My dad says as he continues to go tough more documents.

The next day a small group was sitting in pops.

"You guys, um i am worried about my dad. This town is turning on him." Kevin says as we all sit in a booth at pops. "He is trying so hard. He is trying his best under these crazy circumstances, but this Black Hood stuff is really getting to him."

"How is he dealing with it?" "Yeah, what has he been doing?" Veronica and Betty ask at the same time.

God, Betty and Veronica can be so noise sometimes. They need to let not to pry into peoples business. The do it constantly.

Example one- Veronica snooping int work that her mother has do and question my as the serpent Queen

Example two- Betty getting into things that she doesn't understand about the serpents

Example three- the Chuck problem we had at th beginning of the year

Example four- Betty snooping in Jasons room and then going after her sister

It's list can go on an on and onnnnnnnnn. I am not lying here.

"Well for starters my father is not seeping. He is also not eating. I can hear him in the middle of the night rummaging around the house. I also hear him talking to himself. There i nights were he goes off, heading out in the middle of the night." Kevin starts explaining to us.

"Where is he going?" "Where do you thing he is going?" The girls ask him together again.

"I dont know. But whatever it is, it is like he is a different person."

"I am sure once this blowes over he will relax and everything will go back to our very wired normal, Kev." I say rubbing his back calming him down. "Everything just talks a little time."

Soon after kevin leaves, leaving Veronica, Betty and I sitting in a booth.

"Poor Kevin. He is like a character in a lost Tennessee Williams play." Veronica says taking a sip from her milk shake.

"So, i have a theory about Sheriff Keller." The Blonde finally says.

"Yeah me too, it's obvious." Veronica added in with a nod.

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