gay bar | markhyuck

By kittyeomu

199K 9.2K 4.3K

❝ i didn't know you're the type of person who goes here in this kind of places mister president ❞ ... More

50k!!! + 1 year special
1 year special

special chapter

4K 177 98
By kittyeomu

thank you for 17k everyone and thank you for reading until the very end of this book! stay safe!


time passed by like cold winds for donghyuck and mark who's now in their fifth year of relationship. of course like normal couples they were fights and all but in the end they didn't regret being with each other.

going back to reality in where donghyuck is currently rushing in finding his car keys for him to leave his and mark's shared apartment. 

 "i just fucking had it a while ago, where is it now?" the tan messed up his hair and stopped in the middle of the room to think. he doesn't know why but he easily forgets about things.

donghyuck checked his wristwatch and learned that it's already past four o'clock, "holy shit it's almost five" 

 the male ran towards their bedroom and saw the key he's been looking for ten minutes. he let out a heavy sigh and snatched it before going out.

donghyuck checked himself for the last time and smiled at himself proudly knowing that even though years already passed, he still got the looks that everyone envied during his student days. 

he then walked towards his car that was parked in front of their shared apartment while holding his keys tightly making sure he doesn't lose it again.donghyuck didn't wasted his time and quickly went in and started the engine. 

 during the drive donghyuck decided to pick his phone up to call someone. if you are wondering where on earth is his boyfriend he too doesn't know where he went. the canadian just disappeared after lunch and he wouldn't answer donghyuck's calls. 

 "hello what do you want?" a tiny voice from the other line greeted the male making him smile.

 "jay, where are your parents? your sassy father didn't texted me back and i need to talk to him about something" he responded and heard giggles from the other side. 

 donghyuck's brows furrowed after hearing a sound of slippers running, he later on realized that it was the kid probably going to his parents. 

 "papa told me not to disturb them uncle channie" jay spoke, his voice turning little, "oh god don't tell me—" donghyuck out of shock stepped the breaks and almost slammed his head to the window after hearing some unholy noises from the other side. 

 "jesus christ!" the tan shrieked and calmed himself before bring his phone back to his ear again, "god there's a child in that household" 

 "uncle? are you okay?" the boy asked suddenly worried for the tan, "dada also said he will lock the door to their bedroom since they will do magic for jay! but i'm sad why they didn't want me to see" 

 after hearing the boy, donghyuck's eyes widened, "is this about the baby sister you've been wanting?" 

 "yes uncle channie!" jay sniffed and nodded cutely at the other side, answering the male. 

"aish that's why ten and johnny hyung handed their phones to him, god, what am i going to do with those two?" he let out a heavy sigh and reminded himself to scold the thai later for making a child hear their 'magic', "baby jay why don't you go downstairs now and watch some cartoons hm?" 

 "okie dokie!" the four years old boy happily ran downstairs and plopped in the sofa before turning on the tv and setting the volume to its highest point. 

 "now when ten hyung and johnny hyung are done with their unholy— i mean their magic show please tell them that i'll stop at the pet salon for awhile to get mackie before going to the bar, okay?" 

 "mmkay uncle! bye bye!" jay responded cutely and this made donghyuck coo at his seat. the tan chuckled and bid the johnten's son a goodbye, "bye baby!" 

 the call ended with donghyuck having a wide smile on his face. he then suddenly wondered how happy him and mark be if they'll have a child. he knew it will be so chaotic, having a mini mark and him running around the house. 

 donghyuck then started the car engine once again to head to the salon. 

 "hi donghyuck! here to pick mackie up?" a man greeted him at the counter when he entered.

donghyuck smiled and nodded before following him. the guy who spoke which goes by the name hansol owns the pet salon donghyuck is in right now. ever since yuta suggested the place, he's been taking their pet dog in the place for grooming.

after taking a few steps away from the counter, the sound of dogs and cats with their owners distracted the tan. since it was already near five, there are only a few customers with their pets around as well as the staffs of the salon.

the two continued in going in further the place and stopped at a corner. mackie who looked like he knew donghyuck was going to pick him up barked and wagged his tail happily. he was inside a long dog pen and there were toys scattered around.

