The English New Girl And The...

By GracieG1

430K 10K 673

There is a sequel to this book! Lola Pearce is a 17 year old who lived in London, England until her par... More

1. Saying goodbye
2. Hello America
3. New house
4. First day
5. Almost perfect night
6. Our secret
7. I trust you
8. Fight
9. Almost
10. Tracey
11. It wasn't all that bad
12. Seeing the truth
13. Finding out the truth
14. Party
15. Mine
16. Birthday fun
17. Finally
18. Please not him
19. Training
20. Family dinner drama
21. Date night
22. First time
23. Those 3 words
24. Just great
25. Where is he?
26. Clubbing
27. My only weakness
28. It will be ok
29. Date, prom dress shopping and fight
30. Prom and secret
31. Confirmed & Kidnapped
32. Rescued and not ok
33. Awake finally
34. Moving in
35. Meal out
36. Mums ok
37. Surprise Party
38. First step

39. First scan (LAST CHAPTER)

6.8K 129 15
By GracieG1


Lolas p.o.v:

I woke up and Jack wasnt next to me so I called his name but there was no reply so I put my dressing grown on and went downstairs.

"Morning" I said as I sat down on the bar stool "Morning babe what you doing up?" he asked "could ask you the same thing" I replied and he smirked "didn't sleep well" I said "because your mum?" he asked "yeah, don't get me wrong I'm glad shes coming home but I'm scared incase something happens" I held back the tears "babe don't cry, everything will be ok" he said as he pulled me into a hug "I love you" I whispered "love you too" he said and we got some breakfast.

I chucked some dark blue jeans on and a black jumper then went down to see my dad and Jack waiting "dad I didn't know you were getting us" I said after giving him a quick hug "Its easier, you ready?" he asked said "yeah lets go" I said and we got into dads Range rover.

We got to the hospital and we all went in and as we got to mums room we saw the doctor and a nurse in her room speaking to her so we had to wait about ten minutes. Once they were finished we went in and I rushed to give her a hug "hiya honey" Mum said "hiya how you feeling?" I asked "Ok, glad to be going home" She said and my dad gave her hug and Jack did, I know my family weren't always excepting of him but they do now and my mum has always tried to keep the peace and always got on with him.

"Thank you I'm gonna go rest, doctors orders" Mum said "ok love you" I said as I gave her a hug "you too honey". Dad went up with mum.

"Jack?" I said "yeah?" he said "whats wrong your abit quiet?" I asked "nothing" He said and gave a small smile "I can tell when your lying Jack" I said and he sighed "I just dont know if I want to be part of this plan" he sat down on the bar stool "you said it wasnt gonna be that bad" I questioned "Im not saying it will be just its always going to be risky and we never know what can happen" I was silent for a minute "babe?" Jack aksed "I dont want you hurt Jack" I finally said "I wont be" he replied "do you know that for sure?" I asked "well no..." I cut him off "theres no guarantee" I said "dont you trust me?" He asked and he seemed to be abit annoyed "of course but its dangerous" I said "babe dont get angry" I pleaded as I saw him get annoyed "sorry babe I didnt mean to upset you" He said putting his hands on my waist "Its ok I know its hard for you, why dont you go get some rest?" I said "I might just do that, thank you, I love you" he kissed me and went up.

Jacks p.o.v:

I don't know what that girl has done to me but I'm grateful, if that was a few months ago I would have lost my shit but for some reason she always knows how to keep me calm.

I was woken up by my phone ringing;

Hi Dean

Hi were you asleep?


sorry but its about the plan we came up with

dont worry go on

ok so the plan will need some adjustments made but otherwise its the plan that we are definitely going ahead with

ok so whens the next meeting?

I dunno yet but we will call you when we know

Ok thanks Dean

By the way Jack we all hope Claires alright

shes alright thanks back home now

Good to hear I will ring you soon

I hung up the phone and layed back in bed at looked at the time, 3:30pm, I had only been asleep two and a half hours but I got up and went downstairs to see Lola watching TV.

"Hi" I said as I sat down "any better?" She asked "yeah thanks, what you watching?" I asked putting my arm around her "orange is the new black" She said and I kissed her "what wast that for?" she asked "thanks for earlier" she smiled "no big deal" she carried on watching the Tv. 

A Few months later:

Lolas p.o.v:

I woke up and remembered todays my 12 week scan and looked to see it was 9:30am and I had a text from mum,

Hiya honey good luck today we will be back later just gone out with your dad, love you xxx

Thanks and ok np love you too xxx

I looked to see if Jack was awake but he wasnt so I just left him and knocked on Tylers door and he said to come in "hiya didnt think you would be awake" I said "Yeah I think im going out with Jess" He said "oh ok" I said smiling "what?" He said "nothing just you see her alot dont ya?" I teased "yeah well she is my girlfriend" He said and I smiled and ruffled his hair "oi" He said and I smirked "want some breakfast?" I asked and he nodded and I smiled and went down.

I got out the ingredients and made some pancakes and called Tyler and Jack down and they came down. Ty got his food then went back upstairs "your welcome!" I shouted and Jack smirked "teenagers eh?!" He said and I smirked and he put his hands on my hips and kissed me and I jumped up so my legs were wrapped around his waist.

After we ate we went up and got ready, I put on some black leggings & cream jumper, I done my makeup and put my hair in a messy bun then grabbed my bag and put my black Vans on.

I knocked on Tys door and he answered "we are gonna go now, see ya later" I said "ok see ya later" He said and I went down were Jack was slouched on the sofa on his phone "Im ready" I said putting my baby lips on "ok lets go" He said and put his hoodie on and grabbed his keys.

We got to the hospital and as we got out the car and walked in Jack held my hand and kissed my cheek "love you" he whispered "love you too" I said and gave him a quick peck as we walked in and walked to the maternity unit.

We went to the desk "hiya what can I help you with?" She asked "Hi Lola pearce at 11am" I said and she checked the computer "oh yes take a seat round the corner and they will be ready soon" She said "Thank you" I said and we took a seat "she was totally checking you out" I said "only eyes for you babe" He said and I bit my lip. I was reading a magazine when I whispered in to Jack "people are looking" and he looked abit then whispered back "let em who cares" and put his hand on my thigh. A nurse called my name "Lola Pearce?" so we stood up and she smiled "follow me" She said and we followed her to the room.

"Take a seat" She said and Jack sat on the chair the otherside while I sat on the bed "So Lola just a few questions first, Im Jane by the way" She said and got something up on her computer "so you are 12 weeks yes?" She asked "yeah ive worked out the dates and its 12 weeks" I said "ok and you had plenty of water first?" She asked getting the scanner out "yeah I have" I said "Right so Jack your the father?" She asked "yeah I am" He answered "aww young love" Jane said and smiled and we smiled.

"Ok so the gel will be cold and I will be hearing for the heartbeat of you aswell as the baby" She said "Ok no problem" I said and Jack held my hand in his. Jane lifted my top up slightly "I see you have your belly button pierced" She said "yeah but ive taken it out" I said "at least you have sense" She said and I smiled "ok so remember its cold" She said and put it on my stomach and it was cold but I was excited so kinda ignored it and then we heard heart beats, "ok so the heart beats sound good and healthy and here is your baby" she said turning the screen and I looked and smiled with slightly watery eyes then looked at Jack who looked at me and we both smiled.

"would you like some scan pictures?" Jane asked "yeah thanks" Jack said "here you go I always give more" Jane said "thank you" Jack said "theres 6 there" Jane said "Thank you Jane" I said "no problem lovely meeting you two and I hope to see you soon" She said and we both gave a smile as we left the room and made our way to the car.

We were driving back and I was looking at the scan pictures when we pulled up back at home and Jack to the keys out "lets have a look" He said and I passed it to him "thats are baby boy right there" He said "Boy?" I said "yeah its gonna be a boy" He said "what makes you so sure?" I said "its always boys in my family" He said "yeah it kinda is in mine actually" I said "see it will be" He said and I smiled and he kissed me.

We went in and my parents were in the front room "hiya lets see or grandchild then!" My mum said and I gave them a picture "awww look its our 3rd grandchild" Mum said and dad smiled "keep that one we got others" Jack said "thanks" Dad said "ohh tonight be ready to eat out with Jacks family" Mum said "oh ok what time?" I asked "we are leaving at 6:30" Mum said "your family says its your uncles restaurant about half an hour away" Dad said to Jack "oh yeah we always went there years ago, nice there plus we get discount" Jack said "good lad" Dad said.

I saw it was 5:25pm so I picked out an outfit, a black dress half way up my thigh, black tights, black ankle boots and some gold jewellery then got in the shower. I got out and dried my hair and waved it then got changed and done my makeup, Foundation, smoky eyeshadow, winged eyeliner, mascara, blush and some lipgloss.

"you know I wonder how I ever got you" Jack said puling me onto his lap "I wonder how ya did too" I said and we both smirked "I mean it your beautiful" He said putting a piece of hair behind my ear "I love you Jack" I said and kissed him.

We heard Jacks family coming in so I put my black leather Jacket on and my shoes then we went down. "hiya" I said and greeted then all and Jack did the same "here you go" Jack said passing a scan picture to his mum "awww its my first grandchild" She said and showed the family "congrats bro, my little brother having a kid before me" Parker said "yeah well ive always been the mature one" Jack said and I laughed abit "sorry but I think Louise probably was" I said "I agree" Jacks dad said "whatever" Jack and Parker joked "shall we grt going?" Dad said "yeah i will take range and who else?" I asked "I'll drive" Jacks mum said said "ok lets go!" I said.