"hey buddy your owner is here" hansol patted its head and in return mackie licked his hand. donghyuck then watched as the other male slowly picked up his dog and removed the current collar he is wearing to its own, "here you go hyuck"

donghyuck wiggled his brows at mackie and took him from hansol. the smell of the pet shampoo then greeted the male's nostrils making him giggle.

"oh you're so spoiled by hansol hyung mackie look at you getting the newest release shampoo" he uttered babying the dog who squirmed in donghyuck's touch. looking back at hansol the tan gave him a smile, "thank you hyung and by the way did the three already picked up lucy and flash?" he asked referring to norenmin's doberman and samoyed dogs.

the man in front of him nodded, "yep an hour ago, they were even talking about having a cat"

donghyuck raised a brow but eventually nodded. he then remembered that jeno is allergic to cats yet the chances of them buying one is high since the guy loves him two boyfriends so much so he can't really say no to them.

both donghyuck and hansol went back to the counter and before the male could get his wallet to pay, the latter told him that mark already payed which made him sigh. 

"i see, by the way thank you again hyung" he said while fixing mackie's leash.

"no problem hyuck, say hi to mark for me" 

"okay hyung when i find him" donghyuck pouted earning a chuckle from the older. 

he waved goodbye, exiting the salon and headed towards his car that was parked  in front of the place. donghyuck opened the door and the pomeranian jumped in the passenger's seat.

"now we go to the bar mackie" 

"where the hell is that seagull?" donghyuck glanced at his phone while driving after seeing that his boyfriend still did not pick his call up. it was starting to worry and at the same time irritate him actually. he doesn't know where mark went or what he is doing right now.

he hopes he's okay.

donghyuck called him again and again and again and it was all the same, no response just his phone ringing. feeling that the male won't pick up even if donghyuck calls him a million times, the tan gave up and decided to just ask his hyungs at the bar when he arrives.

after a few minutes of driving, the signage of the gay bar became visible to the road and he also noticed several cars on the parking lot. he recognize his hyungs cars but sadly he didn't saw mark's.

when the tan finally get to park his car, he got out and went to the other side to open the door of the passenger's seat. mackie once again wagged his tail and comfortably sat on donghyuck's arms. not forgetting his leash, donghyuck grabbed it from the glove compartment before closing the car door.

arriving at the front door, donghyuck furrowed his brows confused on why it seems like there's no one inside and after opening it the whole place was so dark that he had to squint his eyes to adjust to the darkness. 

"what games are they playing again?" he whispered to himself when he heard murmurs from the distance and it was obviously from his hyungs. 

"he's here taeyong what should we do?"

"sshhh johnny he's going to hear you"

"well sike bitches he already did"

"ten hyung sshhh!!!"

donghyuck mentally slapped his forehead, yes he couldn't see them but he can clearly hear their voices. silence doesn't exists in their vocabulary, "cut the act hyungs, turn on the lights already"

just after saying it the lights went on at the stage and there donghyuck saw mark smiling at him. it almost gave the tan a hear attack. he was about to open his mouth to say mark's name when a hand from nowhere grabbed his shoulders.

"what the f-" a smiling jungwoo greeted him. he looked around and saw his other hyungs scattered around the room thanks to the dim lights.

"for you hyuckie" jungwoo handed him a rose which caused for his brow to raise. the older then took mackie from him and slightly pushed him to the front where lucas stood holding the same thing on his hand.

"o-okay? what is happening?" donghyuck who had no other choice but to walk towards lucas nervously asked.

"yo haechan" the tall male smiled widely giving the rose. donghyuck blushed after hearing his stage name back when he was still working part time at the bar.

the face of ten behind lucas shocked the male, he thought johnny, jay and ten were still at their house, "ten hyung you got some explaining to do"

"nope i don't sweetheart" ten winked when donghyuck stood in front of him, he then carried his son to his arms who's also holding a rose.

"uncle channie! for you from uncle mork!" jay said happily. donghyuck smiled and took the rose before pinching his chubby cheeks, "thank you baby jay!"

the next person was johnny who only gave him a meaningful smile and then the trio, jaemin, jeno and renjun.

"i'm happy for you hyuck" renjun spoke making the male bit his lip. he thinks he knows what this is all about.

to his shock, his and mark's parents descended from the second floor and also handed him the same thing. he thought it was only his hyungs and his friends around but no the parents are there, giving him a warm smile, "go get your man, son" both his mom and dad said and mark's mom hugged him meanwhile her husband gave the tan a thumbs up causing him to chuckle.

taeyong gave him the flower and guided him towards jaehyun, the last person who has a rose on his hand.