Jack drove on the way there and we had me,Jack,Louise,Tyler,Parker,Lauren and Jai and the parents in the other car. Lets say that it was good and a great laugh with us in the car.

We got there about 30 minutes later and when we walked in the waiter showed us to our table. "I'll tell Micheal your here" The waitor said "ok thanks Jason" Steve said "so Micheal your dads brother?" I asked "yeah youve met Callum thats his son" he said "oh ok" I said and Jack pecked me on the lips "what was that for?" I asked "cos I can" He said and I gave him a peck on the lips.

We ordered our food and Micheal came out "hello sorry I was busy" He said and greeted everyone "ahh so your the girl thats been keeping Jack in line" He said "yeah I am" I said and we laughed "you got a picture of the next trueblood?" He asked "yeah here" Jack said and gave it to him and he smiled "Cant wait, I will be out later gotta get back nice seeing you and meeting you lot" Micheal said "bye" we all said "seems nice" Lauren said "yeah he is nice guy and abit of a joker" Parker said.

"keeping you in line eh?" I said to Jack "yeah ok maybe youve tamed me abit" He said "too good" I said as I ate a chip "yeah you are" He said and pecked my lips "aww young love eh?" Louise said and we smiled.

After eating we went nextdoor into the bar bit "good init?" Jack said "yeah it is my round?" I asked "I'll get it" He said "ok thanks" I said and walked over to the familys "Jacks got first round" I said "good lad" Dad said "right Lola lets get dancing" Lauren said and I laughed "you too louise" She said and we all went over to the dance floor. Jack brought over the drinks and we started dancing away.

At about 1:00am most of them apart from me and my mum were pissed because I cant and mum had some but has to be careful "Love you honey" My mum said "love you too mum" I said and gave her a hug "I cant wait till this little one comes along" Mum said "I cant wait either" I said "and Jack seems pretty happy too" She said "yeah he does" I said looking at him and he winked back.

We all finally got home at 2am and Jacks family came in for more drinks and bad singing and dancing. I was dancing around with Lauren and Louise then the door rang so I answered and it was the police and Jai turned off the music "Lola Pearce?" One asked "yeah thats me, whats happened?" I asked "can we come in?" They asked and I moved out the way. "Can we talk to you?" They asked "yeah through there" I pointed and Jack looked at me then I followed.

"Why are you here?" I asked "we are aware you knew James Wood?" They asked and I swallowed a lump in my throat "yes I did why?" I asked "We are aware of what he done and that he attacked you" One said "how?" I asked "A whiteness confessed to knowing and we are here to tell you we caught him and he will be in court" They said and I was silent "are you ok?" The women asked "yeah you cant say who can you?" I asked "no sorry" He said "ok well thank you for letting me know" I said "you will be asked to court for evidence and a statement" He said "oh ok thank you" I said then followed them and lead them out.

"What was that about?" Jack said walking over "they arrested James" I said and he clenched his jaw as soon as I said the name "what did they say?" Parker said "A whiteness confessed to knowing and they caught him and..." Jack walked out slamming the door behind him before I finished "Back in a sec" I said and chased after him.

Jacks p.o.v:

I didnt wanna hear her talking about that dick James so I just left and walked...where ever. I had walked for about 15 minutes then I sat down on the swings at the park.

"JACK" I heard her call my name "yeah" I said and she walked over and sat on the other swing "why did ya run babe?" She asked "I dont wanna hear about that son of a bitch" I said sharply "Im sorry babe" I said after "its ok I know your angry" She said and I stood up and put my hands out "come here babe" I said and she got up and I saw her slightly shiver "here" I said and gave her my hoodie "Thanks" She said.

I placed my hand on her waist and she snaked her arms around my neck "Im sorry babe but every time I think of him I think of what the bastard did and that I could of lost both of you but I promise to be abit more calm" I said "Its ok babe I understand, I love you" She said "love you too babe" I said and kissed her,she wrapped her legs around my waist and I bit her lip asking for entrance.

"We should probably get back" I said standing up then helping Lola up "yeah lets go" She said and I wrapped my arm round her as we walked back.

When we got back and the lights were out and my family had stayed so we went upstairs quietly "My head is starting to hurt now" I said "your fault" she said and she giggled "hurry up" I heard Lola say and opened the door "sorry for peeing" I mumbled "I can hear ya" She said and went in the bathroom. I got undressed into my boxers and got into bed then Lola got in "night babe" I said wrapping my arm round her "night love ya" She said "love you too" I said.

So thats the end of this book and there wont be an epoilogue because I will write the short sequal soon but a probably about 2-3 months at the very most till I update it! Sorry its a boring ending but it wont be that long! xxxxxxx


Thanks for reading and hope u enjoyed, soz if the chapters are long but i tend to not stop writing and soz if there short xxxxxxxxx vote and comment plz xxxxxxxxx

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