"mark did his best to prepare this so goodluck" jaehyun uttered and he immediately felt his cheeks burning because of what he had said.

"i'm nervous" donghyuck responded but the male only smiled, "go now to the stage donghyuck, your man is waiting for you"

and there he slowly headed for the stage where mark is waiting. everyone's eyes were on him as he approaches his boyfriend and it sure is making him tremble. his hands are now shaking and sweating and his heat beat is booming so loud when he met mark's eyes.

donghyuck went up to the stage and finally got to face the canadian he truly loves.

"didn't know you have a thing for eighteen roses markie" he still got the nerve to tease mark when in fact his voice is already trembling.

"sunshine" mark stood up from the stool he's sitting and handed the tan a bouquet of different types of flowers, "for you"

donghyuck received it with shaky hands and it didn't go unnoticed by mark. the older chuckled and let out a deep breath.

"sunshine i still remembered the first time i met you, when i saw you at the park you immediately caught my attention, a boy who's literally shining while playing with his friends, now i know why you have such a beautiful name may it be donghyuck or haechan. you are really the definition of sunshine, you shine brightly in my eyes, you make me happy.." mark started.

"m-mark you're still so cheesy" donghyuck sniffed trying to stop himself from crying.

"my world was once empty and dark sunshine, i almost lost the hope that someday i will be back to that bubbly and happy mark lee i used to be but i guess the heaven above pitied me that's why they sent an angel in my life and that angel was you, a sassy gorgeous angel"

"i'm sorry if i've been a jerk back then, i'm sorry if i let my fear get the best of me, i'm sorry that back then i came to the point where i forced myself to hate even if i know i really can't. like what jaemin and the others called me, an asshole, i'm an asshole but hey you love this asshole don't you?" the canadian softly laughed making the audience crack up.

"yes i love you even if you were an asshole before" donghyuck smiled, tears starting to roll from his eyes.

"everything about me really changed when we started to get close, i become brave, i finally learned to accept and love myself and it was all thanks to you sunshine, i fucking love you so much"

"hey mark! we're all damn hungry already! please don't take forever in that speech of yours" jaehyun shouted and everyone laughed again.

"hyung i know i know jeez" mark nervously said and faced donghyuck, "ok so back to what i said and i have to make this short or else he'll kill me, donghyuck thank you so much for being with me through all these years, the heavens gave me so much when they gave me you and i couldn't ask for more"

donghyuck froze on the spot when mark started to kneel in front of him, his eyes were wide as an owl and tears from his eyes didn't stopped. he already knew that mark will be proposing to him but still his whole mind seemed to malfunction.

"lee donghyuck as the president of the student council-"

"that was years ago mark what are you saying?" the tan gave him a look and mark only gave him the puppy eyes.

"don't ruin the moment sunshine- so as i was saying, as the president of the student council from years ago, i, mark lee, lee minhyung, command you to marry me"

he then opened the small ring box and looked straight into his boyfriend's eyes, waiting for his answer. the people inside the bar cheered and chanted 'say yes!' happily. donghyuck meanwhile was taken aback after finally seeing the diamond ring. 

"that's why you've been very secretive these past day minhyung, i hate you so much but then again i can't since i love you" donghyuck hicupped and used his free hand to wipe his tears.

"so will you marry me, lee donghyuck?" mark asked nervousness evident in his voice.

"you know you don't have to command me lee minhyung, my answer will always be a yes" 

everyone's eyes widened and a moment of silence then occurred. mark who's kneeling on one knee couldn't believe what he is hearing right now. donghyuck giggled and helped him in standing up and held his hand up for mark to slid the ring inside his finger. 

the canadian engulfed donghyuck in a tight hug muttering some curses and he too was already crying. them and everyone around them are so happy for this day has finally come. they have finally took another step forward and all they have to do now is to welcome the future that will await them. 

"fuck fuck" mark muttered caressing his lover's cheeks. the two then shared a kiss full of happiness and love. now they knew their bond will be strengthen even more and they will move forward leaving no regrets behind.

"yes, with all my heart i will surely marry you, mister president"

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